«Painful Ecstasy»

By CallmeBabyAri

45.4K 786 170

A bxb story about a toxic kind of love. More

30: the final Chapter.


946 17 6
By CallmeBabyAri

45 hours later...

I woke up to the sweet smell of eggs frying. And the sight of my sexy, tall glass of manly grace making it.

“Morning Sweetness...” he said, having hearing my bones stretch.

“Morning muscles,” I responded, getting up and engulfing him in a back hug.

He leaned into my touch perfectly.

“Any nightmares today?”


For every night I've been sleeping here, I've been getting nightmares. Severe, vivid, debilitating nightmares about the one person I fear the most, Jake Oliver.

I've dreamt of him stalking us, waiting for us everyday to fall into his devious traps. Which in turn has made me extra paranoid and clingy to Kain lately which meant him taking me to the bathroom and shit like that.

“Where's Grey and Romero?”

“Oh, they went to explore a bit....”

As he finished that sentence, the door flew open and there stood Grey in majestic silver shorts, a white, glittery tee, a silver jacket on top and glitter themed glasses.

“Wassup bitchesss!” he exclaimed throwing all the shopping bags on the bed.

“dude, what's with the disco ball look?” I asked.

“You wouldn't get it....Kain here gets it, right baby?”

“Yeah...I do.” Kain chuckled.

“By the way....” he threw a tabloid magazine on my bed.“here's some really hot tea.”

“Since when do you buy tabloids?” I asked.

“Since I saw your ex, the Hollywood snob on the front page!”

He was right. Jake was on the cover page. A weird expression on his face, as if he was running from someone. Looking messier than ever in a skin tight, stained white tee, and dirty shorts. Which was strange because to Jake, looks were everything, especially to the public.

𝙃𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙮𝙬𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙨𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙥𝙡𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙚.

The headline read.

I opened the tabloid and read the article.

“On the 2nd of this month, Jake Asher Oliver was taken into custody by L.A officers after allegedly brutally beating up his now ex fiancee, Kamila.

Apparently, the two were watching a movie when Jake suddenly flipped out and attacked Kamila mercilessly which resulted in a black eye and a busted nose on Kamila. The director of his upcoming anticipated movie, Warren Abdul, has promised no delay of the movie release date.

Jake is expected to be seen in court around some time next month.”

I was half sad, half happy. Happy because Jake was getting what he deserved, but sad because, I probably expected things for him to go great now that I was out of his way.

“I'm not hungry anymore...” I mumbled.

“But why?” Kai asked sadly.

Just before I got to come up with a logical explanation, my phone rang with a shrill. It was an unknown number. My stomach churned.

Please don't be Jake, please don't be Jake.

“Hello?” I called out in a whisper.

“Hi...” a female pitchy voice responded.

“i'm Alison, the hospital's receptionist...yeah, I was told to call you when your father's condition...changes.”

I got up from the bed..“Oh my God, is he okay, did he die?!”

“No sir, quite the opposite... he's woken up.”

“What?!!” I exclaimed.“I'll be over there right now.”

Everyone's eyes was peering at me.

“Well, what happened?!” Grey asked.

“My dad! He's woken up.”

I do not know how we all got out of the door that fast, but we did.


I was right outside my father's ward door. My hand was hovering. Do I knock, do I just enter? I really didn't know how I was going to face my dad again.

“by the time you open this door, we will all be dead.” Grey said, and I heard Romero nudge him.

“Baby, just open the door... aren't you dying to see your dad?” Kain's calm voice intervened.

“You don't understand...my dad is...I just...”

“Hey, it'll be okay... we're right here...I'm right here.” he pecked my cheek. “Now open the door.”

I let out a heavy sigh before getting right in. My dad was reading a newspaper.

His eyes raised to meet mine, then he surveyed the room.

“My my...so many guests.” he said calmly. “Hi son.”

“Hi dad.”

I found myself taking slow steps toward him and when I was there, hovering above him. I leaned him and hugged him.

“What's this for?” he asked.

“I'm just glad you're here, alive.”

“It is great that I'm here, isn't it?”

I heard Grey loudly clear his throat in the back.

“Oh, this are my friends... that's Grey...my best friend, his, uh...friend, Romero, and that right there is uh..my...uh friend, Kain.”

His whole demeanor changed. “Friends, huh?”

“Give us some privacy boys...” he said and everyone started clearing out of the room.

“Not you...” he gestured to Kain.“Stay here.”

Then from beneath his pillow, he pulled out a lighter and a cigarette, which he lit with ease, despite his hands being an inlet and outlet for several tubes and pipes.

He blew out a thick cloud of smoke.

“Dad, you really shouldn't be smoking-”

“Who's your dad? Don't call me that.” he said bitterly.“My son isn't a damn faggot.”

The atmosphere was thick with smoke, awkward. I could tell Kain was as nervous as I was.

“you.” he gestured to Kai with his cigarette.“Do you bend him over or does he do the bending?”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me, pretty boy....you think don't know what this is?” he pointed back and forth between me and Kain.“you think I don't know you two are fucking?!”

“Dad I...”

“Shut up...you pathetic waste of good genetics.” he blew out smoke.“with those good looks... you could have been pulling girls left and right... but you decided to shame me.”

“Even the black guy who was just in here...you think I don't know, you think I didn't know?!”

“You keep surrounding yourself with trash like that...and you think you are going to be straight... what happened to Jake? He was your salvation. What now?”

“I don't wanna be straight.” I mumbled.

“What did you just say...faggot?”

“I said, I don't wanna be straight!”

“Then you can burn in hell!” he screamed.“Burn! You are not my son anymore, do you hear me? Never ever call yourself my son! You are so pathetic! So worthless!...”

The machines beside him began beeping like crazy.

Then a hoarde of nurses burst through the door.

“What happened?” one of the nurses asked as the rest attended to him.

“We don't know...he just flipped out.” Kain answered.

I couldn't speak, couldn't move, couldn't think.

“He's going into cardiac shock...take him to the ER now!” one of the nurses screamed and we excused them as his body was rolled out.

It suddenly felt like there was no more air in the world. I began to hyperventilate.

“I can't breathe.” I choked out.“I can't breathe!”

The last thing I remember was Kain holding me as I fell into his awaiting arms.

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Okay I get that this is the finished one, you may read it yes. But please read the rewrite as well. You'll get a better story line out of it!