Him and I

By Warnersprecum

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Auria has had a crush on Lance for years, but her best friend's brother is not something she wants to go for... More

1. Introduction
2. Him
3. Drama
4. The Party
6. Let's Talk
7. Us

5. That Night

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By Warnersprecum

We were sitting there on the couch him next to me, on the table in front of us was all my favorite snacks. Three pills of Tylenol on the side closest to me, accompanied by a glass of water. We sat there watching my favorite movie Whatever It Takes before that it was 10 Thing I Hate About You. Lance and I under the same blanket with our pajamas on, he stayed with me on the couch the whole day and a total of 7 movies were watched.

        As I walked over to the Adler’s house I remembered that day, I was only fourteen when that day happened. I was getting over Jason, and I was on my period. Back then he would just want to hang out never do anything else, such as pinning me to a locker or paying a guy to take me out just to get close to me. I walked up the steps to the front door, when I reached the door I paused and held my hand out to grab the door handle.

        After a few seconds I grasped the door handle and opened the door, I walked into the house as if nothing changed between the two of us. I walked into the living room where he was sitting on the couch with all my favorite snacks and drinks. He turns his head to me as he noticed that someone was there, I smile at him, and he smiles back at me. “Come sit down” he said while patting the couch cushion, I sat down next to him and wrapped myself in a blanket.

        We sat there in awkward silence until Lou ran into the room, “oh my goodness Lou Lou hi!”. I said with a high-pitched voice, I moved over and patted the couch as a cue to her. She jumped up and circled then laid down, I glanced over at him he was looking at me with a sadly confused expression. I smiled at him, and he didn’t change his face he just turned back to the movie. After a few minutes Lou jumped down and walked to the door, she scratched at the door and whined as a cue to tell us I need to go outside. So, I got up and I let her outside, after 2 minutes she came back to the door. She came in and jumped on the cushion I was sitting on.

        I sat down next to Lance I could see that he tried to ignore me but couldn’t. After a while I started to get tired, and I was getting uncomfortable on the couch. I then placed my head on his shoulder, I felt his head turn then go back to where it was before. I fell asleep for a little while, then woke up as I opened my eyes I saw Lance above me. Watching the latest and greatest series which to him was Dr. Death.

        When I moved he looked down at me he saw that I was awake I looked up and met his eyes immediately. “Well good morning sweetheart” he said to me with arrogant voice, I was still in the state of how you are when you first wake up. After a few moments my mind caught up, my head was on his lap my body was laid out on the couch. He didn’t seem to even care that I was like this, I sat up and positioned myself correctly on the couch.

        We finished the episode he was on, and he gave me the remote control and got up. “Where are you going” I asked, he stopped and looked at me “I’m just going to get some alcohol” he answered. I relaxed and turned back to the TV I went to my Netflix account and looked for a good movie. I came across one of my long-time favorites 365 Days, when I clicked on it Lance walked back with two glasses and a bottle of whiskey.

As he set the items down he looked at the TV he was thrown off by my choice of movie. “Damn i didn’t know that you like these kinds of movies” he said with a sexy tone. I gave him a devious smirk, he reached for the whiskey and poured some into the glasses. He handed me one of the glasses and smiled at me I took the glass and downed the whiskey. As I did this Lance watch me stunned, at what I just. “Wow…have you done this before?” he asked I looked at him with an annoyed expression “are you kidding me this is nothing.”

        We each had two more drinks, then we proceeded to watch the movie. Now this movie is not a kind of movie that you watch to relive something, this is a movie to watch if you are horny as fuck. Now we both have seen this movie before and know what it can do to a person. The reason I picked this movie was more of a test to see if he would do anything, I could see a change in his body language as we got to the more intimate scenes.

        I got up and I went to the bathroom I looked at myself in the mirror for a while then I gave myself a devious look. I had an idea; I know that this would be terrible, and I would immediately regret it, but it was worth a shot. I backed away from the mirror and took my shirt off, I changed into my short shorts and walked back out to the living room. Where he was sitting in the couch I walked in front of him and immediately caught his eye he looked at me surprised and excited. “Um… what are you wearing?” he asked with a shivery voice I looked at him in a desirable look “what. This is what I wear to sleep.”

        I noticed that he started shaking his leg, his breathing became rapid and deep. “Hey, are you ok?” I asked he looked at me with a blank look I noticed he was gazing at my lips then to my eyes. I was preparing myself for what could happen next, my heart started to pound, I controlled my breathing. While keeping my eyes locked onto his.

        Then in a split second he collides into me our lips pressed against each other I didn’t protest. I could tell by the way he loosened from me he was confused by this. He tried to pull away from me, but I grabbed the back of his neck. Then I pushed him away and we looked into each other’s eyes I could see that he was confused and wanting more.

        After a couple of seconds, I grabbed his neck and pulled him in towards me, we kissed passionately. I could feel that he was waiting for me to make a move, but I was testing him to see if he would make one first. After impatiently waiting I'm shifted my body and placed myself on his lap with his legs between mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck ,he placed his hands on my waist. I removed my arms from his neck and grabbed the bottom of his shirt I slowly started pulling it up, he stopped and looked at me then slid out of his shirt.

        After a couple of minutes someone knocking on the door we both stopped and looked at the door. I got off him and he went to the door and answered it, it was Nadia. I panicked I quickly grabbed my shirt and put it on, I sat back in the place with my blanket over me. She walked in with Lance behind her, she gave me the look that she gives people when she's suspicious about something. With a rude tone I asked her “what” she said to me “I think it's a little suspicious that both of you are “just sitting here” watching movies”. I said to her again in a rude tone “it's like we always used to do when we were younger” she looked at me and I asked, “what do you want”. She said “mom wants you back home” she then turned around and walked out.

        When she left I started collecting all my things, I was going to walk out but he stood in front of me, we looked into each other's eyes. He reached down and touched my jawline, gently, with his fingers and lifted my face up to his. I kissed him passionately again then I pushed him away and I walked out. As I walked home I was excited ,but at the same time I felt like shit. For doing that to Cami, but I reassured myself by saying “that was only a one time thing”.

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