The Truth of A Sinner, the Tr...

By BellsWells1812

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In all of Hell, there was a demon more feared then Alastor, the radio demon, one that rivaled that of Lucifer... More

Chapter 1: First friend in Hell
Chapter 2: Alastor in 1933
Ch 3: Inturducing the Radio Demon
Ch 4: The Soul Siren in the Hotel!
Ch 5 part 1: Comforting the broken soul
ch 5 part 2: befriending a broken soul
Ch 6: Getting some help, makin deals
Ch 7: Vox don't try that again
Ch 8: Meeting
Ch 10: Facing Valentino
Ch 10: Meeting Hell's King Himself
Ch 11: Heaven and contracts
Ch 12: Re-enforcement
Ch 13: Fighting Heaven
Ch 15: The Stars
Ch 16: Fuck the Exes
Ch 18: Wrath and Lust
Ch 19: Fucking Crimson
Ch 20: Mammon I wish you were replaceable
Ch 21: Adoption and Beelzebub
Extra-ch 22 (Angel Dust x reader, angst/fluff): How dare he!
Ch 23: uh oh

Ch 17: Preforming other places at the moment

420 10 0
By BellsWells1812

I stayed at Ozzie's that night after Crimson and everything. I walk in on the two kissing, adorable as always. They jumped when I shut the door, freaking out until they see it was just me as I chuckle at their reaction. They both blush and look away from embarrassment.

"You two are so cute, you know that?" I chuckle as I walk over to them after they stand up.

"You seem more chipper then the attitude of the letter you left, something happen to lighten your mood?" Ozzie asks and I give him a more or less look.

I walk over into the kitchen seeing as dinner hadn't been made yet and start cooking something Alastor taught me to make that he learned from his mom, mama's boy for sure. I hum to a song I heard and hear something behind me. I look over my shoulder to see Ozzie and Fizz dancing to the song I'm humming and a ending dance number was so cute I took a picture of it.

(This art work is my own)

"Keeping that." I laugh to myself as I put my phone in my pocket and go back to what I'm doing.

"Y/n I have a question?"

"What is it Ozzie?"

"What do you think about doing a tour around the rings of Hell?"

"But I've already been to all the rings, why would I need to do it again like a celebrity?"

"He means for music and singing Y/n." Fizz chimes in and makes me realize what Ozzie meant.

"Still, why?" I say as I start to finish f/f for dinner and preparing it up for the three of us.

"Well, since most love your voice but not everyone can travel and other variouses of things that could happen, this is a way people can hear you sing and have a awesome time and Lucifer said it was alright." Ozzie told me, damn how much did he do already but I don't see why not.

"Sure why not it sounds fun, though I'm not going to show off my powers too much and did all the sins agree to this?"

"I'm working on it." Is all he says as I cock an eye brow up in question as I hand them their food and I start to eat.

Then Ozzie gets a bunch of texts at once, "We'll they just all agreed, so you in?"

"Yeah now let me eat in peace please.!" I snap a bit because I'm hungry.

"Good because it starts tomorrow." Ozzie states as I cough as I chose on my food.

"What!?," I yell after I finally stop choking, "tomorrow?"

"Yeah is that a problem?"

"No but I would've liked to know sooner then now but thanks for letting me know." I sigh as I continue to eat my food and they do the same.

That night I stayed at their place and had an amazing night sleep... well that would be the case if I didnt hear two fuckers fucking each other in the next room across the door.

The next morning I wake up a bit grumpy especially when I get woken up by a air horn by Fizz, Ozzie tried stopping him because Fizz didn't know the possible consequences while Ozzie did but was too late as a soul chain wraps around Fizz's neck as my eyes turn black from the grumpy anger from being woken up. Ozzie came to save his lover by telling me to go back to sleep which I did. Luckily when it was time to leave, Ozzie just carried me to the tour... helicopter. I was still asleep but it was sweet of Ozzie since he could tell by how badly I reacted this morning I didn't get much sleep and he slightly blamed himself for it too. We headed to the pride ring and I woke up a little bit before we landed in front of the hotel Charlie came out to hug me.

"Y/n, how you've been?"

"I've been good Charlie, also Charlie meet Asmodeus and Fizzaroli aka Ozzie and Fizz, Ozzie, Fizz, meet Charlie. That's Vaggie Charlie's girlfriend who seems very defensive about having a sin here."

"Wait you're a sin?! The ultimate bad boy.~" Niffty giggles as she climbs over Ozzie and he seems to freak out.

"Niffty no No no no no, none of that now, done get down now." Niffty seemed disappointed but did get down and I sighed, the hotel still looked great from when we rebuild it too.

"Sorry for Niffty, she's... unique to say the least, but welcome to the Hazbin Hotel." Charlie introduces with a bow.

"You have a lot of friends don't you?" Fizz comments to me.

"I get around."

I walk into the hotel and show them to the top room floors up above with mine and check them in.

"So what's the deal with the hotel anyways? And who is Charlie exactly?"

"The hotel is used for redeeming sinners and Charlie is Charlie Morningstar, daughter of Lucifer and Lilith Morningstar, queen and king of Hell. Lucifer is also the ruller of the pride ring." Fizz stayed silent, surprised everyone was so nice... to an extent.

Then I hear a knock at my door to see Husk and Angel.

"Hey toots and... others? How you been?" Angel asks, not instantly recognizing the own of the demon who's place he went on a date with Husker in the last ring.

"Really? You saw them both at Ozzie's, the date night?" Which Angel ohs about before chuckling awkwardly and apologies slightly.

"It's fine any friend of y/n is a friend of mine." Ozzie says as he let's out a chuckle as I see Fizz hanging around Ozzie's neck and laying his head on his shoulder.

"You two a thing or what?" Husk chimes in and I just nod my head, to Ozzie and Fizz astonishment.

"What?! You can trust him, he's a bartender, they keep secrets pretty damn well and he knows that if he did tell, it wouldn't end the best for him."

"But what about the spider?" Fizz questions.

"I have a name ya know."

"Angel it's fine and as for your question Fizz, Angel respects secrets and he knows the importance of a secret but also know in this hotel you can be who you want with who ever and no one will judge or tell." I reinsure Fizz and Ozzie who still seem sceptical but does trust my word.

A few hours later and I'm in my room preparing for my show. I hear a knock at my door. I open my door and see Angel.

"Hey toots, I came to see if you'd like any help with getting ready?"

"That would be great Angel." I say with a slight sigh from irritation of trying to get ready.

Angel helps me get my hair done as I work my magic to design my outfit for my performance in the pride ring. I was having a bit of a difficult time finding how to make it look prideful yet amazing on me, it was hard but I finally got it down as Angel finished my hair and I must say, I look hot, more then normal to say the least. I throw on the outfit with magic so I don't ruin my hair and Angel offers to do my makeup but I refuse, telling him to get down stairs for the performance. I use my magic to make the perfect makeup look to go with my outfit. I was with the group but then I got a call, I look at it and see it's Millie.

"Y/n we could use your help, Stolas got taken and we could use your help as I hear her scream a war cry and the whirling of an axe.

"Give me one sec Millie, I'll be there soon." I hang up and with a snap of my fingers my appearance changes to that of one that could be better for a fight. "Angel you're with me now, a friend of mine needs help now." Angel doesn't argue and summons his guns and extra arms.

I teleport us to were I sense Millie and Moxxie's souls and see Stolas in extreme bad shape and M&M fighting someone else I know they can handle him but I send Angel to help them and I rush over to Stolas.

"Y/n?" Stolas says weakly as I register all his industries, blessed weapons and blessed rope. I try to touch the rope but it instantly makes me feel weak.

"Shit I need a knife." I curse under my breath as I look for something sharp, but not finding one makes me return to my powers to barely able to unwrap the rope and I feel exhausted because of it. I pick his up as the other three seemed to finish the cowboy guy demon but he seemed to disappear. I teleport us to the hospital once we get into the van and we see Blitzø get trampled by hospital staffing and news members who take Stolas into the hospital, he will heal as I injected a healing potion into his system so he'll be fine but I still see that Blitzø was surprised when he heard what happened to Stolas and was surprised when he found out Stolas could get hurt, like bitch of course he can.

I offer to have them over in the pride ring to help take their minds off this and of course Blitzø and M&M agree. I teleport us all back but I use a snap of magic to fix us all up and me back into my show outfit. But I still feel really weak for magic from the effects of being around and close up working with the blessed rope. Satan I hate that stuff. I summon a potion to give my voice magic a revamp so I don't go horse mid performance. I take a deep breath and feel a hand on my shoulder, I look and see Charlie and Angel.

"You good toots, you haven't looked too hot since we got to the hospital."

"We don't have to do the performance today if you're not up for it y/n." Charlie offered.

I shake my head no, "I can still do it, just blessed rope drains my power and I need a bit of a revamp, after this though I'm going to my territory and doing a rampage, just need to get the negative energy to fuel my magic, haven't had it in quite a while with how much magic I've been using lately. I'm fine I promise, now let's get this show on."

I walk onto the stage and the crowd goes wild, with a positive negativity if you get it. It fuels me as I start a song.

Oh God, I'm going insane
Chasing after you, please don't leave me
I see your heart washing away
And that's how you left me in the cold
It's pitiful how you let me lose
You better run, better run
Your time is out, nothing you can do
Better run, better run
I can't remember when you hurt me so bad
But now the tables turn, apocalypse is coming
I can't remember when you left me so sad
But in the end, I learned
It rains in hell and angels could be bad

I knew this would be a hit in the pride ring as seeing what happened with the last extermination and people seemed to be really jamming out to it.

Some say I'm losing my faith
But I know I'm just living on a prayer
Time keeps slipping away, yeah
I'll watch you burn down
These vows that we made
It's pitiful how you let me lose
You better run, better run
Your time is out, nothing you can do
Better run, better run
I can't remember when you hurt me so bad
But now the tables turn, apocalypse is coming
I can't remember when you left me so sad
But in the end, I learned
It rains in hell and angels could be bad

I felt like I was speaking in a different language, one that hypnosis someone but yet they can understand, siren singing. Everyone loved it, it makes them love the song that much more.

Oh God, I'm going insane
But I know I'm just living on a prayer
I see your heart washing away
Hey, and that's how you left me in the cold
Oh God, I'm going insane
Chasing after you, please don't leave me
I see your heart washing away and
Better run, better run
I can't remember when you hurt me so bad
But now the tables turn, apocalypse is coming
I can't remember when you left me so sad
But in the end, I learned
It rains in hell and angels could be bad
I can't remember when you hurt me so bad
But now the tables turn, apocalypse is coming
I can't remember when you left me so sad
But in the end, I learned
It rains in hell and angels could be bad

I finish the song and the crowd goes straight to applause. I bow a bit and continue on with the performance until the end of the show.

After the show, I walk up to my room and feel weaker then ever at the moment, I think I used too much of my siren voice. I hear a knock at my door to find Alastor.

"I came to cash in our deal, where I got to take a killing spree for an hour." Really right fucking now, but a deal is a deal so fine.

"Alright fine but I'm consuming the souls so I can revamp my powers so I'm coming with." I chime in as I barely snap my fingers to not only teleport us to my territory but making a force field around my territory, who seemed to be having a bunch of terf wars thinking it was up for grabs, to seal everyone inside except me and Alastor. As Alastor goes on a killing spree, killing everything he sees, I watch everything with a laugh and smile especially as I see the news right outside my territory force field, rolling camera feed to probably everywhere in Hell, I just flip them off and get back to absorbing the souls of those who Alastor kills. I can feel some of the horror from the hotel, especially from Ozzie and Fizz, they never seen me like this before.

After about an hour or two, Alastor finishes and we leave back to the hotel. We get back and I think I see Blitzø, Loona, Millie, Moxxie, Ozzie and Fizz staring at the TV only now seeing me as I walk behind them, they were definitely watching the news with me and Alastor. They look at me as I smile sweetly.

"This is why people fear me here, I'm unpredictable but recently it seems they take my new found kindness to I'm weak and playing them so I'm just showing them who's really boss. Just business, you're fine as long as you don't cross me. But this is only in the pride ring where I'm known for this but in other rings I'm known for the music and singing, very few know me for what I'm capable of." I smile sweetly, as they all stare at me, only now seeing this side of me.

"You do this for power?" Fizz questions, huddling a bit closer to Ozzie, seeming to be a little terrified.

"By God you guys I'm still me, I also had my reasons for doing this. One Alastor cashed in a deal I made with him a while ago, two I needed to get souls to revamp my powers and energy, and three, it's all sinner demons and the worst of the worst, like child rapest and molesters, killers of those who can't defend themselves, child abusers, worst of the worst sinners that don't deserve life. So don't fret please because it's no big deal." I reinsure as they seem to calm down quite a bit.

"Well besides that, I heard that there was once an overlord of lust." Ozzie stated, "I was wondering can I meet them by chance?"

"No." I snap, "even if he wasn't pretty much dead, I still wouldn't let you anywhere near him. He's not a good man in any sort of way."

"He's dead?" Ozzie questions as I see Angel tremble a bit from memories, I walk over and hug him, he softly start to cry a bit.

"He's not dead, but his soul is forever trapped to eternal pain, he use to own Angel so we don't like bringing it up."

They all look confused yet curious at me, right they weren't around for the whole thing.

"Angel, go see your boyfriend so you don't have to hear what I'm about to tell them, so you don't have to relive that okay?" I tell Angel and he listens going off to find Husk while I turn back to the group, "the things I'm about to either show or tell you about are not to be spoken out side of this hotel, understand?"

They all nod their heads and with taking a deep breath, I explain everything to them about Valentino and Angel during the 6 months between exterminations. When I was done they didn't question me nor my methods of doing things because they only saw some of what it was like here and that they got it rather easily.

We headed to bed finally and I easily fell asleep but not before hearing a knock on my door. I get up to see Blitzø. He told me that he and M&M had to leave but he wanted to say bye. I said bye and he left me to sleep. I'm surprised though that he and Fizz didn't fight the whole time, I guess it was because of me, I distracted them so much they couldn't fight I guess but who knows anymore.

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