Enemies with benefits (Tom Bl...

By _1D_it_

8.2K 36 2

Sloan ackles is the oldest daughter of jensen ackles Sloan is 24 years old and is making her acting career ev... More

Mother and daughter talks
Going to Set
Omg Jensen fucking ackles
Ugh i fucking hate you tom
Waking up early sucks
Sloan elliot ackles im in love with you
Red carpet night
Maybe you just need to look out side
Dont poke the bears
Life plans
Beach day
Going to the fair with family pt1
Fair part 2
Leaving you is the hardest part
Family night
How long are you here for
Moments to remember
Shopping ???
Shopping vibes
Almost ready
Its timeeeeeee part 1
It's timeeeeeeeeee part 2
Honeymoon pt1
Honeymoon pt2
Honeymoon pt 3
Coming home
Doctors appointment

Hes gone for a while

50 0 0
By _1D_it_

Sloans pov

It's been 2 months since Tom left he came and visited 2 weeks ago but had to leave after 3 days it was sad but he said he would be done filming soon and I was excited and I also started filming the new session of supernatural with my dad and uncles so that has been keeping me busy but today is my day off and I was going to have a girls day with my mom.

"Heyy mom" I say to her as I walked through the door and hug her "hey baby girl how you been" she asked me and I shrugged "I've been better I've just been sick for the past 4 days" I say to her and she looks at me "baby when did you last have your period" she asked me and I shrugged "maybe 2 months ago" I say then a gasped and my mom smirked "well looks like I'm gonna be a grandma at a young age" she says to me and grabs my hand and gos to the car "wait momma where are the kids" I asked her and she smiled "with your grandma" she says to me and I nod "where are we going" I asked her and she smiled

"To the doctors to get you checked out" she says to me and I just nod not wanting to complain to her about not going.

Once we got there we sat down and waited for my name to be called "Sloan bylth" a nurse calls out and me and my mom stand up and follow her "hi Sloan I'm doctor smith would you please lay down on that bed" the doctor asked me and I nodded and layd down on the bed "ok can you please lift up your shirt a little for me so I can see if you have a baby in you" he asked me and I nodded and pulled up my shirt a bit "ok this stuff is going to be a little cold" he says and puts it on a gasp a little at how cold it was

"Ok Mrs bylth congratulations you are having baby's" doctor smith says and I look at him confused "baby's" I asked him and he nodded "your having twins it must run in your family and your about 2 months pregnant" he says to me and I nod I'm in shock "I'm going to go get you the photos and you can whipe what's on your stomach with this"he says to me and hands me the rag I nod and look over to my mom "that means you got pregnant on your honeymoon baby" mom says to me and I nod at her in shock "can we buy a pregnancy test tho I wanna do somthing for Tom and dad and the uncles" I say to her and she nods then the doctor comes back in "ok there are your photos and I scegualed your next appointment for next month" he says to me and hands me the photos I nod and smile at him.

After we left the doctors I keep on looking at the photos of my baby's "mom can we go to the mall so I can get some shirts that I can give one to dad and one to Tom and the others to the uncles I also wanna get a couple of boxes to put them in and some pregnancies tests" I say to her and mom looks at me and nods.

Once we got to the mall we go to the pregnancies test section and grabbed 2 boxes of 3 tests inside then grabbed some hats and some shirts and a couple of cute boxes.

Once we where done I payed then when back to my house then I when to take all the tests and they all said positive which did not suprise me one bit I set them all up and put Tom's one away then grabbed Jared's dads and mishas and one for Jeffery and I had a couple of my aunts I could not forget them "mom can you tell everyone to meet us at your house" I asked her and she nodded "oh and should you not be getting a call from the realestate agent soon about the house" she asked me and I noddded my head saying yes when me and Tom saw the house we fell in love with it and put a offer in and we have not hurt since well we know that they are busy and shit.

Once we got to moms house everyone was there me and mom where holding the boxes and I handed my dad his then Jared and Gwen then misha and his wife. "Ok guy open them" I say and my dad looks at me with one eyebrow raised up "your pregnant with twins Sloan" he asked me and I nodded and he came over to me and hugged me "I'm gonna be a grampa" he says then sits down and so he can take it in more "well loooks like where great uncles and aunts" Jared says and hugs me as everyone else dose "dose Tom know yet" Jared asked me and I shake my head no "I'm waiting till he comes home" I say then my dad looks at me "why don't you go to him" he asked me and I look at him and squeal "that's a great idea that's dad" I say and hug him then go on my phone to see what time the next ticket to newyork is and it is in 4 hours I book the ticket for first class since I wanted more leg space.

"Hey dad do you think you could take me home and stay with me so you can take me to the airport" I asked him and he nodded and stood up and we walked to his car.

Once we got to my house I quickly packed my bags and grabbed the box and put it in my suit case then I zipped it up then I grabbed my backpack and put my lap top head phones and a book and a snack in my bag then zipped it up.

I looked at the time and saw I had 2 hours to be at the airport I grab my dad then we walk to the car and put my stuff in the started to drive to the airport.

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