By doomedingoldglitter

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NOT MY ORGINAL WORK !!! "Infamous boybander leaves club together with unknown," read the headline. Underneath... More

Chapter One: Unknown
Chapter Two: An Extra Follower
Chapter Three: What Tickles Your Pickle
Chapter Four: Banana Pants (Or As Straight As A Flexible Ruler)
Chapter Five: Well Do You Know Harry Styles?
Chapter Six: Awkward
Chapter Seven: Game On
Chapter Eight: Torry
Chapter Nine: You're Both In The Wrong
Chapter Ten: Bad Damage Control
Chapter Eleven: Not That Kind Of Follower
Chapter Twelve: It's A Very Gay Heaven
Chapter Thirteen: Harvey And Karma
Chapter Fourteen: Mean Girls
Chapter Fifteen: A Rough Time
Chapter Sixteen: Field Day
Chapter Seventeen: Signs
Chapter Eighteen: Steps Along The Way
Chapter Twenty: Six Upset People
Chapter Twenty One: I'm Yours
Chapter Twenty Two: Sucker Punch
Chapter Twenty Three: Bye/Bi
Chapter Twenty Four: Because It's You
Chapter Twenty Five: As We Make Up Our Minds, We Come Falling Down
Chapter Twenty Six: Epilogue

Chapter Nineteen: Unlabeled?

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By doomedingoldglitter

Making breakfast had never been more complicated. Louis had a massive hangover and it seemed like nothing could cure it. He slowly lifted the milk and it felt like his arm would break at the weight. Slowly, carefully he poured it into his bowl. After that, the new challenge, coco pops. But honestly, Louis didn't think he'd make it that far. He would pass out from the pain that was mostly caused by the awful, high pitched sounds that came from Niall's phone which he was tapping, clearly oblivious to Louis' suffering.

"Oh. My. Fucking. God." Louis hissed painfully.


"Stop. Texting." Niall only turned off the sounds to his keyboard and then continued tapping. Louis moved on to scowling at the box of coco pops that just wouldn't magically lift itself and do the work for him. He groaned and let his head rest against the table.


"Mrgfgnng." Louis made sounds.

Niall smacked him in the head. "Wake up! We've got class."

"Ow! Okay, fine, I'm up!" Louis groaned and Niall smiled successfully and then continued tapping. "Who the hell are you texting at 8am anyway?"

"Nobody," he answered, but Louis could see the small quirk of his lip, he was biting down a smile. Louis rolled his eyes. He was a goner.

"Please." Louis shook his head. "Say hi to Georgie for me." Niall didn't even bother denying it, has was too preoccupied with answering whatever the last text had said. Louis returned to his coco pops and forced his arm to move and pour some into his bowl. It would've been so much better if Harry had been there. He would've made him French toast and bacon and tea... but the boyfriend had a life without him. Sadly. Tragically.

Harry had had a lot to do the last week, lots of interviews, appearances on different shows, preparing for the coming out deal and also working on the new album that wasn't even being released until Christmas. It was May for Christ sake, let the boy rest. All the work that had to be done had occupied Harry pretty much all week, which led to Louis not having nearly as much Harry-time as he needed. Less Harry led to stress, dried lips, hypothermia during the nights, aching arms and cuddle sickness. It had hit Louis how dependent on Harry he'd become.

Everything he did he was thinking about him while doing it and he could barely pass three hours without hearing his voice. As much as he loved how Harry had nestled his way in and wrapped himself stuck in his life, it annoyed him how dependent on him and how needy he was. He needed to have a life without Harry too and know that if Harry decided to leave him then he would still survive (he wouldn't but still, it was the principle).

So last night he'd gone to a party at the university campus. It had been pretty great but with the hangover he was now nursing he was now contemplating on whether it was worth it or not. Shauna had been there (something he wouldn't mention to Niall) and Stan had had to tackle him into the couch to stop him from attacking her. Darren had also attended the party but he and Louis had only talked briefly, Louis with the thought of Harry at the back of his drunken mind.

So there he was Friday morning, a massive hangover killing his head and had about forty minutes to get to class. After having a well needed shower and got dressed in black skinnies, a white t-shirt and black suspenders and then styled his hair into a messy quiff, Louis together with Niall had jumped into a cab and got to their classes.

Louis took a seat in the middle, thinking that if he actually was there on time he could at least make a small effort to try to remember something. That required his seat pretty close front, but still far enough back that he could get away with slacking if things got boring.

The class was alright, just normal take notes stuff and Louis was kind of okay with have come to class this morning. Plus Harry would be proud of him, or at least happy he went.

"Louis!" a girl to his right called Emily whispered to him. "How smashed were you last night?" Emily had also been at the party and Louis considered himself pretty okay friends with her.

"Pretty pissed," he chuckled.

"Dude," Stan, who sat on his other side of him, said, leaning over the table. "he didn't even want to dance with Josh when he offered, that how messed up he was." Yeah, maybe there was a slightly different reason for that... Louis just shrugged as an answer.

"What's wrong with you lately!" Emily frowned, shaking her head. "When was the last time you hooked up with anyone? I can't even remember." The last random hookup he'd had was about two months ago. "When was the last time you had sex, Tommo?" she raised her eyebrow.

He rolled his eyes at her question and Stan snickered. "Tuesday afternoon with Harry Styles of One Direction, in the back of his car. He banged me against the seats and kissed me goodbye properly like a true gentleman and then promised he'd be home later to make me dinner," he answered deadpanned. Emily and Stan laughed and Louis internally rolled his eyes. He also wanted to stab something because of the fact that people thought that was so impossible they laughed.

"He didn't keep his promise. He had to work. It was something about a producing meeting and shit," he continued. Stan snickered and Emily bit her lip too keep from laughing too loudly and disturb the class.

"Tomlinson! Is that you talking?" Too late.

"No?" he tried.

"May I remind you you're in class?" his professor raised an eyebrow, scolding him.

"No, I just really don't care about methods that require actually speaking to the kids-"

"Well as a reminder," the professor interrupted him, "I can inform you all that next Friday, we will have a big test that will include those certain methods-"


"Tomlinson, sit down!"

"I'm afraid that is not acceptable, Prof," Louis told him. He simply did not have the time for it. "Louis the Tommo Tommo Tomlinson does not do tests right now. Tommo is busy and the Tommo Tommo Tomlinson Louis has bigger problems in his life than tests right now. So Prof, please. I beg of you."

"Would you please enlighten me to your problems that are so much more important than your education and future?"

"Um, see, the thing is-" My boyfriend is worldwide famous and if I screw up, which can happen if I do anything that requires going outside or speaking, his life will be over.

"If you don't have anything of value to say Tomlinson, then I'm afraid this is not negotiable."


"No. And you may please sit down now," he gave him a cold glare. Louis groaned loudly and the class with him. He sat down and Stan patted him on the back for the good effort and Emily smiled at him like 'at least you tried'.

"He could just hit me with a shovel and my life would be over either way," Louis muttered.


Louis heard his front door open, and he flew up from the couch he and Niall were patiently waiting on. It was still Friday, but late afternoon and tonight the five were going out and Georgia (Niall's oh so secret girlfriend) was also coming over before they went out. They had figured that the three would only look like friends to the boys and if anybody asked Georgia could be Louis' girlfriend. Only if anybody specifically asked if Harry and Louis were together though. Only then. She didn't even have to know about it.

"HAROLD!" Louis exclaimed loudly and just as Harry and the rest of the unholy trinity had stepped inside, he crashed into him. Harry laughed, but he didn't wrap his arms around him, which made Louis frown.

"Um, Lou," Harry said, stepping away and gesturing at something behind Zayn. Georgia. Right, she was also coming over. "She arrived at the same time." Well, if they couldn't even hug properly when she was there then what the hell was the point of bringing her around?

"Hi, Gee-gee. If you're going to be hanging with us much, which I believe you will since Niall is all head over heels and stuff, let's just get this straight. Harry and I are fucking and if you say shit you're dead and we'll be off now," he finished and pulled Harry with him towards his room. When inside he pushed him violently up against the wall, ripping off his jacket. Harry giggled (giggled!) and held Louis by his hips close to him. And oh, did Harry's lips taste good. They hadn't had a proper make out session since Wednesday and god had Louis missed his soft and warm lips.

Harry seemed to feel the same and pushed Louis towards the bed. He bent him down and ended up on top of him, pushing their hips together.

"I've missed you so much," Harry whispered, sounding a little like he was in pain. Louis let a small moan escape his throat when Harry pressed his growing semi against his stomach and his lips sucked and bit into his neck.

"Hmmm." Louis squirmed beneath him, rolling his hips and letting his hands slide into Harry's jeans, pressing him closer.

"Lou..." Harry whispered while Louis was struggling to get out of his pants and squeeze Harry's arse at the same time. "As much I would like to be with you right now, there are people outside and..." he reminded him, but got cut off when Louis pressed their lips together forcefully.

"Fuck them. We'll be quiet."

Harry chuckled and kissed his jaw. "Louis, have you heard you have sex? You can't be quiet. You're the loudest ever." Yeah, he'd been told quite a few times. Not that he let it stop him.

"C'mon..." Louis ground his hips into him seductively.

"No, they will hear us. You'd have to be gagged or something," Harry joked, and then immediately regretted it when he saw Louis' eyes light up. "No, Lou we're not doing that!"

"Harry, it'll be fun!" They hadn't done something like that in a while!

"No, we're not having sex. It can wait." He kissed his lips tenderly. "Until tonight."

"Harold," Louis said seriously. "I haven't been fucked in three days. I need it."

"Three days is not that much..."

"Harold. For us it is." Harry rolled his eyes but agreed and let Louis kiss him and touch him for a few moments before rolling off him, trying to get away from his hands. Annoying piece of sexy meat.

"It will be hot," Louis promised, persistently rolling on top to straddle him.

"How hot?"

"This hot." Louis smirked and rolled his hips, crotch slowly grinding into Harry's erection. He slowly bent back, exposing his stomach, still rolling against Harry and then bent up again in one smooth motion. Harry looked like he was in pain when they caught eyes again. Louis considered this success.

"I'm gonna' cry if you do that again, so please don't." Harry held on to his hip, stopping him from causing more damage to his already going insane body.

Louis sighed, giving up at getting it, but got another idea. "You know what is hot, but also shuts me up?" Harry's eyes darkened and Louis felt his hands grip his hips harder. Louis grinned and bent down over him, kissing his lips, his chin, then the top of his chest and then he pressed his lips to the soft spot just above the button of his jeans. Louis contemplated trying to unbutton his pants with his teeth but figured he'd probably fail miserably, so he decided against it and instead went with slowly popping the button with his thumb as he nuzzled the soft hairs of Harry's happy trail. His fingers came into Louis' hair, gripping his caramel colors tighter when Louis pulled his trousers and boxers down. Harry was already full on hard, whining as his clothes came of. Louis leaned down and slowly swiped his tongue along the underside of his dick, leaving a trail of saliva. He kissed the head teasingly when he reached the top and Harry was moaned huskily.

"I thought I was the loud one," he smirked and then put a hand over Harry's mouth as he took him in his mouth. Bobbing his head up and down, he worked quickly. Harry's hands were tugging on his hair and Louis knew he was trying but his hips still jerked up, his cock hitting the back of Louis' throat. He tried not to choke, but he had to pull back to give a little cough. Harry shot him an apologetic glance before Louis had taken him to his mouth once again and then Harry was practically writhing underneath him. Louis had to use both of his hands to hold down his hips as he swirled his tongue around the head. He used one of his hands to give him some friction where he couldn't reach. He twisted his wrist in the way he'd learned Harry loved and his tongue worked its wonders.

Soon he could hear Harry's breathing getting more ragged and heavy. His hand left Louis' hair and came down to squeeze his shoulder as a warning. And Harry came, squirting down his throat, hips leaving the mattress. Louis swallowed, shaking the taste off and then grinned as Harry panted with closed eyes. He crawled over him and patted his forehead with a bit of sarcasm, soothing him through the aftershocks of coming.

"Tonight I'm fucking you," Harry said determinedly, breathing finally slowing down.

"Looking forward to it," Louis smirked and kissed him softly. Harry smiled at him and sorted out Louis' messed up fringe.

"You're really hot with sex hair."

Louis laughed and gave Harry one last chaste kiss before he pulled him up into a sitting position on the bed. Harry gave him a content smile as Louis stood from the bed and fixed up his curls and zipped him up.

"I love you," he said warmly, smiling adoringly up at him.

"You're only saying that because I just gave you a blowjob, love."

"Yeah, but it's true anyway," he grinned. He brought his hands to Louis' hips, gripping him firmly and then pulled him close as he rose from the bed and they were stood flush against each other. Louis melted into him as always and laces his fingers with his, letting their arms fall to their sides. Harry leaned down and kissed him deeply, his tongue doing things that sent shivers down Louis' spine.

After a moment Harry pulled back, but only slightly and their faces were so close, lips barely touching. Louis closed his eyes, taking in the feeling of having Harry so close to him again and stroked the back of Harry's hand with his thumb.

"You're so beautiful, you know that?" Harry whispered, breath mixing with Louis'. He loosened one of his hands and his fingertips touched lightly to Louis' cheek. "I wish you would open your eyes and look at me right now because your eyes are the most beautiful things I have ever seen."

He opened his eyes slowly and he felt his heart beat heavily in his chest. He swallowed silently. He never knew what to say when Harry said things like that. "You always make me blush..."

"You're breathtaking when you blush." And Harry was looking at him with those eyes, big, green and deep and honest, and Louis had no idea of what do with himself.

Louis was not quite able to meet Harry's eyes. He felt so self-conscious saying things like this. He hadn't really gotten used to exposing so much of his inner self quite yet. "If I had a way with words like you do," he said anyway, trying to sound at least a tiny bit smooth, "I'd be telling you all kinds of poems and songs but I can't, so I'm just going to settle with saying that you make me weak in all kinds of ways," he said in a low and slow voice, "and I feel like I'm superman and you're like those green little things because I can barely stand up straight sometimes when you look at me." To Louis his words sounded like drunken gibberish, but Harry looked at him with eyes that told him his words had meant something to him.

"Kryptonite?" Harry smiled, eyes filled with love. Louis didn't even bother to roll his eyes at the resemblance to the song. His blue met Harry's green depths and yes, fucking kryptonite.


"Cough sex cough," Zayn choked out, teasing with that smirk only he could pull off.

"Zayn, you're just wishing you got the dick," Louis said and linked his hand with Harry's as he slumped down on the couch next to Liam and pulling Harry down in his lap. His boyfriend was quite a bit taller so Louis felt more like a koala hugging his back than anything else while trying to see something past his shoulder. Zayn muttered something intelligible as answer and Louis smirked at his discomfort.

Then he remembered Niall's lady friend. "So, have you called everybody you know and posted about us on twitter yet?" Louis asked Georgia, poking his head out from behind Harry's back. She was sat closely next to Niall on one of the beanbags, his arm wrapped around her shoulders. Sure, they weren't fucking, Louis thought sarcastically.

"Actually I kind of figured you were together when I saw you at the club. Didn't tell then, won't tell now," she said. Louis smiled. Straight on and didn't get into business she had no part in. Approved, Louis thought and mentally made a "check" sign with sound effects.

"I like your style," he told her as he shuffled on the couch. He turned to lean against the armrest instead, putting Harry between his legs.

"Thank you," she smiled and earned an approving nod from Niall.

"Wait, how did you figure we were together when we were at the club?" Harry wondered and Louis eyed her curiously.

"With the way you were taking care of him and the way he was clinging on you, saying he wanted to 'Take You Home', it wasn't that hard to tell. Plus Louis looks at you like you're the sun so." She shrugged like it was no big deal, but Louis was blushing and felt extremely self-conscious and he thought Harry could tell because he took his hand were it rested over his boyfriend's stomach.

"You're that kind of couple you can watch from a distance and you're not even touching but you can just tell you're in love." Liam smiled warmly at them and Louis felt like this was the sappiest shit ever. Had he really turned into this love struck coupley couple person?

"Yeah, it's disgusting," Niall said honestly. Zayn laughed and Georgia swatted his arm.

"It's cute!" she said determinedly.

"You are quite cute actually," Liam grinned.

"Stop! You're making them go all tomato and my ears are bleeding," Zayn grimaced.

"It's adorable! They're both embarrassed and so red!" Georgia laughed and Louis thought he'd die. God? It's time to send down that ladder! He buried his face in Harry's neck, attempting to disappear from the world for a while.

"Ew. I'm gonna' go throw up," Zayn complained and rose from the armchair and left the room. Louis guessed it was to smoke and not to heave his insides out like he muttered on his way out.

"Not really a sap," Liam explained but smirked.

"When are we leaving tonight?" Harry asked, patting Louis' arm, reassuring him it was alright to resurface to the face of earth again.

"Eight," Liam said. "I got us a table at Keith's Steaks. Niall said he liked that place, isn't that right Nialler?"

"Hm?" Niall wasn't listening. Because he was texting. Louis shook his head. Always texting and always forgetting his surroundings. Yeah, he and Georgia were definitely a thing and – hold the fuck up. Louis snapped his head to the right. Wait. Georgia was sitting next to him, not texting. And... wait. What the hell? If Niall wasn't texting her right now, then he probably hadn't been texting her at all. And if he wasn't talking to Georgia...did he not go see her when he 'snuck out'? Louis was so confused. Who the hell could Niall possibly be messaging and most likely be shagging? Probably someone who wasn't there, so obviously, not Georgia. Who else could it be? Probably not that girl Hanna from he was friends with from work...and not Robin from class. No, definitely not her. Niall knew damned well Louis would never approve of it. Maybe Amy? There was a possibility, but no, didn't she have a boyfriend now? Louis' heart seemed to stop for a second. He internally gasped, eyes feeling like they'd pop out. Lindsay. They were friends? They had things in common, like sharing the mutual annoyance of Louis. But no. Shit. Louis was so lost he wanted to throw up. What had happened to his friendship with Niall? He didn't know shit about his life anymore!

"Louis?" Harry squeezed his thigh, gaining his attention.


"We're thinking Diamonds Club tonight. Good with that?" Harry asked. "The place is big so it's easier to melt in."

"Yeah, of course." Zayn seemed to have returned and while Louis had spaced out Niall had put away his phone too, and the group continued discussing about the night coming. Louis felt distant and couldn't focus on the ongoing conversation. He felt a little nauseous to be honest. Niall was keeping stuff from him, or at least didn't bother telling him things. Louis had been so much better with Niall lately, and he had no idea what had brought this on. Christ, he'd barely even seen Harry all week and spent pretty much all his time with Niall. Had he done something he wasn't aware of that made Niall reluctant to share things with him?

"You okay, babe?" Harry whispered, carful not to let anyone else hear, knowing how much Louis hated feeling weak or out of tune or anything but on top.

"M'alright," he muttered back and Harry knew he wasn't. But then Zayn made a joke and Niall laughed almost obnoxiously loud and maybe if Niall was alright at least, then Louis could let it go, if only for this night.


*Fan POV*

Tonight – The entire One Direction band having dinner with friends. Pictures of the infamous boyband having a cozy dinner at Keith's tonight!
The boys were spotted out, having dinner with friends. Liam Payne's well-known, long-term girlfriend Danielle Peazer, having been together for more than a year and a half now, is one of the female friends, although the rest are yet to be identified. Two unknown boys, and then we have a blonde girl and we cannot help but remembering the interview where Harry spoke of a romance. Is the curly blonde Harry's new girl?

Jenna Cambridge wrinkled her nose as she read the poor article. In the pictures that were shown and also scattered all over twitter, Harry was sitting at the long table, facing the camera. Two figures who couldn't be any others than Louis' and Niall's, sat with their backs against the window and it was a wonder to Jenna how people had not picked up on them yet. She moved on to twitter, knowing people would be as opposed to this article as she was.

Charlie Evans (@thePayynee)
Umm no.

Jessy Styles (@jesssyyStyless)
Why is it that every time harrys near a blonde girl he is apparently fucking her

Sandrah (@Malixx)
Omgg, Payzer looks so adorable together! #truelove

<3 Colbie <3 (@flyingfeathers_)
Ew no

The comments went on like that for a while and it wasn't until a few minutes later Jenna found something involving Torry.

-Cold- (@Flashbackstare)
Nobody doesn't even think of the fact that the brunette unknown guy could be Tommo. So disappointed.

Jenna Cambridge (@JCbridge)
@Flashbackstare Ikr!! So much makes me believe torrys real and nobody wants to acknowledge all the stuff that are in front of their eyes!

-Cold- (@Flashbackstare)
@JCbridge People only see what they want to see.

Yes. People rather believed that Harry was straight and dating some blonde because that meant that if they colored their hair they also had a shot with him. Accepting the fact that Harry was gay (which was pretty obvious to anyone who actually took a moment to use their eyes) was not something people didn't want to do because of being repulsed by the sexuality, rather people being in denial for their own sake. But if people would just take a few minutes and think, add up all the things they'd seen and heard and just for a second let the thought that there might be a small piece of a possibility of Torry being real, then they would surely see it.


"Zayn!" Louis called out into the darkness of the club. "Where's Zayn?"

"Somewhere around here," Harry answered, arm slung around Louis' shoulders. Georgia was with them, making sure they weren't alone so people could make assumptions. She was a really nice girl, she was. Niall had disappeared a few minutes ago, yelling something about dancing and too many hot people surrounding him. Liam and Danielle were somewhere inside, having gone off a while ago, and as always, Zayn was nowhere to be found.

"Do you guys want any drinks?" Georgia asked where they were sitting in a booth beside the dance floor.

"Nah, we're keeping it sober tonight," Louis said with a proud smile at Harry. Louis couldn't remember the last time he didn't have anything with alcohol at a club, but tonight Louis was planning on sleeping with his boyfriend tonight and he was doing it sober.

"You're no fun!" Georgia sighed. "I should've gone with Niall or something."

"Good luck finding him in that mass."

"Whatever. I'm going to get a drink at least, and you two try not to look more like an old married couple then you do right now. See ya," she stood from her seat and made her way to the bar.

Harry frowned. "We don't look like and old married couple, do we?"

"No," Louis said a little too strongly. "And what does she mean 'no fun'? I'm always the life of the party!"

"I'm not in an old married couple," Harry stressed, glaring at the table in front of him.

"And I'm not boring."

"Well you're sitting in a corner in a club, sober and not dancing..." Harry trailed off slowly. Louis looked up at him in realization. He was. Oh dear. His eyes felt like they'd pop out.

"I'm not the life of the party," he whispered slowly, realization hitting hard. What had happened to his life?!

"And I'm sitting in the corner of a club, absolutely sober with my arm around my boyfriend's shoulders, watching other people have fun..."

They caught eyes for a moment, then they practically jumped away from each other, Harry pulled his arm to himself. They sat in silence for a moment, thinking about what their lives had become.

"What. Have. I. Done. To. My. Life." Louis said zombily.

"I-I think, I think I'm gonna' cry," Harry said a little like he was in wonder, although his voice sounded pretty stable.

"I'm boring," Louis whispered in panic.

"I'm old," Harry whispered with the same tone. They looked at each other for a second.

"Yeah, I'm going to dance." Louis said decisively and jumped up from his seat, leaving Harry at the booth.


As it turned out, clubbing wasn't very fun at all. Not when he couldn't grind against someone and whisper filthy things into their ears. And he didn't want to either. There was only one person he wanted to do that to. Liam was with Danielle, Zayn was god knows where, Niall at the bar with Georgia and Harry was doing everything he could not to act old and married. He'd even tried dancing but as he wasn't very good at it, he'd quit and gone back to the bar.

Louis was trying to have fun, dancing and partying but it was just that knowing that he and Harry could go home and spend the night kissing and watching movies (and having sex) was way more appealing than being there in a crowded space where they couldn't touch each other. Louis realized he and Harry had fallen into that comfortable state - just like an old married couple. Louis didn't know if he was okay with that or not. He loved Harry and of course he loved their relationship but he really had "settled down" these last months, hadn't he? Sure he was at a party last night, but he only went because he felt like he had to, though it had been fun – once he'd started drinking to forget how much he missed Harry's presence.

"Lou!" He recognized Niall's voice to his left. He turned and found his friend pointing towards the exits. "Yo, I'm leaving!" he shouted over the heavy bass.

"Right," Louis answered. He hadn't forgotten about the mysterious texting and he was honestly getting more pissed about it the more he thought of it.

"I'll text ya later!" Niall promised and then left him in the crowd. Louis sighed and but kept on dancing. He ignored the people who tried to dance with him and he really should feel flattered because there were actually quite a lot of them. A girl tried to grind back on him and left her stranded. Yes, he looked handsome and sexy as hell, but bitch you can look but you can't touch. Plus he gay.

Louis swayed his hips, letting his eyes search through the crowd and then land on Harry. Now that Niall was gone it was only Harry and Georgia alone together by the bar. From a far they actually looked like a couple. And it sucked pretty badly because there were a lot of people who assumed that too. He couldn't shake off the feeling that they looked great together too. He was tall, dark and curly and she had a small frame and blonde hair. Both were also two genuinely nice people and Louis hoped no one would take pictures of them. Rumors would come up and Louis didn't think he liked the idea of that at all.

He watched them smile at each other and he suddenly felt a sticky feeling of jealousy. He needed a distraction. His eyes caught on Liam only a few yards away, swaying to the music with Danielle under his arm.

"Hey, where's Zayn? I need him to dance with me," he said to them.

"Sorry but he left a while ago," Liam told him. Louis groaned loudly.

"I'm so fucking bored."

"Why aren't you with Harry? Georgia is really nice and she offered to hang with you so you don't look like a couple."

"But they look like a couple," Louis muttered, then realized, "Hey! Danielle you're a dancer! Dance with me! Let's leave Liam by himself, shall we?" She laughed, but Liam protested.

"Why? Can't you deal without your wife?" Louis raised an eyebrow. Liam rolled his eyes. "Whatever, now Dani come dance!"

"No. Guys hit on her when she dances." Louis wanted to laugh. Liam was the jealous type? Hah! Who would have thought!

"So?" Louis said, extending a hand towards her. "She'll smack them in the face. Let's go!" Liam stared at him with that look and Louis sighed exasperatedly. "Fine. You can come but stay in the background because Dani and I are gonna' steal the scene." She took his had and grinned at Liam and he rolled his eyes. Louis just dragged her into the crowd and wow, she could really move. She was great fun too, challenging him and he retaliated pretty well for not being a professional, or at least he thought so. She was awesome, really fun, and absolutely a great girl and Louis found himself thinking that if he weren't gay then Liam would probably have some competition. Liam himself, joined in a little on the dancing too but when Louis out owned him he got bored and went to look for Harry.

Danielle and Louis were laughing and Louis swayed his hips teasingly in her direction when he felt hands on his hips. At first he thought it was Harry coming to join him, but when he looked up he found it was some guy with a smirk and tight jeans. His hair was dark and styled in a quiff, actually quite nice looking which was something Louis wouldn't admit because the dude was wearing a fucking Hipsta Life shirt, and he was touching Louis' already spoken for body. The guy smirked down at him and he immediately stepped away from him, making it clearly he wasn't interested. He continued dancing with Danielle who rolled her eyes.

"Maybe you're a good dancer after all Lou," she laughed and he grinned back. But the smile didn't last for long because they were interrupted once again as Louis felt hands on him again, and what do you know, Hipsta Jerk.

"Dude, get off. A no is a no," he hissed at him.

"Oh come on!" he said, twisting Louis around to press their chests together.

"Get off me," he spat at him. Dude, what the hell was wrong with him? The guy was barely even drunk, just really claustrophobically persistent. Louis was trying to have fun with his friend! Danielle watched worriedly as the guy pressed his hand against the lower of Louis' back. Ew, no! Not okay! He shoved him hard in the chest, sending him a few steps back. People were starting to look.

"Babe, c'mon. You were dancing so fine," Hipsta Ass smirked.

"I was sexy as fuck but I sure as hell wasn't dancing for you."

The insect stepped close and whispered sloppily into Louis' ear, "Aw don't be like that. C'mon let me grind on you..."

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" Louis cursed him. He looked around in exasperation, eyes setting on the bar but Harry wasn't there anymore. God! Where was your annoyingly jealous boyfriend when you needed him! Christ!

"Just step away please," Danielle tried. "Don't cause a scene. Leave us alone."

"Who are you? His girlfriend? He doesn't look very straight to me," he said, wriggling his eyebrow at Louis and looking at him in a way that made him want to cover his already clothed body.

"No, but can you please leave-"

"Good! Then he can dance with me!" Hipsta Shit said and Louis was getting pissed, real fucking angry. The asshole stepped into his personal space and Louis snapped.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING-" suddenly the guy was flying back, being caught in the crowd behind him.

"Get the fuck off! He said no!" Harry was suddenly there, body angry and rigid, towering next to Louis protectively. Liam arrived to the scene only seconds later, putting an arm around Dani and she told him the story quickly.

"Dude chill! What's wrong with you!" the guy complained, rubbing his chest.

"Are you kidding?! You're the fucking problem!" Louis exploded. He was starting to think the guy was on something. Nobody was this sick.

"Stop being ridiculous. You wanted it."

"Are you mental?!"

Harry put a hand on Louis' arm to restrain him from attacking the guy, but nonetheless spoke up. "I saw him shove you off several times. How much clearer than that does it get?"

"Harry..." Liam warned. Right. People were watching. Great. But Louis was boiling. He wanted to punch something, or rather someone.

"Please. He wants it. Now leave us alone, Twinkie and I have stuff to do-"

Louis couldn't help it. He jumped at him. Louis had long ago sworn never to punch anyone ever again (he'd nearly broken his hand the last time) and had sworn to keep it classy and never trashy, but who the fuck cares when someone is insulting you and talking about you in such a way? Louis wasn't one to just stand around and take it when he was talked about getting fucked, so yes, punching was okay this night.

Louis leaped forward, ready to push the guy down to the floor and send him a right hook in the jaw. He got as far as crushing their bodies together but before he could do anything else Liam's arms were around him, pulling him back. Damn, the kid was really buff. Louis tried to get free but Harry was there a second later to restrain him further.

"Let's go," Liam ordered, pushing them all through the crowds to the exits, hand clutching Danielle's. "Now."

Harry pushed Louis away from Hipsta Jerk who was on the floor, flipping Louis off.

"Bitch, go suck someone's dick!"

"Don't even breathe my air you peasant!" Louis called angrily at him as Harry shoved him away. They got to the exit and Louis shook Harry's hands off him and angrily stalked off along the sidewalk. Harry shrugged at Liam and Danielle who waved in a cab before jogging after Louis.
He was still boiling with anger. He hadn't gotten to take out his frustration, and he felt like he'd burst. All the way he home he walked angrily, refusing to speak and it wasn't until he'd opened the door to his flat that Harry touched him.

"Lou," Harry said from behind him, hand on his arm. "Are you calm yet?"

"Calm?! Why are you not angry? He was treating me like shit!"

"Of course I'm angry at him, but he's an ass. Don't waste your time on that." Harry said and Louis turned to stare at him.

"He felt me up!"

"He touched you?" Harry said, teeth ground together and his forehead wrinkled.

"Yes." Louis said. "You should've let me punch him."

"You shouldn't punch people."

"He deserved it!" Louis exclaimed. Why wasn't Harry exploding? "I should punch you just for not letting me punch him!" He could admit he sounded a little crazy. What was he going to say? Punch a baby next?

"You wanna' punch me?" Harry raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Stop being all adult and let me hit something!" Louis said, trying to make his way through the hallway, but Harry grabbed his arm.

He looked him in the eye and held him in place. "Taking out your anger physically on somebody is never the answer." There was silence. They looked at each other for several moments. Harry bit his lip. Louis eyes flitted between Harry lips and eyes. He licked his lip.

Then, "Why did that sound so fucking sexy," he said breathlessly and their lips were crashing together. For once Louis was in complete control, pushing Harry up against nearest wall, hands roaming his entire body. His tongue slid against Harry's and teeth bit his lip, causing him to moan loudly. Louis was still raging with anger from the fight and all he could think about was shoving Harry into the mattress and fuck him deep.

"Let's do it different tonight," he told him and bit into his shoulder.

"What do you mean?" Harry moaned, hand finding its way into Louis' hair, tugging on it.

"I want to be inside you," Louis whispered as he kissed his ear, working his tongue below it, sucking marks sloppily. Harry seemed to stiffen and Louis chuckled. "Don't worry... I used to top all the time." Harry didn't respond and Louis continued his kisses, hands coming down lower and lower. He put one of his hands firmly around Harry's bum cheeks and pressed him closer. Harry wasn't ready for it and jumped. Louis snickered and let his left hand run through his boyfriends' curls on the side. The frustration within him seemed to disappear when he saw Harry's wide eyes.

"Are you nervous, love?" he asked. It was quite adorable. Louis had never topped with Harry before so he guessed this would be a first in their relationship.

"No," Harry scoffed. He was very unconvincing. Louis' smile widened.

"Yes, you are!" he laughed. He wrapped his arms around Harry's waist and pressed him into the wall again. "Don't worry, baby. I know what I'm doing..." He kissed him purposefully and Harry seemed to relax. That was until Louis' hands slipped into his jeans at his arse. He quickly slid to the side and under Louis' arm, escaping from being pressed against the wall. He stepped back, putting space in between them.

"Harry?" Louis asked, turning around, a little worried now. Harry put his hands in pockets, looking awkward. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, of course."

"What's wrong then?" Louis asked. Harry shrugged.

"Nothing really, it's just..."

"Just what?" Louis asked suspiciously.

"I, you know, I-I top." He said, eyes a little wide, shoulders up.

"Harry there's no rule," Louis laughed. Why was he so nervous?

"No, you don't understand. I-I," he pointed back at himself with his thumb. "I top."

Louis' eyes narrowed. Hold up. No. This had to be some sort of joke. Louis bit his lip not to laugh. "Harry..." He took as step closer. Harry stepped back. "You know how good it feels," he said slow and seductively. You know what it's like to be filled up, so good. How the pain at first turns into something that feels so incredible that you crave it..." Harry gulped loudly. "Why won't you let me do that to you?"

"Uh..." he stuttered. His eyes were big and his mouth was hanging slightly open. Yet he was so nervous.

"You know what it feels like, right? I want to make you feel it."

"I yeah... I know, it's just..."

"Haz..." Louis stepped closer. Harry stepped back. "You do know what it feels like right?"

"Yeah! Of course," he rolled his eyes. Louis smirked. He was sure now.

He tilted his head to the side, eyeing his boyfriend up and down, licking his lip. "Do you know what it feels like, baby?" he asked.

"Um," Harry breathed. Louis closed in on him, making him back up against the wall behind him. Louis slowly pressed his own body flush against his. His hands gripped Harry's hips softly yet firmly and stood on his toes to whisper against his neck. Harry leaned his head back against the wall, breathing roughly, trying to calm himself.

"I'll make you feel so good," Louis whispered against him. His breath caused shivers on his skin. "We'll be slow..." Louis leaned his head back, fingers wandering over Harry's cheekbone. He swallowed and nodded, still kind of unsure. Louis kissed his lips lovingly, softly carding through his curls. "I'll take care of you."


"Okay, love." He pressed their bodies together. All the anger from before was gone and all Louis could think about was trying to make Harry feel good. He kissed him languidly and with purpose, pushing him towards the bedroom. He tried to make him forget his nerves and forget to be scared because Louis would never ever do anything to hurt him. It would be painful yes, but it'd also be fucking brilliant. He pushed him down on the bed, slowly discarding their clothes, finally leaving them naked on the bed. Harry looked up at him with big eyes and Louis swiped a stray lock off his forehead.

"I love you," he told him. "Do you trust me?"

Harry gulped. "Yes."

"Good," he whispered and kissed him slowly.


Louis woke the next morning to the sound of a door shutting closed. He guessed it was Niall finally getting home. It was pretty late he realized, almost 1pm. Harry was still sleeping beside him, duvet ending by his lower back, exposing back muscles that made Louis want to go "sigh". Harry had snuggled his face into his pillow and was hugging it with his arms. Louis smiled at the memories of the previous night. He never would have thought Harry was inexperienced in that way, but he guessed it could make sense. The boy was only nineteen years old after all. Louis crawled over to him and wrapped his arms around his torso, half lying on him and hugged tightly. He kissed him between his shoulder blades and snuggled up against his back.

"Mnnfgf," Harry made the most adorable sound he'd ever heard.

"Baby, wake up," he whispered.


Louis smiled fondly down at him, not really believing that this was in fact his boyfriend. Louis continued kissing down his back, letting his lips linger and slowly making his way lower. Finally Harry seemed to wake and Louis lightly bit into his skin. Harry whined and then Louis found himself on his side, Harry throwing his arms around him, pressing close, having attacked him into a tight hug. Louis laughed, tilting his head back, which gave Harry the opportunity to bury his face in his neck.

"IloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyou," he chanted happily and placed small kisses all over his neck and shoulder. Louis grinned and rolled them over, Harry now straddling him.

"Good morning, love," Louis chuckled.

"Morning Boo," Harry replied happily and leaned down to kiss his lips. Just as he did so, the door to his room flew open, revealing a blonde head.

"Niall, what the fuck are you-" OH SHIT. Niall wasn't alone. HOLY FUCK. Darren was there. Crap. Think fast. SHIT. In a swift move he pushed Harry off him, sending him flying down from the bed, landing harshly on the floor and out of view. It didn't help though when he cried out in surprise (and maybe in a little bit of pain).

"Oh dear, Louis!" Niall complained. He had walked in on them so many times he pictures had been printed into the back his brain.

"Is-is that Harry?" Darren asked slowly, and then reality hit him. "Oh my fucking god, Niall! You just caught your boyfriend in bed with your friend! Do something!" Darren exclaimed, looking exasperatedly between the two. Niall's face went from disgusted to 'oh'.

"Oh," he said. Well shit.

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