Our Obsession

By lemonlimonnade

221K 3.9K 1.1K

Aria Valentino the lost mafia princess. Kidnapped at 4 years old by her fathers best friend. A beautiful, yo... More

ONE | Self Defense
TWO | Freedom?
THREE | Brothers
FOUR | Secrets
FIVE | Concern
SIX | Scars
SEVEN | Scars Pt.2
EIGHT | Trust
NINE | Laughter
TEN | Funeral
ELEVEN | Bruises
TWELVE | Truth
THIRTEEN | Aftermath
FOURTEEN | Freedom
FIFTEEN | Pancakes
SEVENTEEN | one more time
EIGHTEEN | family bonding
NINETEEN | Dead Man Screaming
TWENTY | Anger
TWENTY ONE | in love?
TWENTY TWO | Torture
TWENTY FOUR | Monopoly
AN Please Read
TWENTY FIVE | Paralysis
TWENTY-SIX | happy tears
TWENTY-EIGHT | remembering
THIRTY ONE | Ride Pt. 2
THIRTY TWO | i love you
THIRTY FIVE | drinking
THIRTY SIX | drunk
THIRTY NINE| Xander and Cameron
FORTY | Tuesday
FORTY ONE | Haunted
FORTY TWO | Escaping Death
FORTY THREE | Nothing like Family
Characters pt. 2
FORTY FIVE | Hospital
FORTY SEVEN | Coming home
FORTY EIGHT | Here Goes Nothing
FORTY NINE | Truth Comes Out
FIFTY | Boss
FIFTY ONE | I love you
FIFTY TWO | Healing
FIFTY THREE | happy birthday
FIFTY FOUR | Birthday Presents
FIFTY SIX | Mission

FORTY SIX | What the hell happened?!

1K 27 8
By lemonlimonnade

PSA: This chapter does go back to when Lorenzo tells the family what happened.

As we made our way up to the family, anxiety rose in my chest.

How am I supposed to tell the family our sweet Aria has been tortured worse than most men we torture.

As the elevator opened I was faced with the worried looks of the family.

"Lorenzo, figlio, how are you feeling?" Zio Diego asked. (Son and Uncle)

Im not your son asshole

God this man drives me crazy. Don't get me wrong Diego is a great man and a great Don but as for an Uncle he's terrible. He thought it was his place to take over my father's role.

If anything Zio Mateo and Nonno Thiago took over my father's role in my life and taught me how to be the best Don the Italian Mafia has seen. (uncle and grandpa)

Zio Diego did nothing for me but lecture me and introduce me to alcohol. Though if I ever brought it up he'd deny it. (Uncle)

"Zio Diego, I'm good how was the flight?" I asked putting on my best smile.

"It was good the view was beautiful, almost forgot how beautiful Italy is" he says as he lets me move further into the room.

"Yes Zio it's been a while since you've visited" I said as I took my place next to Sandro.

"Enough Lorenzo! What the hell happened to la mia piccola fiore and why the hell is she lying in the hospital with multiple gun shot and stab wounds?!" Nonno yelled. (My little flower)

"Calm down please Nonno, I'm going to tell you but somethings are hers to tell and not my place. She's still learning to trust us and I'm not going to break her trust." I said sternly making it known there is no pushing me on this.

"I respect that figlio, just tell us what you're able to" Nonno responded with a faint smile.

I know he's trying to be calm and I really appreciate it. I can't handle him yelling at me right now when my sister almost died. Again.

"Do you guys remember Angelo?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"How could we forget, he basically lived at our house when your father was growing up. Why do you ask?" Nonno asks confused.

"He took Aria. He was the one who took her out of her bedroom in the middle of the night and took her to America. I'm pretty sure he somehow caused mom and dads plane crash." I said as anger ran through my veins thinking about the pain she endured.

"Oh my god" Nonno muttered out. Angelo was like a son to them.

"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch" Zio Mateo seethed from beside Nonno.

"He's already dead" Sandro spoke coldly.

"Good and I expect you found his dead body and brought it home to properly end his life?" Nonno asked sternly.

"Of course Nonno, his body is at one of our wearhouses" I said calmly.

"Good. Now that that's out of the way who the hell hurt my fiore and shot you?!" Nonno asked returning to his usually tough persona.

"Well while Angelo was off in America he broke the Morelli twins out of their facility. The Morellis are here and are the ones who trapped her in a room and caused mine and her injuries. I  had them until I got shot." I said a little disappointed in myself.

"You did what you could figlio, don't beat yourself up. What matters is that you and Aria are safe and alive. We will find them" Nonno said in a comforting tone.

"You should be more proud of Aria. She put a bullet in Dario's hand. He was coming at me from behind with a knife and she shot him in the hand. She's so fucking strong, you guys are going to love her even more once she's feeling better. She's one hell of a fighter" I said proudly.

"She's definitely a Valentino" Zio Mateo said with a smile.

"Now that that's out of the way, I've talked with Sandro and we both think it's best if you all go back to the house. Get some rest and get settled. Sandro, Marcello and Aurelio will go with you and show you all to your rooms. We've rearranged everything since you all last visited. And Nonna I already know what you're going to say, Aria is just resting and she is doing good so don't worry too much just please go get some rest" I said with a small smile focusing on Nonna at the end. (Grandma)

"Okay figlio just if anything changes please call" Grandma says as she pulls me into a tight hug.

"I will Nonna" I gave her a reassuring smile.

We finished saying our goodbyes and Leo, Marcello, Luca and I headed back downstairs.

We decided Luca could stay with Aria since they already share a room together and she would be the most comfortable with him. It's like they reconnected right where the left off as if no time was lost. And it makes me happy she has her best friend back.

I sent Marcello and Luca to Arias room while Leo and I went back to mine. Leo needed to change my bandages and I needed to get some rest. As much as I want to get back to work I know my body needs to heal. Leo needs to get some rest too.

"Fratello let me know when you get everyone settled" I said as I hugged Marcello. (Brother)

"I will Enzo just get some rest" he said as we went our separate ways.

"She's gonna be okay right Leo?" I asked as we got back into my room.

"Physically yes. Mentally I don't know. None of know what she went through in that room. How many memories being trapped with them brought back. We just won't know until she gets out of this hospital room and back home." Leo said with a sad look.

"God Leo her screams. She sounded like she was dying Leo. When I got into that room she looked like she was ready to give up." I said as I recalled the sounds of her screams.

"I just hope she didn't give up. Getting someone out of that state of mind is challenging. We all know that better than anyone. Just give her time Enzo" Leo gave me a sad yet reassuring smile.

I wont let her give up. Not like I did. Not like we all did.

Hello Lovelies!!!

Sorry this is a shorter chapter! I just wanted to give you the backstory of what Enzo told the family.

I hope you all are loving the book so far!!

Please let me know what you guys think about the book!!!

As always ILY all!!

<3 lemonlimonnade

(OMG Im so sorry!! I tried the schedule to post thing so I didnt forget to post and it never posted the chapters!!Another chapter will be posted tomorrow for this weeks chapter!! Again Im sooooo sorry and I hope you guys love the chapter!!)

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