Cote React To Ayanokoji

נכתב על ידי TheBookman123456789

46.5K 786 321

Cote reacts to Ayanokoji. The timeline is right at the end of Season 1. Update schedule will be very messy. I... עוד

Cote Reacts to Ayanokoji Part 2
Cote Reacts to Ayanokoji Part 3
Cote Reacts to Ayanokoji Part 4
(Closed) Voting Poll 1
Voting Poll Reminder
Cote Reacts to Ayanokoji Part 5
(Closed) Another Voting Poll
Results First Voting Poll
Cote Reacts to Ayanokoji Part 6
Cote Reacts to Ayanokoji Part 7
(Closed) Poll 3
Author's Note
Cote Reacts to Ayanokoji Part 8
(Closed) Just another Poll.
Cote Reacts to Ayanokoji Part 9
Poll 2 Results
Poll 3 Results
Poll 4 Results
I'm Back
Cote Reacts to Ayanokoji Part 10
Cote Reacts To Memes
Cote Reacts To Ayanokoji Part 11
Cote Reacts to Ayanokoji Part 12
Cote Reacts to Ayanokoji Part 13 (Final Part)

Cote Reacts to Ayanokoji Part 1

6K 72 23
נכתב על ידי TheBookman123456789

Reacting To
: Speech
- Thoughts
"said by someone"

Horikita, Hirata, Karuizawa, Shinohara, Satou, Sudo, Ike, Yamauchi, Haruka, Akito, Yukimura and Kushida all appear is a room.

Horikita: Huh? What the?

Everyone begins to panic a little.

Me: Welcome to my space.

Horikita: How is this possible? What is going on?

Kei: Yosuke what is going on?

Hirata: I don't know.

Me: Um I'm standing right here you know?

Sudo: And who the hell are you?

Me: I'm The Bookman123456789

Horikita: What kind of name is that?

The Bookman: Hey, it's just my username. I'm not sharing my real name with you!

Horikita: How did you do this?

Me: Um it's hard to explain but all of you are here to react to a certain someone.

Hirata: React?

Yamauchi: Oh, is this one of that Gacha reactions but with real people?

Shinohara: You watch stuff like that? How cringe.

Yamauchi starts crying crocodile tears.

Hirata: Might I ask who we're reacting to?

The Bookman: Ayanokoji Kiyotaka

Kei: Who?

Hirata: Karuizawa it's Ayanokoji. You don't remember him?

Kei: Oh, you mean that gloomy guy?

The Bookman: Yes, now let's get started.

I was sitting on the bus when I heard a woman shout loudly at someone.

Woman: Hey you. Get up so this old lady can sit down.

Ayanokoji- For a second, I thought she might be talking to me but thankfully I was wrong.

Koenji: Why should I?

Woman: Because she needs the seat, and you don't.

Koenji: Yes, I don't need it but standing up expends a great deal more energy than sitting down. I'm afraid I'll have to pass.

Sudo: That asshole!

Horikita: Quiet down Sudo. We should all be observant. I'm sure The Bookman is showing us Ayanokoji's perspective for a reason.

Kei: Yeah, but he's just a gloomy loner. What could be so...

Horikita: Just trust me on this.

Kei: But.

Hirata: I agree.

Kei pouts as she continues to look at the screen.

Woman: You damn kids should listen to your elders you little brats.

Koenji: You seem to be talking as if you're higher up than me. In age that is the truth. However, I am a Perfect existence so you cannot be above me in anything else.

Sudo- Arrogant dickhead.

I looked to see a girl with long black hair reading a book I was familiar with. Eventually, the bus stopped, and I got off.

Ayanokoji- So this is my new school huh?

The girl from before stood at the top of the step looking at me as if she was about to confront me.

Ayanokoji- She must have noticed me staring. I hope she doesn't get the wrong idea.

Horikita: Why were you staring at me on the bus.

Ayanokoji: I've read that book. It's good. Also, I was wondering if you didn't give up your seat for the same reason as me. I just didn't want to get involved.

Horikita: I'm nothing like you. I stayed silent as a matter of principle.

Kushida- Stuck up Bitch.

Shinohara: You should have given up your seat.

Horikita: There's no point in talking about that anymore. It's in the past after all.

Sudo: Yeah, what's done is done.

Ayanokoji: That makes her worse than me.

Kushida almost fails to stop herself from bursting out into laughter.

Kushida- Deserved!

Horikita: Wah what?

Sudo looks pissed but Horikita calms him down.

Horikita: He wasn't wrong about it so there's nothing left to say.

------------------------------------- (Skip to Classroom Scene) -------------------------------------

Chabashira finishes her introduction.

Ayanokoji- They all celebrate as if they'll receive 100,000 points monthly. Highly unlikely. Even if this school is government-funded 100, 000 points every month adds up to 1, 200, 000 a year. That's 360,000,000 points being given to students every year.

Everyone is shocked.

Haruka: Wow Kiyopon's really smart.

Yukimura- I couldn't calculate all that stuff that quickly in my head. Has he been hiding his abilities?

Hirata: Wow Ayanokoji is a lot smarter than I thought.

Horikita- He calculated all of that? That quickly after only having just heard it? All in his head? Ayanokoji. Who are you?

Ayanokoji- Also, there's the fact that Chabashira-Sensei said "this month".

Yamauchi: Wait so Ayanokoji knew we wouldn't get any points the next month and didn't say anything?

Horikita: Yamauchi. That's a baseless accusation. It's likely that he wasn't completely sure of his analysis yet.

Hirata: I agree with Horikita-San. Ayanokoji-Kun wouldn't leave us out to drown like that.

------------------------------------------ (Skip to Pool Scene) ------------------------------------------

I was sitting next to Horikita at the pool discussing the future of the class.

Kei: why are you discussing with Ayanokoji and not the rest of us?

Hirata: Calm down everyone. Remember that Horikita-San wasn't very open with other people before.

All of a sudden, I noticed her gaze. She was observing me.

Sudo sweats for a second.

Sudo- Was she checking him out? Wait no. Calm down Sudo. You're way stronger than Ayanokoji so if Horikita was in to that kind of thing, then I would win!

Horikita: Ayanokoji-Kun. Do you play sports?

Ayanokoji: No, I did nothing extracurricular at all.

Horikita: That makes no sense. Your forearms are so muscular.

Everyone (-Horikita)- Is she flirting with him?

----------------------------------------(Skip to Sibling Reunion) ---------------------------------------

I had just come out for a drink when I heard a familiar voice.

Manabu: Suzune I didn't expect you to follow me here.

I decided to observe for now.

Horikita: I'm not the failure I was back then. I'm planning to catch up to you Nisan.

Ayanokoji- That's the Student Council President. They share the same name, so it isn't out of the question but now I've confirmed it.

Many of them: Horikita is the Student Council President's younger sister?

Manabu: Say what you will but you still haven't worked past your shortcomings.

Manabu proceeds to grab Horikita's arm and pin her to the wall.

Manabu: It was a mistake for you to come here. To think. My own little sister in D-Class. You will leave this school immediately!

Sudo: What the hell does he think he's doing? This bastard!

Horikita: Shut up Sudo.

Horikita: No Nisan. I'll definitely make it to A-Class.

Manabu: You have neither the right nor ability to aim higher in the school.

Manabu pulled his free hand back.

Ayanokoji- This is bad. I can tell...

Manabu: Someday you will learn...

Ayanokoji rushes out from his hiding spot and grabs Manabu's wrist.

Many of them: Huh? He went against the Student Council President?

Sudo is fuming now.

Sudo- That bastard was about to hit her.

Ayanokoji: I don't know much about your relationship, but you shouldn't hit your sister like that. She'll end up in a lot of pain.

Manabu: Eavesdropping isn't an admirable trait.

Ayanokoji: Assaulting your own sister also isn't an admirable trait.

Satou (Blushing): hey don't you think Ayanokoji-Kun looks kinda cool right now?

Shinohara (Slight Blush): Um yeah, he kinda does.

Ike: Huh? Damn you, Ayanokoji. Stealing all the hearts of the girls.

Horikita: Ayanokoji-Kun?

Ayanokoji: You were really going to drive that in, weren't you? Let her go now.

Horikita: Please stop Ayanokoji Kun.

Ayanokoji- I never heard her voice like that before. Like a completely different person.

I let go of him when he suddenly swung at me with a backhand. I stepped back to avoid it as he followed up with a kick. It almost hit me but thankfully I was able to dodge.

Sudo: How the hell did he dodge that? So fast!

Ayanokoji- This man shouldn't be underestimated he's good.

Manabu then came at me again attempts to grapple me. I caught his wrist, but I pushed it away knowing that if I held on too long, he'd pull me into some nasty combo.

Sudo: Wow. Ayanokoji can fight?

Kushida- Did I mess with the wrong guy?

Manabu: You fight like an expert. Which of the arts do you practice?

Ayanokoji: Piano and Calligraphy.

Everyone sweat drops- Is he serious?

Manabu: I see. I think I know who you are now. There was a student that got 50s on all of his entrance exams and got a 50 on a recent test. Are you trying to make some kind of statement by scoring exactly half of what you should at this school?

Hirata- Across the board? How is that possible?

Ayanokoji: Coincidences can be freaky.

Manabu: You're a unique man. Suzune I'm genuinely surprised that you've made a friend this early into the school year.

Manabu's face softened a little as if some weight he'd been carrying had been lifted from his shoulders.

Horikita- Huh?

Horikita: He's not a friend... Just a classmate.

I saw that Manabu's face returned to his original expression. No, it was worse. It was akin to discovering your child got the top grades only to find out that they cheated.

Horikita-... So, I've disappointed him that much? But how does Ayanokoji-Kun understand my brother better than me?

Manabu: As usual you've mistaken isolation for independence.

Manabu: Suzune. If you want to ascend to a higher class, then struggle with all your might.

Shinohara: Who would have thought that Ayanokoji was so incredible?

Satou (blushing): Yeah.

Haruka: Kiyopon was pretty amazing huh? Too bad Sakura wasn't here.

Yukimura: Don't you find it strange? Why doesn't he show his abilities? There's something up with him. Something he's not willing to share.

Akito: We'll find out if we keep watching so it's fine.

--------------------------------------(Skip To Past Paper Scene) --------------------------------------

Kushida: This is the first time you've ever invited me somewhere. There must be a good reason right Ayanokoji-Kun?

Ike: Huh what's this bastard doing with Kushida-Chan?

Kushida- Disgusting pig. I know what you're thinking while you say that.

Ayanokoji: Just promise you won't breathe a word of this to anyone.

Kushida followed me as I greeted a senpai.

Ayanokoji: You're in the D-Class for your year too, right?

D-Class Senpai: Yeah, well what's it to you?

Ayanokoji: I'd like to consult with you on something. Don't worry I'll make it worth your while.

D-Class Senpai: What is it already?

Ayanokoji: Do you have any of your past midterm papers from 2 years ago? I want you to give them to me.

Ike: Huh but I thought that was Kushida-Chan's idea.

Kushida: Sorry for lying but Ayanokoji said he doesn't want credit for it.

Sudo: But why would he...

Horikita: Calm down everyone. I'm sure he has his reasons for it.

Kushida used her charms to convince the Senpai to reduce the price and I bartered the price from 30,000 to 15, 000. After that exchange me and Kushida sat down on a park bench. I inspected the papers and compared them. The same. Down to the smallest detail.

Kushida: Let's show this to everyone in the class. Not just Sudo-Kun.

Ayanokoji: No, Not yet.

Sudo: Huh? Why the hell not?

Ike: He was holding out on us?

Yamauchi: This bastard.

Kushida: Ehh? Why not?

Ayanokoji: Say we show them the test papers a day before the exams what do you think they'll do with that knowledge?

Kushida: They'll work desperately to memorise the questions. Ayanokoji are you a lot smarter than you let on?

Ayanokoji: I'd say I'm more cunning than smart.

Sudo: This bastard... But I suppose it's because of him that we all survived that exam.

Shinohara: This is all really hard to believe.

Kei: Yeah Kushida-Chan. Is this all true?

Kushida: Yep. I'm really sorry about lying to you all.

Ike: That's fine. I mean you were both doing it for our sakes after all.

-----------------------------------------(Skip To Saving Sudo) ------------------------------------------

Chabashira left the room after announcing Sudo's expulsion.

Sudo- If it hadn't been for Horikita.

I followed her and met her on the roof. I had a small conversation and then I decided to broach the topic.

Ayanokoji: Sell me a point to add to Sudo's score.

Everyone: Huh? Even that?

Sudo: Horikita. Then you didn't...

Horikita: I didn't come up with the idea. It hadn't even crossed my mind that it was possible.

Sudo: Then...

Ayanokoji: How much then?

Chabashira: 100,000 points.

Ayanokoji- I don't have that many points. I had suspected there was a chance she'd put an outrageous price tag but still.

Ayanokoji: You're so cruel Sensei.

Horikita: I'll pay as well. We'll split it evenly down the line. 50,000 each.

Sudo: Horikita. She...

Sudo smiles.

After that Me and Horikita found ourselves on a park bench discussing what had happened. She acted as if I were some lone hero who came to save the day, but she was the first to make a move. She intentionally lowered her English Score to bring down the class average in hopes of saving him. However, because she did it alone and didn't seek help from the rest of the class her efforts were fruitless and wasted. If she had told others about her plan. Even just one person like Hirata then there would have been no reason for me to step in.

Sudo: Horikita... you...

Horikita- Is this what brother meant? That some plans no matter how logically sound can't work without outside help.

To Be Continued

המשך קריאה

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