.°~Dickmaster~°. | Adam x Rea...

By Maddiewwyam

28.8K 520 693

There aren't enough stories about this arrogant man that I love. Also Fem reader 😙 More

1 | .°~Happy day in hell~°.
2 | .°~Extermination?~°.
3 | .°~Heaven~°.
4 | .°~Courtroom~°.
5 | .°~Hotel~°.
6 | .°~Prepare~°.
7 | .°~Extermination Day~°.
8 | .°~Goodbye~°.
9 | .°~Redeemed?~°.
10 | .°~What the hell~°.
11 | .°~Morning~°.
13 | .°~Where are they?~°.
14 | .°~Adam..~°.
15 | .°~Thanks~°.
16 | .°~The End?~°.

12 | .°~Adams place~°.

1.6K 29 40
By Maddiewwyam

.°~Timeskip from last chapters end~°.

Y/n threw Adams robe at him making him sit up from the bed. "The hell was that for?!" Y/n walked past him as she slide her pants down. "Oh I'm intrigued now," Adam smirked. Y/n ignored his comment as she got dressed. "And where are you going?" He asked, getting up from the bed and walking towards her. "I want to talk with Sera and Emily." Adam scoffed, seeming annoyed by even the thought of them, "Why do you need to talk to those uptight heifers?" Y/n hit the back of his head, walking towards the bathroom. "Don't call them that. Well maybe Sera-" she told him. Adam held his head where she hit. "Don't hit me! The fuck.." he groaned.

Adam followed Y/n to the bathroom seeing her brush her hair. He stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and putting his head on her shoulder. Y/n put the brush down and pulled her toothbrush out. She knew Adam was behind her but carried on with her needs. As she brushed her teeth she was interrupted by Adam kissing her neck. She spit the toothpaste out so that she could talk, "Why are you doing that?" He perked his head up at the sound of her voice. "Because I want to," he stuck his tongue out. Y/n sighed. She leaned back against his body but was met by something pressing against her lower back. "Adam what is?-" Then it hit her. She turned bright red and pulled away from him. "Alright! You deal with...that and put some clothes on." Adam laughed at her sudden departure as she walked away in panic.


   "Adam are you ready yet?!" Y/n asked from the other side of the bathroom door. Adam quickly opened the door and looked down at her with an exhausted expression. He had been in there awhile and she heard weird noises... "Done?" She asked while fixing his hair. Adam nodded as he walked out to the door. Y/n followed behind him. Sir pentious watched the two, hiding behind the couch. Y/n waved while walking out the door. The terrified snake boi waved back hesitantly.

   Y/n and Adam walked towards where she had went last time she came to heaven to hopefully find Sera and Emily. "Before we go back can we make a quick pit stop?" Adam asked, putting his arm around her shoulders. She looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. "Where to?" Adam pointed at what looked like a large room on top of an apartment. "Uhmm...what the hell is that?" Adam groaned as he took his arm off her, "That's where I live bitch." She looked at him with a shocked expression. Then it wore off as she thought about it. "Yeah it fits, you would live like a damn actor," she assumed. Adam rolled his eyes. "Whatever," he grumbled. "I just want to get a new robe and mask. This one has blood on it and Lucifer broke my mask...I bet when they kicked him out of heaven he landed on his head and that why he is the height of a garden gnome," Adam muttered, which Y/n knew was about Lucifer. She patted his back. "You'll be fine. And yea we can stop. Adam smiled and grabbed Y/n from the underneath of her arms. "HUH. Adam what are you doing?!" She asked while holding onto him. He stretched his wings out and looked at her with a smirk. "No.." she said to him. Last time she flew with him he threw her..literally. It was not fun, if anything trauma inducing.

   Adam used his wings to launch off the ground. Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck and gripped onto his robe while yelling. Adam just laughed as he flew towards his home. He kept his hands on her to ensure she didn't fall. Y/n didn't trust that though. She held back every instinct to yell or curse Adam out. She knew that if she took the chance to open her eyes it would only lead to more fear.

   Once they finally landed Y/n slowly and hesitantly opened her eyes. Adam was looking down at her with an expression of worry. "Ya good babes?" He asked. Y/n cleared her throat, letting go of him and nodded as she recomposed herself. "Yes, I'm fine," she said, gazing past Adam. She stared in amazement at the sight. Adams home literally looked like a celebrity's. "I feel like I should have expected this," she pointed out while looking around. Adam chuckled at her wonder. He walked over to stand beside her. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I mean of course if you're one of the most important people you would live extravagantly!" She smiled, gesturing to everything. "Oh that's not even the best part..." he responded, walking towards the fridge. Y/n tilted her head in confusion. She made her way to the fridge to see what Adam was talking about. He opened it to show a concerning amount of ribs. Like every single shelf it seemed. There was also sodas. Her expression of wonder faded as she gave him a deadpan expression. "Really?" She asked. Adam kept his smirk as he looked at the fridge clearly proud. "Yup" he stated, popping the 'p'. Y/n mentally face palmed. "Alright.."

-937 words

Hey guys! Another chapter out. I don't know how long this book will be but we will find out eventually.

.°~Love ya~°.

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