Behind the mask (EXO KAI VS H...

By StarrySky_4you

1.8K 70 23

Luna is a girl that comes from a poor family because of a big debt but she works very hard to pay it off. so... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17

Chapter 2

222 9 0
By StarrySky_4you

I really don't look forward to tutor Kai at all!
As always I went down for breakfast.

I could feel most of the girl dead glaring me.
Ofcourse must be from yesterday and kyungil.

I walked my way to get my breakfast.
Suddenly I felt I was tripping.

I fell to the ground.

I heard someone behind me laughing so hard.
I turn around. It was Kai.

"You must be be careful ugly duckie" he said.

That comment hurt me very much inside.
I try to hold in my tears and showing no pain...

I stood up and got the dust off my clothes.
And went on.

"Oh my Luna that was kinda of a big fall are you alright?" Asked the chef worried.

"I.. I'm fine.. No one got hurt right" I faked smiled.

"Right... Here is your breakfast"

I grabbed the tray with food.
"Thank you for the amazing food chef" I smiled with my might that I all had over.

Since I didn't want come off unthankful for the food he made.

I walk my way to a table and sat down.

Suddenly the comment that Kai said echoed in my head.

I suddenly don't feel like having breakfast anymore...
So I slowly eat it while getting lost in my thoughts.

I will be alright... Just endure it Luna..
Just bite it off... Soon it will be over..

After school.

I walked my way to Kai's room.
I walked to the door where the name Exo is on it.

I knocked on the door.
Someone opened it.

It was a very handsome tall guy opening it.
"Can I help you?" He asked.

"Well I'm here for Kai."

"That is most of the girls " he sighed and wanted close the door.

"Wait wait ! It's not what you think! I'm here to tutor him ..." I said hurried.

"Ahh.. Kai told me. I really don't see a ugly duckie here. You are pretty kinda beautiful" he smiled.

I blushed so red. Nobody ever said that to me.
"T-thank you..."

And I went inside.
Woah! It was a amazing living room there.

As expected from rich kids.
There were doors with names on it.

Seems like they live together.

"Let me get Kai okay? Wait here" he smiled.

"Ah okay"

He suddenly stopped.
"Oh yeah I forgot to introduce myself. I'm chanyeol" he gave his smile again.

Woah his smile is really woah..
No words to describe it.

Soon I see Kai and chanyeol coming.
"Ah you are here. Follow me"

I'm kinda scared to come with him. Or being alone with him at all.
So I trying to follow him...

I felt uneasy.
We sat down by the table.

And I looked through the grades of Kai while he was doing something?
Low... Woah. His rank... 150...

Well it isn't that bad.. Since we have about 500 or more people in the school.

But yet putting him in the top 50 is a tough job to do.

Aish! How am I gonna do that ?!
Way too high !

I sighed very heavily.
I have to do it anyways and anyhow.

He came to sit down next to me finally.
"Are they very bad?" He asked.

"You know you have to get in the top 50 right?" I asked.

"What!? 50!?" He said shocked.

The director must not told him.
What am I gonna do ?!?

I really wanna smack my head to the table.

This is really helpless..
Well it could happen but he has to do his very best and wanting this...

"Okay tell me your problems" I said.

But he was looking out the fricking window!!
Flirting with girls. I start to get pissed and closed the curtains.

"Eh ! What are you doing!?" He asked.

"Stay by the lesson. I know you don't like it but we still need to do this whenever you don't like it or not" I said.

"Urhhg so stupid" he sighed and start to stand up.

"Hey!? Where are you going?!" I asked.

"Somewhere not here" he said.

"Arghh! I'm only here because I wanted to help you ! Urghh forget it !" I sat down.
Why must I suffer like this god?

Did I do anything wrong to you?

I start to pack in my books and went out his room.

So stupid.. but now.. the debt..
I can't leave it like this.

Soon I saw chanyeol in the hallway.
"Oh you. How does it goes? " He asked.

I sighed. "Horrible. He doesn't even want to. So I'm going" I said

"Ah wait! Do you want some cake?" He asked with a smile.

How could I not say no to that.
I nodded.

We sat down in the living room.
I told him what happened.

"Really ? He did? "

"Yeah.. I have no idea how I'm gonna do this.. but I have to no matter what"

"Why ? If it was me I would given up long time ago" he took a sip from his tea.

"I also would if I could.."

"Why? You can always stop"

"Well.. I don't think should tell you now since I don't know you well. Basically we are just strangers" I said.

"Well.. how do think if we do this" he put down his cup.

Im listening.
"That we say well.. to be friends right now?"

"What?" I said surprised.

"Come on doesn't sounds bad right? I'm not a bad guy anyways."

" I know but why do you wanna be friends with me ?" I asked.

I was kinda nervous for his answer...
What is gonna say.. hopefully not something hurtful.

"Just because. I wanna know you and besides you seem very to be kind and nice. So why not?"

I smiled.
"Sure. If you say so. It doesn't sound bad" I said.

"So why do you need to work with kai ?" He asked.

"Well.. because I made a deal with the director. If I get them in the top 50. The Debt of my family will be finally payed off" I said.

"Your family is poor?" He asked suprised.

I nodded.
"That's why I'm here at school. So I have to do it. Since we need to pay my mother's hospital and medicine bills"

He looked at me as if he pitys me.
"Ah is alright. You don't need to pity me." I smiled polite.

"You sure ?" He asked.

"Ofcourse I want to stand on my own two feet to solve it and to make it later for sure"

He smiled.
" I really admire you."

"Why so ?"

"Because you work hard for your money while me and many others here already have a lot of money but not eared by ourselves. So I admire you" he smiled.

I start to blush.
" You really don't need to flatter me"

He laughed. "Woah your so red. Like tomato cheeks" he pinch my cheeks.

"Arghh! Hurts!"

We talked and laughed. I really enjoyed the time with chanyeol.

So this is how it feels having a friend.
So warm. Makes me feel really better.

"But still I don't know what to do with kai.. oh well.." I looked at the clock.

"Oh time for me to go. Woah I was here for at long time"

"Well you shouldn't worry too about him. I will talk with him"

"Thanks chanyeol. You are really a good friend" I smiled.

I waved him goodbye and went my way to my room.

My first friend.. I thought in my bed.
So thankfull for him.

He is nice and kind also.
Even thought very tall haha.

Slowly I fell asleep.

The next day.

As always I get my breakfast.
I looked at the exo table.

Kai looked at me and turned away.
Werid.. he would always bully me at this time or calling me a ugly duckie.

Now I'm used to it. It doesn't hurt much as the first time.

Werid... Chanyeol saw me and waved to me with and smile.

I did the same back.
He signs to come to sit by him by the table.

The thought of it.. was kinda scary.
I shook my head scared.

And went to sit by a table alone.

Then after that it was time for gym.
A thing I wasn't bad at but also wasn't good at it.

I dressed in sport clothes.
And went outside.

"Okay we gonna do a competition. So make groups of 2" said the teacher.

Shet! I should known this. Then I wouldn't have come here.
I look around me and see everybody making groups.

I just stood still. I was kinda frozen.
But it felt painful and sad that I had nobody.

I never liked being in groups anyways.
I was hopeless.

What am I gonna do.
I looked around. Maybe somebody is alone.

Hopefully kind and nice.
But I couldn't find anybody.

People start to look at me.
For not having a partner.

They also slowly start to laugh.
I felt so alone.. I almost wanted to cry.

Then they started to tease me.
"Look at her."

"What did you expect? Ofcourse she has nobody because nobody wants her"

Slowly it became endurable for me.
I wanted to walk away.

"Luna you have not a partner yet?" Asked the teacher.

"Ehh.. " I could only look at the ground.

"I will become her partner" said somebody.

Everybody looked at the owner of the voice.
It was kyungil.

Everybody was shocked including me.
"What !?"

He came to stand next to me.
He sighed.

"Oh kyungil good then we will go on since everybody has a partner I assume"


We started to follow the teacher.
"First it is a soccer game ! "

"But teacher why are we doing this ?! This is not very common." Said a student.

Everybody agrees.
"Oh well what if I tell you there are prices to win?" He said.

We all were curious.
"First place with the most points gets a very special price!"

"That is ? "

"A date with anyone that you choose"said teacher.

I was really shocked. More than shocked.
What the heck is that for price!

But everyone looked very happy.
Especially the girls.

They looked very scary in my eyes.
Longing for the guys.

Then I notice a lot of girls staring at kyungil.
I looked at him. Wondering what for reaction he gives.

As always expected from the cold prince.
No expression to seen .

"Hmm thanks for being my partner.. I kinda feel sorry that you choose me" I said to him.

"I only choose you because I pity you" he said cold.

Even thought so.. I think he is very kind.
"Even thought so I'm still glad and thankful you choose me" I smiled.

Still he face is on poker face.
I'm kinda getting used to it.

"Anyways are you not afraid for these girls?" I asked while looking around.

"No why?" He asked.

Ofcourse he doesn't know how women are.
"What do you mean !? They are looking to eat you alive."

He just laughed a softly.
Soon he stopped laughing. I turn around.

I see a beautiful girl smiling at kyungil.
I could sense kyungil was not very happy with it.

"We should win" he said.

"What?" I asked him.

"We must win." He said and walked away.

What? Weird is he.
I followed him from behind.

Soon it started and it was that beautiful girl turn.
She was really good. She scored a lot of goals.

But the aura around kyungil went darker and darker.
I don't really understand. I'm kinda afraid to ask him.

Or he won't tell me at all.
I sighed. I stood up and went to the girls room.

Suddenly I hear some girls talking.
"Did you see that gorgeous girl?"

"Yeah I'm kinda envious but what about her? She seems to be very good in sports you know"

"She is the ex of kyungil." She whispers.

"Daebak! You not kidding me ?" Said the girl amazed.

"I'm not kidding. And she is no joke. I heard she is trying to get him back but kyungil got hurt by her I heard"

"That's why she is trying so hard with this competition"

"Who is not trying hard? I mean a date with a person that you just choose with. Isn't that amazing?"

The other girl sighs.
"But doesn't that mean we have to beat her?"

"Oh well can try" they left.

Kyungil and that girl...
Wow he must be very hurt bad.

Maybe is that why he is so cold to girls and everybody.
That's why he suddenly wanted to win this thing.

Then I should do my best for it.
Since he choose me as partner. Which I'm thankful for.

But I kinda feel sorry for him. That he has to win with me in the team.
Well like that girl said. We can try.

I went back to my seat.
"Where were you?" Asked kyungil.

"Was doing some little business in the girls room. Is it our turn already?" I asked.

"Yes come" he said.

"What are you gonna do kyungil?! Having such ugly duckie in your team!?" Yelled Kai.

I could feel I was boiling with anger.
"I can throw a ball to that dumb head of yours" I whisper softly in anger.

Kyungil must heard it and laughed a bit about it.
We went in the field.

We went against a boy-girl couple too.
" Just stand infront of the goal. I will handle everything" he said with fire in his eyes.

I just nodded and stood infront of the goal.
To be fair. I really did nothing.

Kyungil always had the ball and scored.
The couple hasn't even had a chance to even try to score at all.

Soon we hear the whistle.
5-0 for kyungil.

I could see kyungil sweating and panting hard from doing everything alone.
I gave him a towel and a bottle of water.

That is what I could at last do.
We went to sit by the tree under the shadow.

I got a idea.
"Wait a sec here okay?" I went.

Hurried to the kitchen and grabbed a bag full of snacks or food or fruits.
And ran back to kyungil.

"What is this?" He asked.

I gave him a ice cream.
"Here you must need it"

I went to sit down also.
"Where do you get it?" He asked.

"I'm on good terms with the chef. What do you think?" I smiled.

"Well.. Thanks.."
Somehow it gave me a warm feeling inside when he said that.

"Well it is what I can at last do. Since I'm not a very good sport partner at all for you" I frown .

"Geez is fine" I suddenly felt he was patting my head.

I feel kinda awkward.
But it felt warm..

I smiled.
"You must not really like the thought of having a date with someone" I said.

"Yeah that is right"

"Weird. I thought you were alright at first but suddenly you changed your mind"

"Because you convicted me. The thought of it. Is a bit scary" he said at a joking tone

I laughed.
soon after a lot of games that we lost and won.

"Okay next is the high jump! One of the couple will jump only and one chance only"

It was kyungil turn. I'm trying to cheer him up.
Or something like that.

"You can do this! We need just to win this and it's over" I said.

He nodded and went stand in place.
I put my thumbs up.

He saw it and also put it up. Not noticeable.

He starts to run. It's pretty high... But if it's kyungil he will make it.
Somehow it's really higher than it says.

Looks like it. Isn't? Looks more like 2,50 then 2,15
Isn't ? But it says 2,15

Weird... Soon I walk a bit closer and saw the number.
2,50 !?!? Omg !

"Kyungil ! Stop !! " I yelled. And tried to stop him.
But too late he already jumped.

Before I know it. I hear moans of pain.
I ran to him. He was holding his right feet.

"Are you okay!? Let me put out your shoe" I said and slowly put it out.
Everybody tries to come closer.

But the teachers stop them.
It was red and blue and purple.

It doesn't look all too good.
I looked worried at him.

His face says he is in pain.
"Come on let's go bring you to the school doctor" I said.

I grabbed his arm and put it around my shoulder.
He slowly stands up and we slowly make our way to the school doctor.

I make him sit on the research table.
The doctor start to look at his foot.

"Seems like you sprained your foot. You can't compete anymore" said the doctor.

"What!? I must ! Is there no other way?" Asked kyungil.

He shook his head.
"No way. No chance. "

Kyungil sighed.
What to do... Then I have to do it..

Then I hear out the window.
"The last game is a race ! One of the couple must run. Only one."

A race.. Running is my strongest. But I don't do it as the best.
I worry about that girl.

"Then please take good care of him." I said to the doctor.
And went quickly back to the field.

"Can I still join right?" I asked.

The teacher nodded his head.
Good... i changed my clothes again

Then I went to my place.

Standing ready for the ready sign.
Well this is it.

"What is that girl doing here?" Asked the others.

Then I see that girl walking to me.
"What are you standing here for ? Your team already is lost" she said with a arrogant look on her face.

"What do you think? Winning this game ofcourse. I'm confident. Are you?" I asked her.

She kinda backed off.
Ofcourse she didn't expected that answer.

"Really? You would not make it anyways." She smirked.

I wonder what she is meaning with that.

I didn't care. And started to warm up.
I must win for kyungil.

He always been kind to me even though it came cold over.

Yet his actions are very kind.
This time I should be at last useful as a partner.

The teacher signs to get ready.
Soon it was starting.

I took my position.
Took a deep breath.

Trying to still my nerves.
"Okay! Ready!"

My heart beated faster.
You can do this luna! You can win this!
Fair and honest.

Yes fair and honest.
You can do this..

I was trying to cheer for myself this hat I could do this.

"Set! Start!"

I start to run and everybody was cheering, screaming.

I kinda started good.
In the 3th place I guess.

Everybody was kinda suprised that I was fast.

I didn't care. I just run with all my might and energy I have.


I bit through and passed a guy.
I saw it was almost the finsh.

Just a straight 500m I guess.
I gave my last spurt.

Then I was neck on neck with that girl. She was surprised.

"Come on!!" I heard.
It was kyungil's voice.

I could recognize his voice.
It gave a bit of extra energy.

Soon before I knew it. I was first.
But suddenly I felt someone pushed me !

I saw infront of me a iron pipe.
And it was standing up.

Shet ! But I could react or protect myself at all.

I was falling to fast for it.
Before I knew it..

"Ahhh!!!!!!!" I cried out of pain.

I put my hand infront of my left eye.
Everybody was shocked.

I could see the blood on the floor.
Then I saw that girl passing with a smirk.

That &@#^^@&+¥€^÷&
I won't let you win.

Even I got hurt.

Everybody surrounded me.
But I push them away and start to run again.

"What Are you doing ?!" Yelled the teacher.

I still had my hand on my left eye but I still could run.

I ran with all my might !
Soon I could catch up with that horrible two face cheater.

It was exciting. It was really neck on neck.

I just didn't think and ran my last spurt.

"A fotofinish! "

I was so happy as the heck.
I finally passed the finsh.

I went on my knees.
And started to pant very hard.

I feel so heavy and stuffy after everything.

And I could taste blood in my mouth.
The doctor and a teacher picked me up.

I sat on the table.
"Okay put that hand away. "

I slowly let go.
And was kinda scared.

I cant believe that I still ran with this eye. Normally I wouldn't done that..

I tremble.
"Oh my what a damage. But you shouldn't be worried. It didn't made you lost your eye. Luckily it didn't went too far" said the doctor.

He started to clean up and stop the blood.

Soon I had a eyepatch.
"It may feel kinda itchy but it can't be helped. As you don't scratch it. It will slowly be lessen. Don't forget to come here for check ups okay?"

I nodded. And got the medicine with me.

I walk out the room.
Well that was kinda of a chaos.

I should change and wash my clothes. So I changed my clothes.

"Oh right ! The result!" I ran to the field.

I went to stand next to kyungil.
Who has crutches in his hand.

"Teacher what is the result?" I asked.

Seems like I was right on time. The pictures were coming out.

"Humm Minah has won.. by a leg."

That girl is called Minah?.
Such a waste for a pretty name.

She was smiling all happily.
And wanted to brag about it.

"But since she didn't play fair and got luna hurted. Wins the team of kyungil" said the teacher.

"What!?!? What do you mean she wins ?!?!" She yelled.

"What do you mean ?! You gave her a eye injury!" Said the teacher mad.

I just secretly giggle.
" are you okay?" Asked kyungil worried.

I looked at him.
I gave him a smile and and and thumbs up.

" I'm alright."

"Really? You shouldn't have done this" he said.

"What? Don't feel guilty about it. I wanted to do this and choose for it not you. So stop feeling guilty for it" I try reassure him.

He starts finally to show he is a little more at ease.

"Besides I wanted to do it for you. You seems not really wanted to go to a date with her. And I understand very well now" I pointed at my eyepatch.

He at last laughed at my joke luckily.
"So they can choose who they can go a date with"

Everybody looked at us.
"Well.. I really don't have anybody wanting having a date with. So I gave the chance to somebody else" I said.

"Omg she can.." They all went amazed. Wondering why I wouldn't choose.

Since I could go with one of the hottest guys of the school.

But meh.. I don't know them so why should I ?

"I'm gonna give it to the nicest couple here at school" I said.

They were happy.
Well I always saw them. They are really cute together so why not.

"Thanks !" They said to me with a smile.

I was glad and happy.
But I was wondering who is kyungil is gonna choose.

Well.. he is sure gonna say that he doesn't want and walks away or giving someone else the chance.

"Well I decide to choose a date anyways" he said.

Every girl went crazy.
I was kinda suprised by that answer.

Didn't expect it. That girl must be very lucky.

"Well I choose this girl as my date" he points.

Everybody gasped.
"What?!?!" The girls go on a rage mode.

I look at kyungil. At which girl is he pointing at.

And i shocked.
His finger was pointing at me?!

"What?! You must be kidding right?" I asked to be sure.

He shook his head.
"Why me ?" I asked.

"Because I kinda feel guilty about it and so I mabye can pay you back somehow"

Oh well it won't be date.
"So just a trip through the city" I asked.

He nodded.
"Okay !" I made the okay sign and smiled.

I was very happy.
For in the first in a very long time.

I get out of the school for once !!
I cheer out of happiness.

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