Hateful desires

By SHluvzmess

9.3K 249 437

A Draco Malfoy x Y/n enemies to lovers. In the magical world of Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy finds himself entangle... More

Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 (jumps+info)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 5

324 11 0
By SHluvzmess

I am gonna end this year soon, I am too excited to write about Y/n and Malfoy and their development, I have so many ideas, and none of them are appropriate in the 2nd year.

Hope you like the chapters, Love - S

As Y/n went down to change, she saw Malfoy standing with Blaise and Theo, yes Malfoy was friends with Crabbe and Goyle, or they were more like his elves, doing everything and anything for him, but Theo and Blaise were his actual friends. He did everything with them, hung out with them and fooled around, but when she came closer, she noticed that they were arguing, he seemed pretty pissed.

She hid behind some bushes, trying to eavesdrop. He was yelling and cursing, but she couldn't really hear what he was yelling. She thought it was something silly since Malfoy could get pissed off by anyone and anything, but this seemed more serious somehow. She got bored of hiding since she couldn't hear a thing, so she quickly got up, brushed some leaves off and walked towards them, "Hey boys, who pissed in your cup Malfoy?" she grinned as his face faded, it never failed to amuse her when she pissed off Malfoy.

"Shut up before I piss in yours" Malfoy spat, as he glared at the boys, he was very mad and seemed like he was going mad.

"How charming Malfoy, didn't know a pureblood could be filthy", that really provoked him, never mention anything about pureblood and filth in the same sentence when Malfoy is there.

"Oh shrug off mate, can't take a joke" Theo quickly said as he patted Malfoy's shoulders, whispering something in his ear making him shut up.

"Go and catch it with style," Blaise said with a teasing tone in his voice. "Style? what style" Malfoy spat "She will be a disgrace to the Slytherins after the match" he laughed, as Y/n grabbed her wand standing one inch from him "Jealous you can't play huh" She mocked him. She could feel his breath, the mint itching her nose "I thought so" and Theo laughed his ass of, but Blaise didn't find it as amusing as they did.

"Don't worry Malfoy, you will even cheer for me out there"  she smirked and left.

Marcus Flint and Cedric Diggory shook hands and wished each other good luck, not crushing Diggory's hand, Slytherins did have a soft spot for Hufflepuffs. the game started. Y/n was hovering looking for the snitch, she saw Humberstone at the other side waving and mouthing good luck, she waved back and mouthed good luck back.

The snitch was nowhere to be seen, as her eyes scanned the air, she spotted Slytherin's house, cheering for her, and felt happy as she spotted Pansy, wearing screaming in the stands. She let out a giggle spotting the boys cheering too, Malfoy just staring at her and when their eyes met he smirked.

After a while, with 110 points to Slytherin and 50 points to Hufflepuff, she finally spots the golden snitch and races after it "Looks like Y/n has spotted the snitch" Lee Jordan announces everyone cheers, and Humberstone races after her. Bludgers flew right behind him as if they were hexed. They follow the snitch under the bleachers, the bludgers right behind them breaking half of the stadium.

Everyone gasps "Oh and Y/n and Humberstone are out of sight " Lee Jordan says, elevating the tension .

"And they are back" he yells, Humberstone almost taking the lead, where she elbows him and he stumbles down as a bludger smashes into her hand "Ouch, that must have hurt" and the crowd grunts and scoffs.

Unluckily the bludger hit her dominant hand, making it an impossible task for her to catch the snitch. A second bludger come crashing towards her, and she manages to escape it, only for it to smash into her from the other side, into her ribcage. She hovers slightly in the air, taking deep breaths, the crowd sitting in angst 'head high, chin straight' she repeated, she looked up and smirked and flew towards the snitch, the crowd going crazy "Y/l/n is unstoppable" Lee annonces.

She reaches after the, no hands on the broom and she falls and rolls on the ground "Oiii, Y/l/n is down" Everyone gasps, as she lies, she groans trying to stand up and pulls her hand out holding the snitch "And she has caught the snitch, 150 points to Slytherin, Slytherin wins" Lee Jordan announces as the cheers erupt, the whole team running up hugging and embracing her, even her Hufflepuff friends run down "You were amazing" the Slytherin team praising her and lifting her up in the air, throwing her while. they chant "Y/l/n". 

"Owww" she yells, them placing her down, her gaze falling over Malfoy, sending him a wink and colapsing.

Madam Pomfrey runs towards her, grabbing two boys and pulling them along to help carry her, Malfoy and Blaise. The reason Malfoy couldn't play was because of his injury from weeks ago, that he had healed from, but Flint didn't want to take the chance, making Y/n the seeker for the match.

Blaise and Malfoy carry her and place her gently in a bed, waiting impatiently for Madam Pomfrey to get back. Malfoy scoffed at Blaise praising and congratulating her, rolling his eyes all the way to the back of his head everytime her hears 'you were amazing', 'it was badass' and so on.

 "Ohh are you mad that I was right, Malfoy" Y/n teased him as he rolled his eyes "No, I'm pissed that Blaise and Theo made me watch the bloody stupid game" he spat at her, as he was about to leave Blaise stops "Well, I heard cheering andcursing when she was hit by the bludgers, from you" he patted him on the shoulder "It's alright to come clean mate, not shame in cheering for her, she is a Slytherin after all" he laughed, Malfoy not finding it amusing at all.

"Awhh you cheered for me, cute" she laughed his pale cheeks getting a little pink. "See you later, don't want to be late for detention with Snape" Blaise said walking out, leaving the two Slytherins alone, Humberstone in a deep peaceful sleep next to them.

They sat in silence for a while, Malfoy being the one to break it.

"Just so you know, I was cheering for Slytherin winning, not you" he hissed at her, making her roll her eyes "Which means you also cheered for me" she smirked teasing him "No I did not" venom dripping from his tongue, she would have continuted their banter if she wasn't in so much pain "Whatever, I don't care" she said, her voice breaking as she gasps and twists in the bed.

Madame Pomfrey came back, stomping on the ground "Malfoy, hold her hand, this ought to be painful" he hesitated, shaking his head, but obeying the order he recieved. 

Malfoy held her hand whilst Madame Pomfrey forced the nasty potion down Y/ns throat, a few seconds in and her screaming almost deafening him. He couldn't help but get an uncomfortable feeling in his stomach, at the sound of her screams, he almost felt bad, until the pain in his hand formed and he stood there muttering under his breath.

He held her hand the entire time, his hand burning until she drifted into a slight peaceful state and loosened her grip on his hand.

"She needs rest, you can leave now Malfoy" Madame Pomfrey said, he let go of her hand and nodded at her, walking towards the door before he heard a low voice echo through the wing "Thank you Draco" the sound of his first name crippled in his body, but he ignored it "I owed you one" and he actually smiled at her.

The door opened after a while and Pansy, Hermione, Ron, Potter and Sophia all came running in, asking how she was, and brought a lot of sweets, and her favourite, Bertie Botts, All Flavour Beans. She was a lucky one, always getting the good flavors, whilst everyone else always got the disgusting ones.

"Let me try one" Pansy said taking a pink one, everyone staring, waiting for a reaction. She chewed it and she spat out screaming and rubbing her tongue. They died of laughter "What flavour was it" Sophia asked giggling as she patted Pansy's back "I don't know, it was bloody disgusting, tasted like stinky feet, or the smell of stinky toes" she cried while still rubbing her tongue.

Madam Pomfrey kicked them out, they were disturbing and she needed rest.

She woke up to the sound of chatter, she looked around and saw the golden trio sitting next to her talking about some chamber thingy.

"What chamber" Y/n asked, drawing their attention to her. "Oh nothing, sorry if we woke you" Hermione smiled "Well it was about time, she had slept all day" Ron grunted getting nudged by Hermione.

"Oh, you are finally awake, her drink one every day for the week" She gave her some pills "Yes of course Miss, thank you" Y/n smiled, and walked out with the others.

Her body was sore, and she was in pain. She was happy that she didn't have to go to the classes, it was like a small break. The trio escorted her back to the slytherin common room, and went on their own ways. She walked in to an empty common room, and it felt, odd.

"Ew, I stink" she whispered to herself, she hadn't showered after the match, disgusting, so she had a long hot shower, the hotness southing the pain.

There was not much to do, so she decided to do her homework, firstly Potions, since she was behind there, wanting to do it properly. She sat next to the fireplace in the common room, the fire warming her body, and also the sound of the burning wood relaxing her.

"How are you, feeling better" she snapped her head up in shock and saw Blaise there. She smiled and nodded "Yes, but this essay is making me wish I was more hurt" she said as frowned looking down. Blaise wasn't top of potions like Malfoy and Hermione were, but he was better at potions than her, so he helped her finish it.

As they were almost done, the common room got filled up, and Malfoy, Theo, Crabbe and Goyle came in "Look at the couple" Theo snickered and he laughed, getting hit on the head by Malfoy, he rolled his eyes and sat down next to Blaise and Y/n "Potions essay, couldn't have asked a worse person for help than Blaise" he laughed at Blaise, "Just go away" Y/n hissed "Why are you even sitting with us when all you can do is bicker about us" she spat, rolling her eyes as she got up, Blaise right behind her as they left towards the library.

They stayed at the library for hours, reading and finishing her essay, and they talked a lot too, Blaise was really nice too "I figure you kinda owe me now since I have been cooped up helping you with the essay" he teased her smiling. He was a handsome boy, with dark brown hair as well as as brown eyes and skin. "Of course, I can help you with your next charms essay" she said knowing that he isn't the best at charms.

They laughed, and as the curfew was getting closer they hurried back to the common room, as they entered Malfoy and the boys were sitting by the fireplace, staring as they walked in, Malfoy rolled his eyes at them, as Blaise sat down next to them and Y/n going back to her dorm.

"Where have you been all day, thought you were supposed to relax" a voice came from the dorm "I was at the library with Blaise, he helped me with my potions essay, you know how terrible I am at potions" she answered as Pansy's face lit up in laughter "Blaise huh" she winked at Y/n and she just shook her head.

They spent the evening talking about everything, boys, Malfoy and his annoying pain-in-the-arse minions and just gossiped about everything.

As the months passed by, it became December. Y/n woke up in a very cold dorm, and she had a gut feeling about going outside. She shook Pansy awake, grabbed her coat and they ran outside "Why are we going outside, it's so early" Pansy groaned as she was right behind Y/n.
"I have a feeling that it's snowing" she yelled her voice full of excitement.

As they opened the doors, everything was white outside, she jumped with excitement.

A lot of students were already out, playing in the snow and having snowball fights.
"Really, couldn't you have waited an hour or so" Pansy scoffed as she was dragged out by Y/n.

"NO, I LOVE SNOW" she yelled, as she began throwing snowballs at Pansy. She giggled as she saw Pansy getting frustrated and hurrying to make some snowballs. Out of nowhere, a snowball hits Y/n in the back of her head, as she turned around she saw Malfoy laughing and pointing at her with Theo and Blaise beside him "Oh, 3 against 2" she mocked "Unfair, how are you ever going to win against us" she yelled and laughed as she saw a snowball pass her head and hitting Theo right in the face "Good one Pansy" She giggled.

"Oh, it's on" The boys yelled as they started throwing snow at each other, multiple ones hitting Theo and Malfoy right in the face, Blaise nowhere to be seen" As Y/n and Pansy were throwing snowballs faster than the boys could make them, a hand grabs Y/n from behind and pushes her to the ground.

"Hey, that's unfair" she yelled as she laughed looking up at Blaise, Pansy sneaking behind Blaise and showing a large amount of snow in his face, rubbing it in. They all laughed, Malfoy, Theo and Blaise partnering up against the girls "Okay okay, it's enough" Pansy yelled winking at Y/n. "Sore losers" Malfoy chuckled, dusting himself off. They walked up to make a truce with the boys, Y/n hiding a huge snowball behind her back, walking up to Malfoy stretching her hand out "Truce?" she smiled, he smirked and went to shake her hand, just for her to push him down and shove the snow in his face and, down his neck into his shirt, he let out a girlish scream from the cold sensation, the girls running back whilst he screamed at her "Y/l/n when I catch you, you're dead" he spat.

They laughed all the way back to their dorm room, Malfoys reaction was worth their dripping clothes. They didn't have the same classes that day, so they seperated after.

Y/n walked alone to DADA, which she hated because of their idiot teacher Lockhart. All the girls loved him, everyone thought he was so handsome but Y/n thought he was ridiculous, he was undoubtedly the worst teacher if the whole wizarding world, and they never learned anything from him. She was surprised he was even a teacher.

He opened some cages filled with blue things, Cornish pixies, harmless but mischievous. They got out of control, and he left making the last students in the class catch them. Longbottom, being very unlucky and clumsy, washim hanging on the lights, she let out a little giggle, poor boy. The pixies noticed her and started dragging her by the hair "Small blue spawns of evil" she muttered in pain, they were real devils. "Immobulus" was yelled by none other then Hermione, thank god, which froze the pixies.

Gryffindor got some points out of that, and she loathed Lockhart even more, and found him suspicious, why did he run away scared because of some pixies, and how could he just let some 2nd year students clean his mess,she thought?

As the months went by, there were numerous accidents around the school, Filches cat almost died and was petrified, and Hermione was petrified, which broke her heart. 

Whispers went around about some heir of Slytherin, lots thought it was Potter, some thought it was Malfoy, but no one really knew. It was getting out of hand, but Potter had, of course, saved the school yet again, the heir of Slytherin being Tom Marvollo Riddle and Potter fighting a venomous giant basilisk, and everything then falling into place. Weird that no one knew about the basilisk, though Dumbledore always had high hopes for Potter as if he knew everything that would happen.

The year rounded off by having one last quidditch match, Slytherin vs Gryffindor.

"Oh hey Potter, break a leg" Y/n teased and he chuckled "You are the one telling me that, be careful out there, good luck" he smiled the others walking in "No funny business Y/n" Hermione said, her finger in my face "Of course not, mother" she teased "Oh look at that, the Slytherin blood traitor" Malfoy mocked, walking up to them, Ron looking extremely disgusted, he really didn't like Slytherins, and was only friendly to Y/n because of Harry and Hermione, he was a douche. "Oh didn't see you there weaselbee, not that there is much to see" he spat, the two goons behind him laughing. "At least he is not a polished slick haired thickhead" Hermione meddled. "Ohh look at the, got yourself a mudblood girlfriend" he spat, and I wanted to kill him, how dare he, he wiggled his eyebrows at Y/n as Ron went in for a punch. "The bloody hell, wait til my father hears about that" he spat "Yes, go run off to your daddy as you always do you heartless prick" Y/n spat at him.

Ron had recieved detention for the punch, but Malfoy deserved even more, it was the second time he had called Hermione a mudblood, but last time Ron tried to hex him but it backfired and he hexed himself.

She sat with the team before the desceneded down to the quidditch grounds, Malfoy walking with Flint at the front, discussing something.

Like usual, Flint crushed Wood's hand instead of shaking it, recieving glares from all the Gryffindors.

The match begun and immediately the Gryffindors lost a keeper. 

She flew around, scoring goal after goal, but they were tied with Gryffindor, they had gotton quite good. Malfoy and Potter had yet to find the snitch, it was no where to be seen, so they just hovered over the air, bantering. 

The beaters played dirty today, smashing down one of the chasers, the weight heavy on Y/Nns shoulders. "And Y/l/n is going for it" she was flying effortlessly, the attention from the gryffindors landing on her. The pressure was high, as the Gryffindor chasers flew on either side of her, and bumped in to her, the ball almost sliding out of her hand and one more hit "And Y/n is down" as she flew into a banner and almost fell to the ground, they hadn't noticed but she held on the banner and her broom, flying in rage towards the Gryffindor chaser, she flew above him, and did something now one had done, she flew upside down, and snatched the ball out of his hands "AND SHE IS BACK, UPSIDE DOWN, IMPRESSIVE" Lee annonced, and "SCORE".

"And Malfoy has spotted the snitch" and Potter rushes after him. They fly high, above the clouds, Y/n and another chaser right behind them. "Looks like Y/n is getting chased?" Lee says confused, it was weird, why would they chase her upwards?. 

"And Malfoy and Potter are back, the golden snitch still flying free" Lee Jordan yells, everyone, sighing. Y/n and the Gryffindor fly back, still high but in their view, and a beater from the Gryffindor teams sends a bludger towards them, no ones attention on the girl who is free falling in the sky "Who is that?" Lee says and everyone looks at the unconscious girl falling.

She wakes up a couple of hours later in the hospital wing, surrounded by her friends "Oh thank Merlin, you had me so worried" Pansy squealed embracing Y/n in a tight hug, only to pull away awkwardly fast.

"Oh my head hurts" Y/n complained, placing her hand on the side of her head. "No surprise since you got bludgered in the head" Pucey says, she looks at him weirdly "Wait what, what happend?" she looks around confused that she is lying in the hospital wing.

"Well I just told you" Pucey grins, "Oh shut it" Blaise spat "Well one of the Gryffindorks sent a bludger your way, and it hit you right in the back of your head, making you black out and fall through the sky" Pansy explains sadly "How am I alive then?", she sees Pansy and the others look at each other, the Golden trio next to them, not saying a word. "Ironically Malfoy caught you instead of the snitch" Pucey said amused.

 "Yeah, he raced over to you, as soon as he heard, nearly missing you" Sophia said, she hadn't noticed her there, her eyes were red and swollen, she had cried. "Well aren't I lucky, Malfoy being the hero" She said sarcastically "It is unbelievable" Ron spat, finally one of them saying something "First time I agree with a Gryffindork" Blaise said, the awkward tension hanging by a thread, before everyone burst out laughing.

As they all sat by her side, it was getting late and Madam Pomfrey reminded them of the curfew, all of them leaving.

 "How are you dear" Madame Pomfrey asked "Just a little lightheaded and sore Madame Pomfrey" she smiled "Well I will bring you something for that" she said, the door opening before her. 

"Oh Mr Malfoy, come in come in" she said sweetly, weird she normally would have sent him away. "When I come back, you must go, she needs her rest" Madam Pomfrey rose her brows at him "Of course Made Pomfrey" and with that she walked out.

Malfoy approached her slowly, and sat down on the chair next to her. "It really is beautiful isn't it" she said looking out the window, the stars and moon shining bright "It is calming" he replied, and they sat there for a while in silence, staring out the window.

"So what brings you here Malfoy?" she broke the silence, slightly smirking at him "Well i thought I would give you the opportunity to thank me" He said with a huge grin on his face, "A thank you for what exactly" she raised her eyebrows at him, knowingly that it was for catching her. "Ah I see, playing dumb" he says rolling his eyes at her with a slight grin, she laughed, Malfoy actually made her laugh.

"Thank you" she smiled, a genuine one. "Too bad you couldn't catch the snitch though" she broke ruined the moment and laughed, he just looked at her, shaking his head "Well it was either the snitch or saving you from becoming broken bones" he answered snappy.

They stayed in silence until Madame Pomfrey came back, and she couldn't shake the thought that Malfoy was the one to save her, maybe he wasn't as heartless as she thought.

It was the last day at Hogwarts, no classes to attend, just a lot of packing.
Y/n and Pansy sat together the whole day before having to leave "Are you sure you don't want to go to Paris with me and my family this summer" Pansy asked, as Y/n shook her head "I would actually love to, I just need to discuss it with my mother" she answered and Pansy jumped around in excitement.

They shared a compartment with the boys on the train, all of them going on and on about some stupid balls they have to attend, the only one that was never pressured to attend any was Y/n, and she was quite happy that she had that choice, but she loved going to balls, she loved feeling fancy and like a woman.

They bid their farewell, and she ran up to her family, how she had missed them and her eyes landed on her nan, and she jumped into a hug "I have missed you so much nan" she whispered "Oh I have missed you more, my sweet darling". "What about me" Her sister said "not really" she joked and they all hugged, her dad also being there, weird she thought.

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