Wolf of snow

By benaita

260 38 14

Being the only daughter and heir to the Dankworth family. My dream has always been the same to kill all the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 7

8 1 0
By benaita

Zephyra's POV

I pushed the door open to my room, slamming my hands on the dressing table as I looked at myself in the mirror not daring to stop the tears that rolled down my cheeks.

Elder Acacius was right my mother would have enjoyed all the things Odessa had. We would have thrown her a lot of surprise parties. Our pack would respect and appreciate her.

I respected Odessa, I thought she was a queen but I was wrong they are all murders. My mother was no more all because of that witch. If my mother was dead and had no privilege to enjoy all this then why was Odessa enjoying all the everyone had to offer? She also deserved to die and I would kill her with my own hands.

I removed my grey contacts my red eyes coming to view putting on a wicked smile.

I changed into some sweatpants and a hoodie. I put the hood over me covering my head I rolled up the sleeves and walked down the hallway to Odessa's room letting my alpha aura to be felt.

I didn't think of knocking I just got in and Odessa was now changed in a black dress.

Odessa looked up at me and I could see fear, shock and surprise written on her face.

" You're an alpha " Odessa asked in disbelief.

" You killed my mother, you took away my right of having a mother by my side all because of you I never had a childhood "

" What are you talking about? "

" You know what am saying Odessa don't act dump"

Odessa let out a mocking laugh clapping her hands in the process and I was taken aback by the sudden change.

" Zephyra you managed to fool the rest except from me. I felt your alpha aura the moment I saw you. And you know what? I didn't regret killing sapphira. We all know life is about power and who will always be at the top and besides I won the fight between lunas and according to the rules when a pack attacks another pack lunas have to fight and eventually one has to die, right? And when I managed to kill your weak mother I had the right to demand anything from my husband and do you know what I asked for? All members of blue moon pack to be beheaded and the existence of the pack to varnish which happened all because of me" Odessa said with no emotions.

" And Acacius was right I never had the right to kill sapphira but I did any way she was innocent but she became weak when your father Abraxas died instead of waiting for her to die slowly I did my duty and made it easier for her by killing her"

I looked at her in disbelief such an Innocent looking face but a demon inside " You did all that without thinking about other people so I will also do this without thinking about anyone involved "

I smirked I could see nothing but fear ' good' without thinking twice I killed Odessa right there and then separating her head from her body. Her blood was all over my face " Hope you rot in hell Odessa yallow"

Odessa enjoyed seeing my people being beheaded and killed my mom I just wanted her to feel the same way my people felt.

I put the hood back on my head and walked out of the room my head facing down till I reached my room. I went to the bathroom and wiped the blood on me.

I was about to lay down on my bed when I heard a scream it looks like someone finally found Odessa.

I reached to Odessa's room and found luncfreya kneeling down her head facing the floor. In a few moments pandra and the yallow family came in. Everyone was now crying and I got irritated. ' why would everyone cry for such a woman? '.

Dax came forward his hand on his chest as he made small steps to Odessa's head . He touched it and whispered something and he was now on the floor.

" Dad! " The brothers shouted but there was no response. They all rushed to their father calling out to him as pandra held luncfreya in her hands. So that's it Dax was also dead I loved that.


Word count : 750

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