Adopted by Michael Bohn (Andy...

By ctetrash

19.6K 551 98

*Andy Leo fanfic* Lexi had a very horrible, traumatizing childhood with all of her foster parents. As years g... More

Adopted by Michael Bohn
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Christmas
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Author's Note
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 32

275 11 0
By ctetrash

Lexi pov~

I woke up and instantly smiled. I had two dates yesterday and it was amazing. Andy made me happy and Hayden made me feel like a princess. I got out of bed and there was a knock at the door.  Who could be awake at...7:30 in the morning? I opened my door to have a pair of lips onto mine. I pulled away and saw Hayden.

"I'm sorry, I just had to kiss those perfect lips again."

I smiled and kissed Hayden back. We pulled away and I pulled him into my room. He was wearing the usual; black tee, black skinny jeans, vans, sunglasses and a bandanna.

"You like checking me out? By the way, love the outfit."

I looked down and remembered my tank top and shorts, blushing. Hayden opened his arms and I smiled, accepting his hug.

"Thank you for last night Hayden. You made me feel special."

I look up and Hayden plants a soft kiss upon my lips again. I smile in the kiss and we pull away.

"Anyway, I was wondering if you'd want to be my cuddle buddy? I was cold and lonely last night in my bed."

I smile and nodded, giving Hayden a quick kiss. I pulled him to my bed and I snuggled into his chest. Within only a few minutes, there was knocking on my door. Ugh, why now? I crawled out of bed and opened the door to only be in a tight hug.

"Air." I gasped.

The person let me go and it was Michael.

"Uh, please don't tell me anything inappropriate happened in this room last night?"

"No no no no no!"

Hayden got up and I just stood there.

"Nothing happened Michael. I just got here wanted to cuddle Lexi, no harm done."

"The only harm there was that Andy kept complaining that he wanted to hang out with Lex. My ears were bleeding for him yelling."

"I'll hang out with him."

I noticed Hayden frowned then left, I knew he was pissed.

"So how was your dates yesterday?"

"Andy made me happy and Hayden made me feel like a princess."

I smiled and that brought a smile to Michael's face.

"I'm glad that you had a good time hun. I'll go let Andy know and we'll see what happens there."

I nodded and Michael left. I shut the door and remembered Hayden's expression, mad and upset. My phone buzzed and I checked who messaged me, Andy.

Andrew✌- Hey Lex, I want you to meet someone. Be ready by 10 x

Who's this someone? I put my phone on the bed and took my shower, taking my time. I got out and got dressed. I then started on my hair. I noticed that my natural hair color is showing, brown. I don't wanna dye it orange again. I groaned and started on my makeup. It was almost 9, plenty of time. After my makeup, I found a beanie and put it on, making sure it covered the top of my head. I sat down and began scrolling through tumblr, losing track of time.

*knock knock knock*

I get up and answer the door, Andy.

"Hey sweet cheeks, you look lovely."

I smiled and Andy smiled, Hayden's expression still in the back of my mind.

"You ready?"


I grabbed my wallet, phone and left. Andy grabbed my hand and I got butterflies.

"So who are we meeting?"

"I can't tell you who, but you'll love her."

Her. Who is she? Is this....jealously I'm feeling? Am I gonna met Andy's ex? Who? I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realize that we were at the park.



"Meet my sister, Rosie."

His sister?

"Hi, Andy has told me many great things about you."

We hugged and relief washed over me. 

"Ah  damn it, the guys need me for an interview. Rosie take care of her, Lexi text me if you need anything."

Andy gave Rosie a side hug and placed a kiss on my forehead before leaving.

"So, tell me about yourself Lexi."

"My name is Lexi Bohn, Michael Bohn adopted me. I'm 16, almost 17 years old. Most of the guys on tour is like father figures to me. I love having fun and making people laugh or smile. I laugh very easily, like just over anything I find funny. I'm only 5'4 and don'r enjoy it much. I hate girly things, but at the same time I'll wear something girly once in a while. So, that's what I can think of at the moment. Tell me about yourself Rosie."

"My name is Rosie Ann Leo. I'm Andy's adoptive sister. I'm 18 years old and I'm 5'4. I love music, concerts and most people. I dislike girly stuff. I may seem and act like a rebel, but I'm like the nicest person you'll ever meet. Also, I'm really scared to get hurt."

"Wait, you're dating Brandon?"

"Yeah, he was the one who came up with the idea that we meet each other!"

I smiled, this probably won't be that bad after all. We continued chatting and I gotta say, Rosie is so easy to talk to.

"Hey can I ask you a question?"


"Do you like my brother?"

"Uh yeah."

"You hesitated a bit. There's another guy you're thinking about?"

"Yeah, Hayden."

"Oh don't fall for him, he's playing with you."

"How would you know?"

"He's dating Caity Babcock. She doesn't know about you whatsoever because Hayden is keeping you away. Did you two go onto a date?"

"Yeah, last night actually. Then he visited me this morning."

"What did he get for you guys to drink?"

"White wine, why?"

"First off, you can get drunk off wine easier than beer and those other liquors. Just please don't go for his charms. Listen, how about you and Andy go out tonight. I'll help you get ready and we'll see if you really wanna go for Hayden."

I nodded and we got to my room.

"Okay so Andy and them got back, I'll suggest him ideas then I'll come back here and we can get you ready."

I agreed and Rosie left, leaving me in silence. Who is this Caity Babcock? I went onto Hayden's instagram and saw pictures of him and a girl. I clicked onto her account, this is Caity. She was pretty, of age to date Hayden and seemed to make him happy. I was stalking her profile until banging on my door snapped me out of my thoughts. I got up and answered it, Rosie.

"Andy said he'll take you out, but he wants you to dress really pretty. Like girly status."

I groaned.

"I know, quit pouting. Now go wipe off all your makeup."

I go into the bathroom and wiped my makeup off, making sure everything was off. Rosie then walked in and started on my makeup, she even blocked the mirror so I couldn't see what she was doing. After what felt like ages, she was finished and let me look.


Rosie nodded and left to pick my outfit. All I saw was my clothes getting thrown around the room.

"Oh my god! I just remembered! I've got a skirt you can wear."

A skirt? I groaned, oh well. She is helping me get ready. After a few moments, Rosie walks in with a crop top, skirt, and pantyhose? I changed into the outfit and walked out, spinning around for Rosie.

"Perfect. Now I hate to do this to you."


Rosie pulls out some heels and I give her a 'Are you serious?' look. She shakes her head and laughs.

"No these."

She hands me white converse and I sigh in relief.

"Now hair."

We go back to the bathroom and Rosie starts curling my hair. We talk about random shit while my hair is getting done. I then cover my face and she sprays hair spray.

"You're all good now!"

I look and I gasp slightly. The makeup looks good. My hair is different, I like it. And I then look over my outfit and it looks good. I turn to Rosie and hug her. There was knocking at the door and Rosie quickly answered it.

"Hey Rosie."

"Hey Andy."

Rosie quickly ran to me and pulled me to where Andy could see me. He wearing a jacket, button up shirt, jeans and vans. Andy's jaw dropped when he saw me, it kinda made me feel weird. I hate being the center of attention.


I giggled at Andy struggling to say the correct words, it was cute.

"You look lovely."

I blushed and Rosie handed me a clutch.

"Now you two lovebirds be careful."

Andy opened the door for me and we left. I grabbed onto Andy's arm and smiled. I then saw Hayden and that Caity girl. He saw me and Andy, I saw hate written all over his face. Hayden then smashed his lips onto Caity's lips and carried her into his bands suite.

"Don't worry about Hayden, he's been on his period lately."

We left the hotel and it was a bit chilly. Andy and I arrived at the park we went to yesterday and saw a picnic set up at one of the tables. There were even lights around, it was like a dream.

"Wow, it's lovely."

Andy and I walked to the table. He pulled out all the contents and began eating our dinner. After eating, chatting and some food throwing here and there, Andy pulled out a cake. Now it wasn't any ordinary cake, it was cheesecake.

"Cheesecake? I love cheesecake!"

Andy chuckled and cut us a slice. We ate and talked about whatever was on our minds. Andy finished his slice and stood up, holding out his hand towards me.

"May I have this dance?"

And as if on cue, his music turned on to some slow music.

"Of course."

I grabbed Andy's hand he pulled me from my seat. We started dancing and I recognized the song, You're Beautiful by James Blunt. The song made me smile. I then heard Andy singing the words. I quietly signing the words as well, still having a smile in my face. We danced to a few more songs before I heard a familiar song, I Don't Wanna Close My Eyes by Aerosmith. Andy and I sang the song, not caring if we sounded horrible. Andy would twirl me around and I would giggle. By the last few seconds of the song, Andy pulled me close. He looked me in the eyes and planted a sweet kiss on my lips. I kissed back and felt sparks. My arms wrapped around Andy's neck as his wrapped around my waist. We pulled away and looked at each other.

"Did you feel sparks as well?"

I nodded and smiled.

"Lexi, I know this is just our second date, but will you be my girlfriend?"

A smile quickly plastered onto my face and I kissed Andy.

"I'm taking that was a yes?"


Andy and I shared another kiss. 

"We better start getting back, it's almost midnight."

I nodded and shivered. Andy chuckled and put his jacket onto my shoulders.

"Aren't you gonna get cold?"

"I'll be fine, I don't want you getting cold babe."

I smiled and Andy grabbed the basket and blanket. I put the jacket on and it was a bit big on me, at least it was warm. Andy grabbed my hand with his free hand and we left the park. We got to the hotel and we got to my door.

"Why don't you sleep here tonight?"

"Michael will kill me, he might kill me just for being your boyfriend."

"I'll explain to Michael. Just please, I want a cuddle buddy."

'Anyway, I was wondering if you'd want to be my cuddle buddy? I was cold and lonely last night in my bed.'  Hayden's face popped into my head and I just pushed it to the back of my mind.

"Since you're so cute and that you're my girlfriend, I'll sleep in here tonight."

We both smiled and I kissed Andy's lips. I unlocked the door and we walked in.

"Hope you don't mind, but I sleep in my boxers."

I instantly blushed.

"Oh I don't."

I got a tank top and shorts and left to the bathroom. I changed and I looked myself in the mirror. Michael is gonna kill Andy because we did have sex and he was not happy about that. I sighed and left the bathroom. Andy under the blanket already and wiggled his eyebrows at me. I giggled and got under the blanket as well. Andy puled me close and placed a kiss on my forehead. I cuddled into Andy's chest and started tracing his tattoos. Andy then began singing a song and I gotta admit, it was relaxing. I shut my eyes and felt myself getting sleepy. 

"Goodnight beautiful."

I felt another kiss on my forehead and fell into dreamland.

A/N: Boom! Andy and Lexi are together! Now sorry for the wait, but this chapter should make up for my absence. What did you guys think? Do you think Andy and Lexi will last long or will Michael break them up? Let me know in the comments. Ask any questions and I will gladly answer them! :D
Sorry for any mistakes. Also, maybe 10 votes and the next chapter will be released? Please. (:

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