
By CounterStrike_978

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Rin grew up convinced he didn't have an ounce of labia in him-the magic that binds all life together. But aft... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Thirteen

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By CounterStrike_978

"How did you say you got struck by an arrow?" The nurse undid the tight bandages around Rin's stomach as he let out a wince.

"Fighting pirates."

The woman just rolled her eyes. "Whatever you really were doing, be more careful next time." She said as she inspected the wound. "This could have been bad, but your injury isn't too deep." She stood, taking off a cloth mask covering her nose. "You'll be sore for a couple hours. If any pain persists, let me know." Light burst from the nurse, her labia forming into the shape of a star, oddly enough. She reached down, her fingers hovering just above the injury.

Labia drifted from her hand and into the wound. It felt cold, but not for long once the area started growing numb. Rin glanced down to see the skin sealed over, only dry blood remaining as evidence he was ever injured to begin with. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it. Just try not to let it happen again, okay?" Rin nodded as he left the nurse's office, and walked back out into the streets.

The sun was well on it's way down to the horizon, bathing the town in a beautiful orange glow. If the monarch keeps her promise, Rin will be seeing a lot more of this place. Magnus was off to run some more errands, leaving Rin at the hospital just a couple blocks away from the school itself. It was hard to imagine how such a structure could even be built-no doubt an army of mages must have played a critical role in it's development.

Most passing by gave him curious looks-it wasn't exactly common to see someone in full armor out here, even if it was in part meant for traveling as well. His heartbeat picked up as he rolled the edges of the sleeve away. While a little fainter, his veins were still a sickening black. Taking them off now would at best give him a lot of unwanted attention. I just have to wait until I'm in school, then everyone can know. But what will they think of his goal to eradicate all the akuma, even when he's so far behind everyone else in terms of skill?

Rin was untying his horse from the post as he noticed Magnus riding back. He didn't even need to ask-the answer already evident by Magnus' grin. "Word of our success finally reached the monarch." He held up an open envelope. "She didn't have much of a choice."

Relief flooded through Rin. He made it in, somehow. He may not even deserve the spot, he probably never will. But this gave the nation their best shot at dismantling the akuma. "To Karlysia, then?"

"That's right. Think you're up to it?"

Rin gave a slow nod. We made it this far. No turning back now.

The two rode on to the school, Rin's heartbeat quickening every second of the trip. The buildings seemed to change too as they rode on. Individual houses grew less and less common, replaced by inns and stores of every kind. Before too long, they were just before the school gates.

Two ornate statues stood at guard just beside the main gate itself. The iron bars surrounding the place made it look more like a prison than an institution. A small station rested just beyond the left statue, where a man peeked out from behind a small window. "Evening. Is there something I may help you two with?"

"Yes." Magnus got off his horse. "I'd like to admit my new student here, Rin Shannon."

The let out a chuckle as Magnus handed him the letter. "Why, in the middle of the school year, I-" He paused, readjusting his glasses. "...I'll send word. Please, see yourself inside." He pulled a lever, then hurried around to open the gates for them. Given how heavy they looked, he had about as much success as Rin expected. In the end it took all three of them to push their way inside.

"Phew. Forgive me, but I'm accustomed to no small amount of soldiers helping themselves to moving such a gate. Call me Morino." He puffed out his chest. "I'm the one responsible for keeping everything this place safe. The school entrance is in walking distance from here; I can tend to your horses, if you'd like."

The two thanked him as they set off on the stone path to the entrance. The two main doors stood proudly before the towering building, well large enough to house an army. "...What should I expect in there?"

"If only I knew. But I can say this for certain: this school is meant for those unparalleled in harnessing labia, specifically for those going straight into Evendal's military. You won't be falling asleep in classrooms learning about world history."

Rin stared at the sealed doors before responding. "You'll still be my mentor in there, right? If so, what makes Karlysia so special if I'm still learning from the same person?"

Magnus chuckled. "Because you won't be. This place is home to dozens of mages who are the best in their field. Say, you'll be hearing lectures on individuals who have dedicated their entire lives to a single aspect of labia's abilities." Rin nodded. "And before I forget: they play rough in there. You'll be trained on how to fight as well, both alongside and against the other students. People have died in there before."

Rin's heart skipped a beat. "How many?"

"Just a handful, but its a stain on the school nonetheless. Just, be careful in there." Magnus opened the door.

The main hall was surprisingly minimalistic- Rin was getting used to seeing every building in kluna try to outcompete one another in how much fortune they can display on their walls. Polished stone lay out for the floor, contrasted by wood for the walls and ceiling. Just at the end of the hallway rested what must be the reception desk. "Evening, I'm Magnus Alburn." Magnus said as he handed the woman the letter. "By order of the monarch, I'd like to admit Rin as my student into Karlysia."

She stared at the letter before giving a slow nod. "Marilyn. I've...never seen anything like this before. And in the middle of the school year?"

"Believe me, Rin has potential. It's for the best he begins training right away."

She shrugged. "Okay, but he'll have to work hard to catch up." She set the letter aside as she began scribbling something else down on another paper. She soon squinted at the queen's writing once again. "This here mentions Rin has...abnormal abilities?" She played with her smooth black hair tied in a bun. "I'm assuming this is why she wants him in our facility?"

Magnus glanced at Rin before taking a deep breath. "...He's living proof of what many scholars once considered a theory. Rin is a special mage, capable of wielding both labia and aibal simultaneously."

Silence filled the room. Marilyn opened her mouth to speak, before promptly closing it again. "...I'm sure you're able to prove he is not corrupted?"

"Simply put, he's been in perfect control of himself his entire life. Besides, we've never seen anyone do what Rin has accomplished these past few days. The monarch even ordered...extensive measures to ensure he is on our side."

She stared at the document again before sighing. "I certainly hope you're right. Not like I can turn down such an order, anyways." She nodded to a set of chairs sitting by the wall. "Why don't you two take a seat while I collect the proper paperwork. This may take a while."

The two sat as they watched her rummage through massive boxes of paperwork, occasionally leaving her desk for almost an hour on end. The two sat in awkward silence for what felt like the entire night before Marilyn beckoned them over once again. "Sorry for such a long wait, we certainly weren't expecting to enroll another student five months in." She handed Magnus a stack of paperwork, giving him an apologetic look as he grimaced. "As for you, Rin, I've managed to find a room vacant for you to use. The student you're replacing dropped out just over a month ago." She handed him a set of keys, complete with his name enraged on the tag. "You should make your way up there now. I'll have your uniform and whatever else you'll need sent up in a moment."

"Thanks. Uh..."

"Sorry. Just go down the main hall, take a right, and the dorms should be there. You'll have to climb a few stairs to reach your room." Great.

"Thanks. See you tomorrow." Magnus waved goodnight as he headed off down the main hall. What waited for him on the other side took his breath away.

A massive circular room waited on the other side, a statue of seven mages in the center stared up at the windows scattered throughout the tower's wall. Three more hallways branched out from the center. How big is this place!?

Rin took a moment to appreciate the architecture, entirely forgetting about his fatigue as he made his way down the next hallway. Just as he's been told, fancy doors lined both sides of the path, the numbers on them starting at one. One-sixty-three must be on at least floor five.

Turns out it was floor seven. It felt like weights were attached to Rin's ankles as he finally made it to his room. He unlocked the door before easing it open, taking in his new room for the next couple years.

All the candles inside were lit. Strange. Did Marilyn prepare my room in advance? It was smaller than he expected; not a problem, since he'd probably be eating and practicing magic outside this room. Two beds sat across from one another, along with three drawers and two desks lining the walls.

"Excuse me?" Rin jumped a mile at the voice. He spun around to see a boy-about his age-standing in the doorway. He had short red hair, his well built frame proving to be just a couple inches taller than Rin's. "Wrong room, pal."

"...Sorry, isn't this one-sixty three?"

The man looked Rin up and down before letting out a sigh. "Another roommate. Fantastic." He walked past Rin before jumping onto his bed. "Name's Aklan." He pulled out a knife half the length of his forearm, flipping it into the air to catch it again. "What brings you to my place?"

"I was just enrolled here."

Aklan gave him a curious glance. "Who's your mentor?"

"Magnus Alburn."

He nearly missed his next catch as he shot up. "My father?!?"

The fatigue left Rin in an instant. "What? Really?"

Aklan smirked. "No." Rin sighed, sitting on the side of his new bed. "Had to surprise you somehow. Looked like you were about to fall asleep on the spot." He went back to tossing his blade around. "Are you a...transfer?"

Rin took a deep breath. The secret's out, now. He'll need to be open about his abilities, and just hope everyone around will take it well. "Actually, I'm a little new to magic."

Aklan laughed. "Parents bought your way in? Don't worry about it, I'm pretty sure mine did as well, anyways." He paused, squinting at Rin's outfit. "Don't get me wrong, that armor's badass, but I don't think it exactly fits the school dress code." Aklan was just wearing a tee and shorts, though that much would be understandable for sleeping in.

"The receptionist said she'll send up whatever I'll need for living here." Rin shrugged. "I'll just have to wait until then."

"Better hope she comes before morning. Then again, wearing something like that to PT will definitely catch the ladies' attention."

"I guess-PT?"

Aklan laughed. "You're in for a treat tomorrow."

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