(ON HOLD) I read the minds of...

Por dreamer_reine

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I read the minds of the whole family and I eat the melon, but the cannon fodder wife of the wealthy family wi... Más



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Por dreamer_reine

Chapter 31 A toad pretending to be a frog2024-01-17 Author: Meow has become a spirit  Chapter 31 A toad pretending to be a frog
  Fu Xiyan said this, and others expressed no objection.

  Bai Zhou glanced at Fu Xiyan for a second and couldn't help but bumped his arm.

  At this moment, Fu Xiyan's image suddenly became taller in Qiao Yuan's heart. He was such a good person!

  After the discussion, the guests got into the cleaning work.

  Cleaning the utility room is not easy. Qiao Yuan needs to throw many discarded items into the yard.

  The tire in her hand was a bit heavy, so Qiao Yuan took a few steps forward and threw it to the ground. She patted the dust on her hand. As soon as she wiped the sweat from her forehead, she heard Lin Youhua's voice from beside her.

  "Are you done, are you following me all the time? You newcomers are always impatient. Don't always think about using traffic to squeeze coffee seats. Why are you so close to me? I am a family man."

  Lin Youhua originally said to Qiao Yuan The look and feel is not bad, after all, she is young and beautiful. But ever since she openly talked back to him, Lin Youhua's impression of Qiao Yuan has declined sharply.

  An amateur can be so incompetent in looking at people.

  Others would have been so embarrassed by the old man's words that they couldn't hold their heads up, but Qiao Yuan's mind was filled with questions about black people.

  What are you doing? ? ?
  Several other guests heard the commotion and came over.

  "Brother Lin, what are you talking about? There is only one road from the house to the yard. Why am I pestering you?"

  [I think you are just trying to wink over a blind woman - you are acting on your own initiative! Which eyes saw me sticking to you? Even if I want to get traffic, I still want to find a handsome guy to promote myself. A greasy man like you, with a head that shines brighter than his belly, would be too old for me to play my father. You have thousand-layer soles for your cheeks. You are so thick-skinned! ! 】

  Lin Youhua opened his eyes as if he was dumbfounded. What was the sound he heard?
  Several other guests had already seen Qiao Yuan's ability and were no longer surprised by it.

  Also dumbfounded was Fu Chuan, who was squatting in front of the camera.

  He heard the sound again.

  After the last interview, he went home and looked up information on ventriloquism, which was obviously not consistent with Qiao Yuan's situation.

  Then there was only one possibility left, that what he heard was Qiao Yuan's heartfelt voice!
  Qiao Yuan wanted to laugh a little when she thought of Lin Youhua's image of a good man outside.

  [You can actually tell me that you have a family. The red flags at home are not down, but the colorful flags are fluttering outside. After everything has been done about choosing a concubine and harming ignorant girls, it still has the nerve to set up a character here. It's really a toad pretending to be a frog, looking ugly and playing tricks. 】

  Other guests had a hard time reacting when they first heard such a shocking news. They didn't even know whether it was true or not.

  Lin Youhua and his wife Su Ling are a model couple in the entertainment industry. They are well-known as a couple, and their image outside has always been very positive.

  Lin Youhua once took a month's leave in advance to take care of his wife before she gave birth. This incident was reported by the media and touched countless people.

  Only Qiao Yuan knew it was fake.

  [Lin Youhua almost died in the operating room after taking too many stimulants. In order to cover up the scandal, he used the fact that he accompanied his wife to give birth as an excuse. Otherwise, how could such a positive thing not have a single photo circulated. 】

  Yes, if I really accompanied my wife to give birth in the hospital, why didn't a paparazzi take the photos?

  The other guests also had such doubts in their minds. When they saw Lin Youhua's panicked expression, they knew that what Qiao Yuan said was true.

  Lin Youhua clutched his hand tightly. This was the first time in his many years of work that he had encountered such a difficult situation.

  Qiao Yuan didn't even open her mouth. It was difficult for her to even refute. Instead, she seemed to be making a fuss out of a molehill.

  Lin Youhua looked at the people next to him in panic. Seeing their expressions, he knew that the situation he feared most had still happened.

  Is this Qiao Yuan's true identity a paparazzi? How did she know? Do you still know so clearly?     The audience in front of the screen watched in confusion as the guests in the live broadcast room acted as if they had been cast a restraining spell. Lin Youhua, who was originally angry, suddenly rushed back into the room as if he was stupid.

  【what happened? Why did Actor Lin suddenly run into the house? Aren't you confronting this amateur? 】

  【This amateur is not only a resource guy, but he also likes to use traffic so much. He can hardly hide his desire to be angry, but it is better for people to be more down-to-earth. ]

  [No, I think she is quite Buddhist, and they are right, there is only one way, but Lin Youhua made a fuss about it while moving things diligently. Lin Youhua made it clear that he didn't like this amateur, although he didn't know it. Why. ]

  [Teacher Lin Youhua is my idol. He is both moral and artistic. What kind of good person can he be if he doesn't like him? ]

  [I don't understand why everyone has such a big opinion against this amateur, even though he hasn't done anything extraordinary. Lin Youhua was originally targeting Qiao Yuan. Isn't it normal for him to run away when he couldn't speak up? 】

  【Why is Actor Lin running? You can't stand up to others, so you run away? Why do the other guests have such expressions? It seems that they have encountered a particularly bizarre situation. Can anyone give me some knowledge? ]


  Looking at Lin Youhua's hurried away figure, Qiao Yuan was a little confused.

  What was his reaction?
  Fu Xiyan was also digesting the melon he had just eaten. He glanced at Qiao Yuan with complicated eyes.

  Originally, he just thought that she was well-informed, but he didn't expect that she could actually express her feelings.

  What kind of skill is this? Does she know it herself?

  It seems like he doesn't know.

  I don't know who said it: "Everyone, please leave and go clean the room first, otherwise it will be difficult to clean up when it gets dark later."

  The guests nodded and walked into the room one after another.

  After an unknown amount of time, Lin Youhua finally walked out of the bedroom he was responsible for cleaning. His face was a little pale, and it was obvious that he was in a very bad mental state.

  Lin Youhua saw several guests sitting on the sofa and tentatively said hello to them. However, he saw the eyes they were looking at him and looked at him all over.

  Lin Youhua's face turned pale, and his face became even paler when he saw Qiao Yuan walking out of the utility room door.

  If he had known today, what would he do to provoke this living father?
  Qiao Yuan rubbed her waist, which was slightly sore from bending for a long time.

  Sure enough, money is not easy to make.

  Qiao Yuan was about to walk to the sofa to rest for a while when she saw Lin Youhua, who was about a foot away from her, suddenly took two big steps back.

  Qiao Yuan was a little dumbfounded and made her voice sound concerned: "Teacher Lin, are you okay?

  " ]

  Lin Youhua rubbed her eyes: "No, I'm fine..."

  Qiao Yuan had disbelief written all over her face, but she still nodded obediently, playing the role of an honest junior conscientiously.

   My dears, you must wear more clothes and don't catch a cold like me. It's really uncomfortable. Let's

    start the PK again. I hope you will support me~
  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 32 The popular male idol is gay2024-01-17 Author: Meow has become a spirit  Chapter 32 The popular male idol is gay.

  Qiao Yuan went to sit on the sofa and saw Fu Xiyan peeling oranges for Bai Zhou, showing off his true nature as a licker. He peeled it very carefully, removing all the toughness on the surface of the orange and making it extremely smooth.

  Unexpectedly, Bai Zhou just glanced at him and said, "I'm not hungry, so you should keep it for yourself."

  Fu Xiyan's eyes flashed with disappointment, and then he retracted his hand as if nothing had happened.

  At this moment, Han Ling spoke: "Brother Xi Yan, how come you can peel oranges so well? I see you spent so long peeling oranges. It's a pity that Sister Bai Zhou doesn't like it. How about you give me some?" Shall I eat it? I love oranges very much."

  Bai Zhou frowned slightly while listening to Han Ling's tea talk, but his face still had a cold look, like a fairy: "How old are you this year?"

  Han Ling said Ling paused: "Twenty-four."

  "Twenty-four..." Bai Zhou said, "It's inappropriate for you to call us brother and sister. Xiaoyan and I are younger than you."

  Han Ling seemed to have just thought of it, He smiled and said, "Huh? It turns out you are younger than me. I'm really sorry. Forgive me, sister Bai Zhou."

  "What do you mean..." Bai Zhou frowned.

  Meng Yuan held her hand and told her to calm down. There were cameras here. It would be bad for Bai Zhou to make a noise because her character was a cool fairy who did not eat the fireworks of the world.

  [Why did they start arguing out of nowhere? That's not the case for Bai Zhou. Isn't our Lingling telling the truth? Originally, I thought she looked old-fashioned, but when she was angry and frowned, she looked older. Not just anyone can create the image of a fairy. I see that the amateurs next to me are prettier than her, doesn't she feel embarrassed? ]

  [Chaos caused by an orange. ]

  [If you don't understand, just ask, why is Fu Xiyan so nice to Bai Zhou? Are you attentive as soon as you meet? This is not the Fu Xiyan I know. Where is his usual arrogance? ]

  [ Regarding this, Bai Zhou has explained on her social account that she and Fu Xiyan are siblings and they are a family, but they have different surnames. ]

  [It turned out to be siblings, and my girlfriend was very relieved. ]

  [As far as the matter is concerned, Han Ling is indeed too much. Isn't it inappropriate for him to make fun of other people's looks and age? And why do I think he is inexplicably hostile to Bai Zhou? Do you have to grab that orange to eat? ]

  Han Ling is a popular niche actor who has played the affectionate male lead in several hit dramas and has a very solid foundation of girlfriend fans.

  But from the appearance point of view, Han Ling is wearing a casual denim outfit, looking sunny and handsome. But Qiao Yuan vaguely felt that something was wrong. Judging from her sharp eyes after eating all kinds of melon ingredients, something was wrong with Han Ling, something very wrong.

  Especially when she saw Han Ling coquettishly unbuttoning a button on his chest and the looming white socks on his feet, Qiao Yuan's heart went "Kida" completely.

  This young man with tens of millions of fans is probably a gay man. It's a pity that he has so many girlfriend fans. After all, he paid by mistake.

  Han Ling wiped Bai Zhou's face, and Fu Xiyan was naturally unhappy to see him. She raised her eyes and looked at him: "You are a grown man and you can't peel oranges? Don't call me brother or brother. It sounds awkward to me."

  Han Ling blinked. Eyes: "Then what do you want me to call you? Call you..."

  Although Han Ling didn't say the last half of the sentence, Qiao Yuan always felt that what he wanted to call was "husband".

  Fu Xiyan couldn't help but shiver. He always felt that Han Ling's fuzzy look at him made him feel uncomfortable all over, but he couldn't explain why he felt uncomfortable.

  "Qiao Yuan."

  He shouted and put the oranges in his hands on the plate in front of him. There was already a plate of peeled oranges piled here. He stretched out his hand and handed it over: "You must be tired after working for so long. These Here are the oranges for you."

  "For me?" Qiao Yuan pointed at herself in disbelief, her eyes shining brightly.

  She was used to being rough, and she had never tasted an orange that had been processed with such meticulous care.     Qiao Yuan asked, but her hand took the plate first.

  Don't tell me, it looks really tempting.

  The snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's profit. She will come next time there is such a good event.

  Seeing her surprised look, Fu Xiyan couldn't help laughing, and repeated: "Eat them all for you."

  Seeing Qiao Yuan sitting back happily holding a plate of oranges, Bai Zhou felt inexplicably regretful.

  She doesn't have to, but she can't give it to Qiao Yuan because it belongs to her.

  Lin Youhua watched silently without saying a word. Before, he had come out as the big brother to persuade and mediate, but...

  he glanced in the direction of Qiao Yuan, full of vigilance and precaution in his heart.

  Qiao Yuan finished eating a few oranges on the plate and was still unsatisfied: "Where did you get these oranges? They are very juicy and taste sweet."

  Fu Xiyan stood up: "It's on a fruit tree not far from the house. You have to go there. Take a look? There are a few apple trees there."

  Qiao Yuan was about to nod but thought of something the next second. She lowered her head in a slightly disappointed tone: "I still can't finish the task assigned to me by Brother Lin.

  There are a lot of debris accumulated in the utility room, including many large items, which are quite troublesome to deal with .

  [This is Lin Youhua's obvious bullying. Seeing that I am an amateur and the least qualified, he assigned me the most and heaviest work, while he himself tidied up the easiest bedroom... Forget it, Lin Youhua is so weak that he needs to take stimulants, maybe He's not as strong as a little girl like me, so I'll just let him get better. 】

  Lin Youhua's face turned the color of pig liver. He had never heard such ugly swear words before.

  The other guests couldn't help laughing when they heard this. This Qiao Yuan's mouth is really bad!

  [However, Lin Youhua is still half a little girl. After all, his lover complained about his Mac...]

  "Okay!!" Lin Youhua suddenly shouted, attracting the camera teacher not far away and the unaware audience in the live broadcast room. Startled.

  【Mom, my heart! What's wrong with Teacher Lin? A sudden shout startled me and I dropped the chopsticks in my hand. ]

  [Does Lin Youhua have rage disorder? Why is he so startled? I think he is a little crazy... It is better to treat him as soon as possible. ]

  [Why do some people speak so hurtfully? You are the only one who has rage disorder. Teacher Lin should be acting like this because he is under too much pressure from filming. If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. ]

  [Is it my imagination? Why are all the guests staring at Teacher Lin's pants, their eyes looking so... strange? ? ]


  Only the guests who knew the inside story tried their best to restrain the shaking of their shoulders.

  Feeling the probing gazes of the people around him, Lin Youhua blushed with embarrassment. He wished he could find a hole to bury himself in. Even if he was thrown to a desert island or an alien planet, it would be better than being with Qiao Yuan.

  No man can accept his most inferior and unspeakable things being revealed to others.

  Especially for such a proud man.

  (End of chapter)

Chapter 33 Auntie, I was wrong2024-01-17 Author: Meow has become a spirit  Chapter 33: Auntie, I was wrong.
  Qiao Yuan was also startled and stroked her chest.

  [Why is Lin Youhua so emotionally unstable? Could it be that he really...]

  "Ancestor! Auntie!!" Lin Youhua clasped his hands together and hurriedly spoke before Qiao Yuan was about to take off his pants: "Stop talking anymore. , Really don't talk about it anymore..."

  Qiao Yuan looked at the actor who was editing her, wondering: "Brother Lin, what's wrong with you?"

  "Don't call me Brother Lin. From now on, you can call me Xiao Lin. I call you Sister Qiao. As long as you stop asking me to do anything, I'm a respectable person and I really can't afford to embarrass this person."

  He really couldn't stand it anymore! ! If he had known that he would not offend Qiao Yuan, his ancestor, if he had given him a hundred faces! !


  Faced with Qiao Yuan's eyes that looked like he was looking at a madman, Lin Youhua opened his mouth: "Stop teasing me, I was really wrong, don't do it anymore..."

  Lin Youhua covered his face in surprise. His own mouth: "Stop making trouble, I am sincere, you are like this..."

  Lin Youhua stopped talking and stood there as if stunned. He touched his Adam's apple tremblingly and looked at Qiao Yuan's His eyes revealed full horror: "You actually know how to suppress speech? Are you really a human?!"

  This Qiao Yuan couldn't be a god!

  The surprise in Qiao Yuan's eyes was no less than that of Lin Youhua.

  [What is this actor doing? Why is it even more inexplicable than me getting up in the middle of the night and showing off a big bowl of snail noodles? ? ? 】

  Lin Youhua raised his head, and this time he looked at Qiao Yuan with a hint of awe in his eyes: "I mean... don't clean up the utility room, let me do it."

  Qiao Yuan let out a surprised sound, Looking at Lin Youhua: "This is my job after all. It's not good to ask Brother Lin to do it for me, right?"

  [Hehehe, the dog man actually has a conscience. My waist is almost broken, I should have had this realization a long time ago. 】

  Lin Youhua was stunned, and he said: "What's wrong? It's too tiring for a little girl like you to do so much work, and I can't bear it. I just took a look, and there was a scrapped motorcycle inside. , you definitely won't be able to move out, so just leave it to me."

  Qiao Yuan first thought about the possibility that Lin Youhua wanted to assassinate her. As the saying goes, if you show courtesy for nothing, you are either committing adultery or stealing. But there shouldn't be anything worth plotting on him.

  Qiao Yuan thought he had a seizure. After all, Lin Youhua's mental state did seem unstable.

  Qiao Yuan narrowed her crescent eyes and said with a smile, "Thank you, Brother Lin."

  Lin Youhua breathed a sigh of relief.

  [Lin Youhua's change of attitude was something I didn't expect. If I remember correctly, didn't he have a conflict with Qiao Yuan just now? Why does he seem to have changed into a different person so quickly...]

  [I almost suspected that I was blind. Why did Actor Lin suddenly become so respectful? I remember that his temper was not that gentle. Now he has changed his gender. Already? 】

  【Since opening the live broadcast room, I have never closed my mouth in surprise. The direction of this show is weird and beyond people's imagination. ]


  Qiao Yuan followed Fu Xiyan out to pick oranges. Looking at the various fruit trees behind the house, Qiao Yuan was surprised: "I didn't even look carefully when I came here. It turns out there are so many fruits here."

  "This apple looks red. So tempting."

  Qiao Yuan picked off an apple and took a bite, giving a thumbs up with satisfaction: "Purely natural, pollution-free fruit is delicious!"     "Hey, why did you eat it directly? You spit it out quickly. You need to wash it off. What if pesticides are used?" Fu Xiyan looked over nervously.

  "There is no medicine. I have inquired about it before coming here."

  Fu Xiyan breathed a sigh of relief, but also wanted to laugh for some reason: "I didn't expect you to be so active when it comes to eating ."

  "Of course, you can't live up to the food! "

  This is the orchard attached to the pastoral house, and guests can pick whatever they want.

  Qiao Yuan and Fu Xiyan picked a basket of fruits and went back to prepare fruits for everyone's dinner. As soon as they stepped into the living room, they found that the guests were all sitting on the sofa. They should have been cleaned.

  When Bai Zhou saw Fu Xiyan, his eyes became colder and seemed a little dissatisfied: "Why did you come back? It's been so long..."

  Fu Xiyan didn't notice anything and handed Bai Zhou an apple: "We went to pick fruits. It will be a good time to relieve your tiredness after eating later. This apple is big and red, please try it quickly."

  Bai Zhou wanted to say that he had no appetite but then he took it again: "Xiao Yan, thank you for your hard work."

  Fu Xiyan was actually a little bit Excited: "I don't have to work hard."

  There is a vegetable garden around the house. Several kinds of vegetables are growing well. The guests picked some and brought them back to the kitchen.

  The kitchen here is a stove with a large pot on it, which requires a fire to cook. This step alone gives many celebrities a headache.

  Han Ling said: "Let's allocate the tasks for today's dinner? I can wash and choose vegetables, but I can't make a fire." He frowned: "The smoke from these firewood will stain my clothes, and my Face..." He said and covered his cheeks: "My skin is relatively tender, and it won't be good if it gets blackened."

  Meng Yuan couldn't help but said: "Tender skin? I didn't expect you..."

  She tried to find one When she said it in the right words, she thought Han Ling was pretty girly.

  Han Ling said: "After all, it is what we eat. Of course, this face must be carefully taken care of."

  Meng Yuan nodded and stopped talking.

  Lin Youhua said: "We are still far away from making a fire for cooking. We don't even have firewood. We have to go to the woods behind to pick up some." "

  The woods behind? It will get dark later. What if there are wild animals?" Han Ling approached Fu Xiyan and asked in a low voice: "Xiyan, can I follow you later? I won't disturb you. I just think it feels safer this way."

  Fu Xiyan couldn't bear it anymore. He held back a sentence: "Are you a fool? How could there be wild beasts here? This is not a wilderness. How dare you, a grown man, be so timid?" "I'm sorry

  , I was afraid of the dark when I was a child. We filmed a TV series together, and I I think I'm familiar with you, so... you really can't let me follow you?"

  Fu Xiyan's face softened: "The forest is not very big, and there are people around, so you don't have to be so nervous. And... A bit of impatience appeared on his face: "Can you stay away from me a little bit? The weather is already hot."

  Han Ling smiled and stepped back: "I'm really sorry, it's all my fault for being too excited."

  Qiao Yuan was eating melon with her arms folded.

  Han Ling's rank is actually quite high, but Fu Xiyan is a straight man who is straighter than a steel plate.

  (End of chapter)

34. Chapter 34 The real and fake chef2024-01-17 Author: Meow has become a spirit  Chapter 34: Real and Fake Chefs
  Meng Yuan dug out two large sacks from the living room: "Just use this to pack them. We found two in total. We can divide them into two groups to pick them up." "

  I have no objection." Han Ling looked at Fu Xiyan: "Xiyan, shall I be in the same group with you?"

  Fu Xiyan raised her eyes and glanced at him, and said as calmly as possible: "I'm in the same group as Zhou'er, so what I said doesn't count."

  Han Ling's stickiness This person makes him feel very bored and gives him a headache. If he hadn't taken the camera into account, he would have tried to get rid of him.

  Han Ling sighed in despair and glanced in Bai Zhou's direction.

  As expected, Bai Zhou rejected him: "I have promised Xiaoyuan, you can go with the others."

  Lin Youhua looked around, fixed his eyes on Qiao Yuan, and raised his voice: "No, no."

  "Senior Lin , do you have any opinions?" Meng Yuan crossed her arms and looked at him, with a little disdain in her eyes.

  If he hadn't heard that from Qiao Yuan's mouth, who would have thought that the sanctimonious actor could be such a trash.

  Lin Youhua took a breath: "I think it's better for boys to work in groups and girls to work together. It's getting dark soon. Let's just pick up some enough to cook for today."

  Meng Yuan said: "I can do it."

  Lin Youhua saw that the others were not Speaking as if they agreed, the group went out and headed straight to a small forest on the west side.

  It was said that the troops were divided into two groups, but in fact they were just picking up on two sides in a small forest.

  After an unknown amount of time, Meng Yuan weighed the sack in her hand and said to Bai Zhou and Qiao Yuan, "I think it's almost done. It's getting late. We should go back."

  Bai Zhou wiped his forehead . Sweat: "Okay."

  Qiao Yuan naturally had no objection.

  The dazzling lights not far away were approaching. Lin Youhua was walking at the front with a flashlight, followed by a dark-faced Fu Xiyan and a weak-looking Han Ling.

  Seeing that Fu Xiyan's face was not good, Bai Zhou asked with concern: "What's going on? Xiaoyan, why do you look so bad?"

  Fu Xiyan glanced at Han Ling next to him and hesitated: "Something happened on the road. Accident."

  Seeing that Fu Xiyan was unwilling to share it with him, Bai Zhou's face flashed with displeasure for a moment: "Forget it, if you don't want to say it, forget it, this is your business after all."

  Seeing that Bai Zhou was unhappy, Fu Xiyan said He was a little anxious, but with the camera in front of him, he really didn't know how to speak.

  Qiao Yuan already knew the whole story from the system. It turned out that he sprained his foot three times on the Hanling Road, and fell into Fu Xiyan's arms each time. No wonder Fu Xiyan's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.     [Fu Xiyan What's going on? Showing your dark face to whom? Didn't our Lingling fall down twice? Does he think our Lingling is stupid? ]
  [More than twice, and each time it hit Xi Yan. What's the use of apologizing with a reckless look? Who can't see that he did it on purpose, and he just disgusted Xi Yan! ]
  [Han Ling's operation is really confusing. Did he increase the insole too much? Are you walking unsteadily and falling on others? The chin awl made by technology has swollen our Xi Yan's shoulders. Even if we, Xi Yan, are not happy, why don't we allow it? ]
  [I liked Han Ling's role as the miracle doctor before, but I didn't expect him to be like this in real life. He was a bit too weak. He even shouted that he was too tired. The other three girls didn't say anything. I smashed his filter to pieces. ]
  [Where are you weak? If you like burly male celebrities, that's your business. We like little puppies like Lingling. ]

  It was already six o'clock after I picked up the firewood. The sun had already set and the sky was getting dark.

  When it came time to prepare dinner, Qiao Yuan said, "How about I cook? I'm pretty good at cooking."

  She was indeed a bit humble when she said this. Qiao Yuan grew up with her grandfather, a state banquet-level chef. The chef studied cooking and won numerous national awards when he grew up.

  She chose to cook for two reasons. One was because she was really good at it, and the other was that she felt that if she didn't cook, Lin Youhua would arrange more difficult and tiring work for her.

  As soon as Qiao Yuan finished speaking, she heard Bai Zhou's questioning voice: "Can you cook? I have never heard that you can cook. You have never even entered the kitchen at home." Her eyes were a little cold: " I know you like to express yourself and wish you could be popular on the first day of the show. I can understand this, but everyone is tired and really don't have time to accompany you."

  She paused and said, "If you don't dislike it, leave dinner to me. Well, I have taken cooking classes for a few years, and I have some attainments in this aspect."

  Seeing Bai Zhou trying to save her face, Qiao Yuan also smiled and said back: "We don't stick together every day. It's even more ordinary. You know me so well? Do I have to report everything to you?"

  Qiao Yuan finally knew why she was a cannon fodder. If she ran over and followed the heroine's words and licked her, she might still She can act like a younger brother, but she has a lot of backbones.

  And even if you want to lick, you have to lick a generous protagonist, hugging his thighs and soaking in the glory, but Bai Zhou is a plague god who brings disaster to all the relatives and friends around him. This kind of protagonist is really great! !
  Bai Zhou has been accustomed to smooth sailing since she was a child. She has been held in the palm of the Fu family since she was a child. Before she dated Lin Meng, she had never even heard a harsh word. Seeing Qiao Yuan refuting her, she instantly became unhappy and subconsciously looked at Fu Xiyan. go.

  Fu Xiyan's lips moved. Normally, he would have started to defend Bai Zhou when encountering this situation, but this time the target was his future sister-in-law, and there was nothing wrong with what Qiao Yuan said...

  Meng Yuan said: "Zhou'er is really good at cooking. It's delicious, let Zhou'er do it."

  Han Ling shrugged: "I can do anything, as long as I have some to eat."

  Lin Youhua noticed that Qiao Yuan's eyes glanced in his direction, and all the hair on his body was wet. He stood up and spoke hurriedly: "Since Qiao Yuan said she will do it, we must believe her. We will live here together for so long in the future, so don't make random suspicions."

  Fu Xiyan said: "Since you all If you want to cook, then cook it together. The stove is so big anyway, and preparing dinner for six people alone will probably be very tiring."

  Bai Zhou nodded, she had no objection, it would be best if Qiao Yuan could understand the reality.

  Qiao Yuan didn't have any objection. If someone helped her share the burden, why not do it.

  Seeing that the matter was finally resolved, Fu Xiyan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

  [Teacher Lin was right before. This amateur is indeed very pushy and expressive. He even says he is good at cooking even though he can't cook. Are all newcomers in the entertainment industry so impetuous now? ]
  [What if someone takes the black and red route and deliberately acts as a clown to attract popularity? She would be quite successful otherwise. ]
  (End of chapter)

35. Chapter 35 Qiao Yuan, you are really good at telling lies.2024-01-17 Author: Meow has become a spirit  Chapter 35 Qiao Yuan, you are really good at talking nonsense

  [Although, there is no need to have such a big opinion against an amateur, right? Do you get scolded for whatever you do? ]
  [I also think there is nothing wrong with the amateur's approach. On the contrary, Bai Zhou is a bit aggressive, as if she wants to refute everything to see if someone is unhappy. Doesn't she know that the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes are obvious when she looks cold? It's better not to do this kind of action, after all, you are still bragging that you are a fairy. ]
  [I don't know who to believe. Can this amateur Qiao Yuan know how to cook? ]
  [We will find out later and see who was slapped in the face. ]

  Because there was only one pot, Qiao Yuan could only wait for Bai Zhou to finish cooking before taking action.

  The aroma of the food lingered, and it had to be said that Bai Zhou's cooking skills were pretty good. Qiao Yuan heard that this was the cooking skill that Bai Zhou had learned specifically for Lin Mang.

  The first time they fell in love was in high school. Because Lin Meng said that he liked a girlfriend who was thrifty, good at cooking, and considerate of others, Bai Zhou took off his identity as the eldest lady and tried his best to squeeze into the ranks of "nanny".

  Bai Zhou has already prepared three dishes. Due to limited ingredients, she has cooked very homely dishes.

  Meng Yuan's eyes lit up, and she said with dignity: "It looks really good, I can't wait to have a bite."

  Bai Zhou smiled and handed her the chopsticks: "You try it first."

  Meng Yuan took a bite, He was full of praise: "This craftsmanship is really good. It would be great if I could eat it every day. Whoever can marry you will be really lucky."

  Bai Zhou didn't know what he thought of, and there was a blush on his cheeks: "It's fine if he likes to eat. "

  Meng Yuan called for others to try it. Han Ling was the first to walk over. After he tasted it, he said, "It's really good. It's better than the takeout I ordered."

  Bai Zhou's cooking skills were unanimously recognized by everyone.

  Qiao Yuan was also called over to taste it. She tasted the cold cucumber and commented very pertinently: "It's not bad. The cucumber tastes quite crisp, but the sugar used to make it fresh is a little too much."

  Bai Zhou looked at her: "It sounds like you really are an expert."

  Qiao Yuan raised his eyes to look at her, his big black and white eyes as bright as glass under the light.

  "Then how do you think my craftsmanship compares with yours?" Bai Zhou asked.

  Qiao Yuan tilted her head and thought seriously: "It's still a little bit worse."

  Bai Zhou squinted his eyes, and his beautiful eyes were a little searching: "Who is worse than who?"

  "Yours is a little worse than me."

  "Are you serious?"

  Qiao Yuan's big eyes rolled: "Of course, I don't like to lie to people."

  The other guests also felt that Qiao Yuan was a bit arrogant at this moment. The food Bai Zhou cooked was at least big. He was at the level of a chef, but Qiao Yuan actually said he was a little worse than her.

  Fu Xiyan was sweating profusely, and he was secretly sweating for Qiao Yuan in his heart.

  Qiao Yuan had never been in the kitchen at home, so why did she feel like a wild horse running wild after the show.

  Han Ling looked at Bai Zhou's deflated look and felt inexplicably happy. He supported Qiao Yuan: "Why do you all have such expressions? I don't think Qiao Yuan is capable of lying. Some people shouldn't treat themselves like this." I think too highly that no one can surpass me, so I don't know who likes to brag."

  He glanced at Bai Zhou.

  Bai Zhou couldn't help but glare at him. Fortunately, he was in the blind spot of the camera.

  Qiao Yuan looked at the sparks in their eyes and hated herself for not bringing melon seeds with her when she went out.     Han Ling probably regarded Bai Zhou as his love rival.

  [Our Bai Zhou's cooking skills are as good as ever, no different from those shown on Weibo. This new amateur is really good at talking nonsense, so crazy. ]
  [I understand, does this amateur want to take the black and red route? ]
  [I received a fan gift from Zhouer. It was a macaron made by her. It was indeed delicious and could be said to be professional grade. Are all newcomers' faces so big now? You have never been in the kitchen and you still have the nerve to boast about your cooking skills? ]
  [Although, how does Bai Zhou know that Qiao Yuan has never entered the kitchen? ]

  There were only eggplants, potatoes and green peppers left in the kitchen, leaving Qiao Yuan with not many choices. She took a look and decided to make a dish of local three delicacies and braised eggplants.

  After Qiao Yuan washed the ingredients, he started chopping vegetables. The eggplant turned into small uniform pieces as soon as he moved the knife with his hand, showing his skill.

  [Have you really never been in the kitchen? It's not like that. It can be cut so evenly and beautifully. It won't take a few years of practice, right? ]
  [You can see that he is a master from now on. Why is Bai Zhou still saying that he is lying? ]
  [Why are the people in the live broadcast room so anxious? If you don't do it well, you will know the result? I don't think it's possible for Bai Zhou to lie for no reason. ]

  Bai Zhou glanced at Qiao Yuan inadvertently, and his body became slightly stiff the next second.

  Fu Xiyan walked up to Qiao Yuan with a surprised look on his face: "You are so good at knife skills, I didn't expect you to have this ability?"

  Qiao Yuan took the time to reply to him: "I have been learning cooking since I was very young. On the one hand, it's because I like it, and on the other hand, it's for the ability to support myself."

  Fu Xiyan knew that she was talking about the time at Qiao's house.

  Meng Yuan retracted her gaze and looked at Bai Zhou beside her: "It's strange, didn't you say that she has never been in the kitchen? But to me...it doesn't look like it."

  Bai Zhou's face changed: "I I really haven't seen it before. Maybe she just has better knife skills. I heard that her family used to run a fruit shop and often peeled sugar cane and pineapples. It's not surprising that she has good knife skills." "

  So that's it." Meng Yuan nodded. , accepted this explanation.

  It wasn't until the sizzling sound was followed by the alluring fragrance that was hard to ignore that Bai Zhou opened his mouth but still didn't speak.

  Qiao Yuan hummed and took out the two steaming dishes.

  "Let's start dinner."

  As soon as she finished speaking, she saw that Bai Zhou had already picked up a chopstick. She seemed eager to explore something, so she put it into her mouth regardless of burning it. Then her pupils dilated a little, and she didn't say a word after that. explain.

  Qiao Yuan looked at her with a smile: "You are very brave. You don't believe me but you still couldn't wait to try the poison with the first bite."

  Bai Zhou's face changed, but he didn't say a word.

  Han Ling stretched out his chopsticks: "Is this your first time cooking? It's not like that. Don't tell you that you are a talented player." "

  Of course this is not my first time cooking. I have never been in the kitchen before. That's what Bai Zhou said." I didn't say that."

  Bai Zhou gritted her teeth, her eyes were slightly red, and she lowered her head so that no one around her could see her.

  Han Ling smiled, blew it and tasted it, his eyes lit up: "It's really good, I have never eaten such delicious home-cooked food."

  After hearing such high praise, Lin Youhua also picked up his chopsticks: " Really? Let me give it a try."

  Fu Xiyan nodded, smiled and said to Qiao Yuan: "You are really secretive. From now on, you will be Chef Qiao, and I have specially appointed you."

  (End of Chapter)

36. Chapter 36 Clear flow in the entertainment industry2024-01-18 Author: Meow has become a spirit  Chapter 36 Clear Water in the Entertainment Circle

  As soon as Fu Xiyan turned his head, he saw Bai Zhou's slightly disappointed look next to him. He immediately said: "Zhou'er, the food you cook is delicious, I like it very much."

  Bai Zhou raised the corner of his mouth a little . With a smile, he seemed to ask inadvertently: "How about comparing with Qiao Yuan? Which one do you think is better?"

  This is another fatal question.

  Fu Xiyan paused, looking at Bai Zhou's hopeful eyes and couldn't bear to let her down: "Everyone's taste is different, I think... what you make is equally delicious."

  Bai Zhou's face fell when he heard this, He reluctantly pulled the corner of his mouth.

  [Originally I was not sure about the cooking skills of these two people, but now I understand that Fu Xiyan cannot even tell the truth that Bai Zhou's cooking skills are better. ]
  [Hahaha, you don't have to take Fu Xiyan's words to judge this. You can tell by looking at the amount of food on the table. The plates on Qiao Yuan's side are almost empty, but there is still a lot left on Bai Zhou's side. As for being as distinct as the Yellow River? ]
  [I'm a little curious, how delicious home-cooked food is to make celebrities who are used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas nod their heads in praise. ]

  Bai Zhou was greatly shocked. When he came back to his senses, he found that Meng Yuan on the other side of him was also enjoying the meal.

  Meng Yuan was also very confused.

  Is it normal to hate Qiao Yuan but also like her cooking so much?

  After the meal, the guests began to discuss the allocation of the house. The house is a two-story building with six bedrooms, which is enough for six people to live in. The decoration style and lighting of the houses inside are very different.

  Meng Yuan said: "Let's draw lots, it will be fairer."

  The other guests nodded and had no objection.

  Numbers were written on the bamboo sticks, and the numbers corresponded to six completely different bedrooms. The guests guessed the order of drawing.

  Qiao Yuan is a master of guessing games and quickly qualified for the first draw.

  She put her hand into the bamboo tube with some anxiety, touched around and finally pulled out the one that felt the best.

  She nervously held the sign in her hand, slowly opened her fingers, and narrowed her eyes slightly to look at it.

  Suddenly her eyes lit up and she raised her arms excitedly: "I, I got the number three! In the room next to the peach tree, I have peaches to eat!"

  Meng Yuan couldn't help but burst into laughter and crossed her arms: "One Are peaches so happy?"

  "Of course, those peaches are big and red! I have been coveting them for a long time! I have seen that room, and several peach branches are about to reach into the room. I can eat the freshest ones by raising my hand. Peach!" Qiao Yuan smiled, with dimples showing on her face.

  Meng Yuan was stunned by her infectious smile.

  How could such a cheerful, optimistic and easily satisfied person be the sinister and cunning person Bai Zhou said?

  Meng Yuan frowned, because of the split emotions in her heart. On the one hand, she believed her friend's complaints, but on the other hand, she was a person who firmly believed in her own judgment.

  Bai Zhou's face turned slightly cold, and he looked at Qiao Yuan with a hint of jealousy in his eyes.

  She also likes Room 3, not because of a few broken peaches.

  Room No. 3 has excellent sunlight and is warmly decorated inside. More importantly, it is the only bedroom with a balcony.

  [Hahaha, this amateur is so cute. She looks so cute. My heart melts when she smiles. ]
  [I also think that her smile is really innocent, it has a feeling that it does not belong to the entertainment industry, like a breath of fresh air. ]
  [There's no need to brag so much, right? Didn't you just squeeze in through the back door? This kind of cute and confused character becomes more annoying the more established it becomes. Is he really so noble and noble and he still wants to force his way into the show? It's all just personality. ]
  ......     The other guests drew lots one after another, and they were all quite satisfied with the house they got. Only Bai Zhou didn't look good because she won the house that was renovated from a utility room.

  "That house is on the first floor. Not only is it simple, but it's also very damp. I just saw cockroaches crawling on the ground. I'm afraid of bugs. How can I live here..."

  Bai Zhou frowned and was worried.

  Fu Xiyan immediately said: "Let me switch with you."

  As soon as he finished speaking, he heard Fu Chuan shouting with a loudspeaker next to him: "We can't switch."

  Bai Zhou lowered his eyes in despair: "Let's forget it."

  Fu Xiyan originally wanted to rush The program team tried hard but heard Qiao Yuan's voice:
  [It's really strange. Didn't Bai Zhou also lay the floor at Lin Meng's house before? The basement was much more humid than here and she didn't complain, so was it just a lack of a Lin gangster? 】

  Fu Xiyan couldn't tell how he felt. He was shocked and angry, but more importantly, he was powerless.

  Bai Zhou insists on being with Lin Meng, so what does it mean to be like this?

  Bai Zhou's heart beat twice violently, and she said: "Forget it, Xiao Yan, what we do is against the rules, and I can't bear to let you live here in exchange for me."

  Fu Xiyan nodded in a daze . .

  After the discussion, the guests each carried their suitcases upstairs.

  The next morning, the guests got up one after another, and the cameras started running again. Soon the program faced another thorny problem: Qiao Yuan was missing!
  Fu Chuan's voice became a little serious: "What's going on? Can Qiao Yuan escape from under our noses?"

  The point is that Qiao Yuan is not only his co-guest but also his relative. His aunt had already called him After calling him, he told him to take more care of Qiao Yuan because of her simple temper.

  A photographer said: "I saw Teacher Qiao going out around six o'clock this morning. She told me that she wanted to go out for a walk. It wasn't the broadcast time yet." "

  Why didn't you tell me earlier? "The cold sweat on Fu Chuan's forehead faded.

  Bai Zhou who was listening stiffly twitched the corner of her mouth. She thought she would never see Qiao Yuan again.

  Fu Xiyan wanted to go out with the program team to look for him, but Bai Zhou quickly grabbed his sleeve. He lowered his head and asked, his voice a little anxious: "What's wrong?" "It's the

  program team's job to find Qiao Yuan. What are you doing here? And... ...Aren't you afraid of those media marketing accounts writing randomly?" Bai Zhou lowered his voice. She saw that the cameras around her had no time to pay attention and then she spoke.

  Fu Xiyan's expression flashed with depression, and he frowned fiercely: "Qiao Yuan is our family, aren't you worried at all?"

  Realizing that his words were a little harsh, Fu Xiyan was about to say something when he heard Bai Zhou's slight words. Uncontrollable voice: "What kind of family is she even if she hasn't even changed her horoscope? They didn't even hold an engagement party. What kind of family is Qiao Yuan? She eats and drinks in our house, and she is also a hateful thief... "

  Fu Xiyan looked at her in disbelief: "Zhou'er, why are you... Let's not talk about Qiao Yuan's mother being kind to our family. Qiao Yuan herself has helped us so much. If she doesn't care, our family will be in trouble. An unbelieving and unjust bastard?"

  Fu Xiyan looked at the person opposite him intently, but soon found that the person in front of him gradually deviated from the image in his memory.

  (End of chapter)

37. Chapter 37 Successfully integrated into the Cuntou Intelligence Bureau2024-01-18 Author: Meow has become a spirit  Chapter 37 Successfully integrated into the Cuntou Intelligence Bureau.
  When Bai Zhou first came to Fu's house, she was thin and small. She was timid and didn't like to talk, but she was very kind. She would carefully feed a few stray cats and dogs she picked up from outside for a long time.

  But now...

  Fu Xiyan doesn't know how to accept Bai Zhou's changes.

  Bai Zhou held Fu Xiyan's arm, and her voice contained a hint of crying: "I'm sorry, Xiaoyan, I shouldn't think like this. I know I'm too despicable to be like this, but I'm really afraid that Qiao Yuan will take it away from me. Family, please forgive me..."

  Seeing Bai Zhou crying, Fu Xiyan's heart softened by half: "Stop crying, how could she take away your family? There is no conflict between us liking her and liking you."

  Bai Zhou didn't think so. Since Qiao Yuan came to the house, most of the Fu family's attention has been on her. She didn't know what she was thinking of and nodded again, as if she was understood.

  Fu Chuan went out to ask someone: "Hello, have you ever seen a girl? She is about twenty years old, with a bun, and by the way, she has dimples on her face when she smiles."

  Originally he was just asking someone casually. Unexpectedly, the aunt who was chatting on the street suddenly clapped her hands: "Are you talking about that little girl with big eyes, sweet talk, and lovable voice? She just chatted with me." The

  aunt stretched out her hand . Xi Bian pointed: "Go that way."

  Following the aunt's instructions, the program team quickly found Qiao Yuan. At that time, she was sitting on a small bench chatting with people on the street. Her eyes were very bright. It was obvious that he was very excited, and he was holding a large handful of melon seeds in his hand. He seemed to have completely integrated into the "Intelligence Bureau" at the head of the village.

  "Really? Brother Li, who sells cooked food at the east end of the village, was kicked out by his wife in the middle of the night?" "

  That's not true. Can I lie to you? Li Min is just like his father. He smokes cigarettes and drinks alcohol. A dozen Even in the middle of the night, mahjong often loses completely. It should have been dealt with long ago!"

  Qiao Yuan nodded, enjoying himself.

  Soon she noticed something, stood up and looked at Fu Chuan, who was gradually approaching: "Why are you here?" She looked at the time on her watch: "Hey, isn't the recording in half an hour?" "

  New change It's time, didn't you receive the message?"

  A staff member said: "When I went to inform yesterday, Teacher Qiao was already asleep, so I didn't disturb him."

  Fu Chuan sighed and said to Qiao Yuan: "It's okay, the time has changed. It's really sudden. Are you chatting?"

  "Yes, I also made breakfast by the way."

  Several ladies asked from behind: "Hey, little girl, is this your date?"

  Qiao Yuan smiled and explained: "No, this is my director, we are here to record the show."

  After hearing this, several ladies gave Fu Chuan a thumbs up: "You are really amazing, bringing such a beautiful and cute little The girl came here to film the show!"

  Fu Chuan nodded slightly and said, "Thank you very much."

  He then said to Qiao Yuan, "It's time to go back."

  Qiao Yuan nodded and waved goodbye to the ladies.

  [Countless dangerous scenes flashed through my mind, such as kidnapping and trafficking. I didn't expect to come to the village to chat and eat melon. ]
  [Get up early in the morning just to come to the village to chat? The entertainment industry has finally become something I could never imagine. ]
  [One thing to say, this amateur Qiao Yuan is really cute. Her face looks white and soft, as if you could pinch it with your hands! ]
  [Is this really a white lotus? It really doesn't look like it. She is positive, optimistic and Buddhist, how could she be the White Lotus? ]
  [What a huge contrast. She looked like a very quiet and well-behaved girl at first glance. Unexpectedly, she started talking non-stop while eating melon. ]
  [Hahaha, this star is quite baffling, but I like it! ]

  Qiao Yuan returned to the pastoral hut, and most of the guests were sitting in the yard.

  Qiao Yuan said, "I'm sorry for making everyone worry."

  Bai Zhou saw that she came back safe and sound: "Where have you been?"     "We went out to chat for a while."

  "Chat? Is there anyone you know here?"


  Bai Zhou didn't know how to answer the conversation. She felt like she was being tricked.

  "It's good to be back." Fu Xiyan finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Qiao Yuan back.

  Han Ling echoed: "Yes, if you are not here, where will I eat so many delicious meals?"

  Meng Yuan opened her mouth and said: "Breakfast is inside, you go and eat some, I made it, I am better at craftsmanship Oh no, don't tell me if it's not delicious."

  Qiao Yuan couldn't help laughing. Although she had already eaten outside, Qiao Yuan still went into the living room again with dignity.

  Fu Xiyan was about to speak but stopped.

  As soon as I took the first bite of Qiao Yuan, I regretted it. How could there be something so unpalatable?

  Meng Yuan's words were still a bit too modest and conservative.

  However, it seemed impolite to spit it out in front of Meng Yuan, so Qiao Yuan endured the saltiness and swallowed it, then took a big gulp of water.

  Meng Yuan looked at it with a slightly complicated look, as if she was thinking about something.

  No one could insist on eating the food she cooked without spitting it out, except Qiao Yuan.

  "An Ordinary Day" uses celebrities to experience farm life as a program format, but in essence it is still a slow farming show. Soon the guests will need to carry hoes to farm.

  There are five acres of fields around the house, which are all left to the guests to take care of. There is an acre of open land at this time, and the guests' task today is to sow radish.

  The program team invited Uncle Wang, a well-known farming expert in the village, to come over and explain for a while. Since they had never had much contact with farming, the guests seemed to understand it but not quite.

  Uncle Wang stood up and hammered his waist: "The soil is too hard and not loose enough. You have to loosen the soil first. Do you know how to loosen the soil?" He paused: "Let me give you a demonstration first."

  After the demonstration, the guests Picked up their own hoes.

  Qiao Yuan had never been exposed to farm work, but due to her strength and intelligence, she was able to do it very well very quickly, which made Uncle Wang praise him:

  "The little girl picked up so quickly, she is very smart at first sight."

  Qiao Yuan turned around and said to her. He smiled: "Uncle, thank you."

  Fu Xiyan on the other side also received praise from Uncle Wang: "The young man is very strong. Oh, it's really good. After all, a grown man has to endure hardships and stand hard work to enjoy happiness. People who can barely pick up a hoe are definitely not good, and I'm afraid they won't even be able to get a wife in the future."

  He was talking about Han Ling.

  Han Ling was seen holding on to the hoe in vain, taking out a handkerchief to wipe sweat, wearing a hat and mask on his head, and wrapped tightly in sun protection clothing.

  [No wonder I can't lift an actress who weighs 80 pounds. It turns out she can't even lift a hoe. Anyone can be an idol. The entertainment industry is really tolerant of male stars. ]
  [Can't you see the sun in such a big sun? Isn't it normal to be hot? Isn't it normal for our family, Lingling, to be afraid of heat and work slowly since she was a child? ]
  [What does the agent think? Why should we accept this kind of variety show for Lingling? Haven't you seen that the child's hands are almost red? ]
  (End of chapter)

38. Chapter 38 Lin Youhua makes soup for her sister-in-law2024-01-18 Author: Meow has become a spirit  It was noon in the blink of an eye, and the sun was shining brightly.

  Qiao Yuan wiped the sweat from her forehead, touched her sunburned cheeks, and decided to go to the nearby tree to enjoy the cool air. There were already three guests standing there.

  As soon as Qiao Yuan walked over, she saw Lin Youhua, who was hiding quietly under the tree, left immediately, walking in a hurry.

  Qiao Yuan looked back in confusion.

  It's really strange. Somehow, she always feels that Lin Youhua avoids her like a snake and a scorpion.

  Han Ling was leaning against a tree to enjoy the cool air. He was waving a fan gracefully, and there was something indescribably charming about his movements.

  Finding that he was staring in one direction intently, Qiao Yuan followed his gaze curiously.

  Fu Xiyan was working hard with a hoe. He had taken off his coat and was only wearing a sleeveless undershirt. He was tall and well-built, but his bulging muscles were not greasy or exaggerated, and he was sweating from the sun.

  Especially his sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, and his youthful face look absolutely stunning together.

  Qiao Yuan nodded silently in her heart. To a certain extent, Fu Xiyan was indeed quite popular with a certain group.

  Han Ling smiled. He noticed Qiao Yuan next to him and asked her with a smile: "How is it? Do you also think he is handsome?"

  Perhaps Qiao Yuan's appearance looked too simple, but Han Ling did not List her as a threat.

  Qiao Yuan nodded and shook his head: "He is very handsome."

  Han Ling laughed: "He has good vision, and don't you think he looks... big? I mean strength."

  Qiao Yuan was still surprised by his Be bold.

  As if thinking of something, Han Ling glanced at the camera next to him and seemed to explain to the audience in the live broadcast room: "Every time I see him, I feel my heart surge. He, I... really want to be like him and have him." With a figure like that, I get complained about for nothing every time I film, but it's not my fault that my body fat percentage is low."

  Qiao Yuan said with disbelief on her face: "Oh."

  She didn't see that she was excited, but she could see that she was in love.

  Han Ling was amused by her performance: "How old are you this year? Can minors come to participate in the show? Did your parents sign the contract for you?"

  Qiao Yuan paused: "I am already twenty-one years old. I look... So young?"

  A flash of surprise flashed in Han Ling's eyes: "Yeah, I thought you were seventeen or eighteen years old, maybe because you have a little baby fat and look younger..." "

  Thank you."

  The day was over. The guests, who were tired from hard work and had backaches, went home together.

  Lunch was cooked in turn, and this time it was Lin Youhua's turn. He was busy working, but the food he cooked was not as delicious as everyone expected.


  ​He took a breath, but the next second he saw Qiao Yuan raising his head.

  [Lin Youhua knows how to cook any kind of soup, all of which are performed for others to see. They all say that loving a wife is the best medical beauty for a man. But having said that, although he has never made soup for his wife, he has made soup for his sister-in-law, and his sister-in-law...]

  "No, stop, stop..." Lin Youhua's face was full of panic, and the next second he suddenly He knelt down straight to Qiao Yuan.

  The faces of the guests present were very exciting, and they didn't know which one should be surprised at the moment. Whether it was the explosive information revealed by Qiao Yuan or Lin Youhua kneeling down, they couldn't relax.

  Qiao Yuan still had rice stuffed in her cheeks. She looked at Lin Youhua blankly: "Brother Lin, what's wrong with you?" "I'm really sorry

  . I didn't look at you seriously from the beginning and even deliberately made things difficult for you. I have already Once you realize your mistake, just let me go..."     Lin Youhua lowered his head, but he still couldn't escape after all... If Qiao Yuan continues to act like this, he may become infamous and be despised by thousands of people.

  Originally, he was a senior person respected by everyone in the industry, and the guests would obey his arrangements. But now he seems to have become a street rat, unable to hold his head up in this show.

  He strongly suspected that Qiao Yuan was sent by a hostile artist to prank him, and he didn't even have the ability to resist.

  They say that if you do bad things, you will be punished. He didn't believe it before, but now he does.

  Qiao Yuan came back to her senses. She remembered that she was still a little transparent in the entertainment industry. How could she bear the kneeling of a first-line movie star, so she hurriedly pulled Lin Youhua up.

  Lin Youhua refused to get up: "I'll get up if you promise to let me go."

  Qiao Yuan looked confused: "Why didn't I let you go?"


  Qiao Yuan looked at the camera not far away and urged him: "Get up, Brother Lin, you're trying to break me."

  Fu Xiyan reached out and pulled Lin Youhua up: "Okay, you scared her."

  [What's wrong with Film Emperor Lin? Why did he kneel down out of nowhere? ]
  [It turns out that Lin Youhua was really deliberately making things difficult for Qiao Yuan at that time. This apology was sincere and sincere enough, but he didn't have this attitude before. Is there any reason to blame Qiao Yuan? ]
  [Perhaps he knows that Qiao Yuan's family is very rich. After all, going through the back door is not something ordinary families can do. ]

  As the evening approached, someone complained that the food was too bland, so the other guests nodded in agreement.

  "It's nice to have mountains, water and beautiful scenery here, but my mouth is too plain. Everything is filled with potatoes and radishes. I feel like eating meat."

  Han Ling said, "Then let's go hunting in the mountains."

  The other guests looked at him inexplicably. .

  Meng Yuan said: "The mountain is just a steep slope. Where can I find prey?"

  Bai Zhou suggested: "Let's go and have a look nearby to see if there are any kind-hearted people."

  Meng Yuan hesitated a little: "But People who are not familiar with the place may not be entertained by us."

  Qiao Yuan said: "Didn't we just dig potatoes today? Let's trade those with the villagers."

  The guests nodded one after another, thinking that this was the right time for the current situation. The best solution.

  The group set off and soon locked onto a house.

  Meng Yuan knocked on the door: "Is there anyone here?"

  The sound of slippers was heard, and with a sound, the door was opened, and an aunt poked her head out: "Who are you looking for?"

  Bai Zhou cleared his throat: "Hello, we are here to record a program. Come here..."

  Before she could finish her words, she heard the aunt's excited voice: "Ah, aren't you Yuanyuan? Are you coming to my house as a guest?"

  Qiao Yuan focused her eyes . At first glance, I realized that this person looked familiar: "Aunt Liu?"

  "Oh, it's me. You left in a hurry this morning. Didn't I tell you to go home with me to eat dumplings stuffed with pickled cabbage?"

  "I was in a hurry. I forgot about recording the program."

  "It's not too late to come over now." Aunt Liu looked to the side and seemed to remember these people: "Are these all your friends?"

39. Chapter 39 is really too much punishment2024-01-18 Author: Meow has become a spirit  Qiao Yuan nodded: "The guests who came to record the show together."

  Aunt Liu smiled: "Then come in together, I will make dumplings for you to eat."

  The guests took a step forward hesitantly, looking at each other, as if they had not expected The process of begging turned out to be so smooth.

  Fu Xiyan said: "Thank you, Qiao Yuan, but how did you get to know this lady?"

  Bai Zhou looked around and said, "Isn't Qiao Yuan's hometown in the countryside? I heard that their family used to sell goods in the town. Fruit, maybe this is her hometown."

  The aunt who was walking in front suddenly stopped and looked at Bai Zhou with a smile: "Little girl, what do you mean, what's wrong with the countryside? What do you mean by talking? Do you look down on my family?"

  Bai Zhou Cold sweat broke out on Zhou's forehead, and he hurriedly looked at Fu Xiyan next to him.

  Fu Xiyan said: "I'm sorry, aunt, she didn't mean it like this, she just thought it was a coincidence."

  "How do you know what she is thinking? Are you the roundworm in her belly?" Aunt Liu laughed and looked at her sharply. Xiang Baizhou: "Our small temple can't accommodate your big Buddha, you'd better leave."

  Bai Zhou said anxiously: "I just talked too fast, are you going to lose your temper?"

  "Isn't this too fast-talking, you just roll your eyes. I'm about to flip over to the sky. Why do you want to stay if you don't like this place? I can't afford to serve people like you, so let's go."

  Hearing Aunt Liu speak so unkindly, Bai Zhou's face was filled with shame and anger, and he ran away with his face covered. Got out.

  Fu Xiyan chased after him: "Zhou'er!"

  Meng Yuan panicked and chased after her.

  [This aunt has a really weird temper. If she doesn't want to be received, then she shouldn't be received. She actually made us Zhou'er cry! ]
  [Although, this is someone else's home, and it's their right to let them go or stay. ]
  [There's nothing wrong with Zhou'er's words. It's because the aunt is too sensitive and has low self-esteem that she gets angry. ]
  [It's not a big deal, but Bai Zhou rolled his eyes and showed no respect for others. Isn't the first lesson for celebrities to learn how to manage their expressions? Bai Zhou, what is she doing? ]
  [If you set up a fairy character, do you really think you are a fairy? Pretending to be dead. ]

  Qiao Yuan looked back at the show and smacked her mouth twice with interest.

  Aunt Liu asked from the side: "Yuan Yuan, what kind of stuffing do you want to eat? Pork and scallions or pickled cabbage and pork stuffing?"

  "Sauerkraut and pork stuffing."

  After finishing the meal, Qiao Yuan brought the fresh vegetables that had been prepared. Offer.

  Aunt Liu resisted several times before accepting: "Did you grow this yourself? These potatoes are really big."

  Qiao Yuan scratched her head: "We didn't grow them. We will send them to you when the vegetables we grow mature. ."

  "Okay, I've made a note of it. Come and chat with me when you have time."

  When I got home, I saw Meng Yuan sitting on the sofa, but Fu Xiyan and Bai Zhou were nowhere to be seen.

  Han Ling asked: "Where are they? Are they still together so late?"

  Meng Yuan said: "They have gone back to their respective rooms."

  Han Ling breathed a sigh of relief: "Bai Zhou is not making trouble anymore?"

  Meng Yuan glanced at him : "Already persuaded."

  The small building is not big. There are two public bathhouses, the men's bathhouse on the first floor and the women's bathhouse on the second floor.

  After a hard day's work, Fu Xiyan was sweating all over his body. He took a shower and wiped his hair. When he looked up, he realized that Han Ling was here. He withdrew his gaze and walked to the mirror to wipe the water droplets from his hair.

  "What a coincidence, Xi Yan, you came to take a shower too. Wow, your abdominal muscles are really well trained. Can you take me to the gym with you next time?"     Fu Xiyan ignored him.

  "Why...why are you so aloof and unwilling to say a word to me even when you are away from the camera? Am I so disliked by you?" Han Ling pinched his throat, and his voice sounded a little pitiful.

  Fu Xiyan held the towel for a moment, suppressed his nausea, picked up the hair dryer and started to dry his hair.

  Two minutes later, Fu Xiyan put the hair dryer back to its original place. He reached out and fiddled with the bangs on his forehead. Suddenly, he paused and saw in the mirror that Han Ling not far behind him had not left yet, staring straight at him. See for yourself.

  Fu Xiyan clenched his fists, turned around, touched his lower teeth with the tip of his tongue, and laughed: "What are you looking at?"

  Han Ling's eyes were fixed on Fu Xiyan's crotch: "Eighteen?"

  Fu Xiyan didn't know why: "Twenty."

  "Twenty?" Han Ling's eyes flashed strangely.

  "I am twenty years old."

  After seeing Han Ling lick his lips, Fu Xiyan finally understood what he was talking about, and an indescribable feeling of nausea filled his chest: "Mad, you **** ..."

  He hurriedly put on a coat and walked out. He felt better after taking a breath of fresh air.

  [Han Ling planned to drug Fu Xiyan in order to sneak into his room at night and do whatever he wanted. Han Ling has had such obscene thoughts for more than a day or two. It was just because there were many bodyguards around Fu Xiyan that it was difficult for him to take action, so he found the opportunity and participated in the show to take advantage of Fu Xiyan. ]
  "What?!" Qiao Yuan couldn't calm down at all after hearing what the system had just shared.

  She originally thought that Han Ling, a gay man, just admired Fu Xiyan's beauty, but she didn't expect that he actually planned to take actual action.

  The punishment is really too much punishment! ! !

  If Han Ling really succeeded, wouldn't it be more uncomfortable for Fu Xiyan, a straight man like him, than killing him?

  Fu Xiyan was pretty good to her...

  Qiao Yuan was a little uneasy, so she opened the door and walked out.

  The next second, Qiao Yuan's eyes lit up, and her eyes met Fu Xiyan's.

  Fu Xiyan was sitting in front of the stone table in a daze. When he saw Qiao Yuan, he stretched and asked, "Why aren't you sleeping at this late hour?"

  Qiao Yuan approached him.

  Fu Xiyan was stunned for a moment: "What's wrong with you? Why are your eyes so serious? Who messed with you?"

  Qiao Yuan looked at him extremely seriously: "You have to be careful about Han Ling, remember to stay away from Han Ling, and remember not to eat what he gives you. Your stuff!"

  [Good guy, are you trying to instigate the relationship between the guests in such an aboveboard way? ]
  [No, what do you mean by this amateur? Our family Lingling did not provoke you, right? What do you mean by saying this? Hurry up and apologize to Lingling! ]
  [Qiao Yuan, right? I remember you. It's the first time I've seen such an upright and upright person. ]
  [ah? What is Qiao Yuan doing? Why is it more inexplicable than Lin Youhua? ]
  [Don't bully Lingling! Don't bully Lingling! Don't bully Lingling! ]
  [Don't rush to complain. In case there is any misunderstanding, I don't think Qiao Yuan is someone who would say bad things about others casually. ]

  Perhaps Qiao Yuan's expression was too serious, Fu Xiyan couldn't help but ask: "Why?"

  Qiao Yuan paused, roaring crazily in his heart.

  [Why why why, because if you don't stay away from him, he will eat you! ! ! 】

  It's PK again. I'm so cute and cute. Please give me some votes.

40. Chapter 40 Preserves Fu Xiyan's innocence2024-01-18 Author: Meow has become a spirit  [Han Ling is a curvy person and has been coveting your beauty for a long time! He has prepared the drug and is waiting to sneak into your room and do whatever he wants! If you don't stay away from him now, I'm afraid you won't be able to cry by then...]

  Fu Xiyan's expression darkened inch by inch. He remembered that Han Ling had just harassed him in the bathroom. It turned out that Han Ling was a gay, so to speak. It's over...

  Forcibly suppressing the nausea in his heart, Fu Xiyan said to Qiao Yuan: "I know, I will definitely keep a good distance from him."

  Qiao Yuan was a little surprised, but she didn't expect Fu Xiyan to be so easy. It made sense, but this was really a good thing, and she didn't need to bother explaining anymore.

  Fu Xiyan stood up: "It's already so late, let me take you back to your room."


  [The two of them have discussed isolating us, Lingling? How could it be so excessive! You all dare to do this in front of the camera, but you have bullied us Lingling so many times in private! ! Damn it, I'm going to report you two and this crappy show! ]
  [Han Ling didn't do anything wrong, right? Why did he do this? Isn't it bad to bully people like this? ]
  [The case has been solved. This amateur is a villain who likes to sow discord. His fans turned negative! After Fu Xiyan heard what Qiao Yuan said, he was also very bad! ]
  [Inexplicable isolation, isn't this bullying? Are you so bold with so many people watching in the live broadcast room? ]

  As soon as Fu Xiyan sent Qiao Yuan back, he saw Han Ling twisting his waist and handed over a glass of milk: "Xiyan, where did you go just now? No one responded after knocking on the door for a long time."

  When Fu Xiyan saw him Every cell in his body was repelling the approach, so he took a step back calmly and frowned at him: "What are you doing here?"

  Han Ling pushed the tray with milk to Fu Xiyan: "Of course, I'm giving you warmth. Bai Zhou asked me to give this glass of milk to you. She said she was very grateful to you for comforting her just now. This is a thank you gift."

  Fu Xiyan's fingers tightened on the tray.

  Han Ling waved his hand: "The thank you gift has been delivered, I will leave first. I wish you a good dream tonight."

  Han Ling's figure gradually faded away, and Fu Xiyan looked at the milk in his hand.

  If he hadn't heard Qiao Yuan's reminder, he would have drank it happily when he heard Bai Zhou's name.

  Fu Xiyan lowered his eyes and looked at the glass of milk. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that the color of the milk was not right. He lowered his head and sniffed it, and almost couldn't help but spit it out.

  Fu Xiyan threw the milk, cup and tray into the trash can. He went back to his room to get soap and washed his hands several times. He didn't stop until his hands were red.

  Still, the nauseating feeling lingered in his throat.

  At one o'clock in the morning, Han Ling quietly opened the door of Fu Xiyan's room.

  When he was cleaning before, he accidentally discovered that there was a key in the living room, which was a spare key for each room. Han Ling immediately put the key chain into his pocket without telling anyone.

  He gave Fu Xiyan a sufficient amount of drugs to ensure that he would not wake up midway. Han Ling has already thought of a solution. He will clean up before leaving, and will never give anyone a chance to find out.

  Han Ling walked closer slowly, staring obsessively at the man's love mind on the bed, and stretched out his hand to touch his face.

  Unexpectedly, the next second, the originally sleeping person suddenly opened his eyes as dark as stars.

  Han Ling's pupils dilated due to panic and fear, and he let out a scream the next second.

  Fu Xiyan punched Han Ling in the face. He was practicing volleyball and his arm strength was amazing. Han Ling fell on his back like a shrimp, and nosebleeds poured from the corners of his mouth.     Fu Xiyan kicked him out of bed and punched him on the other side of the face.

  In the middle of the night, Qiao Yuan was awakened by the sound of hurried walking outside. She resisted her sleepiness, put on her clothes and got out of bed.

  Her intuition told her that something interesting must be happening outside.

  Following the crowd to the door of Fu Xiyan, Qiao Yuan's heart was lifted. When she walked in and found that Fu Xiyan was fully clothed, Qiao Yuan felt relieved.

  "You damn faggot! You drugged me and came to my room to disgust me? Huh?! If I beat your grandfather to death today, I will take your surname!!"

  "Don't you want to feel good? Huh? It's still good now. Not happy? Damn gay!!"

  Fu Xiyan raised his fist high and punched Han Ling again.

  Han Ling's face was bruised and bruised, and his face was covered with nosebleeds. He waved his hands and begged: "Don't hit me again, don't hit me again! Don't hit Xi Yan again. I was wrong. I won't dare to do it again..."

  Fu Chuan watched quietly. Seeing that Han Ling was almost silent, he stepped forward and took Fu Xiyan's arm: "Okay, Xiaoyan, just think of it as venting your anger. If you continue to fight, you will be in trouble."

  Fu Xiyan stood up and closed his eyes: "It's really true. It's so disgusting. This damn fag came to my room in the middle of the night..."

  Fu Chuan's expression also became much colder: "I will throw him out right away. He is not worthy of participating in my show."

  Fu Xiyan He said: "Call the police and tell this kid to be honest." He paused and seemed very tired: "Let's slow down this show first. I want to go home. It's really disgusting."

  Fu Chuan was stunned for two seconds. Still agreed: "I'll find you a psychiatrist."

  Fu Xiyan nodded, turned around and saw Qiao Yuan, he walked over: "Why are you awake? Did you just see it?"

  Qiao Yuan nodded.

  "...The scene just now was a little bloody, weren't you scared?"

  Qiao Yuan shook her head again.

  "Speaking of which, thank you for reminding me. Thank you, Qiao Yuan."

  "You're welcome." Qiao Yuan said, "You also helped me a lot."

  Two major events have happened in the entertainment industry. One is the popular variety show " "An Ordinary Day" announced that it would suspend the recording of the first episode and terminate the contract with artist Han Ling, and will return after adjustments. The second is that Han Ling, a popular niche artist, was admitted to the hospital late at night in an emergency and was banned by many major companies, labeling him a bad artist who would never cooperate.

  Just when the audience was confused, the staff of "An Ordinary Day" released the video. The picture effect was explosive, and at the same time, the mouths of those who were filled with indignation for Han Ling were blocked.

  [Han Ling is actually a gay? And he drugged Fu Xiyan to molest others? Why can I understand every word but I can't understand them all when put together? ? ? ]
  [This makes me, the one who recommended Han Ling, really embarrassed. Who knew, the male idol I have liked for three years turns out to have the same orientation as me...]

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