On His Knees: Regretful ex-Hu...

By MovingOn458

225K 5.7K 730

-Completed- We were married for a year. It was a dream marriage, and my husband was a dream man. Unfortunate... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Final Chapter
Epilogue - 7 years later

Chapter 4

16.4K 456 39
By MovingOn458

Beep Beep Beep

Someone is approaching me.

"Wake up... Nick! You need to wake up!"

Nicholas's POV

A feeling of total desolation was taking hold of my body. I was feeling the most disturbing and profound pain and anguish. My mind was dizzy and groggy. My head was throbbing and I didn't really know where I was. I am lying somewhere... and there is a beep sound near my head, going over and over again.

I try to move my right arm and... Is it chained? I am chained. Both my arms are chained! What happened to me? God, what happened to me?! I start to force my arms, trying to free myself, when I hear a voice I know from somewhere, saying urgently:

"Brother, calm down, okay? Stay calm, you are in a hospital. But you need to calm down!"

Who is...? Mason. It's Mason. A man I consider like my own brother. A detective. He was helping me with the... I can't even think about it! R-Rebecca... Dear God, REBECCA! REBECCA! 

I don't know if I've lost my conscience or if I've gone really crazy... But I am yet again waking up, and now I feel something holding my chest to the bed as well. I can't move. I am chained like a fuc**ng animal!

"Nick! Listen to me, open your eyes," Mason asks me with a firm voice.

I am dizzy and I have this terrible weight on me, like a rock is pressing me down... I have this feeling of going down on a precipice. I just can't seem to regain my conscience. I feel like I am dead, but I am still breathing. I open my eyes with effort and look into Mason's eyes. "Brother.... Shi*.... Fuc*... Nick, man, I am sorry..I am so sorry. Look, we are going to solve this together, okay? We are going to make things right, okay? But you need to calm down, man. I can't help you if you keep acting like a madman!"

He says this, putting a hand in his eyes like he can't stand looking at me. "Nick, you destroyed your office. Everything is destroyed. The papers... Do you remember what you did?" I just shake my head in denial.

"After everything went down, I thought you looked calm... I shouldn't have let you alone... Fuc**,"  he pauses, shaking his head. "You talked to the police and gave some statements. And then you left. I received a call about you when you were already in the ambulance. It took five men from your security to take you down, Nick. You flipped. You flipped! You destroyed everything in your office. Nick...damn. I understand... Damn... I understand you completely, brother. But you need your mind, understand? We need to solve this situation together!

He pauses and continues. "They sedated you with some pretty heavy stuff. They thought it was better to chain you to bed. I am trying to use my influence here, but you need to help me, understand?" He asks me with an anxious face. I just murmur:

"Rebecca.... R-Rebecaa... W-Where..." He sighs.

"We have someone there with her, man. For the moment it's all you can do. You need to show the doctors you have your mind in the right place, understand?" He questions me urgently. "Man, it's serious. The way you reacted, they were talking about a hospitalization. Do you understand what I am trying to say, Nicholas?" He demands.Yes, yes, I understand. If I don't take control of myself, they will put me somewhere to make sure I am not some CEO gone batshit crazy. Did I really do all these things?

I just remember feeling rage. Utter and absolute rage. The devastation. I saw everything red in front of me. After this... Nothing. And now, I am waking up chained in a bed. My mind is so full of regret... So full of shame. Fear... Panic.

My Rebecca will not forgive me. She will not forgive me. I am lost, I am lost. She will not take me back. My Rebecca will not... Rebecca... REBECCA...

"Nicholas, calm down... You need to breathe brother." I hear Mason saying to me. The beep beep seems very fast and out of control now. Like my own life. Like the devastation, the tragedy that is my own life.

Rebecca... Babe.... Babe....!

I start to cry. I cry like a man possessed. I cry like a man without hope. I hear people entering the room and talking. But I don't have the strength to care. Rebecca... REBECCA!

What I've done babe? What I've done to us? What I've done to you?

Babe... what do I do now?!

She is not going to forgive me. She is not going to take me back. She hates me. She hates me. I deserve her hate. I deserve this pain I am feeling. I start to feel dizzy again everything else fades. In my mind, I can just think of,


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