Prince Sebastian

By Emma386

239 10 0

Some people dream of being a prince or princess, some even dream of knowing a Prince or princess. Girls dream... More

1 - Rose
3 - you shall go to the ball
4 - The Ball
5 - The Rescue
6 - Home and medical checks
7 - Mistaken Identity
8 - Sebastians last 19 yrs
9 - Roses Past pt1
10 - Rose's Past pt2
11 - Dates
12 - The Cell, The Escape and Taken
13 - The Fire
14 - Recovery
15 - will you marry me?
16 - the future Mrs Stan
17 - talking things through
18 - The Trial

2 - Sebastian

21 1 0
By Emma386

Princess Rose or Bluebird I called her. It's been 19 years since she and her father died. I still remember the day mum broke the news, I had been in my room working on a gift for Rose. A photo album of us both growing up, I was a year older than Rose but we were so close always spending time together wether in Austria where her father and Mother were the king and Queen or over her in America. We alternated who we spent Christmas with, holidays together. We always shared a room due to us being so close. I loved Rose, I still love her, I wanted to marry her and make her my wife. I had told her dad 'uncle' how I felt 'uncle I want to marry Blue' 10 year old me confessed to him 'you will always have my blessing Sebastian' he smiled.

When it came to the funerals, Rose's was a small private funeral with just mum, and Rose's uncle 'uncle Leon' but he told me to call him Uncle or uncle Leo'. Since Rose's dad passing uncle Leo became king, mum and I followed behind him as we processed into the church for the funeral, I was getting memories from Rose's mums funeral.

'Your highness' I look up to see my friend Chris. 'You don't have to be so formal when it's just us chris' I smile. 'I know. How are you feeling?' He asks sitting beside me as I look at the last picture I have with Rose on her 13th birthday. 'I just miss her so much. I wanted to marry her, I knew I wanted to marry her at 10.' I tell Chris, 'but now it's been 19 years, next year it will be 20 years.' I add. 'Will you be going over?' Chris asks 'always. Every year I will go over for her birthday and anniversary of her passing, I need to support Uncle. King Leon.' I say.

The next week I was on my private plane with Chris and Anthony on my way to Austria. My car was waiting as we land read for me to drive to see uncle.  'I've missed you uncle' I smile hugging him, 'I've missed you too seb' he replies hugging me back. 'You can stay in your cottage, it's all prepared and I've put some food in there for you' he tells me. 'Thank you uncle, I'll see you later' I smile.

'Come on you two' I smile leading Chris and Anthony to the cottage where we stayed, well mum did I stayed with Rose. Opening the door I walk in, so many memories. One of when Rose was 8 and I was 9 we both wanted a sleepover so we did it in the cottage falling asleep together on the sofa. Mum and I had our own rooms plus guest rooms. 'I'll take you to your rooms' I smile. Taking them up to their rooms I let them settle in before heading to mine. Putting away my clothes I look at the picture that were on the dresser of us.

'Was that her?' I turn to see Chris, I was looking at a picture that Uncle Leo had took the night of her birthday as we danced, it was paired with a photo of us both that night cuddled up in her bed. He gave it to me for Christmas, he confessed he also got one for Rose but since hearing of her death he left it in her room. Her room has been untouched since her passing.  'Yeah' I smile softly 'this was at the ball for her 13th Uncle Leo took the pictures. 'She looks amazing pal' Chris smiles 'she was' I reply 'I still love her, I will always love her' I  add softly 'and she loves you, always will. I'm sure she's looking down smiling, being so proud of you and what you have achieved' Chris smiles.

It's now 3 weeks later, the celebration of Uncles and Rose's life Leo holds every year. Charities in their names, fundraisers by events here and back at home. This year was going to be a masked ball, tickets sold fast when people heard I was coming. The suits and Masks for the three of us were hanging up in our rooms in the Palace. The ball was then end of the week, during the week Leo and I visited different charities and projects supported by the money raised. 

During a break I was sat outside a cafe having some lunch, opposite was a dress shop. Looking over I see a women walk out, she didn't look well. Dropped 9ver her arm was 2 dress bags, she looked towards me. Her blue eyes looks familiar. 'Bluebird?' I ask myself. Soon I can't see her, how could she be alive?.

Sitting in the livingroom on our floor in the Palace I lean back 'Seb?' I turn to see Chris 'I think I saw a ghost' I say turning to face him, 'what do you mean' Chris asks sitting beside me 'I think I saw someone who looked just like Rose. But she's dead' I say.  'Fate moves in mysterious ways pal' Chris smiles softly. 'Maybe. I'm off to bed, see you in the morning' I say standing up beginning to walk to my room. Stopping I turn to face Rose's door,  gently I push open the door. Memories of us both, 'happy Birthday Blue' i say softly.

I spot an envelope on her dressing table, her mirror has photographs of us growing up. In a silver frame was a photo of Rose and I on the balcony on her birthday.  'Charming' the envelope had on the front. Picking it up I walk back over to the sofa which we shared, sitting in my usual seat leaving Rose's spot empty. 'What's this Blue' I smile at the empty spot, opening the envelope I find a letter.


Thank you for an amazing birthday, it was a wonderful evening. You looked so handsome in your suit, your stunning blue eye that show I'm home, that I'm safe, that I'm protected. Protected by you.

I've been trying to work out how to tell you this, I've told Auntie about it, uncle about it even mum and dad. I've loved you for as long as I can remember.

Charming you are my world, my light, my hope. I would love to marry you someday.

You keep me safe, I feel protected and safe with you. I love going riding with you, I love just spending time with you. I wish for many more adventures with you.

All my love always


'Seb?'  I look up to see Enzo. Enzo travels with me everywhere. I can't stand him sometimes when he's not being professional. He knows he can't call me that. I glare at him 'I'm sorry, your highness' he replies bowing to me 'better, what are you doing in here. You know no one's allowed in here' I shout at him 'bbbuut your in here sir' he stutters. 'Well Enzo' I say standing up walking towards him. 'I'm allowed. Only King Leon and myself are allowed. Okay' I tell him sternly 'yes sir. Please forgive me your highness' he replies  'please just leave' I tell him. He leaves the room and I shut the door behind him. Sliding to the floor I look at the letter in my hands, she wanted to marry me.

Putting the letter back in the envelope I hide the letter in the secret compartment only Rose and I know about, inside I spot letters I wrote to Rose and the necklace I gave her on her 13th.  Needing to clear my mind ready for tomorrow I leave the Palace I walk into town.  Memories of times growing up when we used to come into town with our nanny. Nanny Claire was more like a big sister, our family knew this and it helped to keep us safe. Claire brother Scott was Rose's bodyguard but he too was like a brother. The four of us used to go into town, horse riding and more things whilst our parents were working. It felt nice having a semi normal life.

'Thud' I fall to the floor, so does someone else. I watch as they scramble to pick up the boxes. 'You stupid girl' someone shouts at her 'I'm sorry sir, she's clumsy' they say 'it's okay, no harm done' I smile 'your highness.' She gasps 'I didn't realise it was you' 'no worries it's okay' I smile  'mother what's taking so long. I only have 5 hours to get ready' a girl shouts 'mother we need to go' anouther shouts. I see them walking back towards their mother 'Prince Sebastian' they gasp bowing.  'Bow' the mother says to the third girl. She bows whilst on the floor.  'Let me  help' I say 'it's fine, I can manage' she says quietly as she hurries picking up all of the boxes and bags 'please let me help' I reply softly. 'Okay' she replies our hands accidently touch and I feel sparks 'I'm sorry sir,' she says standing up quickly walking back toward the women and her daughters. Shaking my head I walk back to the Palace to get ready

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