Her Redemption

By hArl3writess

9.4K 423 497

Katherine is a cunning girl who uses her charm and wit to manipulate those around her, all in pursuit of powe... More

aesthetics & A/N
1 | Pilot
2 | Twin
3 | Truama
4 | New girl
5 | Threats
6 | Playing boys
7 | The incident
8 | Cravings
9 | Brutal honesty
10 | Are you threatening me?
11 | The tape
12 | Denial
13 | Limits
14 | Murder
15 | Car drive
16 | Tension
17 | The truth
18 | - S
19 | Corruption
20 | A lesson
21 | Episode
22 | Favourite person
23 | Dressed in death
24 | Whipped
25 | Stripped from innocence
26 | Oblivion
27 | Spooked
28 | Victim
29 | Halloween Party
30 | Arrested
32 | Betrayal
33 | Surprises

31 | unmaSked

147 11 22
By hArl3writess

katherine blackthorn

I shouldn't be jealous. Rome and I aren't together, he's free to talk to anyone he wishes. But, I want him.

  I need him in my life

  He's healing me. He's the source of my redemption.

  "Rome," I moaned. He drags his lips across my neck, lightly sucking it to form hickey's.

  "What?" His tone was lowered and raspy, slightly seductive. He pins my hands above my head with one hand, his other lifting my leg to his side, "It's only fair if I give you the same treatment."

  I chuckled, "They're all probably wondering where we've all gone," referring to our friends.

  "They'll understand," He smirks down at me, my back suddenly arching into him in pleasure. I feel myself throbbing, aching to have him inside me.

  I pulled him closer by the collar of jumpsuit. Our lips moved in a rhythm as if they were meant to be for each other.

  "Rome," I moaned slowly, tilting my head back to give him access to my neck which he takes full advantage of. Starting to lick, suck, and bite my neck to mark.

  I was losing myself.

  Being provided with euphoria and adrenaline that drives me insane.

  A chime soon brings me out of trance, feeling my phone vibrate against my hip. Reaching for my phone with Rome still exploring my body, marking the base of my tits.

  Unknown Number;
  'Poor Katherine, her walls are starting to crumble down which leaves her completely vulnerable. How will I ever take advantage of that?'

  Staring at the text with confusion, I manage to pull away from Rome's grasp. Standing straight, adjusting stability, I run my fingers through my hair, leaning against the wall for support.

  "Who is it?" Rome asked, gasping for air.

  "My mother," I sighed with my chest feeling heavy. It starts to heave up and down with weight.

  I know it was too late for this, but I want Rome out of my drama. He doesn't deserve this — lying to him was the only way.

  My phone chimes again.

  Unknown Number:
  'Kiss Nigel and you'll return information about your brother's murder.'

  My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but I was intrigued. Information about Thomas's murder? What could it possibly be?

  "Everything okay?" Rome asked, looking a little concerned.

  I nod, "She's just being a total bitch," Chuckling nervously.

  Unknown Number:
  "Do we have a deal? - S'

  Walking away from Rome, I have a deep conversation with my mind. Trying to figure this out.

  Kissing Rome's ex-best friend who also made Bella cheat on him will grant me nothing but regret. For fuck sake, history would be repeating itself.

  Rome would be left in a spiral of betrayal. But I would also be left in a spiral of regret.

  I'd be regretting this opportunity. I have to know who murdered my brother.

  This is fucked up, but whoever these people are, they are attracted to that.

  They won't be offering something without getting something in return. Mine and Rome's relationship could obliterate. And it'd make me go insane.

  Tapping against my screen slowly, biting my lower lip in stress. Am I going to regret this?

  'Yes' I sent the message.

  Blowing out a sigh, I turned around to look at Rome who was already staring at me. He squints his eyes with a smile returning to his lips, dimples hallowing his cheeks.

  "Fuck," I muttered, loud enough for Rome to hear.

  My phone chimes once again.

  Unknown Number:
  'Don't tell Rome about this. If I learnt you have double crossed me, I'm pretty sure his little sister's head would look pleasing on a stick'

  "What's wrong?" He asked, walking towards me to cup my face in his huge hands. I looked up at him with such passion, managing to hide away my phone.

  Desperate to keep him out of this, but kissing Nigel will only drag him further down.

  "Nothing," I shook my head, "Let's get back to the party."

  Rome nods, staring at me warily. He knew I was hiding something, but didn't ask questions.

  Walking away from him, I left Nigel's bedroom, hurriedly descending down the stairs once I found them, approaching the blasting music where I entered the crowded kitchen.

  I pour myself three shots, chugging them down with ease and greed. I ignore the burning sensation happening at the back of my throat.

  "What am I doing?" I asked myself, leaning my hip against the counter, starting to pull my roots. "This is wrong."

  My head's a mess. I understand that this is wrong. I shouldn't let someone deceive me, but I'm left with nothing but curiosity.

  My brother's murder case is a mystery that's waiting to be unravelled. It's a fucking murder case.

  Who killed him? That question lurks around me like whispers. Creeping inside me till I'm crippled by terror.

  "Hey," Scarlet soon joins me, stumbling slightly which makes me chuckle. She soon witnesses the state I'm in, "You okay? What's wrong?".

  Biting down my jaw, I threw my head back, "Nothing. I'm just tired."

  "I know what can make you better," She smirks, pulling out a plastic bag filled with white powder, "Want some? It's molly mixed with coke."

  Biting the inside of my cheek, I nod.

  She looks around before opening the bag, offering it to me. I turned around to face the counter, my back facing everyone who's in here.

  I slightly bend over, tipping out the powder onto the dark stoned counter. Scarlet passes me her debit card and I soon make two lines — the length and width of my middle finger.

  I'm the first one to snort the substance. My nose tickled, clearing my throat whilst I covered Scarlet who snorted her line.

  She yells, "Bitch!".

  I laugh, watching her stuff the plastic bag in her bodysuit between her tits, "You're fucked."

  "No I am not!" She exclaims, snatching the bottle of Vodka out of someone's hands to drag me to the living room.

  I start chugging the bottle of vodka down, ignoring the stinging burn. If I'm going to kiss Nigel, I atleast need to be hammered.

  Amber and Ellie soon joined us, and we all started dancing with everyone. Uploading pictures to our instagrams and snapchats.

  "Your my girlies," Amber hiccups, wrapping her arms around my waist, "I love you all so much!".

  All of us look at her in awe.

  "I love you," I kissed her temple as she closed her eyes, her feet still moving to the music which made me giggle.

  "WE LOVE YOU AMBER!" Scarlet yells, her pupils growing every second that passes.

  We all shared laughs, starting to drink our emotions away until I couldn't feel anything but adrenaline and joy.

  After what felt like thirty minutes, I see Nigel leave the living room. Sighing, I turned to the girls, "I'm gonna use the restroom. I'll be right back."

  "Okay!" They shout over the music.

  I walk away from them, following Nigel footsteps into the gaming room. He's interacting with an old aged man who's smoking weed in the corner.

  I need to lay this out perfectly.

  Be desperate, but not too desperate otherwise it'll turn him off. Let him take charge, but play hard to get. Be clueless but not plain dumb. And most importantly, be pretty which won't be a problem.

  Huffing, I trailed towards the man in the corner who's smoking weed. Licking my lips as I purposely stumbled onto Nigel.

  "Fuck," I cover my mouth with my hands, gasping dramatically, "I am so so sorry. My stupid heels."

  Nigel stares at me with his hazel eyes. Blonde hair sat on-top of his head like a wet mop, thick arched dark eyebrows with a stubble starting to grow through his tight jaw.

  I kept blabbering until I finally finished, "I am so sorry. Once again."

  Nigel shook his head, "It's alright. Don't worry about it."

  I wasn't worrying about it.

  I let out a breathy chuckle, "I'm Katherine."

  This set up had to escalate fast. I was growing annoyed and pathetic.

  "I know," He nods his head, surprising me, "I'm Nigel."

  My mouth is shaped in an O shape, "So you're the person who's throwing this party?" Playing dumb, "You have an amazing house by the way."

  Nigel laughs, "Thank you."

  We stared into each other's eyes and I tasted sickness at the back of my mouth. I wanted to get away from his creature.

  "I can show you more to it," Nigel suggests, stepping forwards. He smirks, his hand cupping my cheek, "I promise you, I'm amazing company."

  I laugh, rolling my eyes, but biting my lip to draw him deeper. "I bet you are, Nigel," I charm him, which works since his smirk widens.

  False flattery works like a charm. Making him believe when I want him when I certainly don't.

  I feel his hand snake to the back of my head, his fingers getting lost in my hair. Tugging on my roots slightly, I let out a grunt.

  "Aren't you Rome's girl though?" Nigel implied, making me feel guilt.

  I shook my head, "No?".

  "Oh," He goes confused.

  "But that didn't stop you before," I bring up Bella and his situation which drew his full attention.

  "You're right," He chuckles before capturing my lips with his. The kiss was slow before it turned into a steamy makeout, his tongue sliding across my lips for entrance which I refused.

  Play hard to get.

  Once his hand hits my ass, I fake a moan which allows his tongue to slide into my mouth.

  My stomach is turning in disgust and guilt which soon betrays me when I pull back. He gasps for air, "Fuck-your amazing. I want more."

  Driving back in, he forced his lips onto mine. As much as I try to pull back, he bites on my lower lip, making a whimper fill my throat. 

  "Nigel," I warn.

  He must've taken my pain a different way because he's starting to drag me out of the play room, into the crowded hallways.

  "Wait," I snatched my wrist out of his grasp. I wanted to kill him for kissing me. I wanted to see his blood for forcing his lips onto mine, making me suffer his actions. "I need to use the restroom, first. I'll come find you afterwards."

  "I'll wait here," Nigel states, pecking my lips once more, "Now hurry please, you've made me hard."

  I cringe.

  Walking away from him, I take out my phone. My phone vibrates and chimes at the same time.

  Unknown Number;
  'Follow me - S.'

  Growing confused, I looked up. Searching my surroundings to see a black figure standing behind a crowd of people.

  Oh fuck. It's S.

  Watching them turn around and start walking away, I rush after them, following them out of Nigel's house and into his backyard.

  Descending from the party and into the petrifying night makes me shiver. The cold air nips at my skin, pricking me with its shards of betrayal.

  Covering my arms around my waist, I continue to trail after S. Their back facing towards me as they walk further down the backyard, the blasting music soon fading away.

  I stay alerted, looking around for any possible traps. The other S might jump out in-front of me.

  Until, they stopped, making me automatically stop. We was probably eight metres apart which made me wary.

  Turning around to face me, I noticed their hood was up and they had a slim figure.

  The silence was loud. We stared each other down; S stood confident whilst I stood weakly.

  "Who are you?" I demanded, growing confident. I needed this nightmare to end. They granted me nothing but silence, "Who are you!?".

  I balled my fists, starting to grow mad.

  I watched them pull down their hood slowly. Revealing they also had on a belecklava sealing their identity.

  What were they doing? Are they finally going to reveal who they are?

  Was this the night?

  Before I know it, they soon start ripping their mask off, finally spotlighting who they are.

  I gasp, my eyes going wide.

  Betrayal soon hits me and rage wins.

  "Bella." I seethe.

- finally, one of them is revealed! who was the real manipulator — katherine or bella?

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