The Son of Ddraig

By pausevlim

23.2K 641 655

(Monster Hunter x DxD) In this world, something strange happened that never occurred in the proper timeline... More

The Meeting
The Son's Hunt
The Dragon Kings
The Usurper
The Dance of Flames and Poison
The Graveyard
The Cruel Claw Wyvern
The Clownish Young-man
The Ultimate
The Desired Conclusion
The Vanishing Dragon
The Serpent King Dragon
The Brawl

The Meteor Shower

876 28 56
By pausevlim





Ddraig's power increased exponentially. His emerald aura growing and growing with each boost. His strength doubling with every second.

The world quaked at his actions. And the clouds in the sky parted and the sea rocked with each BOOST. Growing restless and chaotic in his wake. The very environment molding to his power. Submitting to his whims, and his divinity. Unable to resist his draconic might.

Dalamdur, bearing witness to Ddraig's ultimate technique, grinned in appreciation. His large form circling around the Heavenly Dragon, ready to strike at a moment's notice.

"You've improved, Red Dragon. Indeed you have grown, just as you said. And I'm glad." Dalamdur professed, grinning. "Now I won't be so bored anymore!"

Ddraig matched his grin. "You won't have to worry about that anymore, Serpent King. Things are changing. Soon, there will be plenty of battles for you to enjoy. Starting with this one."

The Red Dragon attacked first. His emerald gaze locking on to Dalamdur's weakest point, and pouncing. His superior speed over the largest dragon allowing him to reach it. His claws piercing Dalamadur's scales easily as he dragged them down the serpent's body. Tearing open his flesh in that region.

But before he could continue, Dalamdur slammed them both into a mountain. Knocking Ddraig off as the king caught him mid air in his jaws. Crushing him for a moment before throwing the Red Dragon into the sea. His tail coming down on Ddraig a moment later.

'He's stronger than he was before, and a lot bigger!' Ddraig chuckled with a challenging grin. His aura surging even further, burning hot enough to evaporate the water around him as it pulsed.

He would meet this attack head on.

Pouring boost after boost into his chest, he gathered that energy into an even stronger Longinus Smasher and released the ginormous green ray from his opened maw. Catching the tail mid air as they impacted. The green ray holding back the serpent's tail for a second, holding it in place, but it wasn't enough.

Dalamadur's physical strength proved superior, and Ddraig was forced to dodge the falling tail. A grimace crossing his features as the earth shook under the weight of Dalamadur's body. 'A few more...' Ddraig measured. His wings carrying him out and the sea and towards Dalamadur's head.





With each passing boost, he increased in speed. Catching the great serpent off guard as he slammed into him. His teeth and claws tearing into flesh and scales. Peeling skin from bone, his emerald eyes flashing with increasing power. Clawing his way down Dalamadur's body.

"Enough!" The Serpent roared! His red eyes glowing with power and a wave of energy washing over the earth, pushing Ddraig back. Followed meteors falling from the sky, summoned by the Earth Carver.

"Since when could you do that?!" Ddraig wondered. Starring in fascination at the large and numerous rocks. He received no answer from Dalamadur.

Evading and crushing them, the Red Dragon was left open to a wide swipe from Dalamadur. Sending him flying, but not far enough to be out of the serpent's range. Allowing Dalamadur to follow up with a tail slap from Ddraig's left. But this time Ddraig blocked it, suffering minimal damage.

"Is that the best you can do, old man?" He chuckled with bloodied teeth. Pushing past Dalamadur's tail to continue his assault.

Once again, Dalamadur didn't answer.





Ddraig's power surged evermore.


Far away, on the other side of the earth, Albion paused. His head turned to face the disturbance he felt, a small smirk forming on his face.

"There you are, Ddraig."

He kept looking for some time, sensing the clashing auras of Ddraig and Dalamadur, and he couldn't help but get excited. His cold demeanor melting away the longer he looked. But before he could go anywhere, a voice called out to him. An icy, feminine voice.

"T-they're having fun... huh?" The she-dragon chuckled. Her form tattered and torn. "But w-we aren't done yet! So don't you dare turn your back on me!"

Albion glared at her, his expression going cold as she struggled to stand up. If she hadn't been in his way, maybe he would have commended her. For she is strong. Stronger than any dragon her age. But he's not interested in that right now. Not when Ddraig still lives.

"I don't have any interest in you anymore, Velkhana." He dismissed. "Go away."

"D-damn you!" She struggled even harder. Even though her power had been sapped away by Albion.

"I like your spirit. I really do. But I don't have time for it right now." Albion stated, appearing right next to her fallen form. "So I'm going to do you have a favor and keep you alive. Not because I'm humiliating you, but because I want you to grow stronger."

He turned away from her, his feathered wings stretched out. "Let's finish this after I'm done with Ddraig, Velkhana. I'll be able to give you my full attention then."

"W-wait!" She called out desperately, but he was already gone.

For some reason, he had treated her with a care he's shown no one else. Despite the fact that she challenged him. It was strange, almost. But Velkhana understood. She understood that Albion had sensed their connection, and perhaps her potential, and accepted her. For she is...

"You better keep your promise, old man." Velkhana sighed. "Just how long are you going to keep your daughter waiting...?"

Still, she at least got to fight him. And she learned many things from him in that time. She only hopes that the next time they meet she will be able to give him a better challenge. One benefiting the daughter of a Heavenly Dragon.

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