A Young Wizard's Journey - Th...

By ArcanicScrolls

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Following the skirmish at the Ministry, Voldemort has stepped back out into the open. Once more his name is b... More

The Reality of War
Crushing Burdens
Phlegm Delacreme
Result's Day
Draco's Dealings
Welcome Back
A Test of Power
A Promise Kept
Innocence Lost
Public Image
A Test of Acceptance
Unintended Target
Elves on Patrol
The Scapegoat
The Final Plan
Battle Strategy
The Battle of the Astronomy Tower
Love and Loss


704 55 14
By ArcanicScrolls

Y/N awoke early the next morning and gently extracted himself from within Hermione's grip before picking up his broom and making his way down through the Burrow and out across the snowy grounds, the visit with Scrimgeour still playing on his mind.

It hadn't gone particularly different to his own visit with the Minister during the summer. The request to be a beacon of hope for the Ministry, and the clear and evident refusal. Scrimgeour would not be happy about both boys outright refusing. He'd no doubt hoped to at least get one, and they use them to convince the other. But both Y/N and Harry had stayed true to their dislike of the powers that be.

Harry, however, had seemed rather put out when Y/N had said he wasn't "Dumbledore's man", even asking him about it once they'd returned to the Burrow.

But Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that what he was about to do today was a massive trap.

Perhaps it was because of the conversation he'd had with Kingsley and Hestia, or just gut instinct, but nothing about today's mission said that it was going to go well.

Y/N couldn't ignore his rising resentment for the Headmaster anymore either. A few years ago, being called Dumbledore's apprentice had been a source of pride. But now? It left nothing but a sour taste in his mouth to even be associated with that name. He didn't hate Dumbledore by any stretch. But he certainly didn't like knowing that the world saw the two of them as a combination.

Normally this would be the time when someone would interrupt him, walk up, and assure him that all would be fine. But no such person seemed to feel like wandering out of the Burrow this morning.

And so, with a deep breath, Y/N called his phoenix to his side.


With a soft woosh of flame, the bird materialised, giving a song-cry of greeting as it flapped down gently, coming to rest on his shoulder. Y/N reached up and stroked their plumage, smiling gently at the bird.

'You ready to go?'

The phoenix gave another cry.

Y/N hadn't been told what his time schedule was for this, merely that it would be today but as he was doing nothing else.

Eternus soared above him. Y/N tucked his broom between his legs, before reaching up, grasping their talon and immediately getting bombarded with sensations.

To begin with, the chill air of the winter morning. Then, the warmth embrace of Eternus' phoenix.

And then a chill that Y/N hadn't felt in years.

Azkaban was situated on an island surrounded by ocean. Already, the unrestrained air whipped through his clothes and hair, mimicking and amplifying the chill that he'd felt around the Burrow. But that was just on the surface.

That deep, set chill that could only be brought by Dementors was present too, and even as Y/N looked down, he saw several hooded figures beginning to drift in his direction.

'Expecto Patronum!'

The silvery white phoenix burst forth, emitting a cry that Eternus echoed and before long the two of them came to rest, side by side.

Y/N's patronus pushed that deep chill brought by the Dementors out, bringing with it instead a quiet and peaceful warmth as the Dementors that had found him interesting halted and then began to drift back towards the confines of the prison.

With a phoenix resting on each shoulder, Y/N urged his broom forward.

It was dull work.

How could it not be? He was flying around a prison that only one person had ever legitimately gotten out of. At least one person in recent years. The breakout chance was minimal, and the break-in chance seemed just as unlikely. Y/N wondered whether Dumbledore had simply asked him here to freeze him to his broom-

Then, from the distant shoreline, a red spark like a flare, shot upwards.

Y/N froze.

He couldn't have been here for longer than twenty minutes. Either he got lucky, or they were waiting...

Another round of sparks, from the same place.

Were they signalling someone...? Or trying to get HIS attention?

Deciding on the spot that if he was here for a reason, this was it, Y/N pushed his broom forward, soaring towards the location. He landed a decent distance away from the area, where he could see a solitary figure standing. He dropped his broom on the floor before straightening up and advancing up the hill towards this person.

The wind was subdued here. Whilst still mostly unblocked, there were some trees and shrubbery to protect from the full onslaught. But that made little difference as the waves crashed against the cliff and the Dementors soared menacingly in the distance.

As Y/N stepped through into the clearing, the figure within it turned to him.

A shortish man, bald and seemingly missing a few teeth.

'Potley,' said Y/N dryly.

'In the flesh,' wheezed Dracius, bowing low. 'You've been busy since last we spoke L/N. Daughtery disgraced and Snow dead. One would almost think you had a vendetta against us.'

'I think you started it when you went looking for my mother,' said Y/N. 'Why are you here?'

'Because you are,' said Potley. 'Severus promised he could deliver you to me, and Severus made good on his word. Now is my chance to get my revenge.'

Snape!? This was Snape's idea? But then that would mean...

Dumbledore had sent Y/N into a trap.

No... it could be Snape had fooled Dumbledore as well.

'Dumbledore sent me here, not Snape,' said Y/N. 'What makes you think he did this?'

Potley laughed, a wheezing dry laugh, with nowhere near the same energy it had born a few years prior. Azkaban had evidently done a number on him.

'Dumbledore TRUSTS Severus,' he wheezed. 'Severus says that you're the one who is needed, and Dumbledore does not question it. Nor did he the last time. Unfortunately, they caught Vance instead of you.'

'That was a trap as well?' snapped Y/N. 'You lot killed Emmeline trying to get to me?'

'A necessary sacrifice, or so Dumbledore was told,' wheezed Potley. 'But from what we know, he didn't argue all that much, and seemed quite keen to play along.'

Potley's words were only half of a story, Y/N knew that. But the half that he was painting was not a pretty picture, and if it was to be believed. It meant, on purpose or not, Dumbledore was sending Y/N into trap after trap, much as Kingsley and Hestia had believed.

'Enough of this,' said Y/N, raising his hands, but even as he did so, he heard movement behind him.

Ten figures, clad in masks stepped out from the tree line, and then, on the cliff face behind Potley, he appeared. Snake-like, with cat-like slits for pupils. Lord Voldemort sneered down at Y/N, and he suddenly realised how bad of a trap he'd sprung.

With a quiet woosh, Eternus vanished.

'Y/N L/N. I am impressed. After your escape and the death of the foolish Vance, I did not believe Severus would get another chance to deliver you to me. Now, however, we shall not make the same mistake. We have been learning Y/N L/N,' said the high, cold voice.

'That's a first,' said Y/N, glancing around at the gathered Death Eaters. 'Are they onto basic maths yet, or are you still doing the alphabet?'

A few hisses rang out from the treeline, but Voldemort merely laughed.

'Whilst I don't feel as though any will be ready to face you as of yet, none of those who are gathered here at least, I promise you that when the time comes Y/N, you will find them more of a challenge than you did before.'

'Lucky me,' said Y/N. 'Maybe next time they'll actually hit me.'

'Well, that is, of course, assuming that there is a next time,' said Lord Voldemort slowly. 'Dracius, I believe you wished to prove yourself.'

'Yes, my lord,' wheezed Potley, stepping forward and drawing his wand.

Y/N hoped that Eternus had gone for help. Otherwise, the phoenix had left him rather high and dry at the moment. So instead, he turned his attention onto Potley. This would at least buy him the time.

But even as he began to focus, Potley yelled.

'Finite!' and the half-formed illusions rising within the treeline were blasted apart.

'Not this time, Y/N,' he sneered. 'Your mind betrays your spells.'

Legillimency. Of course. One more thing to add to the list of where he needed to improve.

So now Y/N had to beat an opponent who could- wait! Occlumency requires eyesight.

Turning his eyes downwards, Y/N swept his wand around him, drawing large and dramatic circles. As he did, the water from both sides of the cliff shot upwards like geysers, before curving downwards, crashing on top of him.

From the outside, he seemed completely submerged within a torrent of water, sending several of the Death Eaters backwards.

On the inside, however, the water parted perfectly around him, swirling, and picking up speed.

Then, with the force of a hurricane, it blasted towards Potley. With a yell, a shield charm sprang up between him and the water and the two collided, the sound drowning out the noise of waves on the cliff as Y/N kept pushing the power forward, still hiding within his vortex.

Whilst in here, other spells couldn't get in, and Potley couldn't see his face, no Occlumency tricks for him.

Illusions once more began springing up around the cliff, launching spells towards the gathered Death Eaters. Potley, too focused on maintaining his shield charm, ignored them, but the group surrounding Y/N began to scatter, raising their wands to return fire.

'Hold your ground!' screamed Voldemort. 'They are more of his tricks, the real one is still within the water!'

The other Death Eaters took tentative steps back and when they realised Voldemort was quite correct, reformed their ranks.

Well, his opening had closed as quickly as it had opened.

The steady flow of water from the ocean stopped, and the last vestiges crashed down onto Y/N and surrounded him in a large bubble. With a yell, Y/N pushed off, sprinting towards Potley.

Potley's shield charm had held fast and now Y/N himself collided with it, pushing forward with all of his might.

He just had to buy time... just enough for Kingsley and Hestia to get help. Just a bit more time...

Potley let out a yell and the remainder of Y/N's water shield was blasted away, landing on the ground around them. Y/N retaliated with his own yell, instead now sending the rocks and dirt surrounding them ripping out of the ground and flying towards Potley.

Y/N's lead was obvious. Most Death Eaters could see it and were closing in for that reason, Voldemort even drew his wand. He had to let Potley gain some ground, or they'd interrupt the fight. He had no choice.

A few of the rocks and dirt he threw went wide, giving Potley a brief interlude. His wand slashed through the air and Y/N felt his sleeve rip, a gash appearing across the flesh. He gave a rather dramatic stagger, and the rocks and dirt fell away.

Voldemort's sneer returned and the Death Eaters returned to their positions as Y/N clutched his arm.

'You're good Y/N. Better than I remember, but you're still no match for me.'

Y/N took a deep breath.

'Hey Riddle, hope you've been teaching them all better than this one,' said Y/N. 'I think he missed a few classes.'

Potley's scream of rage announced his next spell. Summoning a miniature shield charm in his hand, Y/N batted it away.

Potley's face fell.


Y/N raised his hand, fingers together, palm facing Potley.

A blast to rival the force behind his initial spout of water blasted from his hand, he felt his arm recoil with the force of it and Potley was blasted off of his feet, sliding along the cliff face till he rested just near where Lord Voldemort stood.

'Ferula,' he added, and the wound on his arm was bandaged.

There was a brief pause.

'I told you Dracius, did I not?' said Lord Voldemort. 'Told you that you were no match for Y/N. That if Bellatrix and Lucius and Snow could not beat him, you stood no chance. And yet still you insisted. Still, you begged for me to bring him here. And now you see why I came, to finish what you could not.'

Dracius' scream ripped across the cliff as Voldemort pointed his wand at him. Y/N struggled to feel sympathy for any Death Eater, but he did know what that spell felt like, and from that man no less. It wasn't pleasant.

Finally, after an uncomfortably long time, Dracius fell still, panting heavily. And Voldemort turned his red eyes onto Y/N.

'Come then, Dumbledore's apprentice, show me what the old man can teach you.'


The bellow ripped from Y/N's throat and with it came a blast the like of which he hadn't released before.

Outwards like a wave, the trees and roots shook nearby, the Death Eaters were sent staggering backwards or toppling over, and even Voldemort had to lift himself briefly off the floor to avoid it.


Voldemort evidently did not appreciate being spoken to like this. With a scream, he shot a jet of green light straight at Y/N, who merely sidestepped it.

The rage, the resentment, the feeling of being abandoned to face this all rose to the surface now. Threatening to burst from him.

He raised his hand behind him and with a great crunch, one of the trees was ripped from its place in the ground. Y/N threw it towards Voldemort.

Voldemort slashed his wand through the air, cutting the incoming tree in half and allowing the two halves to soar harmlessly past him.

Y/N clapped his hands together and moved them as though pulling something into himself.

Following his guidance, the two halves of the tree reconnected and soared towards him.

Voldemort realised just in time. Vanishing from the spot, the tree passed straight through the black mist and instead slingshot past Y/N through the Death Eaters.

He'd created an opening... but he didn't really feel like taking it anymore.

Voldemort landed and let out a scream of rage, now sending a flaming snake towards Y/N. It burst from the end of his wand, hissing, and spitting madly before throwing itself towards Y/N.

Y/N raised a hand, summoning another shield charm in it.

Much as he had done with Sunrete, using the protection awarded by the shield charm, he grappled the snake, forcing it to the ground, and this time, he let out a yell of his own.

The shield charm shattered outwards, but where usually, the glass-like shards would be redirected at his foe, they had almost nowhere else to go.

The chunks of the shield charm sunk into the flames of the snake like glass into skin and with a final writhe and hiss on the ground, the flames died away.

Y/N straightened up.

'I thought you were supposed to be the best.'

Now he'd done it. Now he'd forced Voldemort into the same situation he was in. That burning anger and hatred, that need to win.

Slash after slash Voldemort threw at Y/N and block after block he returned with. Unfortunately, blocking or otherwise stopping his spells was the most Y/N could do.

Voldemort left very little gap between his casts, wanting to bombard Y/N with anything he could think of. Leaving Y/N almost no time to do anything bar continue blocking. And Y/N could feel himself beginning to waver.

Angry or not, Voldemort was still out of his league. Although... if this encounter was telling him anything, the gap wasn't as big as he'd first feared. If anything, Y/N only needed to speed up his responses and blocks. If he could get into a rhythm, he'd probably be able to start fighting back.

How long he'd been fighting for, Y/N had no idea. Time and time again he ducked, weaved or dispelled Voldemort's incoming blasts, and then, finally, he lost his momentum.

Voldemort let out a dangerous hiss, and from above Y/N came another large snake-like creature. Y/N placed a shield charm above him, blocking the assault from above as he crossed his arms to protect himself. The snake crashed against it, snapping wildly to try and sink its fangs into Y/N.

But as it did, Y/N let out a pained yell, feeling a fresh cut open on his leg.

Whatever this snake was, Voldemort wasn't needing to focus on it. And now, with Y/N's guard focused entirely upwards, his lower half was exposed.

Cut after cut began forming across his legs and thighs. Y/N tried to expand his shield charm downwards to protect himself, but the moment he did, he felt the snake press dangerously against the top part. He needed the concentrated area to hold off the snake, so he had no choice but to leave his legs exposed.

'Surely you aren't losing steam already, are you?' said Lord Voldemort. 'One of the boys said to be able to stop me? Well, it is no matter. Goodbye, Y/N L/N.'

But just as another fresh cut was made, Y/N felt his leg give, collapsing down onto one knee and turning his eyes upwards to the snake. It was blasted away.

Remus, Kingsley, Hestia, Moody, and Dedalus sprang out from the treeline, each stunning one of the Death Eaters on watch before moving on to the others surrounding the clearing. Meanwhile, Dumbledore strode through the trees towards where Y/N and Voldemort still were.

'A few more of your number to add to Azkaban tonight I think, Tom,' said Dumbledore victoriously. His face a wide smile. 'So why don't you make this easier and join them quietly.'

So, it had been a trap... a ploy to lure out the Death Eaters and capture a few more of them. And Y/N had been the bait.

Y/N's world was going foggy. The pain and blood loss mixed with the sheer amount of energy he'd had to put into holding off that beast caught up to him all at once.

'You... bastard...' breathed Y/N, collapsing forward onto the grass.


He awoke to the feeling of a soft bed beneath him. His legs still throbbed painfully and he could feel a slight constriction in his chest.

How long had passed, Y/N didn't know. But the feeling of the hand in his was unmistakable.

'Hi... love,' he breathed. He'd been expecting it to come out smoothly, but his throat and chest tightened as he spoke. He heard a gasp and felt a hand on his face.

'Y/N?' said Hermione's voice.

'Yeah, I should hope so,' said Y/N, letting his eyes flutter open.

Ahh yes, the Hospital Wing, of course. Where else would he be?

It was dark outside. He hoped it was still Boxing Day, being out for any longer than that didn't really sound fun.

'How long was I out for?'

'About 12 hours,' said Hermione quickly. 'Remus brought you here, said Dumbledore was taking care of some business.'


The memory of why he was here came flooding back, and with it, the aches and pains Y/N felt were washed away. Replaced once more by a burning hatred.


The phoenix appeared in a plume of flame.

'What took you so long? Did they stop you from coming back immediately? Make you wait until I was in the position I was?'

Eternus gave a cry in affirmation.

'Go and get Dumbledore.'

Eternus vanished.


'Did Remus tell you what happened?' asked Y/N, and Hermione shook her head. 'Then get ready for this...'

It took about ten minutes before the Headmaster arrived. Y/N spent that time slowly regaining his energy, but when Dumbledore did arrive, he came sweeping up the Hospital Wing towards them. His face was a mix of concern and satisfaction.

'Ah, Y/N, I hope that you are well.'

'Don't you dare,' said Y/N, heaving himself out of the bed and facing the Headmaster, ignoring the stabbing pains across his body as he turned to face the man. 'Don't you dare wish for me to be okay.'

Dumbledore paused, looking taken aback.


'What, the hell, happened to Emmeline?'

Dumbledore seemed surprised at the question.

'Y/N, I don't know what you-'

'Oh don't you, Headmaster?' asked Y/N. Madam Pomfrey, who evidently had not yet known that Y/N was awake, had stepped out of her office to see what the commotion was about but was now frozen, watching the scene before her. Hermione's head swivelled between Y/N and Dumbledore, her face a mix of concern and curiosity. 'Then let me rephrase. Why did Emmeline die? Why did YOU let her die?!'

Dumbledore's face fell. A look of sadness crossed his features.


'Don't give me that!' yelled Y/N. 'I was there, Dumbledore! I watched her die! I had to watch as Selwyn took her from us. And all you can give me is "Ah"? I was at her funeral for god's sake. And you didn't think, for one second, that it'd be worth telling me that it was all just a ploy?'

'Poppy, if you could step back into your office and silence it, I would appreciate it,' said Dumbledore. 'This is a rather sensitive matter.'

'I'll go too,' said Hermione, standing up.

'No you-' began Y/N.

'Yes. I will' said Hermione flatly. 'Whatever this is, is sensitive information. Get it all out and tell me the bits that you can later. Okay?'

Y/N nodded, and the two left, leaving Dumbledore and Y/N alone.

There was a pause.

'Well?' yelled Y/N.

'Emmeline was... an unfortunate decision,' began Dumbledore. 'Severus' position was being called into question. If he was as loyal as Voldemort believed him, he told Severus to fetch him, you. Severus told me and we hatched a plan to leave you with Emmeline, so you were not undefended. I hardly expected her to die.'

There was something in the way Dumbledore said that last part that made Y/N pause, thinking back on that night.

Emmeline danced around Selwyn as if he was nothing, and then the killing curse...

But wait... she'd been dodging them so far. What changed?

A memory sprang through, Emmeline twisting on the spot as the jet of green light shot towards her, and then freezing. As though having been stuck in place...

'You're a liar,' he said. 'You did mean for Emmeline to die, didn't you? I remember it now. I saw her freeze when the killing curse was cast. She was hit with an impediment jinx! That's why I couldn't find that fourth Death Eater! It was Snape, wasn't it, he froze her on your orders!'

Dumbledore hung his head.

'You bastard,' snarled Y/N. 'You made me watch her die, and for what, so Snape could get some extra brownie points and a free brown-nosing-'

'He is useful, Y/N,' said Dumbledore loudly. 'He is our eyes and ears, a trustworthy source to both me and Lord Voldemort. A way for me to know what is going on within his ranks.'

'Excellent job doing that tonight,' snarled Y/N. 'Oh, but wait, I heard you when you arrived. That was on purpose! Another trap! Another ploy to try and lure out more Death Eaters. Did Remus know? How many others did?'

'No one else knew the plan,' said Dumbledore. 'It was paramount to its success.'

'So, you just let me waltz on in there, all by myself, on some made-up evidence from Fenrir Greyback, fully aware that Voldemort himself would be there?'

'I was not aware that Lord Voldemort would make an appearance tonight,' said Dumbledore

'You're using me as bait because I can look after myself!'

Dumbledore looked as though he wanted to argue, but the look in his eyes told Y/N all he needed to know. Guilt.

'Is that all I am to you? An exceptionally powerful scapegoat? Someone to throw at each problem that arises and pray that he'll fix it? Or would you rather just place the weight of the world on my shoulders and then tell me not to tell anyone else? Would that be better?'

Y/N's temper was rising. Even in his weakened state, he could see loose bottles and vials beginning to lift off their nearby surfaces, floating slowly in the air, but he did not care.

'Y/N, you have to understand. In times of war, we must do all that we can to gain an advantage,' said Dumbledore. 'I wouldn't do this if I didn't believe you capable. And if I were to tell you the ambush would be coming, you would be ready for it, watching carefully. It would be obvious that you had been tipped off. The Death Eaters had to believe that they'd caught you on the back foot! Especially to convince them that Severus was still on their side!'

'And because of that Emmeline had to die?' said Y/N. 'And what about tonight? What if Voldemort's snake had broken my shield charm? What if I'd messed it up and he'd have killed me? Then what?'

'I wouldn't have-'

'WOULDN'T HAVE LET THAT HAPPEN?' yelled Y/N. 'In the same way, you wouldn't have told me about Harry, but you had no other choice. Or wouldn't have asked me to go after Snow, but you had no other choice. You didn't even know that he was there! You just said it yourself. You waited for as long as you did so that I could clean up the mess of Death Eaters and then you lot could come in and clean up. And if I'd have died, well they'd have been weakened taking me down, an easier job for you, isn't that right?'

'Y/N, the choices we make-' began Dumbledore again, but Y/N interrupted him.

'You've just been trying to turn me into a weapon. Your weapon. You just want me to fight Lord Voldemort for you, 'cause from what you've told me, Merlin knows you aren't going to. What was it? A year left to live? Excellent, guess I've got that long to close the gap that clearly still exists between me and him.' Y/N took a deep breath. 'Is that it then? You're doing all of this to me because I need to lead the fight this time?'

'That is... part of it,' said Dumbledore. 'I need people I trust doing these missions, Y/N. People who I know won't get hurt, who can look after themselves, and make the call on the field that I need them to'

'But people DID get hurt! I got hurt! And so did Emmeline!' bellowed Y/N. 'Well Dumbledore, I tell you what, it would be terrible if I just said no now, wouldn't it?'

Dumbledore froze.

'No to keeping your secrets. No to fighting Voldemort. No to finding that Auctor and fixing this Horcrux mess as best as I can. I could just take Hermione and move to another country. I'm sure the people in positions of power are far less inept somewhere else, cause Merlin knows you and the Ministry are both out to get me. And who knows, maybe there I'll be treated like a goddamn student trying to live his life, rather than your personal cannon to fire at anyone who wrongs you!'

'Y/N, you have to understand, the things I've told you, I have told you for a reason. To reveal them now would be to unravel everything I have built,' said Dumbledore. 'You mustn't.'

'What a shame that would be,' spat Y/N. 'To unravel the "Great Albus Dumbledore", to shatter this fragile little plan you've somehow managed to form. Maybe I should have taken them to the grave with me. Like Sirius. Funny you told him about the Horcruxes and then he died a few days later.'

'You don't mean to imply that I had anything to do with that?' said Dumbledore.

'I don't know what to imply anymore,' said Y/N, 'nor what to believe. You were supposed to be the person I could trust. The person who's orders and advice I could and would always follow. The one who knew what was happening. And what do I get in return? Thrown into danger, fed to the wolves, and handed just a little bit more trauma. As a treat.'

'Sirius' death had nothing to do with the information I told you,' said Dumbledore. 'I cannot deny that in denying his exit from Grimmauld Place, I gave him the drive to go to the Ministry that night. But I did not wish for Sirius to die. Nor you, Y/N. I had no idea of what awaited you today.'

'Once more, I notice how you didn't say Emmeline. Tell me straight Dumbledore. Give me an answer. You owe me that much.'

'The fourth attacker from the alley was Severus,' said Dumbledore. 'He had to retreat following your reflected spell and upon his return, he saw they were close to losing. A defeat there would have cemented that Lord Voldemort was to kill him for being a spy for me. The choice was either Severus died, or one of you two did to clear his name. Severus made his choice.'

'He should have let Voldemort kill him,' spat Y/N. 'It's disgusting. You could have protected him, kept him safe here at Hogwarts, or he could have gone on the run like Maria. But instead, Emmeline had to die so that you could keep playing this stupid game. What has Snape achieved under Voldemort, huh? What has him being a double agent actually done? He's tipped us off to a few moves before Voldemort could make them, then he made them anyway and we couldn't stop them because "it would blow Severus' cover". We lose people to keep him working in secret, but then do nothing with what he gives us!'

Y/N sighed.

'My only remaining job for this year is to see to the safe recovery of the Auctor, protect Harry as his friend, and sit my 6th year at Hogwarts,' said Y/N. He walked up, past Dumbledore, towards the Hospital Wing door. The Headmaster did not try to stop him. He looked a million miles away. Y/N glanced back over his shoulder. 'If you want me to do another job for you. The answer is no. Find a new dog to do your tricks.'

The moment Y/N was at the end of the corridor, he staggered, the pain rushing back into his body. But with gritted teeth, he pushed himself back up and continued towards the marble staircase. His dorm bed called to him, he needed more rest.

Behind him, still in the Hospital Wing. Dumbledore's mind was miles away, locked onto the stories of his past. Ariana, Aberforth and Gellert. Nothing had changed, still, it was the same. And now, he'd managed to hurt someone else with his decisions.

He thought he'd learnt. Thought he could be better. But, he supposed, some rivers ran much deeper than they first seemed.

Y/N was right of course, right to be upset, to be annoyed. And Dumbledore had planned on telling him the truth when the time was right...

But when was that? When was the right time? Y/N had almost died today because of his mistake. And still, if he hadn't confronted him, Dumbledore would have said nothing. His time was running low, there wasn't room for more secrets.

'When the time comes, I know you'll protect this school, Y/N,' he said, turning to face the door. 'And you'll do a better job of it than I ever could have.'


The next few days were a lot of revising and resting for Y/N. Hermione regularly made her way down to the Great Hall alone, insisting that Y/N remain where he was, and returned with food for the two of them.

Y/N knew this was mostly because she was concerned about his health, but also because of his argument with Dumbledore.

He hadn't told her much, only his final words to Dumbledore. She understood, of course, she'd left for that exact reason after all. And Y/N, despite what he'd said in the argument, didn't actually want to see Dumbledore's plan unravel. Whether he liked it or not, Dumbledore was still their best hope for winning this.

He also wasn't sure whether he'd even been in the right. Dumbledore was just doing what had to be done, right?

It didn't matter now anyway. Y/N had said what he had said, and he intended to stick to those words. But he also didn't intend to tell another soul about their argument. Not for a while. Once he felt as though he could, he would. Hopefully, by then, he'd know how he actually felt about it all.

There was a third and rather selfish reason for Hermione's trips up and downstairs, however, and that's that she was getting rather used to certain rituals with Y/N. Waking up alongside each other and cuddling for a while before she went down to get them breakfast in bed. Spending the morning studying till lunchtime when they'd then do something to break up the rhythm.

Taking a walk around the grounds, the odd broomstick ride, or even a duelling match or two once Y/N had recovered a bit, before returning to their dormitory for the evening and either studying or simply enjoying each other's company.

They also rounded off another couple of evenings in the same way they had after the Christmas party.

All in all, it was no wonder that the back half of the holidays blazed by, and the two of them, quietly teasing each other in the Common Room about their previous evening's escapades, were interrupted by Harry, Ron, and Ginny.

'Where did you go?' asked Ron, the moment they were within earshot.

'Happy New Year to you too-' began Y/N. But this was all he managed, as Lavender came hurtling from nowhere and immediately latched herself around Ron.

Hermione and Y/N threw each other a knowing look, before turning back to their essays.

'Is he-?' began Ginny, and Y/N shook his head.

'Not back yet.'

Ginny breathed a quick sigh of relief and then she and Harry joined them by the fire.

'So, where DID you go?'

Y/N recounted his trip to the outskirts of Azkaban.

'You duelled Voldemort?' asked Harry, amazed.

'More parried his spells until help arrived. But yeah, pretty much,' said Y/N. 'I don't like what he implied though.'

'Yeah, I was thinking that,' said Ginny. 'He said that he knew Dracius would stand no chance against you. But that other Death Eaters had been training. Training to defeat you and that they'd be able to contest you. Does that mean some of his regular Death Eaters are stronger than the Dominators?'

'To be fair, Potley's strength never lay in duelling,' said Y/N. 'Maria told us as much. That was left to Daughtery and Bellatrix, which I suppose is why Daughtery was demoted when I beat her. But yeah, I agree. It's cause to be concerned at the very least.'

'Think you've kicked their asses one too many times,' said Harry. 'They really don't want you to keep getting away with things.'

'And yet I do,' said Y/N. 'Voldemort basically had me beaten, but he decided to torture me instead of just killing me. I mean, he didn't have to cut my leg. He could have just hit me with the killing curse. But nope, had to turn it into some weird pleasure kink thing.'

Hermione shuddered.

'Please don't talk about Voldemort's kinks.'

'Bet he's got a thing for biting,' said Ginny.

'Or Dementors,' said Y/N, 'he likes it when they try to suck the happiness out of him-'

'Can we not?' said Hermione loudly as Harry roared with laughter.

It was a welcome break from the last few days. As much as he'd loved his time with Hermione, studying hardly allowed him to take his mind off of what had happened. Mulling over all the things he'd said and done since his early return to the castle. But his time with Ginny, Harry, and Ron when he eventually returned to them allowed Y/N a brief reprieve from what the last few days had brought on. Which was good.

'I'm going tomorrow,' said Y/N, as he tucked his clothes away to be washed.

'Back to the tomb?'

Y/N nodded.

'Just... be careful, won't you? I don't know if your leg is even fully healed yet.'

'The next trial is the unknown one,' said Y/N. 'Trial three. It could be anything, I think I just need to go in there with the want to beat it. And right now, I have that burning inside here somewhere. Besides, the day after, classes start up again, and I don't want to be trying to juggle those and this. It'll be easier to get it over and done with tomorrow.'

'If only it wasn't alone. I'd offer to come with you,' said Hermione.

'And I'd accept that offer in a heartbeat,' said Y/N. 'But I don't want to leave you alone with Snow, ghost or not. Just keep the bed warm for me, I'll be back.'

'Just don't end up coming back and going straight to the Hospital Wing,' said Hermione. 'Or Minerva and Madam Pomfrey will both kill you.'

The two of them bedded down for the evening, Y/N's mind mulling over what the Tomb may throw at him the next day.

And trial three is an unknown

And if you enter, it must be alone.

This will test all your talents

And your life may hang in the balance.

Adequately cryptic. Though, remembering who Y/N had previously worked with, he supposed this was just another day. Dumbledore could spin more dramatic and hidden tales in his sleep.

The next morning, he awoke, dressed, and prepared himself, making his way down into the Common Room with Hermione, where they met the other three.

'Take Hermione for a girl's day, would you?' he asked Ginny as they turned to look at him. 'I'm heading back to the tomb.'

'Let me-' began Harry but Y/N shook his head.

'Hermione has already offered. The next trial is alone, it makes that very clear. Stay here, I'll be back before you know it.'

'Before you go!' said Ginny. 'You seen this?' and she pointed towards the notice board. Y/N and Hermione turned towards it and read.


If you are seventeen years of age or will turn seventeen on or before the 31st of August, you are eligible for a twelve-week course of Apparition Lessons from a Ministry of Magic Apparition instructor.

Please sign below if you would like to participate. Cost: 12 Galleons.

'Not sure if that's even worth it for me,' said Y/N. 'I've got Eternus, and they can bypass most of the areas that normal apparition can't.'

'Well yeah, but not all of us have a pet phoenix that can taxi us around everywhere!' said Ron. 'Me and Harry are going for it at least.'

Hermione stepped past Y/N and scribbled her name down too.

'It'll be interesting to learn at the very least,' she said, 'and besides, if Eternus is unavailable, if they're growing again or anything, you'll need some way to move around.'

'Suppose you've got me there,' said Y/N and he too, bent down and scribbled his name on the signing sheet.

'Hardly the most comfortable feeling though,' said Harry, as the couple turned back towards them. 'I had to do it with Dumbledore to go and visit Slughorn, it's a bit smothering.'

'Yeah, I took it for the first few years coming here with Mum, and so did Hermione,' said Y/N. 'Side-along is worse apparently, but it's not amazing either way.'

'I did much prefer Eternus,' conceded Harry. 'That one actually felt kind of warm. Like flu powder but without the feeling of hitting other fireplaces on the way past.'

'Wait, Harry got to use Eternus?' said Ginny indignantly.

'Yeah? Last year he needed to go and see Sirius about something and he was going to use Umbridge's fireplace. So, I let him take Eternus instead.'

'You've never let me!'

'Nor have I let Ron,' said Y/N. 'In fact, I can't remember if I've even let Hermione before. I'm hardly handing out vouchers for them.'

Ginny pouted.

'I want a go! I didn't realise they could take other people!'

'Eternus isn't your personal taxi service!'

'You might want to go before she gets any worse,' muttered Hermione as Ginny glared at him. 'Or she'll be kidnapping them next.'

With a laugh, he leant down, gave Hermione a kiss farewell, and before any of the others could even try to argue, he called Eternus and vanished in the pillar of flame.

He didn't know why he was suddenly so keen to do this today, wanting to stop anyone from trying to talk him out of it. Maybe he just craved another distraction. Either way, it didn't matter. He was here now.

And as the flames died away, he looked around the empty circular room, the doors on the far side.

He strode forward and as he approached them, the doors flared to life. The runic writing once more carved itself into the floor as the first door, the trial of power flashed blue.

Perhaps... if he was careful. He could make it in without finding Snow.

Glancing around cautiously, Y/N approached the third door and placed his hand against it.

A voice spoke, as if directly into his mind. Its words rang from everywhere and yet nowhere, and somehow, Y/N knew only he could hear these. Despite the way it sounded like they were bouncing off the walls.

'The trial within is designed to test only the bravest and the boldest. The wisest and most capable. Ensure that you are ready for what may lie ahead. You will not be allowed to leave. You will either defeat the trial. Or die. Do you understand?'

Y/N took a deep breath, feeling the cold stone beneath his fingertips.

'I understand, and I'm ready.'

The door swung open, revealing a long corridor. It stretched miles away from his eyesight, and... unless Y/N's eyes were playing tricks on him, the stone of the corridor seemed to give way in places to... nothing? Large expanses of black stretched far out from where he could see.

Y/N gave one last glance around the room, making sure he was quite alone, before stepping inside.

(A/N: Hi all! I'm back!

So this is kind of what I touched on in the last chapter, to be honest, I hope you all enjoy this because I really feel like I could have done better, but I hope it all makes sense with context provided both here and in the following chapters. I hope I'm just being hard on myself and not that this is poor writing from me

Either way, hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next week!)

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