
By jihyyonesarang

13K 355 246

Just some short little rora and asa story More

6.When someone bullys your girlfriend
7.Wiping off her kisses
8.Trainee days love
9.Dance teacher
12.You promiss me!
13.When your girlfriend is a bully
17.Protective girlfriend
18.Can i get ideas?pls
19.Only one
Only one#2
Only one#3
Only one#4
Only one#5 last part
Only one#Bonus!
20.Till my last breath
23.Miss you+first time
25.Another life
Another kiss! (rora)
27.Another life(meet) continuation
Concert in bangkok
One question
New book and group
Story time!


471 13 3
By jihyyonesarang

Asa:  Hmm, yesterday rora pranked me, what about I prank her today, yes that would do, but what prank can I do on her, wait let me text our friends on private

On chat

Asa:  Hey guys, got a question to ask

Yunjin:  Yes say

Minji:  What is it?

Pharita:  Spill it out

Ahyeon:  Is their a problem unnie?

Haewon:  Is it about rora

Bae:  Whats wrong unnie are you sad?😓

Asa:  Okok, stop, I just want to ask for a idea, a prank, I want to prank rora

Sakura:  Oh well, be thankful this is only for the tops, now I don't have any idea

Yunjin:  Hmm, what about, a prank that your cheating on her

Asa:  You know right I don't wanna die, nope

Minji:  Then what about...... Wiping off her kiss

Asa:  Ah, that's sounds good, but let's hear the others suggestions

Haewon:  What about you call her by her name, I did it on lily and it was super fun

Asa:  Hmm, what about you kura unnie??

Sakura:  I don't have any idea, I have never ever prank chaewon in my life

Asa:  Then haerin?

Haerin:  Me too, I don't know

Asa:  Does any of you here know perfect prank

Sullyoon:  Why do you want to prank her anyway??

Asa:  she prank me yesterday, I want to take revenge

Yeji:  Then what about, ignore prank

Asa:  she'll beat me up

Ahyeon:  Then hickey prank

Asa:  Oh, I like that, thanks ahyeon

Pharita:  Wel I'm excited about this

Asa:  Be right back

Asa left the chat

Asa:  I'm gonna make a fake hickey to see her reaction, let's go

5 minutes later

Asa:  Rora should be home, now from the grocery store*heard the bell ring*just in time

Asa:  *open the door*

Rora:  Hi hon

Asa:  Hi bae, see you tired

Rora:  No I'm not

Asa:  Come in*step aside to let her in*

Rora:  Thanks*went in*

At the kitchen

Rora:  Hmm, I'm tired

Asa:  *chuckle*I can see that

Rora:  *hug her by the waist*

Asa:  *hug her back*

Rora:  *hide my face on her neck*you smell nice

Asa:  Oh do I, maybe because I took a bath*joked*

Rora:  *laugh*your re-*saw her neck*umm hon, what is this? *point at her neck*

Asa:  Oh I don't know, I can't see you know

Rora:  *took out my phone and took a picture of her neck**show her*

Asa:  Oh, must be a mosquito bite, nothing much hon

Rora:  It doesn't look like mosquito bite to me*look at her seriously*who was here when I was away??

Asa:  No one, I was all alone, and texting with the tops

Rora:  Then what is this on your neck?

Asa:  I told you, it's just a mosquito bite

Rora:  Dont lie to me Enami Asa, I'm not a fool, tell me who did this to you??

Asa:  Ho-

Rora:  Don't calm me , Hon, tell me were you cheating on me with someone else?!!

Asa:  Babe, calm do-

Rora:  Don't tell me to calm down, I can't believe you, I loved you soo much, and*start to cry*fuck you asa*went out of the kitchen*

Asa:  Aish, fuck*go after her*

At their room

Asa:  *went in*dear*saw her crying on bed**went to her**sit beside her*dear

Rora:  Go away asa, don't talk to me

Asa:  Look, it's not what you think it is

Rora:  *Sit up*Then what is that on your neck?!!

Asa:  Babe it's just a pr-

Rora:  I told you to not call me that!!

Asa:  *kiss her lips*

Rora:  *try to push her*

Asa:  *hold her both hands with on hand, and one hand on her waist pullong her closer*

Rora:  *give up but doesn't response*

Asa:  *break the kiss*its a prank ok

Rora:  A what?, a prank?

Asa:  Yes I'm sorry

Rora:  Why would you*cried out hard*

Asa:  Im so sorry rora-yah

Rora:  I-i t-thought y-you don't l-love me any-more*sobbing*i thought you would leave me, f-for someone e-else

Asa:  Never ok, I'm sorry*hug her tight*

Rora:  *hug her back tight*

Asa:  *break the hug and look at her*well, you prank me yesterday and i wanted revenge, so i ask the tops, but i didn't thought it would go this way

Rora:  I'm sorry for pranking you yesterday

Asa:  And I'm sorry for pranking you, now should we watch some movies tonight and spend the time cuddling

Rora:  *nod cutely*

Asa:  *giggle on her cuteness**kiss her forehead*lets go


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