By starrinkz

28.5K 472 8.2K

I have. so many ships.. and story ideas.. is this a good way to get them out? (may be some story/non gc thi... More

"what is this..??"
waiter! one party, please!
an actual fanfic part?!
have fun? have fun!
note to self: make title later
wait wuh appen?
non yappers
its show time!>_โ€ข
act like you never met me
idk I'll make the title later unless i forget
Follymaxxing for a secondcore
dont fall asleep
mostly skaterlight but some wallmark and partypest drabbles
whats that mysterious scratching noise?

the Skaterlight actual fic part

1.7K 32 307
By starrinkz

A/N: .... hey...



[priv dms]

LAMPERT: heyhey
yesterday was fun (*^‿^*)

1t w4S v3Ry fUn!!!!!!!!!
w4nN4 g0 OuT w1Th m3 2d4y?

LAMPERT: whyhat

INFECTED: l1Ke 0Ut!!!! ^_^
1nst34d 0f jUst g01ng 2 my h0us3 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

LAMPERT: oh right
that'd be fun!
what would we do?

INFECTED: w3 c0Uld g0 2 th3 sk8 p4rk n34r my h0us3?
th3n m4yb3 g3t 1c3 cr34m 0r s0m3th1ng!!!!

LAMPERT: alright, sounds cool
when should I head over?


LAMPERT: please just give me an exact time.

13:00 W0RK5 4 m3!!!!

LAMPERT: alright, I'll be over soon.

INFECTED: FUNZ13Z!!!!!!! \(⁀▽⁀ )/


Infected turned off his phone, nervously staring at the screen.
His cheeks flushed a light red colour, and his stomach turned slightly.

They had hung out just yesterday, but Unpleasant had interrupted just as infected had built the courage to—
to.. uh.. nothing. To do nothing. Uhuh. Yep.
He awkwardly sat on his couch, staring at his phone, waiting for a new message from Lampert, kicking his feet slightly.

he was hoping Lampert had picked up on some of the hints he had sent the day prior, emotions were difficult. sending a blushing emoticon works as a way of flirting right??? Or like, do you actually have to do something?
The question bubbled up in his mind at some points of his messaging and hang out, but he brushed it off.
the time was 12:13. He had a while until Lampert got there, he should freshen up. Right..???? Yeah. Stinky!

He sighed and got up, leaving his phone on the couch as he took a quick shower.
Maybe he should re-dye his hair?
Maybeeee.. NO.
you have like under an hour do NOT

he sighed after the shower, remembering he couldn't re-dye his hair, and got dressed in some of his more formal clothes!!
a fashionably ripped black shirt, fishnet shirt thing underneath, and lots of bright coloured jewellery and belts. He wore boring ass ripped black trousers. They were not bought ripped.
Infected exited the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel, and noticed his UGKY ASS roommate on the couch, playing with his phone.

"d0 y0U h4V3 mY ph0N3??" he asked, taking it out of Unpleasant's hands.
The gradient looked up at him, hands still in the phone holding position, and frowned, "maybe."
He stared down at his phone, removing the towel from his head and dropping it on Unpleasant, "d1d y0u m3ss4g3 l4mpy??"
Unpleasant looked away awkwardly and began to pat their legs idly after moving the towel away.
"Unpleasant." Infected frowned, scrolling up in his messages.

'INFECTED: hello Lampert
my babygirl
Im in love with you'

"NO WHAT THE FIUCK WHHY" he immediately began to type, trying to fix the mistake.
Unpleasant groaned, "whaaaat?! Im just sayin the truth.."

I m34n 1f y0u d1d th4t'd b3 f1n3 BUT UNPL34S3NT T00K MY PH0N3.'

"your face is red btw." Unpleasent smirked and leant back on the couch.
The brown haired boy groaned, "y34h I c4n f33l 1t, br0sk1. :/" he covered his face with his hand as he read over the messages again, exiting the dms with Lampert and noticing that Unpleasant had messaged someone else.
"d1d u us3 my ph0n3 2 m3ss4g3 th3 fl3sh th1ng??"

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT??? no!" The gradient snatched his phone again and typed another message before Infected could grab it back, not being able to send it as Infected grabbed it again.
"...w0Uld y0u st0p t3ll1ng L4mpy 1'm 1n l0v3 w1th h1m??"

"but you widdewy are."

"y34h but 1'll t3ll h1m mys3lf dud3 :/"

"I'm speeding up the process! Gosh, take a chill pill for once."

"..0k4y.." infected mumbled before seating himself down on the couch next to Unpleasant, who quickly began to play a videogame on one of Infecteds many game consoles.
"you should just tell him alreadyyy!!! Its getting annoying," Unpleasant glanced back at Infected, "and maybe if you two do get together you'll be out of MY way as much as you are, so I can have some banging house parties!!!"

Infected rolled his eyes, "y0u m34n s0 y0u c4n pl4y f0rtn1t3 0n my x-b0x 4ll d4y???"
"yeah. I widdewy am hitting da gwiddy as peeder gwiffin!!!!!! you've GYATT to see this!" They pointed to the screen, to which Infected would glance up at, before returning to looking at his phone.
The gradient would roll its eyes before quietly saying, "you'd look if it was Lampert.."



there was a moment of silence before a quick knock came at the door, Infected stood up to get it and right as he reached the door, unpleasant yelled, "INFECTED YOUR BOYFRIENDS HER——"
before promptly getting hit in the face with a nearby empty can of coke.
Infected opened the door to find Lampert on the other side, wearing a blouse with ruffled sleeves, armless black jumper, and plain grey jeans.

There was a very, very quick moment of silence, before Unpleasant let out a groan of pain, "YOURE SO MEAN TO ME."

Infected glared at his roommate, "w3 Sh0Uld go,," he mumbled and exited the room, letting out a quiet, annoyed sigh.
Lampert gave a soft smile and placed a hand on Infecteds shoulder comfortingly, "everything okay?"
Infected nodded quickly, "y34h! DW th3y'r3 0Nly 4Nn0y1Ng 1n th3 m0Rn1ng." He waved his hand dismissively and began to walk before quickly rushing back inside, grabbing his skateboard, then leaving the apartment again.
Lampert stifled a giggle, which turned itself into a small, amused smirk. Infected nudged his arm jokingly before the two began to walk outside.

Infected held his skateboard under his arm as they walked down the hall of the apartments, "s0000, wh4tch4 b33n up t0?" he smiled and looked to Lampert as they began to walk down the stairs to exit the building.
"nothing much, not since yesterday, anyway. I like your clothes by the way." Lampert smiled and glanced away from Infected.
"th4nks! ^_^ I l1k3 y0urs t00!!!"

Lampert felt a strong flush grow across his face, trying to hide it with his hand, "thanks..!"
he paused for a second before speaking again, "I saw the messages you- Unpleasant sent me."
They had just exited the building, Infected froze for a second, his face getting slightly pink.

"oh.. uh.. th— th4t w4s just 4 j0k3 fr0m unp34s4nt.." he began to walk again, Lampert quickened his pace slightly to keep up.
"I know that! Its okay— I just thought— wh-.. why are you going so fast ohmy god." Lampert laughed quietly as he followed Infected.
Infected slowed down and let out a quiet whine, "I d0nt w4nn4 t4lk 4b0ut th11111ssss T_T"
Lampert smiled and rolled his eyes jokingly, "you're gonna have to. It was random, I was kinda confused, aha.." he looked at the ground for a second, "it would've been a weird way to confess. Especially since I'd asked people not to do it like that just a few days prior.." he smiled, finding humour in Infecteds embarrassed face.

The brunette laughed quietly, "y3444hh.. 1 w0uldnt c0nf3ss my l0v3 l1k3 th@ n3-w4y!! 1'm much m0r3 f0rm4l th4n th@."
They finally found themselves at the skate park, Infected quickly sat on a bench, Lampert hesitated before following along with him, "how would you confess to someone?" he asked, resting his head on his hand.
"hmmmm.. proLly bY t4k1ng th3m 0ut s0m3wh3r3 c00lz.. th3n," he took Lamperts hand as an example, "t4k3 th31r h4nd, 4nd.. 1 dunn0, jUst t3ll th3m h0W 1 F33l, lolz!!" He laughed, blush painting his cheeks once more.
Lampert glanced around the skate park for a moment, "somewhere cool, huh? Like a skatepark?" he smirked teasingly and took his hand away from Infected, wiping it on his shirt.

Infected thought for a second, "1 gu3ss!!!" he grinned, "th1s 1s 0n3 0f my f4v0ur1t3 pl4c3s, bUt 1'd t4k3 th3m s0m3wh3r3 sp3c14l t0 th3m t00, y'kn0w?" he folded his legs, leaning back slightly, taking in the sun. "wh4t 4b0ut y0u?"
Lampert blinked, thinking.
"I'd probably just tell them without thinking. Or, plan too much and weird them out, haha.." he laughed pitifully.
"4wh, 1'll B ur w1ng m4n 1f u w4nt, L4mpy!" Infected felt his stomach turn a bit at the idea of helping Lampert ask out someone else, but winked jokingly and nudged his arm.
The lamp snickered in return, "no, its okay Infected. You.. cant be my wingman." he mumbled slightly.
"huh? h0w c0m3?"

Lampert apparently didn't realise the words 'cant be my wingman' even escaped his mouth, because when Infected responded to it, he covered his mouth with his hand slightly and felt his face grow warm, thinking of an excuse, "just because- uh- y'know— uh—.. it'd.. uh... UNHM—- because.. uh.." he stumbled over his words, Infected thought it was cute, and laughed quietly to himself. Lampert suddenly felt super embarrassed and hid his face with both his hands, it was probably bright red. No, it was definitely, 100% bright red.

"w41t— sh00t, 1 d1dn't m34n t0 m4k3 u f33l 3mb4rr4s3d..!!!" Infected almost immediately stopped laughing and thought of what to say, "1 just th0ught 1t was cut3 when y0u g0t nerv0Us..!" he landed on that.
that made it worse.

Lampert removed his hands from his face and looked up at Infected, not even trying to hide the flush across his face.

"you thought I was.. cute?" he mumbled, slightly not believing the words that managed to escape his mouth.

The other man simply looked away and nodded slightly, playing with a wheel of his skateboard.


"ah.. I've.. uhm.. never been called cute before." The lamp finally muttered, his tail wrapping around his leg slightly as his mind began to spin.
He felt infected take his hand again, this time with more hesitation, he quickly held it back and tried to speak, but all the words seemed to get stuck in his throat, and he only let out a small sigh.
"I'm sorry." Infected quietly mumbled, playing with his hair slightly.
Lampert took a breath in, a bit confused, "for what?"

Infected shrugged, unknown to Lampert, he had apologised for 1. Taking his hand, 2. Calling him cute, and 3. Being head over heels madly in love with him.

"you.. don't know what you're apologising for?"Lampert smiled, raising a brow in a joking way.

"y3ah I— I d0n't kn0w.. uh.. I'm s0rry th4t-.. I-.."


"Lampert— L4mp3rt I l1k3 you." he suddenly spoke, quickly taking his hand from Lamperts, hiding his face.
The lamp stared for a second, taking in this new information.
No, no.
that cant be right?
he cant love him, can he?

he shouldn't.

This will only end poorly, you'll break up, you'll be heartbroken and you'll spend every waking moment crying, just like—

"I-.. like? you too, Infected." He finally spoke up.

Yes, all those thoughts had been rushing through his mind, but all that was worth it. He couldn't reject this sweet, amazing, funny, cool, slightly gross guy. All the bad thoughts that had plagued his mind suddenly felt foggy.

"you-.. wh4t?" Infected took his hands away from his face, "y0u r34l1z3 1 m34n l1k3 as 1n l0v3, r1ght br0?" Infected tried over analysing how Lampert was reacting, his cheeks were a red-ish colour, his bulb kept stuttering on and off, and he played with his thumbs in his lap.
"yes, I know.." he mumbled, turning away.

"I— urgh, this is so middle school.. I love you Infected. I have for like.. uh.. a while now." He laughed quietly at his inability to tell Infected.
"w04." Infected spoke, a very soft whisper. "N0 W4Y!!!!!! TH4T5 S0 D0P3–! I m3An— n0t— uh.. TH4TS 4M4Z1NG!!! I L0V3 U TOO!!!" the whisper quickly changed into a loud yell.
Lampert flushed at the sudden exclamation of love, then couldn't help but laugh.
"this is so— pff.. why were we so awkward about this?!" he covered his mouth through giggles.
"I.. duNn0.." Infected smiled softly, laughing along quietly with Lampert.

Lampert finally sighed, stopping the laugh, "God, I love you so much." he pulled Infected in for a hug, the sudden movement causing his skateboard to fall off the bench it had been leaning on, but both ignored that and Infected hugged him back.
"I l0v3 y0u t00 ^_^!! d03s th1s m34n w3'r3 d8ing n0w? O.o" Infected hugged Lampert tighter.
He didn't hesitate with his response.

"yes, of course we're dating now, Infected." Lampert spoke, leaning into the crook of Infecteds neck so only he could hear, despite there being nobody around.
Infected giggled quietly, "g00d, g00d.."

they didn't speak for a quick moment, taking in each others warmth.
"sh0Uld w3 b3G1n sK8ing n0w?" Infected finally pulled away from the hug, grinning.
Lampert deadpanned. "we just started dating and the first thing you want to do is skateboard?"



"s0.. 1s th4t 4 n0 2 sk8B04rd1ng..?"

Lampert smirked and rolled his eyes, "fine, go have fun, I love you." he smiled and took Infecteds cheek in his hand, placing a small kiss on the other side.
Infected giggled and felt his face grow warm from the gentle kiss he had received, "I l0v3 y0u t00!!"
Lampert watched as Infected skated, he was actually really good. And Lampert loved admiring him.
The way his hair would blow in the wind, his focused face, his quick movements..
and he couldn't get over the fact he finally told him what he had been keeping to himself for what was a few months.
Part of him felt like kicking himself for not recording or taking any pictures of the moment, or not being able to do it somewhere nicer, but it was okay.

Because he loved Infected.
And no matter where or how he said it, the words were still true.
He loved Infected.

a small frown formed on his face.

And he wished he was Kasper.


A/N: mnghgg
hi... guys!
𝐌𝐲 𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞𝐬.

𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮.. ℐ'𝓁𝓁 𝓅𝓇ℴ𝓉ℯ𝒸𝓉 𝓎ℴ𝓊.

sorry i got a fonts app and I like it :33

Idk what else to say uh sorry about the random love confession🤨 Idk I felt whimsical and then felt angsty lolz

do u guys like it when I leave you little images at the end of these?
I'm not doing it today. FUCK YOU!!
sorry that was mean
I dont care

lol bai love you all, please don't hurt me for the ending 🎉

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