Against the world 2

By csobxx

4.7K 28 18

John B is gone and Savannah must do her best to face the world without her twin brother. Lucky she has her bo... More

Author Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 12

165 3 0
By csobxx

The next morning when we saw Kie and Pope pull up to the dock, we all grabbed our bags and ran down straight onto the boat. If Rafe and Barry knew John B and Sarah were back then it's only a matter of time before everyone knows and we need to get out of here now before John B gets arrested. We went straight to a hidden spot so we could come up with a plan. 

"I have an idea" Sarah said "With me back, my dad is going to have to choose between me and Rafe"

"Sarah, no" John B says to her, we all nodded to agree that this was a terrible plan. "Ward keeps lying to you, Sarah" 

"He won't agree after all that's happened" I said to her.

"I know it sounds crazy" Sarah said looking at the ground

"Yeah it does" I argued back 

"I know!" Sarah snapped back at me "But he's my dad and I know him, I know he loves me. I am just asking for two hours"

All of us were silent, we knew this wasn't smart but she wasn't listening. John B followed after her and then we watched her leave on the boat. 

"You know this won't work, right?" I said to my brother

"She can try Sav, who knows? Maybe he will chose her" 

"Who are you trying to convince John B, me or yourself?" I said shaking my head and walking away. 

JJ and Kie went to find some firewood, while Pope and John B were sitting on the beach and I sat on my own further back just needing some time to myself and then we saw Sarah coming back. Instantly I could tell her plan didn't work, her face gave it away and then she confirmed that I was right. 

"Well, that settles it guys. Now y'all need to load up in the paddy wagon and get the heck out of dodge right now" JJ said to everyone pointing at the boat.

"I think it's too late" Kie said looking out to the water and then we all heard the sirens and saw the police boats. JJ dropped his bag and pulled out the gun putting it in his pocket.

"They followed you here? It must have been your father" John B said panicked 

The police were using megaphones to tell us to stay on the beach and to put our hands in the air but we all agreed that we were going to run. JJ pushed me in front of him and I ran in the middle of the group. Sarah was struggling to run with her gun shot wound so John B was helping her which was making them trail behind while we ran through the swamp and swam to another section before hiding behind a big tree. We were all out of breath and panicked, we were trapped. There was no getting out of this. I felt JJ move beside me and noticed him pull out his gun and dry it with his bandana. I was crying, this was going to end bad.

"JJ, no please, don't do this" I whispered to him, making John B turn around and see what JJ was doing. 

JJ went to turn around towards the police and shoot but John B grabbed his wrist and pulled him back before taking the gun from him and throwing it to the ground. 

"It's gonna be alright" John B said to JJ before looking down to me "I'm sorry" he said to me before walking out from behind the tree and putting his hands up telling the police he was surrendering. We all put our hands on our heads and watched the officer throw John B on the ground making us all yell at him to stop but he wouldn't stop hitting him. 

"Shoupe! Stop him" I yelled out before putting my hands down and running to my brother before being pulled back by another deputy who held my hands behind my back.

"What is this? You're gonna let that happen" JJ yelled angry before another deputy pushed him back. Shoupe then went to stop the deputy from hitting John B but not before he punched him in the face knocking John B unconscious.

I was screaming and crying as I watched my brother be taken away and arrested, JJ was trying to get to me but I was still being held back. We were then all escorted into different cars and driven back to the Chateau. When the cops had left I broke down again, I felt JJ come over to me and carry me to our bedroom where he stayed holding me and letting me cry until I fell asleep. 

I woke up in the morning to JJ shaking my shoulder. 

"Sav, baby, we have to get going to court" 

It all felt like a blur, from him being arrested to now him appearing in court. I was wishing we could catch a break and Shoupe would have actually listened to John B's story and agreed with him, but I guess not. We sat in the court room and watched John B come out in an orange jumpsuit and his hands cuffed in front of him. JJ grabbed my hand and didn't let go. 

"John Booker Routledge, pursuant to the North Carolina statute section 14, you are charged with murder in the first degree with aggravated circumstances. If convicted, the maximum sentence would be the death penalty" The judge strikes her gavel, confirming her decision. I was speechless. 

"Your Honor, he's 17" JJ yelled standing up while I sat frozen "He's 17! Are you kidding me?"

"John B! John B" I said through my tears as I tried to get to him, I just needed to talk to him. 

"Stop! Don't touch her!' Kie yelled at the deputy who pulled me back before leading me outside with everyone else. The outside noise was so loud, JJ was talking about us being in hell, Sarah was wishing she never came home and I could hear some kooks saying John B got what was coming to him which is what made me snap and walk away from my friends and towards Ward Cameron.

"Can you please shut up? Of course you think the system worked because it was made to protect you and people like you" I yelled at the group of Kooks. 

"He'll have his day in court. A jury will decide" 

"He shouldn't even be in court" I yelled before looking at Ward "You should, cause you're a murderer! You have a lot of nerve showing up to court" I saw Shoupe coming down the stairs towards me.

"I know you're upset. I understand you are upset, okay?" Ward said to me which made me even more angry. "I know he's got you all fooled"

"Upset? No I am not just upset" I yelled before lunging forward at Ward and feeling Shoupe and another deputy pull me back before I could get to him.

Kie, Pope and Sarah all pulled me back behind them before JJ stood in front of all of us protectively. 

"Muzzle your goddamned dog" He yelled at Shoupe. "Why don't you take the kooks down for a change Shoupe?"

"You want to get arrested too Savannah? Get out, you need to go" Shoupe yelled at me.

"This is such bullshit" I said to myself as Sarah turned me around "It's not a coincidence your daughter is sitting with us" I yelled back to Ward before JJ put his arm around me and walked me away from the situation. 

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