Unseen bonds

By IconicWolverien

840 46 9

In this heartwarming fanfic of love and destiny, a couple's lives take a dramatic turn when the boy discovers... More

My dearest
What the f**k
I wish i had...
The world is full of secrets
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾‧͙The world with its stories☽༓・*˚⁺
❃.✮:▹Your DNA◃:✮.❃

The world is such a joke

88 5 0
By IconicWolverien


Net has not returned to his homeland for more than 10 years. He has been abroad since starting high school and has proven himself strong in a land where the language is foreign to him, UK. His plan to return home had been there for a long time, but his ego didn't allow him to give up yet, until his father asked him to take care of one of the businesses he had accidentally invested in and which was now quite large. Talent Agency, he is a businessman, not someone who understands art. A long time ago, he invested up to 70% in shares just for 'fun', but over time many policies secretly did not meet his expectations. Even though this investment is not much, entrepreneurs still don't want to lose money.So, after 'accidentally' telling his father he owned 70% of Gabriel's shares. Ent (at first his father didn't know) was finally told to go home and grow the company like the other companies he had raised. His family doesn't have any special specifications in business, of which they clearly have a lot.

We finally arrived at the Net's decision to return after a long time. He was assessing several designs for the house he was going to build as his home when his secretary came in with a yellow folder in his hand.

"You found it?"

Net's main reason for coming home was to find and bring him back, he was ,and to this day is still the owner of Net's heart. He was the one who Net used to stupidly and crazily love."I found James Supamongkon Wongwisut, an accountant at a small public accounting firm. He is a financial consultant and auditor too.

Perth, one of Gab's talents, once asked him to prepare his financial reports, and according to information from Perth, he is indeed "James" you are looking for." Net nodded his head while reading the information in the map, it was only basic information, full name and place of residence, but there were no photos at all. Net stared sadly at his latest education data.

James wanted to be a doctor before. He was already in his second year when they last saw each other, however, his transfer and delay in completing his Bachelor's degree, Net knew was mostly his fault.

"We need a new auditor, right? Just him," Net said seriously."But." Just as the secretary was about to find an excuse, he immediately received a frown from Net.

"Okay, I'll take care of it."

"The room shouldn't be too far from my room"

"He works at Gabriel?" Tutor almost threw out his eyeballs.


"You're crazy, aren't you?!" After making sure his working hours were over, Tutor threw away his secretary mode.

"What's crazy?! I want him close to me so I can freely see him anytime. I want him close because I will miss him all the time.

What's wrong?" Tutor rolled his eyes. He clearly didn't appreciate that opinion."crazy!!!" he shouted then walked out of the room.

"Don't forget to tell the ob to clean my room!! Tomorrow James has to start work!!" Net shouted without knowing himself to which James responded with two middle fingers. Net just chuckled. Tutor has worked for him for more than 5 years, and they are quite close. He was also a witness to Net's condition after breaking up with James at that time, when he was CRAZY.

"I'll pick him up at 11 o'clock. The boss said he has different times than the others." Net focused all his senses. In a few hours he would see James again."He usually comes in at 10.00 am," Net frowned, that was quite late in the day, usually he would come in at 09.00 at the latest

"At 1 pm he will go out for a while then before 2 o'clock he will come in again, then he will go home at the same time as other employees"

"Then, what's the break time?"

"There is no information about 12.00 during the break, he continues to work, after 1 o'clock he will leave the office and will come in at the end of the break" the rest time is quite long, 1-2 hours usually, in Gab itself the break time is from 12.00 noon until 12.00 in the afternoon.

"what is he doing at 1 o'clock?" Tutor shook his head.'There is no information whatsoever. The boss said it was just a personal matter.Net just nodded to cover his curiosity, later he would find out the reason.

Before 2pm, Net was back on Gab. Ent after getting tired of arguing with his father about his restaurant business. Net looked at the room which looked very clean. As if it had never been used before. Earlier he passed the room used by the auditor team but the room was empty, obviously, it was still be break time and James had been out of the office since 1 o'clock. Tutor gave him the news earlier.

Five minutes after he was reading the document that Tutor had prepared for him to analyze, a message appeared on his smartphone screen that grabbed all his attention.'He's here' that sentence made his heart beat fast, which he thought would be strong, turn out to be afraid.


Net was scared. He was afraid that he would be rejected. He had prepared himself to be rejected but not to give up. However, the fear remains. But his hand quickly answered the message.

His heart and liver suddenly reacted, as if competing with each other to work. James' response flashed in his mind, James' sad and disappointed tears that afternoon 7 years ago made his hands tremble slightly. He didn't want to feel like that afternoon again. He'll do a much better job of fixing what he broke first...

A knock on the door made his mind go blank again, with his voice forced out he shouted a little asking the person at the door to come in.

However,the stupid Net, who was extremely afraid and nervous, ran away and hid in the room that was specially provided for him in the office to rest at night or during the day. He was running around fixing a bit of appearance that he felt was inappropriate.

However! From the crack of the door he could see, it was him.

Its James,his angel.

James was looking around as if looking for someone, there was some paper in his hand, he was extraordinarily beautiful, his jet black hair was neatly styled back leaving a little at the front, his maroon shirt hugged his body perfectly making his milky white skin shine even more.

Its James. He always dreams. That is indeed him.

"It's really you," it was really unusual for Net to dominate his brain, his body and mouth moved without him realizing it, but the surprised look that James gave him was very real, making him realize that he had come out of his small room and was now walking towards his sweetheart.

James is incredibly beautiful. Those eyes were much prettier than he remembered last time.

"James" Net was still walking slowly, there was no sign of resistance from James which made him a little braver.

"I miss you" finally the words came out to the person who had only been in his fantasies all this time.

(Author:karma sirahop now live with that!)

"FUCK!!!" Before Net had time to grab the porcelain hand, he had already thrown down the documents and started to turn around. Intend to leave the room.

No!! No!!! I won't let you go this time.

He quickly ran to block James' path, he didn't force it, but he wouldn't take away this opportunity, at least he want to see James a little longer. His sudden response elicited an annoyed face from James, but at least he had backed away and wasn't walking towards the door again.

As if finding better footing, James actually looked at the person in front of him with a very clear look of dislike. James took a deep breath then returned to his professional expression, to be honest he already had a lot of simulations in his head what if one day that bastard "Net" appeared in front of him again, but still, the simulation was not the same as reality.

"Good afternoon sir. My name is Supamongkon Wongwisut. I am your chief auditor for this month" James gave a polite Wai. In his head, apart from cursing at the creature in front of him, he would look for a way to at least get out of this building and go back to working in his office.

"James" Net said his first name which got an indifferent look and no response from James."If there are no questions, I have to go sir. I still have a lot of work" he tried to pass the CEO from a further distance, but, that damn Net dared to hold his hand!!

"Do not touch me!" the firm sentence came out between his teeth. James looked at him with a look of hatred at their distance which was now only a few centimeters.

"James" Net has no intention of letting go of his hand.

"Supamongkon Wongwisut" James forced to release his hand.

"JAMES" Net raised his voice as if he didn't want to lose, he didn't want to increase the gap with politeness between them."Don't you dare call my name casually!! I'm not your pet! Damn it!!" James replied in a high and angry voice. But the next second, without giving Net a chance he returned to polite mode.

"I'm sorry sir. I need to go now" he ran before Net could reach him again.

He found Tutor standing in front of the door as if waiting for him.

"Did he know me before he chose our office?" Tutor looked surprised by James' sudden question, but he responded with a nod. James let out a rough breath.

"Well. Mr. Lamnoi, I will only deal with you for all the information I need. I don't have any direct business with your boss, right? He's not my boss. Right?" Tutor nodded again.

To be continue

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