Inferno | Bbangsaz

By evelyn_caramel

17.2K 1.4K 413

❝I've loved you until death. But in the end I didn't die.❞ Hanni's world shatters when her husband is killed... More

1 | Armless Wolf
2 | Marriage of Death
3 | Outrunning Car
4 | Overturning Events
5 | Hug my neck
7 | Black Lion
8 | Kissing in the Rain
9 | Secret Lovers
10 | Dine in Heaven
11 | Under the Moonlight
12 | Silken Bonds
13 | Morning Pills
14 | Chaos in Chicago
15 | After the Storm
16 | Show me Your Scars
17 | Shadow of Past
18 | Fingerprints on My Memories
19 | The Yakuza

6 | Practice

724 65 23
By evelyn_caramel

𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢 𝐏𝐎𝐕

This is crazy.

And ridiculous.

The killer of my husband just saved my life from hit-and-run, brought me to her home, provided me with hospitality, and even took care of me like I was her real lover. I even found myself allowing her to carry me in a bridal-style position and babble to her about my passion for Ice Bear, which is definitely the most unforgiven act of all my life.

What would Carl think of this? He must be hurt. So, so much hurt.

I'm sorry, Carl, for cheating on you. I swear to God, this is just for the sake of killing her. And after that, I'll go to heaven with you. I promise.

"BITCH, WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN!??" Soobin roars through the phone, nearly blowing out my eardrums.

I winced, pulling the phone away before returning it to my ear.

"A car hit and ran me. I'm saved but it's not what you expected. The one who saved me is Kim Minji, she brought me to her house and—"

"WHAT!??" Soobin screams so high that I'm concerned if he suddenly turns into a girl. "YOU GET HIT AND RUN AND SHE SAVED YOU!??"


"Shit. That's not part of the plan. That's the total opposite of the plan. BUT-BUT ARE YOU OKAY THERE!? DID SHE DO ANYTHING TO YOU!? ARE YOU LOCKED UP IN A BASEMENT!? I-I CALL THE POLICE NOW!!"

I sigh, touching my forehead then shake my head. We're on a call right now, he doesn't have to shout.

"I'm all okay, oppa. She treats me with great hospitality here. She stayed with me the whole night, made me breakfast, have an illegal doctor check up on me. We even... watched We Bare Bears together."


"I know." I answer with a sigh.

"So you're totally okay, there? You sure she's not going to cut your arms or something? OR-OR SHE—"

"She's a good person, oppa." I'm certain. "At least to me, she is."

I know to some people it's weird to call your own brother oppa because that word is often more used towards lovers, but fuck that. He's my brother, I can call him whatever I want.

"So, should I cancel the police SWAT team I was about to send over?"

"Please do. I'm actually enjoying this little vacation a little too much."

"Cute. But what should I tell your boss, then? You've been MIA for a day." Ugh, work.

"Tell him I'm deathly ill and will be out of commission for a while. Fake a doctor's note if you have to." Now that I'm living here in a mansion with a very good-looking Mafia, I don't think I want to go back to that life again.

"Hell yeah." He laughs too devilishly. "So, see around then?"

"See you around."

"Don't die, Hanni."

"I won't." For now, I won't.

As we hang up, I look around the empty room, feeling strangely alone without Minji's presence.

"Minji?" I call out for her. My voice seems to disappear into the vastness of space.

Slowly, I made my way out of the room, wincing at the pain in my ribs. In the distance, I spot Minji engaging in what seems like a meeting with three other people. Two of them must be Hyein and Haerin, and the other one must be Minji's sister, Danielle, who gave me her clothes.

Their conversation halts as Minji notices my struggle. She swiftly rises from the luxurious leather couch, worth more than I could imagine, and hurries over to me.

"Did you just walk on your own?" She whispers furiously. Her sharp eyes focus on mine.

"I-I was searching for you." It's true. I was searching for her.

Her expression softened slightly, but her tone remained firm. "Hug my neck." She lowers her body toward me.

I swallow hardly. This... getting carried by her with her friends watching. Isn't it going to be too much?


"Hanni," Her voice chilly and commanding, making me hardly swallow again.

I hesitated for a moment, feeling self-conscious about being carried like a damsel in distress. But in the end, I comply, wrapping my arms around her neck as she effortlessly scoops me up into her arms.

As she carries me back to my safe room, I can't help but amazed at the absurdity of all of this. Here I am, in the arms of the woman who destroyed my life, yet finding solace in her embrace.

It's crazy and ridiculous. But in that moment, I couldn't bring myself to care. All I know is that I'm safe, at least for now, in the arms of my unexpected savior.


The whole day drifted by in a haze of television shows and video games, interrupted only by the arrival of a maid bearing a tray of scrumptious lunch.

"Excuse me, ma'am. May I know where Minji is?" I inquired of the elderly maid, feeling a pain of longing for Minji's company.

"Minji? She's out somewhere, dear," the maid replies with a maternal chuckle.

"Where?" I pressed, feeling a sense of unease creeping in.

"I'm not sure, and even if I did, I wouldn't be at liberty to say," she replies, her demeanor oddly relaxed considering the circumstances.

"Could you stay here for a while? I could use some company, and I have some questions for you," I suggested, patting the chair that belongs to Minji next to me.

"Of course, dear," she says, settling into the chair beside me.

"How long have you been working here?" I ask.

"About twenty years now," she answers.

"What's the family like? Are they...evil?" I hesitate to voice my suspicions.

"This family has always been kind to me. They provide us a home, food, and a good salary. They're good people," she assures.

"So you've known Minji for years?"

"Ever since she was a little kid. Time sure flies so fast."

"What does she like?"

"She's a very good kid. Not like her brother. She's very well-behaved and can be so happy and playful sometimes. Also, a very good sister to her stepsister. If you know her as a person, you won't expect her to be a criminal. Not at all." So she has a brother and Danielle is her stepsister. Interesting.

"Oh dear, you really look like Maeva." She mutters as she looks deeply into me, her gaze softens.

I frown. Maeva... Minji said that name before. Who could that be?

"Who's her?"

"Minji's girlfriend. She passed away four years ago." The maid explains, her expression softening in sympathy.

So that's the reason she wants to use me. She finds someone like me—someone exactly like her past lover.

"Minji was so happy when they were together. And then... she's never the same. Still, she's a good person, just not the same. She lost her spark ever since."

Now that explains a lot. The way she treats me, looks at me, and all kind to me.

Could it be that... she's hoping for the thought that we can really happen?

I scoff. If only she knew all these times that all my actions towards her were just acts.

And when I kill her, I can't wait to see her reaction. To see how much in pain she'll be, knowing that someone who looks exactly like her past lover ends her life.

Jeez, I sound so cruel. But she deserves it. She killed Carlos.

After the maid left, I devoured the luxurious lunch with great hunger, savoring every bite. It just tastes so damn good, can you blame me?

I while away the hours watching TV and scrolling through social media, but my mind keeps drifting back to Minji. I try to remind myself that it was all just an act, but she keeps on and on consuming my mind.

The sun begins to set. I still can't shake the feeling of unease.

What if something had happened to Minji? What if she never came back?

As the big wooden door opens, relief floods through me, followed by a surge of unexpected anger.

Minji enters the room with a presence that demands attention, her silhouette cutting a striking figure against the dimming light of dusk. She's dressed in a crisp white shirt paired with a biker black leather jacket, the small bouquet of roses in her right hand captivating my gaze. My heart quickens, tempting me to rush towards her and envelop her in a tight embrace, but somehow I manage to hold myself back.

"Where have you gone?" I demand, my voice betraying my worry.

"Picollo, I brought you flowers." She hands me the bouquet, hoping to change the subject.

"Don't change the subject, Minji. Answer me," I hiss.

She sighs, her dark brown eyes locking with mine as she runs her fingers through her dark hair, brushing it back. "Fine. I was looking for your killer. Satisfied?"

She was searching for my killer.

She kept her promise.

"Y-you left me alone." I look away, feeling like I've just lost my mind. Why did I say that?

"I'm sorry, I thought—" She just stuck. "Do you want me to be with you all day tomorrow?" She insists, sounds genuinely concerned for me.

I nod, bewildered by the sudden rush of warmth to my cheeks. Blushing isn't something that easily happens to me, but with her, everything turns different.

She's different.

"Here, take this." She urges until I grasp the bouquet with both hands.

She bought me flowers on the second day of our meeting. How thoughtful. Even Carl never brought me one.

Deeply, I inhale the fragrance of the roses. Hmm, smells like home.

"Let's go, princess, we need to practice," she commands, lowering herself towards me.

"P-practice?" I shouldn't be dirty-minded. Right?

"We need to practice before you meet my parents soon. Come on, we have to make my parents convinced enough," she groans, holding back her impatience.

I nod before reluctantly wrapping my arms around her neck. She lifts me up and carries me outside, as usual.

As we reach the living room, Minji places me gently on the couch across from Hyein, who's looking at us with a mischievous smirk.

"Hanni, this is my friend, Hyein. Hyein, this is Hanni," Minji introduces us to one another.

Hyein greets me with an exaggerated "Ciao, Hanni," her eyes glinting with so much playfulness.

I offer a hesitant "Ciao, Hyein" to her back.

"So, Hanni, imagine Hyein as one of my parents," Minji instructs as she takes a seat next to me.

This is weird. Really, really weird.

"Hmm. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Kim," I say with a slight bow, envisioning her as my never-future mother-in-law.

Hyein nods in approval. "I think you guys need to sit closer. To be more convincing," she suggests.

Minji wastes no time, closing the distance between us until there's no space left. Our thighs brush against each other, sending a jolt of electricity through my entire body.

This doesn't feel right.

"Nice," Hyein remarks, flicking her fingers and squinting at us as if analyzing something. "What about holding hands?" she suggests more with a mischievous grin.


"Lovers should be holding hands, right?" she says, suppressing a laugh. Shit, this girl really having fun teasing us.

I gulp. Slowly, I turn to Minji, finding her already gazing at me with those enduring eyes.

Come on, Hanni, just hold hands. It's not like she hasn't carried you everywhere already.

She places my hand in hers, sending me the warmth of her touch. I interlace my fingers with hers, realizing for the first time how much bigger her hands are compared to mine.

And now, I can't deny how right it feels—our hands perfectly fit together.

"Great!" Hyein claps her hands together with satisfaction.

"Now, for the pièce de résistance," Hyein declares, a wicked grin spreading across her face. "Imagine right now is the real family dinner. Minji, you need to focus your eyes on Hanni. Look into her eyes like you're so head over heels."

Minji follows Hyein's order, her eyes brimming with warmth and affection as our gazes lock. A surge of emotion rushes through me.

"Say I love you to her."

Minji takes a deep breath, shutting her eyes before reopening them.

"I love you, Hanni," she huskily mutters, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she utters those three words.

"Hanni, your turn."

Taking a deep breath, I muster up everything just to say back, "I love you, Minji."

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