Not my Captain

By Backtoback1234

48.5K 905 69

Female Footballer OC I don't claim to know the people in this story and so if their character, sexuality or s... More

Who she is
2012 Olympic Call Up
First Meet
Round for dinner
Truth Comes Out
Truth comes out Pt. 2
Christie Rampone after 4-2 Victory
Critics eat their words
Time to say goodbye
Coming home
2015 USWNT Roster not revealed
Jill Ellis on why the roster isn't released and Castillo.
Ignacio Quereda on first World Cup and Castillo
Spain Women's National Team want Castillo
Tug of War between USWNT and Spain
Run ins
Last Day for USWNT
USWNT or Side-lines
Castillo's ON the team
We've got to do something
Late night adventures
Knocked out
USA v China
New Captain Live Stream
New Captain?
Telling her
Staying over
Pillow Talk?
Announcing captain
Captain to Captain
USA vs JAPAN 2015 WWC Final
Spain Secures Castillo
Possible Signing
Barcelona Confirms it
Alexia + Lexi
Spain to England
Lets talk

Finally Starting

757 17 0
By Backtoback1234

Alexandra Castillo Returns to Starting Line-up Amid Fan Frustration

In a much-anticipated move, Alexandra Castillo, the young star of the US Women's National Team (USWNT), has been reinstated to the starting line-up for the crucial round of 16 match in the ongoing 2015 Women's World Cup. The decision comes after much fan outcry over Castillo's limited playing time in the group stage matches.

Castillo, who had been conspicuously absent from the starting line-up in the initial matches against Australia, Sweden, and Nigeria, finally receives the nod from the coaching staff to showcase her talents from the opening whistle. The move is met with relief and excitement from fans who had been eagerly anticipating Castillo's presence on the pitch.

However, despite Castillo's return to the starting line-up, fans' frustrations persist. Many supporters had expressed disappointment over Castillo's limited role in the earlier matches, with some questioning the coaching staff's tactics and utilization of talent. While her inclusion in the starting eleven is a positive development, some fans remain sceptical about the team's overall strategy and the handling of Castillo's playing time.

As Castillo takes her place among the starters for the round of 16 clash, anticipation is high for what promises to be an exciting and closely contested match. With her talent and determination on full display, Castillo has the opportunity to prove her worth and cement her status as a key player for the USWNT on the world stage. However, the lingering dissatisfaction among fans underscores the importance of effectively utilizing the team's talent pool to maximize its chances of success in the tournament.


The morning sun filtered through the hotel curtains, casting a soft glow across the room. Alex, already dressed in her training gear, stood beside Lexi's bed, shaking her gently.

"Lexi, wake up," Alex urged, her voice firm but kind. "We've got to get ready for the match."

Lexi groaned and pulled the covers over her head. "Five more minutes," she mumbled, her voice muffled by the blanket.

"Come on, Lexi," Alex insisted, pulling the covers back slightly. "We have to be at breakfast in twenty minutes. You know how Coach gets if we're late."

Lexi's eyes peeked out from under the covers, tired and reluctant. "I barely slept," she confessed, her voice a mix of exhaustion and annoyance.

"Well, whose fault is that?" Alex teased, pulling the covers back slightly.

Lexi rolled her eyes and turned over, trying to ignore her. Alex sighed, knowing this wouldn't be easy. She kept trying to wake Lexi up, shaking her gently but persistently.

Just then, there were knocks on the door. Tobin's voice rang out, "Oi, you two, hurry up! What's taking so long?"

Alex went to the door and opened it. "Lexi isn't awake yet," she explained.

Tobin rolled her eyes and walked in, assessing the situation. Without missing a beat, she yanked the covers off Lexi, who groaned and curled up tighter, trying to stay asleep.

"Oh, come on, Lexi," Tobin said, exasperated. She filled a cup with water from the bathroom and, without hesitation, threw it over Lexi.

Now soaking wet and very much awake, Lexi sat up with a glare directed at Tobin. "Seriously?" she growled, shivering slightly.

Alex chuckled. "We don't have time for you to change now. Change after we eat. Come on, let's go."

Grumbling angrily, Lexi slowly got out of bed, still glaring at Tobin. "You are so dead," she muttered.

Tobin just laughed and ran out of the room, with Lexi following her, they hurried through the hotel hallways, Tobin leading the way with a mischievous grin, they passed by several teams, including the England team. Leah and Keira, standing by the entrance of the breakfast area, watched the scene unfold.

Tobin sprinted past them, laughing, with a drenched and visibly annoyed Lexi hot on her heels. Keira laughed and nudged Leah. "What do you think happened there?"

Leah, still half-asleep and rubbing her eyes, mumbled something incoherent. Keira chuckled and shook her head. "Probably got woken up and is as tired as you, then," she said, answering her own question.

Lexi, spotting Leah, managed a brief smile despite her frustration. Leah perked up a bit at the sight of her, returning the smile with a sleepy wave. Tobin, noticing the interaction, slowed down slightly and allowed Lexi to catch up, giving her a playful shove towards the breakfast area.

"Come on, Lexi. Let's get some food in you before you completely lose it," Tobin teased.

As they all made their way into the breakfast area, the buzz of conversation and the clinking of cutlery filled the air. Lexi grabbed a tray, still muttering under her breath.

Keira watched the scene with amusement. "Well, this should be an interesting day," she remarked, grabbing her own tray and heading towards the buffet. Leah followed, her thoughts drifting back to the rooftop pool and the kiss that still lingered on her lips.

Lexi sat at the breakfast table, her eyelids heavy and her movements sluggish. She picked at her food, barely making a dent, and stifled a yawn as the team management came over to discuss tactics for the upcoming match. Her mind drifted, barely registering the conversation around her.

Under the table, Lexi discreetly pulled out her phone and typed a message to Leah.

My American

Are you as tired as I am right now?

A few moments later, Leah's phone buzzed on the table next to her bowl. She glanced at it, smiling softly when she saw Lexi's name. She picked it up and quickly replied.

My English girl


Might just fall asleep in my cereal.

Lexi smiled at Leah's message, feeling a bit more awake just from the interaction. She stole a glance across the room at the England table, catching Leah's eye for a brief moment. Leah gave her a sleepy smile, and Lexi's heart warmed.

My American

At least we're tired together

My English Girl

I blame you for this

Lexi chuckled softly, earning a curious glance from Alex. She quickly put her phone away as the manager turned to address her directly, trying to focus on the tactical instructions despite her fatigue.

Across the room, Leah put her phone down with a small smile, feeling a bit more awake and ready to face the day, even if she was still exhausted.

Management approached Lexi, their voices carrying a tone of expectation. "Lexi, you know you're starting today. We expect you to help us get past this round and into the next."

Lexi rolled her eyes, muttering, "Whatever," under her breath. She stood up, her chair scraping loudly against the floor. "I'm going to get changed," she announced, turning to leave the dining area.

Leah, who had been keeping an eye on Lexi, saw her get up. Seizing the opportunity, she quickly stood as well. "I need to go to the bathroom," she said hastily, though her real intentions were clear to Keira, who gave her a knowing look.

Leah ignored Keira's amused expression and hurried after Lexi, slipping out of the dining hall and into the hallway. She caught up to Lexi just as she was about to turn the corner.

"Hey," Leah called softly, causing Lexi to stop and turn around.

Lexi's tired face brightened slightly at the sight of Leah. "Hey," she replied, her voice still groggy from lack of sleep. "Couldn't stay away, huh?"

Leah smiled, stepping closer. "I saw you leaving and figured you might need some company."

Lexi's expression softened, and she reached out to take Leah's hand."From you? Always."

Leah's brow furrowed with concern. "What's wrong?"

Lexi shrugged, trying to brush it off. "What do you mean?"

"You were angry when you came in and just now you left the dining hall pretty abruptly," Leah said gently.

Lexi sighed, stopping to lean against the wall. Leah stepped closer, wrapping her arms around Lexi in a comforting hug. Lexi rested her head on Leah's shoulder and let out a frustrated breath. "This morning, Tobin threw water on me to wake me up and then just laughed about it. I got so angry. And then, during the team meeting, management talked about the match and all they said to me was to make sure we get through to the next round. Like it's all on me."

Leah tightened her embrace, trying to offer some solace. "I'm sorry, Lexi. That sounds really tough."

Lexi nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's just... I feel like I'm not being seen as a person, just a means to an end. It's exhausting."

Leah pulled back slightly to look into Lexi's eyes. "You are more than just a player, Lexi. You're amazing and you belong here. Don't let them make you feel otherwise."

Lexi sighed. "I really do have to get changed, though."

Leah tightened her grip on Lexi's hand. "I know."

Lexi hesitated. "Are you gonna come with me or are you going back? I mean, not that you have to come with me, but—"

"I'll come with you if that's okay," Leah cut in.

A small smile appeared on Lexi's face. "Yeah, it's fine."

Holding hands, Lexi led Leah to her and Alex's room.

While Lexi was getting changed in the bathroom, she called out, "Do you want to talk about last night?"

Leah, sitting on Lexi's bed in a dry spot, felt a pang of worry. She didn't answer immediately.

Lexi, sensing the hesitation, added, "I mean, we don't have to. I just thought maybe you wanted to."

"I don't know," Leah finally replied, her voice uncertain.

Lexi, emerging from the bathroom while pulling down her top, said, "That's fine. I just wanted to say I really enjoyed it and definitely want to do it again."

Leah looked up at Lexi, her heart racing as she saw the sincerity in Lexi's eyes. "I did too," Leah admitted, a small smile forming on her lips.

Lexi's eyes brightened at Leah's admission. "And about doing it again?" she asked, hopeful.

Leah stood up and walked over to her. "Definitely," she said, her voice steady.

Without another word, Lexi leaned in and kissed her, they kissed for a little bit longer when both their phones went off simultaneously. Leah pulled back and checked her phone, seeing a message from Keira saying people were wondering where she was. Lexi glanced at her own phone and saw messages from her team, reminding her she had to join them for training and a proper meeting.

Leah gave Lexi a series of small kisses. "Guess we have to go," she said reluctantly.

Lexi didn't let go of her. "Yeah, I guess so," she replied, her arms still wrapped around Leah.

Leah gave Lexi a series of small kisses, each one a tender reassurance. "Walk me down?" she murmured against Lexi's lips.

"Of course," Lexi replied softly, a warm smile spreading across her face. She gently squeezed Leah's hand as they walked out of the room together.

As they approached the cafeteria, Lexi glanced over at Leah with a playful smile. "You'll be supporting me today, right?" she teased lightly.

Leah grinned back, her eyes twinkling with affection. "Of course," she replied, her tone reassuring. "And you better score a goal for me."

Lexi chuckled, shaking her head in mock exasperation. "Just adding to the pressure, aren't you?" she teased back, nudging Leah gently with her shoulder.

Leah's expression softened, realizing Lexi might have taken her comment differently. "I'm sorry, Lexi, I didn't mean to..."

Lexi interrupted her with a warm smile, reaching out to hold Leah's hand. "Hey," she said softly, cutting off Leah's apology, "I'm just playing, baby. Of course I will."

Leah let out a sigh of relief, squeezing Lexi's hand gratefully. "Good," she replied, a fond smile spreading across her face. "I know you will."

When they reached the entrance, Lexi turned towards Leah with a tender smile. She leaned in and gave Leah a quick peck on the lips, a silent reassurance of their connection. "See you later," Lexi said softly, her voice filled with warmth.

Leah grinned, her cheeks tinged with a blush from Lexi's affectionate gesture. "Can't wait," she replied softly, her eyes lingering on Lexi's before reluctantly turning away.

Lexi gently pushed Leah towards the room where Leah's teammates were likely waiting, watching her go with a fond expression. "Go on," she encouraged gently, giving Leah's shoulder a playful nudge.

Leah glanced back one more time, meeting Lexi's eyes with a smile before disappearing into the room. Lexi took a deep breath, turning to head in the opposite direction to find her own team.


As Lexi walked off the field after being substituted in the 53rd minute, a wave of mixed emotions washed over her. She had just scored a crucial goal against Colombia, putting the US in the lead in their round of 16 match. Despite the jubilation of scoring, her mood soured when she reached the bench.

One of the coaches greeted her with a stern expression. "You should have done better out there, Lexi," they said flatly. "We need more than just a 1-0 lead."

Lexi felt a pang of annoyance rise within her. She had done exactly what was asked of her—scored a goal that put her team ahead. The implication that she hadn't done enough irked her, especially considering the significance of her contribution.

Lexi's frustration boiled over as she tore off her boots and threw them aside in a moment of raw emotion. The action was a release of her pent-up feelings, but it didn't go unnoticed by the management.

"What are you doing, Lexi?" one of the management staff berated her sharply. "Doing this in the last match caused problems for us."

Lexi bristled at the criticism, feeling unfairly singled out. "Well, it's not like I'm going back on," she retorted, her tone tinged with defiance.

The management didn't back down, pointing towards the tunnel with a firm gesture. "Go to the changing rooms," they instructed, their voice leaving no room for argument.

Rolling her eyes in exasperation, Lexi reluctantly complied. She knew arguing further would only escalate the situation, and she didn't want to create any more discord, especially during such a critical match.

After the final whistle blew and the game ended 2-0 in favour of the USA, the stadium erupted in cheers,  and the echo of her teammates' celebrations outside filtered through the walls, a stark contrast to the sombre atmosphere she found herself in.

She leaned against the cool metal locker, her mind still replaying the events of the match. Despite the victory, her heart was heavy with the lingering frustration and disappointment from the interactions with the management.

Lexi peeled off her jersey and tossed it aside, the fabric whispering against the tile floor. The action was mechanical, a ritual of transitioning from player to person, shedding the external armour to confront her inner turmoil.

As she stood there, the rush of emotions she had kept at bay during the game began to surface. She felt a sense of pride in her performance—scoring a goal in a crucial match—but it was overshadowed by the sense of being undervalued and misunderstood.

Closing her eyes, Lexi took a deep breath, willing herself to find perspective amidst the turmoil. She knew that in the world of competitive sports, emotions could run high, and decisions weren't always fair or clear-cut. Yet, she couldn't shake off the sting of injustice.

The sound of footsteps approaching interrupted her thoughts, and Lexi glanced up to see one of the team's coaches standing at the doorway. "We'll talk after everyone settles down."


The Bittersweet start of Alexandra Castillo's journey in the 2015 Women's World Cup

In a match filled with promise and passion, Alexandra Castillo, made her first start for the US Women's National Team (USWNT) in the 2015 Women's World Cup round of 16 clash against Colombia. The significance of this moment was not lost on the young striker, who seized the opportunity to make a memorable impact on the world stage.

Castillo's moment arrived in the 53rd minute when she broke the deadlock with a clinical finish, putting the USA ahead 1-0 against a resilient Colombian side. The goal sparked elation among fans and teammates alike, as it not only gave the USWNT a crucial lead but also showcased Castillo's potential as a rising star in women's soccer.

However, the euphoria was short-lived for Castillo. Minutes after her goal, as she made her way back to the bench following her substitution, she was met with a surprising and disheartening reception from part of the team management. Witnesses, including fans seated near the bench, reported that Castillo appeared to be receiving a stern talking-to, with gestures and expressions that suggested criticism for only scoring once.

"It was baffling," remarked one fan, who preferred to remain anonymous. "She had just scored a vital goal, and instead of celebrating, it looked like they were scolding her for not doing more. It didn't sit right with me."

Adding to the unfolding drama, Castillo, visibly frustrated by the treatment, removed her boots and tossed them aside upon reaching the bench. This gesture, often interpreted as a display of discontent or protest, further highlighted the emotional turmoil she was experiencing in that moment.

In response to Castillo's action, team staff swiftly directed her back to the changing rooms for the remainder of the match, effectively isolating her from the team's celebrations and post-match camaraderie. This decision, while ostensibly aimed at maintaining discipline, raised eyebrows among fans and critics alike, who questioned the fairness and sensitivity of the management's approach.

The incident drew criticism towards the USWNT management and coaching staff, with many arguing that their handling of Castillo's substitution and subsequent treatment was unnecessarily harsh and lacked appreciation for her contributions on the field. Critics pointed out that Castillo had fulfilled her role by scoring the opening goal, a pivotal moment that ultimately paved the way for the team's 2-0 victory over Colombia.

"This should have been a moment of celebration and encouragement for Castillo," commented soccer analyst and former player, Sarah Johnson. "Instead, she was subjected to what appeared to be unwarranted scrutiny and punishment. It sends the wrong message to players, especially those making their debut in such high-stakes matches."

As the USWNT progresses in the Women's World Cup, the spotlight remains on Castillo and how she will bounce back from this tumultuous debut. Her undeniable talent and determination are assets that should be nurtured and celebrated, rather than undermined by misjudged managerial decisions.

In the wake of this controversy, calls for a more supportive and respectful environment for players, particularly young talents like Castillo, resonate strongly. The focus must now shift to fostering a culture within the USWNT that values and uplifts its players, ensuring that moments of achievement are met with encouragement and recognition, not undue criticism and isolation.

As Castillo reflects on her World Cup debut, one thing remains clear: her journey is far from over, and her resilience in the face of adversity will undoubtedly shape her future performances on and off the field.


 Alexandra Castillo's Substitution Incident: A Complex Reflection

Alexandra Castillo's substitution during the 2015 Women's World Cup match against Colombia ignited a debate on professionalism and the treatment of young talents in elite sports. After scoring a pivotal goal for the US Women's National Team (USWNT), Castillo's reaction upon being substituted off was deemed by many as unprofessional and ill-suited for a player of her calibre.

Witnesses recounted how Castillo, upon reaching the bench, visibly displayed frustration by tearing off her boots and tossing them aside—an action perceived as a display of unwarranted attitude. Team management swiftly responded by directing her back to the changing rooms for the remainder of the match, signalling their disapproval of her behaviour.

Critics were quick to condemn Castillo's actions, emphasizing the importance of respect for team decisions and maintaining composure, especially in critical moments of competition. They argued that while Castillo's goal was crucial, her response risked overshadowing her on-field performance and detracting from team cohesion.

However, amidst the criticism, questions arose regarding the handling of Castillo by team staff. Witnesses reported that immediately after her substitution, part of the management appeared to berate her for only scoring once—a reaction perceived as harsh and counterproductive given the circumstances.

This juxtaposition raises important considerations about the emotional dynamics and communication within elite sports teams. While accountability and professionalism are essential, the incident with Castillo underscores the delicate balance between managing young talents' emotions and fostering a supportive team environment.

Moving forward, the focus should be on constructive dialogue and mutual understanding between players and management. The incident serves as a reminder of the pressures faced by athletes on the world stage and the need for empathetic leadership in guiding their development.

As Castillo continues her journey with the USWNT, there is an opportunity for reflection and growth for both the player and the team. Emphasizing respect, communication, and nurturing talent will be crucial in harnessing Castillo's potential and ensuring that future interactions uphold the values of professionalism and unity within the squad.

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