Thread Of Fate

By WriterFrom_Hell

758 16 211

another slow burn!! More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 8

53 1 17
By WriterFrom_Hell

A few weeks had gone by, and, now, Erica and Esmeralda were all in the living room talking, and joking around. "And then I slept with my college professor," Esmeralda said and looked down at her phone. Upon hearing it, Eda started choking, Erica looked at her like she was crazy, and Noa just froze. "You what-.. "  Erica asked.  Esmeralda chuckled. "Yeah, I hooked up with my professor for like.. 8 months, then his wife found out, she watched him bone me, then I hooked up with her" Esmeralda beamed and looked at her nails.  "Well damn, how bad were your grades you had to bone your teacher!?" Erica asked.  "Oh no, I had a B average," Esmeralda said happily. "So then why'd you sleep with your teacher!?" Eda asked.  "Just because..and his wife was a bonus, you know she reached out to me and said I helped her realize she was bisexual," Esmeralda said.

Eda's phone went off and that's when she realized that she had to hurry to her part-time job. "See you guys! I need to go!" Eda said and rushed out the door.

When she got to work, she hopped over the counter, and that's when her boss entered. A short blonde man, who wore a lot of green.  "Edalyn, nice to see you're on time," he said happily. "Mhm! All ready to go" Eda beamed.  Me ken went to his office leaving Eda to work.  An hour later customers started to come in, and Eda isn't exactly the best with customer service.  "Uhm.. Excuse me" a middle-aged man said. "Hi! How can I help you?" Eda asked "Well.. I just ordered a salad, and you put the dressing on the side.. I wanted it on top," he said, then handed the salad to Eda.

Eda looked at him very annoyed then said. "Look I understand all you have rattling around your skull is a single fucking skittle, but hear me out," Eda said, then yelled. "Put the skittle to good damn use, and pour the dressing ON THE SALAD!" The man stepped back and left, and Eda sighed. 

3 hours into Eda's shift, she heard the door open and by now it was mostly empty.  " hey, I was hoping to get coffee" a voice said. "Yeah! Give me one minute!? " Eda said and came from international the counter for more cups.  She stood up, and her eye twitched when seeing raine "NO!" she yelled. Raine froze then muttered. "This is it... This is how you kill me... " Eda glared at them, right as Raine was about to leave me keen called out to Eda. "Edaaa! Are you abusing the customers again!?"  Eda groaned. "No Mr Ken.. " she said loud enough for him to hear.  "Say no more, walnut.. I like my bones where they are, il go" Raine said, then heard Mr Ken say. "Edaaaa! Do I have to deduct another potential customer from your pay!?" Eda sighed, then glared at Raine. "Leave. and I hogtie your entrails.. "  Raine sighed, then said. "C-can I have a.. Iced coffee and my safety.. " Eda made the iced coffee and paid while Eda glared at them the whole time.   "Sorry walnut.. " Raine muttered.    Eda blushed a little, then said. "I told you not to call me that" Raine chuckled. "Well, you never told me your name. . " Eda rolled her eyes. "Because I want nothing to do with you!" She argued. 

Eda gave them their drink and said. "The total is 7.54" Raine paid and left, feeling bad about giving Eda a hard time.  

When Eda got off work, a man with a bunch of flowers came in. "Edalyn clawthorne?" He asked. "That's me? Is there a delivery for the store?? " Eda said. "Nope," the man handed Eda a single rose with a note attached to it.   She looked confused and then opened the note.

Sorry for giving you a hard time, gorgeous


Eda looked surprised, then a small smile crept on her face, while her cheek turned a light hue of punk.  Eda chuckled to herself, then left, putting the rose in her purse. Almost like clockwork, Raine was right outside the door and asked.  "You like it?" Eda jumped, then saw them while clutching her chest.  "God damn! What's wrong with you!!? " Eda asked. "Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," they said with a light chuckle.   "Y-you didn't! Your so damn annoying!"   Eda argued  "Whatever you say, walnut" Raine teased. Eda slapped them, but not as hard as Raine thought she would.  "Why so mean, walnut?"  they asked with a small smile.  "Stop calling me that! It's stupid!" Eda yelled and stormed off. 

Raine couldn't help but wonder why she was always so angry, she always seemed closed off and protected to Raine. They wanted to get to know her more. 

Raine got home to their apartment and saw Darius just leaving his room.  "Hey, whispers, whatcha up to?" He asked. "Ah.. Nothing, just need to make a quick phone call" Raine said, and went to their room, they called the only person they knew.

"Hey Mom"

"Rainey! What a surprise! You don't call hardly enough"

"I call you every week.. "

"Make it every day"

"Look I just need some advice.. "

"Alright! Lay it on me, sweetie"

"Well.. There's this girl-.."

"Finally! I've been waiting for this day!"

"Mom iv had a girlfriend before-.."

" Yeah, but I didn't like her, anyways, what's up with this girl?"

"Well, she seems really closed off, and sort of.. Protected"

"Really? What's she like?"

"Well, she's.. Kinda aggressive, and she's always angry"

Oh? What's her name?"

"I... Actually don't know her name.. "


"She's never told me, I just been calling her walnut"

"Ohh.. I get it, she's embarrassed and doesn't know how to handle her emotions other than violence and empty threats"  

"Oh, that makes sense.. But how do I get to know her more"

"The best thing to do is to let her know she's safe with you, girls like her.. The special, she may be guarded now, but once you get to her I'm positive she'll be the best thing in your life"

"Thanks, Mom, you're the best"

"yeah I better be, and I want to meet this girl"

"Sure, one day"

"Awh.. Always making me wait"

"Bye Mom"

"Bye, Rainey!"

Raine felt so much pride in this moment, their determination was higher than ever.  They'd get close to her and love her once they got the chance, but what they didn't know was Eda.. She was hiding a lot more than her heart.

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