Fur, Fangs and Forbidden Feel...

By Sexualtensiongrowing

2.3K 44 17

Archer McCall is the fraternal twin sister of Scott McCall and secretly in love with their best friend Stiles... More

Season one
Wolf Moon
Second Chance at First Line
Pack Mentality
Magic Bullet
The Tell
Heart Monitor
Wolf's Bane
Code Breaker

Night School

128 3 0
By Sexualtensiongrowing

Archer POV:

We all run into the school after watching Derek get attacked by the Alpha. "Lock it, Lock it" my brother yells after shutting the doors behind us. Stiles, just as frazzled, throws his hands in the air. "Do I look like I have a key?" Scott looks around the hallway. "Well grab something!" Stiles looks around as well and spots something outside. "No." I exclaim, grabbing Stiles' arm as he tries to pull away. "Stiles. Don't you dare." He runs outside and grabs the bolt cutters. "Run, Stiles! Run!" My brother yells seeing the Alpha right behind him. I turn around and cover my face, terrified that he will get attacked and I just can't watch that. When he gets back inside they shove the bolt cutter in the front doors and Stiles grabs my hand from my face pulling me to run with them to one of the classrooms.

When Stiles and Scott get done barricading the door I walk up to Stiles and start hitting him in the chest "You do not heal. You stupid, idiotic spaz of a boy! What were you thinking! You could have been killed!" Scott has to grab me by the arms and pull me away. The idiot boy looks surprised for a moment before sighing. "I'm sorry, Ar. We needed to lock the doors. But I'm fine. See?" He affirms holding his arms out and spinning around. I glare at him once more before turning to my brother "Is Dr. Deaton." Stiles comes up behind me and agrees. "Come on Scott. He disappears and things show up! It's second later throwing Derek twenty feet into the air."My brother looks determined to tell us it's not him.

"He killed Derek." Stiles adds and I wince. Derek could be a dick but he was just trying to help, in his own broody, sour-wolf way. "Derek cant be dead." I whisper sadly, wrapping my arms around myself, chewing on my lip. Sighing loudly my twin looks at us "What do we do now?" I walk over to the window while Stiles tells Scott we should run for it to the Jeep and that he should consider quitting his job. "Uh guys?" I choke out. They are still bickering and I try again "Guys!" I shouted. "Those don't open. The school is climate controlled." Shaking my head I point to his Jeep. "No. What's wrong with the hood of your Jeep?" Stiles moves to stand behind before getting defensive "What? Nothing is wrong with-" He leans closer into me to get a better look outside. "What the hell..." Hearing Scott yell 'Watch out' Stiles grabs me throwing us to the floor, covering my body with his, while something comes flying through the window.

Looking up I see Stiles face is inches from mine. "Are you okay?" he asks just above a whisper. I nod my head slowly as he helps pull me up. "That's my battery." He sounds crushed when his Jeep is dented and the battery was thrown at us. "Uh guys. We gotta move." Scott says looking out the window seeing the Alpha standing outside watching us. "We need somewhere without windows!" Stiles yells while pulling me through the school. "Every single room in this building has widows!" My brother retorts. "The locker rooms. They have fewer windows." I heave out.

Making it to the locker room I immediately started panicking. I am having trouble breathing when my brother speaks up "Ar. Calm down, you're okay. Where is your inhaler?" I try to respond but feeling around my pockets I realize I must have dropped it while running around. I wheezed out "I- must- have- dropped." Scott starts to panic as he searches his pockets as if for some reason he would be carrying his, that he no longer has to use.

Next to me Stiles holds out an inhaler for me. "Here. Ar take this." I make a confused face while I grab the small item from his hands and he wraps his arms around me. I take puffs of the inhaler and he holds the back of my head running his hands down my hair. I can barely make out their conversation about getting the keys off Derek's body and taking his car when Scott whispers " I think I heard something..." When I have finally calmed down I breathe "like what?" My brother suddenly jumps into a locker and shuts the door. Before I can even comprehend what is happening, I'm being pulled into Stiles' chest as he shuts the locker door behind me.

He was just holding me, calming me down, but this is different. The way he threw us in here has his hand pressed in between my ass and the locker door. His breath is choppy, either from the closeness or the danger that we currently find ourselves in. The heat of his breath is ghosting my cheek as heat starts to pool in my lower stomach. Oh this is so not the time to be turned on, but it's hard not to when he is setting my body on fire with his touch. I risk a glance at his face and our lips are just millimeters away from touching mine for the second time tonight.

Scott starts whispering for, who we now know is the janitor, to be quiet as we all fall out of the lockers. He is yelling at us to get out as he refuses to listen to us and shoos us out of the locker room. Stiles is again, pulling me around the school. Since we entered the school he has refused to leave my side. Well besides running out the doors to grab the bolt cutters, I'll make sure to remember to yell at him properly for that later.

Getting to the front doors of the school we try and push our way through but something seems to be pushed in front of it. "The dumpster" my brother concludes. "He pushed it in front of the doors so we couldn't leave." Stiles adds from my right, holding on tightly to my hand. "Oh god. I'm not dying here. Not at school." He mumbles anxiously. "I'm going to die a virgin..." I whisper, causing Stiles to whip his head around and stare at me. My brother looks at us confidently and states "We're not going to die."

"Derek said we are stronger in a pack.. He wants me." Of course he does.. Why wouldn't he? I mean all he did was turn you! "Oh, great. A psychotic Werewolf who's into teamwork. That's just great." Stiles snides sarcastically.

We ran into a classroom and trapped the Alpha inside. And it seemed to be going well, that is until Stiles decided that he needed to tease the fuckin thing through the window in the door causing it to jump up into the ceiling... Yes, the ceiling.. How is this my life right now?

Running away from where we hear it following us Scott stops us. "Do you hear that?" He asks us, as if we too, had were hearing. "Hear what Scotty?" I decided to ask "It sounds like... like a phone ringing." His head whips the other direction, before he starts running he tells us that it sounds like Allison's phone. Why the hell is she here?? My brother takes my phone and calls Allison off of it. "No, it's me. Where are you?" I hear my brother whisper into the phone. "Where are you right now?" He asks again. "Where? Where are you exactly?" I can hear my twin getting frustrated having to ask the same question multiple times. "Get to the lobby. Now." He orders before hanging up the phone and handing it back to me.

We find Allison in the lobby of the school completely oblivious to the danger that is currently roaming around in the ceiling. "Why did you come here?" My brother asked urgently, lightly running his hands down the side of her face. "... Uh because you asked me to?" He stops his movements "I asked you to? What? Allison, I still don't have a phone." Stiles decided to interrupt "Did you drive here?" He rushed out. "Uh, no. Jackson did." Jesus, who else is here? "And Lydia is here too somewhere." Oh this is just perfect.

After meeting up with everyone in the cafeteria Scott and Jackson start barricading the doors. Stiles keeps repeating for them to stop but I think that I am the only one listening. "Will you help me? The chairs— stack the stairs." My brother instructs the other girls when I turn my attention to what Stiles is trying to say. "Guys- Can we please just wait a second." Looking to the giant row of windows Stiles is desperately trying to point out, I call out "Scotty. Stop!" I get his attention and he looks over.

Stiles waves his arms out to showcase the wall of windows "Nice work everyone. But what are we going to do about this giant twenty foot wall of windows?!" I hear Allison and Lydia start crying. "Can somebody please explain to me what is going on?" She wails looking over to Scott. Stiles speaks up slowly "Somebody killed the janitor." Lydia looks up at us now "What!?" Jackson moves to stand in front of Allison protectively. Weird.. but okay. "What? Who killed him?" He demands

All three new people started panicking at once as I'm pulled back into Stiles. Everyone panicking is only making me more anxious and luckily for me Stiles can tell. He holds my hand rubbing soothingly with his thumb. "... If we go out there he is going to kill us." I only hear this last bit my brother says before Allison asks "Who's going to kill us?" Scott obviously could only think of one person at the moment and of course he goes with "Derek. Derek Hale." I tense my body as my brother makes up a story as to all the people Derek has murdered.

Jackson steps closer to me and Stiles, demanding that we call the cops. Now his hand tenses in mine. Stiles doesn't waste a second before responding. "No." Jackson looks at us dumbfounded. "What do you mean no?" "I mean no. You wanna hear it in Spanish?" He waits a second before saying no again, in what he thinks is a Spanish accent. "Derek has killed three people already. Who knows what he is armed with." He tries to reason with them. "Your dad is armed with the entire Sheriff's department!" Lydia holds the phone up to her ear "I'm calling."

I make a move to go to her but Stiles has my hand locked in with his. "Lydia, will you just wait a second?" After explaining where we are she gets hung up on. "They hung up on me.." She looks down at her phone in disbelief. "She said they got a tip warning them that there are going to be prank calls about a break-in at the school and that if I call again they will trace the call and have me arrested." Lydia begins to cry and Allison tells her to call again. "No, they won't trace a cell. And they'll send a car to your house before the send anyone here." Stiles explains to the group.

Scott, Stiles and I are huddling at the opposite end of the room. Everyone just needs to calm down for us all to make it out of here alive. "Okay, assheads, plus Ar. New plan. Stiles calls his useless father and tells him to send someone with a gun and decent aim. Are we good with that?" My brother sighs and looks to stiles "He's right. Tell him the truth is you have to. Just, call him." Stiles doesn't budge "I'm not watching my father get eaten alive Scott."

Jackson starts charging at Stiles, not happy with his response. "All right, give me the phone." Jackson grabs onto Stiles shoulder. Stiles lands a punch directly to Jacksons jaw causing him to fall to the ground. Stunned that the worst lacrosse player on the team was able to knock Jackson to the ground, I looked over to him. "Stiles. Maybe we should call your dad, I mean maybe the sirens will scare him off?" He looks at me a moment before slightly nodding and calling his dad.

When Sheriff Stilisnki doesn't answer, he suggests that we head through the kitchen up the stairwell and into the Science classroom that has a door to the roof. "The Janitor has a key." My brother told us, once we are all safely inside. "You mean his body has it." Scott looks to Stiles and I "I can get it. I can find him by scent, by blood." My mouth hangs open slightly as if I cannot believe what my brother is suggesting "Well, Gee, that sounds like an incredibly terrible idea. What else have you got?" My twin looks at me determinedly, "I'm getting the key."

"There's got to be something else." Stiles adds while we are all standing around the front desk of the classroom. "We are going to build a fire bomb." looking at lydia I know where her mind is "Self-igniting?" She smiles at me "Exactly."

After Jackson and Lydia get done making the Molotov Cocktail, Allison and my twin are quietly arguing by the door. "Somebody has to do something." He looks pointedly at me and stiles referencing what Stiles said the other day " you don't have a choice anymore. You have to do something". I walk over to Scott and give him a big hug. Pulling back slightly I try and focus my gaze on my face, fighting the tears that are trying to come out. "I'll come right back. I'll be okay." He tries to reassure me. I let a few stray tears fall and I cried "Promise?" A small smile plays at the corner of his mouth, he holds up his pinky. "Pinky." Allison is still begging him not to leave as he walks out the door. I stand there frozen, as if my best friend in the world just walked to his death.

Stiles came up beside me, locked the door and led me over to sit with him on the desk. I am chewing on my lip as well and picking at my fingers trying to keep my breathing under control. Stiles' hand comes to rest on top of mine. Allison is still freaking out as Jackson walks over to calm her down. Rubbing his hands down her back and whispering that everything will be okay. I move my gaze to Stiles slightly and we both make the same confused face. Why the hell is he comforting Allison and not Lydia?

Lydia is looking down at the table of chemicals that she used for the cocktail when she looks over to Jackson "Jackson, you handed me the sulfuric acid, right? It has to be sulfuric acid--it won't ignite if it's not." I get up to see that the bottle doesn't look open. I walk over to Jackson and he scoffs at Lydia "I gave you exactly what you asked." He snarks. Getting right in his face I push him a bit "You better hope to god you did. If my brother dies because of your idiocy, I will kill you myself." Stiles comes up and pulls me slightly away to sit back on the other side of the room.

Ten minutes later we see movement out in the hall and the door starts rattling. Allison starts calling for my brother as we hear a snap just outside the door, then the figure is gone.

Sheriff Stilinski got Stiles' car and brought the whole station down. My body is still shaking with adrenaline or fear as Stiles puts his arms around me to try and calm me down. Scott has been telling Sheriff Stilinski about the Janitors body and where to find it and comes back over to us. I let go of Stiles and wrap my arms around my brother. After letting go I glare at the both of them. "Never. And I mean never do anything like that again." I am happy they are okay but they are both stupid and suicidal apparently.

While Stiles gets excited about us outlasting the Alpha, Scott interrupts him "When we were in the chemistry room, he walked right by us. You don't think that it heard us? You don't think it knew exactly where we were?" Stiles and I frown "Well then how come we're still alive?" The boy next to me asks. "It wants me in its pack, But I think, first, I need to get rid of my old pack." I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Old pack?" My brother looks to me, then to Stiles. "Jackson, Lydia, Allison, You two .." Stiles and I are in shock as my brother continues "He wants to kill you. But he wants me to do it. And that's not even the worst part." Stiles opens and closes his mouth exhaustively. "How the holy hell is that not the worst part?" he yells, throwing his arms in the air. Looking at us nervously my brother hesitates. "Because when he made me shift I wanted to do it. I wanted to kill you. All of you."

Scott is talking to Allison and the anger from the stunt Stiles pulled earlier has taken over. I storm over to where he is talking to his father and I ask him to excuse us. Pulling Stiles away so that we are standing alone, my jaw clenches in anger. My brows knit together as I glare at him, my eyes flashing with a mix of frustration and concern.

"Why on earth did you have to be so reckless, Stiles?" I snapped. "Risking your life like that when we were in the school, didn't you think about how it would affect everyone around you? Do you even care about your own safety?" I push him slightly, just enough to emphasize my anger. Stiles' expression softened, understanding dawning in his eyes. "Ar, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. I just wanted to keep us safe." he explained, his voice tinged with regret. "You're human . You don't get to just run out into danger like that. You don't get to just leave me , like that." I move to push him again but he stops me by grabbing my wrists and pulling me into a hug. "I'm sorry, Ar. I'm okay." he whispers into the top of my head and kisses my hair.

Pulling away my brother walks up to us with his head hung low. "She says she can't trust me." He takes a deep breath, "and then she broke up with me." he mumbled.

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