Baby Angel | a poly romance

By deezumi

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ʙᴀʙʏ ᴀɴɢᴇʟ ▁ They resembled a masterpiece brought to life. Each brushstroke of their personalities unique, ye... More

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▸ twenty-seven

2.3K 133 13
By deezumi

Successful dates, much like successful pieces of art, are crafted with care, attention to detail, and an understanding of the beauty in imperfection. Just as a first date can leave a lasting impression, a beloved artwork has the power to captivate the soul and evoke emotions that linger long after the encounter. Both experiences are enriched by authenticity, vulnerability, and the willingness to embrace the unknown, creating moments of connection and inspiration that endure through time.

Aurelia watched with a smile as Elijah strolled back to the car, carrying a bag brimming with food. After their museum visit, they wandered around the area, admiring the majestic pieces of art that were too grand to be confined within museum walls, instead displayed outside. They snapped photos, and for once, Aurelia didn't feel the usual shyness creeping in when being photographed.

Back in high school, Aurelia often found herself either hiding her face or avoiding participating in photos altogether. She lacked confidence and felt insecure about her appearance in pictures. However, she didn't mind capturing moments of her friends or her artwork. Being in front of the camera just wasn't her thing. But when Elijah stealthily snapped a picture of her admiring the outdoor art, she couldn't help but feel beautiful, especially when Elijah made sure she knew it.

The evening was still young, but dusk was approaching. Elijah settled into the driver's seat of his sleek gray car with a soft sigh. Aurelia glanced over at him, extending her hand to offer assistance as he adjusted himself in the seat. Despite not ordering much—she craved a chicken sandwich while he opted for a burger—they decided to share a large fry. He also grabbed a couple of bottled waters, considering Aurelia's preference for something non-sugary. As he handed her the bag, Aurelia reached into the back for his jacket, the one he had left behind when he picked her up, and draped it over her lap.

"Thank you," she murmured, smiling at the sweet gesture. "You really didn't have to, but thank you anyway."

"Well, I just thought you wouldn't want to risk getting your outfit dirty," he chuckled, taking the bag from her hand. "Here you go."

Elijah handed her the chicken sandwich first before grabbing his own burger. He placed the bag in the center compartment, positioning it between them for easy access to the fries.

"Did you always dream of running a tattoo parlor?" Aurelia inquired, unwrapping her sandwich and taking a satisfying bite, her gaze drifting everywhere but towards Elijah.

"Actually, no," he replied between bites, trying not to speak with his mouth full. "Surprisingly, my mother always pushed my brother and me towards the creative path, but she was more focused on Arthur's success than mine. It became evident pretty quickly that my mother only wanted one of us to be the family's shining star."

Aurelia winced at the revelation, covering her mouth with her hand as confusion washed over her features. This time, she looked directly at him. "What do you mean?"

Elijah grinned, brushing crumbs off his lap as he glanced down. "It means my mother preferred one son to bask in the spotlight alone; she didn't like us sharing it."

"Wow, that's... truly terrible," she says, her voice filled with genuine empathy as she watches Elijah.

"Well," Elijah responds, glancing over at her, his gaze locking with hers before he shrugs, "My mother is quite the complicated individual. Given how neglectful she was toward me when I was a child, I naturally grew rather distant from her. So, I suppose it'd be rather pathetic if I weren't used to it by now."

"What about you?" he asks, casually munching on some fries from the bag. "Did you always aspire to be an artist?"

Aurelia sighs inwardly, recognizing his attempt to divert the conversation away from his family issues. "Yes," she responds promptly, with unwavering certainty. "I've wanted this ever since I could wield a crayon and put it to paper. Art has always been my passion, in every form imaginable."

"I assume," he murmurs, his tone dampening the mood, "you never considered pursuing anything else, huh?"

Aurelia tilts her head slightly. "Why would I?" she counters. "My mom's a doctor, and my dad's a school teacher. I can't see myself fitting into either of those roles, especially considering my aversion to public speaking for teaching and my inability to handle high-pressure situations for the medical field."

He falls silent, still chewing his food. Once he's finished, he looks at her intently. "I'm not passing judgment, baby, just trying to understand you better."

"What do you mean?" she asks, echoing his initial question that started this conversation. "I'm an open book, and I'm not one to mince words."

Elijah shakes his head, visibly disagreeing with her assertion, taking a sip from the water bottle before setting it down. "Nobody's truly an open book, especially not you."

He presses on, his tone serious. "You keep a lot bottled up inside, and just when I think I've got you figured out, you throw me a curveball, straight to the face."

"When have I ever left you confused, Elijah?" she inquires, her tone a mix of confusion and curiosity.

"When we first asked you out," he says, shaking his head and averting his gaze from her this time, "we were convinced you'd say yes. We were certain that you felt the same way about us as we do about you. But you threw us for a loop when you said you didn't know, which also meant no."

Aurelia tilts her head in confusion, her face now completely masked by bewilderment, her tone rising slightly. "I didn't know you two. When I lived with you, you two were hardly there, and I didn't know. That uncertainty made me unsure if I wanted to be with you two. Where is all of this coming from? I thought we agreed to take things slow."

"We are taking things slow," he assures her, turning to hold her hand gently. "I'm not trying to upset you. We just really like you, and I don't want these solo dates to turn into something Andrew and I had to deal with in the past. In other words, I love that we are spending time together alone like this for your sake, but–"

"Your ex, right?" she interrupts, her tone softer now. "This has something to do with yours and Andrew's ex-girlfriend."

Elijah falls into an unusual silence, quieter now than he was when they left the museum, almost as if he's getting cold feet. His demeanor, usually so composed, seems to falter in the face of whatever is weighing on his mind.

"It's a long story, one that I don't feel right telling you without Andrew present," he mumbles, running his hand down his face. "I'm sorry for ruining the date. I just want to discuss important things, but I don't know what to bring up. You just make me nervous."

"I make you nervous?" she laughs softly, watching as his serious expression fades away like rain when the clouds part and the sun breaks through the gloom. Aurelia had expected this date to go more smoothly since she had only seen him become serious or upset once or twice, and never with her. Yet, here he is, vulnerable and uncertain, and it's both disconcerting and oddly endearing.

"Is that hard to believe?" he asks playfully, raising an eyebrow. "You don't think I blush when you look at me or when you smile, my heart races? One of these days, I might have a heart attack because of you, Aurelia."

Aurelia's laughter fills the space between them, her mind wandering to imagined scenes of their future together. She envisions lazy mornings, the mornings when she doesn't have class or any other work to do, and the both of them spend it tangled in bedsheets. Aurelia could almost envision the sunlight streaming through the curtains as they shared whispered compliments and dreams. She imagines painting together, laughter ringing through the office area as they work on their art pieces. And in these moments, she sees Elijah not just as the confident, smooth-sailing man she's come to know, but as someone vulnerable and real, someone she could truly build something with.

Laughing, she shakes her head, feeling a warmth spread through her chest at the thought. "You're dramatic too? That's new. I'm used to seeing the confident, smooth-talking Elijah."

He shrugs, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips as he stares into her eyes. "We all have those days when our masks fall, right?" And in that moment, Aurelia realizes that perhaps the most beautiful thing about their connection is the ability to see each other, masks and all, and still find something worth holding onto.

As the silence falls between them again, Elijah checks his watch and nods thoughtfully. "I should get you back home. Can't afford to be exhausted before classes tomorrow, right?"

Aurelia shrugs nonchalantly and nods in agreement. "I suppose so. Most of my classes start after twelve in the afternoon, so even if I get back late, I'll still have time to unwind before class."

Elijah nods, beginning to tidy up the area with her. "When Andrew was still attending, his schedule was similar to yours, but that was last year. This year would've been a lot smoother."

Her curiosity is piqued. Aurelia pauses in folding Elijah's jacket, the one he kindly offered to cover her lap. "Why isn't he attending? He would be a fourth-year student, right?" She gazes at Elijah, searching for any hint of hesitation in his response.

She had heard a few stories, whispers that danced through the halls of their shared campus, but upon reflection, none of them were ones she wanted to believe simply because she wanted to hear the story from the source. When it came to such detailed accusations and rumors, Aurelia knew firsthand the importance of hearing from the person the rumor concerned. It was a principle she held dear, one she believed in adamantly.

However, as she glanced at Elijah, she could sense his surprise, the subtle shift in his expression betraying his unexpected reaction to her question. His eyes held a hint of vulnerability, a flicker of something unspoken beneath the surface.

"You haven't heard anything?" Elijah asks, his voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and disbelief, his head tilting slightly to the side in a gesture of inquiry.

Aurelia shrugs her shoulders and looks down at her lap, a faint furrow appearing between her brows. "I have heard some things," she admits softly, her tone thoughtful. "But who's to say they're true? As I've mentioned to you and Andrew before, people here just do not seem to like you two—less than the people who do like you. But, I've also been around those who are part of the latter group."

Elijah sighs as he starts the car, the engine purring to life with a gentle hum. "It's a long story," he says quietly, his voice carrying a weight of unresolved emotions.

"It seems like you two have a lot of stories," Aurelia observes, her gaze drifting to the passing scenery outside the car window. "Any of them you are willing to share, Elijah?" She turns back to him, her expression a mix of curiosity and frustration, but who's to say she could feel this way? If the man didn't want to talk about it, he didn't have to.

"It's not like I don't want to tell you," Elijah begins, his voice steady as he keeps his eyes on the road ahead and his hands firmly on the steering wheel. "But most of these things you want to know about don't involve me directly. They involve Andrew more than anything, and he's the one who can give you the answers you want, rather than me."

His words hang in the air, a reminder of the complexities that exist within the start of their relationship. Despite the intimacy they've created in the car, one that's non sexual, there are still boundaries to navigate, secrets to be kept, and truths to unfold.

Aurelia listens quietly, her mind racing with questions left unanswered, uncertainties lingering in the spaces between them. She understands Elijah's reluctance, respects the boundaries he's set, but the curiosity still gnaws at her, a persistent ache she can't quite shake.

"I understand." she murmurs softly, her gaze returning to the passing scenery outside the car window.

"I can tell you this," Elijah says, his voice tinged with a hint of regret as he sighs softly. "He had a big incident that happened, and because it occurred on the campus grounds, technically, he was removed from the school."

As Elijah's words hang in the air, a heavy silence envelops the car, thick with unspoken emotions and unanswered questions. Aurelia's mind races, grappling with the implications of what she has just learned. She can feel the weight of Elijah's sorrow, the burden of carrying a secret that has undoubtedly taken its toll on him.

In the midst of her turmoil, Aurelia finds herself drawn to Elijah, his vulnerability laying bare before her. She marvels at the strength it must take for him to confide in her, to share a piece of his past that is undoubtedly painful to revisit.

"I'm sorry," she murmurs softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I had no idea."

Elijah offers her a small, sad smile, his eyes reflecting a mixture of sadness and gratitude. "It's not something I like to talk about," he admits, his voice heavy with emotion. "Especially when Andrew isn't here. I trust you, Aurelia. And I want you to know the truth, but it's really up to him. He gets sensitive about everything dealing with the situation."

The sincerity in his words touches her deeply, warming her heart with a newfound sense of understanding. In that moment, Aurelia realizes just how much Elijah values their connection, how much he is willing to risk in order to share his innermost thoughts and fears with her.

As they continue their journey home, the weight of Elijah's revelation hangs between them, a silent reminder of the bond they share. Aurelia finds herself lost in thought, her mind swirling with questions she wants to ask Andrew, if she ever gets ahold of him.

"We're here," Elijah announces as he parks the car. "Want me to walk you to the door?"

Aurelia glances at the door and nods, meeting his gaze once more before stepping out of the car. Elijah follows suit, leaving the engine running as they make their way to the front door of her home. As they reach the final landing, Elijah clears his throat, prompting her to turn towards him.

"This date started well and turned rather serious fast," he jests, slipping his hand into his pocket. "But I still enjoyed every moment we spent together, and I hope you did too."

She smiles, her gaze shifting briefly to her feet. "No, I did enjoy myself. It was fun. Really fun, and I hope we spend more time together. Thank you for the date, Elijah."

Their eyes meet once more, and Aurelia finds herself drawn into his gaze. With a sudden surge of boldness, she stands slightly on her tiptoes and plants a kiss on the corner of his lips. Before she can open the door, however, Elijah pulls her back gently, cupping her cheek as he leans in to kiss her.

At first, Aurelia is taken aback by the unexpected gesture. It's her first kiss, and she's unsure how to respond. But as Elijah guides her, she finds herself surrendering to the moment, leaning into the kiss with a mixture of surprise and desire. Just as things start to intensify, Elijah breaks the kiss, apologizing softly as their foreheads rest against each other, their breaths mingling in the cool night air.

"Sorry," he murmurs, his voice laced with regret. "I should've asked—"

"No," Aurelia interrupts, her own breath coming in soft pants. "I liked it. I liked that you surprised me with that kiss. Even though it was my first."

They share a quiet laugh before Aurelia reluctantly releases the doorknob, still locked in Elijah's gaze. He begins to walk backward towards his car, and she watches him go, a sense of longing tugging at her heart.

"Text me when you get home, okay?" she calls after him, causing him to clear his throat before agreeing with a nod.

With one last lingering look, Aurelia finally opens the door and steps inside, her mind still reeling from the whirlwind of emotions that had just transpired. As she closes the door behind her, she can't help but feel a sense of anticipation for what the future may hold, knowing that she and Elijah had just taken a significant step forward in their relationship. The relationship where she was to share her feelings with Elijah and Andrew.

As Aurelia steps inside, she finds Nina standing there with her hands on her hips and a playful smile on her face.

"Look at you, giving a kiss on your first date," Nina remarks teasingly.

Aurelia's face lights up with happiness, grateful that she didn't feel embarrassed despite Nina's comment. Her heart is still fluttering from the evening's events, but amidst the joy, her thoughts inevitably drift to the absent figure of Andrew. Even though she had a wonderful time with Elijah, her mind keeps returning to Andrew, a constant presence lingering in the background.

Despite their agreement to go on separate dates until she's ready to make a decision, Aurelia can't shake the feeling that they're leaving Andrew out. She hopes that when and if they do go on a date, she'll be able to experience the same connection and warmth that she felt with Elijah. Perhaps then, she'll be able to make her decision more swiftly, with a clearer understanding of where her heart truly lies.

Will it always be this complex?

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