Apocalypse Queen's Rebirth

By Krislie15

7.3K 212 45

In the tenth year of the apocalypse , Francine didn't hesitate to blow herself up together with the mad scie... More

|| Introduction ||
|| Prologue ||
|| Characters ||
|| Chapter 1 : Rebirth ||
|| Chapter 2: Hoarding ||
|| Chapter 3: Meeting her fiance ||
|| Chapter 4 : Daddy Smith's Weapons ||
|| Chapter 5 : Hoarding ( 2 ) ||
|| Author's Note ||
Chapter 6: No one can bully my fiancee
|| Chapter 7: The End Of The World Begins ||
|| Chapter 9: Moving In With Max ||
|| Chapter 10: Origins ||

|| Chapter 8 : Kiss ||

321 10 0
By Krislie15

|| Chapter 8: Kiss ||

3rd Person's POV

As soon as Francine came back from her crazy shopping spree, she was instantly embraced by Maximilian who was waiting for her in her gate.

" What took you so long? " Maximilian questioned, feeling a little aggrieved .

He was worried sick of her.

" Sorry, I lost the track of time. " Francine sighed helplessly and let him hug her . After three months of knowing him, Francine was used to him embracing her. 

" Alright , let's go inside." Francine patted his hand. Max reluctantly let her go and followed her to her house.

Francine opened the door and came in with Max. Since she shopped for free, she was in an extremely good mood now. Francine turned to Max with a bright smile on her face.

" What do you want to eat? I'll cook ."

Max closed his eyes due to her blinding smile as he clutches his rapidly beating heart. " I-I...Anything is fine. As long as you're the one who cooked it."

Francine smiled. " Alright. "

Max sat down on the couch , watching Francine prepare their dinner.


Francine took out a live chicken from the space and was about to kill it until Max reached out and volunteered. " You do the cooking. I'll help with  this things."

Francine nodded and let him be, after all, it's convenient.

So, Francine started cutting the garlic, onion, ginger, and peppers too.

Then, she boiled some water for the chicken later.

Next , Francine boiled some eggs then save it for later use.

Francine cut the eggplant then also boiled it. After she boiled it, she crushed the eggplant until it's mushy.

Next, put pan on the stove. Then, put oil in the pan and wait until its hot then put on the garlic and onion. Stir.

After the garlic and onion's fragrance can be smelt, put the mushed eggplant on the pan then stir and stir until it blends on the garlic and onion.

Next, put seasonings such as salt and pepper, then stir and stir again. Lastly, crack an egg then mix it with the eggplant.

Wait for the egg to be cooked and the dish is ready.

As for the chicken, Max has already slaughtered the chicken and he also plucked out the feathers.

Oh, how considerate.

Francine boiled the chicken and waited for it to soften. As she was waiting for the chicken to soften, she found Max staring at her.

??? " Is there something in my face? Why do you keep looking at me? "

Max looker at her pitifully. " I worked hard slaughtering the chicken, can I get a kiss for my hard work? "

"... Alright. Lower your head."

Max obediently lowered his head.

Since she's in a good mood, she'll give him a kiss .

" Just in the cheek, okay? And just this once. "

Max nodded vigorously. Although he was disappointed to be kissed by her in the cheek, it's still a big improvement.

Because Francine's height only reaches Max's chest, she tiptoed, her hands on his shoulder for support and she pecked on his cheeks gently.

Max felt his heart skip a beat that he lost his footing, causing them to both fall.

Max instinctively wrapped his arms around Francine's weight as they both fell to the floor.

* Thud *

Francine's eyes widened not from their position but...

Their lips accidentally touched!!!


" !!! "

Francine hurriedly stands up, her face beet red.

Max sat up from the ground in daze as he touched his lips.

[ Author: My god, can't you two get a room? There are people here you know? 🙄 ]

Max: You're just bitter because you don't have a boyfriend. 🙄

[ Author: "..." ]

Anyways, back to the story.

Francine coughed lightly to ease the awkward atmosphere. " Ahem..."

" Sorry. "

Max secretly smiled but he still gave her face. " It's okay, it's an accident. "

" Ahem, I think the chicken is ready..."

Francine hurriedly went to check on the chicken to run away from the embarrassment.

Max looked at Francine's back and chuckled.



[ Hey guys, this chapter is a little short so please forgive me.

I'll update two chapters today to make up for you guys!

Anyways, is the romance so fast?

Just to let you guys know that I have no experience in writing romance. I'm still a 15 years old girl who is ignorant about this things.

I'm a little impatient when the romance is late so forgive me if it is too quick.

By the way, the procedure of her cooking was just made up by me!

Anyways, thank you guys for reading my story! I appreciate it!

That's all for now .

Please vote, comment and share! ]

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