Season 1: Leah Williamson

By England_stories22

97.5K 823 16

After spending a few years at Barcelona, Y/n Beckham, daughter of David Beckham, is on her way to join a new... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
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Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
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Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
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Part 89
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Part 111
Part 112
Part 113
Part 114
Part 115
Part 116

Part 79

443 2 0
By England_stories22

A few minutes later, the bus arrives at the Ashton Gate Stadium. You get out of the bus with Jess. You're laughing with her. Leah is walking behind you with the rest of the girls. You get into the building, drop your stuff in the changing room and head outside on the pitch.

Sam: The English girls...

Steph: Hey girls...

Beth: My Stephy and CB...

You get closer to them and give them a big hug. Steph still holds you in her arms, when suddenly, someone put a hand on your shoulder.

Mackenzie: Hey you...

Y/n: Macca?

You rush in her arms, she's holding you tightly. Leah gets closer with Alessia and Lotte.

Mackenzie: It's been a while...

Y/n: Almost two years we didn't see each other...

Mackenzie: Yeah, the last time we saw each other was at your engagement party...

Caitlin: I remember that night...

Leah: We all do....

A second of silence settles in, knowing what happened during that engagement party. You look at Leah and smile to her, she gives you back a tiny smile. Caitlin comes to you and whispers something in your ears...

Caitlin: Charlie is here...

You turn around and see Charlotte Grant, a defender for Australia but also your ex-girlfriend. You haven't seen her for years, you've dated her during a loan at FC Rosengard. You were madly in love with her but you were toxic for each other. You stare at her for a minute.

Caitlin: Is everything okay?

Y/n: Yeah, I--- I haven't seen her for years...

Caitlin: I'm not supposed to tell you, but she asked about you. She often asks about you.

Y/n: She does?

Caitlin: Yes, she does.

Y/n: That doesn't erase anything that she did or that happened.

Caitlin: I don't know your story with her, but...

Y/n: Cait, please...

Caitlin: Don't tell her I told you that...

Y/n: I won't talk to her, anyway...

Leah: Is everything okay here?

Caitlin: Just... old stories about old friends...

Y/n: Don't worry, it's all fine.

Leah: You sure?

Leah knows you're hiding something from her. She knows you by heart. Leah is confused about your behaviour. You're close to Jess who has a big crush on you and then a secret that you're sharing with Caitlin. You can see through Leah's eyes that she's confused.

Y/n: Caitlin, can you leave us alone for a second?

Caitlin: Sure...

Y/n: Can you tell me what's wrong?

Leah: I won't talk before the match...

Y/n: You'll have to... Leah, you're acting weird.

Leah: I'm acting weird? You're acting weird... Why did you sit next to Jess on the bus?

Y/n: You're seriously mad at me because I sat next to Jess and not next to you?

Leah: I'm not mad at that, but about the fact that she has a huge crush on you and you didn't tell me.

Y/n: Leah...

Leah: One more question, what does Caitlin mean by "old friends"?

Y/n: Leah...

Leah: I know my name! Just tell me the truth, what's going on?

Everyone is looking at you, due to Leah shouting. You grab her hand, and whisper to her...

Y/n: Leah, I don't think that the right moment to talk about it.

Leah: You know what? You're right. Keep lying to me, it doesn't matter...

Y/n: Leah...

Leah takes away her hand and leaves you there. You know she's mad and you won't be able to hold her on. You just follow her by the gaze, when, at some point, it lands on Charlie staring at you. You break it and walk off to the changing room. Steph catches you up in the tunnel.

Steph: Is everything okay?

Y/n: Yeah, everything is perfect in hell... See you after the match.

Steph: Good luck...

Y/n: You too...

You get back in the changing room and get ready for the match. An hour and a half later, you're ready for the match, starting on the bench.


10': Yellow card for England: Alex Greenwood

36': Goal for England from Ella Toone

Half-Time: 0-1 for England

63': Goal for Australia from Sam Kerr; decisive pass from Katrina Gorry

69': Substitute for England: Y/n Beckham replaces Lauren Hemp

71': Goal for England from Y/n Beckham; decisive pass from Millie Bright

72': Substitute for Australia: Cortnee Vine replaces Hayley Raso

81': Substitute for Australia: Emily Van Egmond replaces Clare Polkinghorne

86': Goal for England from Alessia Russo; decisive pass from Y/n Beckham

87': Substitute for England: Beth Mead replaces Alessia Russo

88': Substitute for Australia: Alex Chidiac replaces Katrina Gorry

90': Substitute for England: Niamh Charles replaces Ella Toone

90+5': Yellow card for England: Beth Mead

End of the match: 1-3 for England

You haven't speak at Leah, she isn't even looking at you. She's avoiding you. You walk around the pitch with Alessia and Tooney. You're smiling to the fans but your mind is somewhere else. Someone comes walking next to you.

Jess: You okay?

Y/n: Leah knows, Jess...

Jess: What does she know?

Y/n: She knows that you have a crush on me. We-- we should stay away from each other...

Jess: You sure?

Y/n: Listen, my wife is jealous and mad at me, now... We should probably stay away from each other for the rest of the camp.

Jess: As you want...

Jess goes back walking with others behind you. Leah is looking at you, you look at her and whisper to her "Please...", but Leah turns away and keep walking with Georgia, Keira and Lucy. You keep walking around the pitch with the girls and you're about to go back in the changing room when someone is waiting for you at the entrance of the tunnel.

Y/n: Charlie?

Charlie: Hi Y/n... It's been a very long time...

At this exact same moment, Leah passes next to you. You don't notice her, but Charlie does.

Charlie: Hello Leah...

Leah: I didn't know you knew each other...

Charlie: We're "old friends from another time".

Leah: If you say so... Y/n, you're coming?

You don't respond anything, pretty shocked by seeing Charlie in front of you. Charlie takes the leads.

Charlie: Actually, I was wondering if we could talk.... some old memories to remember...

Leah: Y/n? Alright, stay with your friend...

Y/n: Leah...

Once again, Leah leaves pretty mad. You sigh and turns to face Charlie.

Y/n: You're gonna listen to me, and you're gonna listen to me so well that you will remember this forever.

Charlie: Tell me, Y/n...

Y/n: Don't play that stupid game with me, Charlie. We all know you're smarter than that.

Charlie: Thank you, you know how worth it I am.

Y/n: What do you want?

Charlie: I missed you... You might think I'm just a b*tch, but I cared about you... And I still do.

Y/n: How dumb do you think I am, Charlie? Uh?..... You may think I'm stupid but I don't forget the fact that you kissed my brother, Charlie, and you broke his heart.

Charlie: And I broke yours...

Y/n: You did more than just breaking my heart...

Charlie: Oh come on...

Y/n: You dated me, broke my heart and than dated my little brother and destroyed his heart... You have some nerve to face me, right now.

Charlie: What do you want? You know me...

Y/n: That's why I'm telling you: go to hell, Charlie.

Charlie: Oh, you're hurting my tiny heart.

Y/n: Okay, I have enough... Whatever this is, I'm done... You know what? Thank you, Charlie.

Charlie: For what?

Y/n: For being such a disappointment...

Youblow her a kiss to taunt her and you take your way back to the changing room.You pass the doors and go straight to your seat to get changed. Once it's done,you take your stuff and head straight to the bus under Leah's, Jess' and thegirls' gaze. You get in the bus and put your headphones in.

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