Ice Cold Love

By therubicscube

9.8K 440 448

Talented swimmer Amelia Del Fava and ruthless hockey player Ronan Harding mix like water and oil when they fi... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 24.5
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31

Part 20

303 16 40
By therubicscube

Warning: harassment (I have put hashtags # to denote the start and end of the portion that contains this content for those that may find it triggering but still want to read this chapter. I will leave summary at the start of the next chapter for those that choose to skip this one so that everyone can stay caught up. Regardless, please be mindful and continue reading at your own risk.)

Amelia's POV

I was halfway through my busy day, and all I wanted was for it to end so that I could go home and curl up in bed. I was currently seated at a picnic table in one of the campus gardens, going through my day's to-do list and trying to convince my head to not explode.

I'd started my day with an early morning meeting with Coach Amber and my swim captain, Scarlett Johnson. Because of what happened with Ronan, I'd missed the last swim meet. Though neither Coach nor Captain was pleased with my absence, they excused it when I claimed to have had a personal emergency, which wasn't exactly a lie.

They then informed me that I had been selected by the university management to attend a charity event that was to be held in two weeks. Several universities had been invited and were asked to bring one member of their respective swim teams.

The event included a small friendly swimming gala and a dinner, and the charity event was being held to fund underprivileged and under-funded swimming teams and give them a chance to gain some competition experience and learn from varsity level athletes.

In all honesty, if it hadn't been a charity event, I would have declined straight away. I already had a lot on my plate and there was only so much I could manage. But, Coach told me that my attendance would encourage Bond University to make a donation, since I would be representing them. I couldn't say no after hearing that.

After the meeting, I ran across campus to find Lily, who had asked me for some help in her fashion management project. Now, don't get me wrong, Lily excelled at anything fashion related, whether it be designing or marketing or modelling. But, when it came to anything maths related, she wasn't the brightest crayon in the box.

I walked her through the basic things I knew and helped her find some online sources that covered whatever was left, since I wasn't extremely knowledgeable in business mathematics

When we were done, I attended two classes and then gave a test in the third, which I think I aced because I'd spent half the night studying for it. I would have been free to go home now, but this morning I received an email from Student Affairs, asking me to visit them at my earliest convenience.

I was a bit worried, considering the email hadn't included any other details. It was this concern that encouraged me push my visit back as much as I could. But, since I was done with my academic day, I didn't have much choice. If I delayed going any longer, I would be late for work.

It took me ten minutes to find the Student Affairs office, thanks to my terrible navigation skills and goldfish memory. Thankfully, there was no one in the office, save for the receptionist. He looked up at me as I approached his desk.

"Good afternoon, I received an email asking me to visit Student Affairs?" I asked, unsure of what else to say since I didn't know why I had been called.

"Name and student ID?" he inquired, glancing at me from above his glasses. The middle aged man clearly wished he could be anywhere but here, and I forced myself to hold back an eye roll at his tone and disinterest.

I watched him type away on his computer as I gave him my details, brows furrowed in concentration. I waited as his eyes searched the screen.

"Right, Ms Del Fava, it says here that you applied to be a tutor in..." he trailed off, scanning the computer. "Statistics."

"Yes, I did," I confirmed, though that wasn't exactly the case. Professor Anderson had told me to either tutor and get extra credit, or drop his course. So, I hadn't really been given much of a choice.

"Right, your Professor has paired you with a student. Take a seat, I'll email them a request to come here," the receptionist didn't spare me a second glace as he waved a hand towards what I assumed was the waiting area.

"You can't be serious?" I objected. This was ridiculous, what if this person didn't show up for hours? Or they were in class? Was I just supposed to sit here and wait for them?

"Oh, I am quite serious," he drawled, not bothering to look at me as he continued with whatever paperwork he was working on before I arrived.

I grit my teeth and rubbed my temple, willing myself to calm down. I was tired and cranky, and I would be late to work if I didn't leave soon. "Sir," I started, trying to keep my voice calm and sweet, "Can you give me this person's contact details? I'm in a bit of a rush, so I'll just contact them myself."

The man glared at me, and without him saying anything I knew I was going to be heading to work late and starving. The opening of a door stopped the receptionist from saying anything, and an older woman strode over to us.

"Tedd, I asked you to finish the paperwork for the development contract and have it on my desk this morning, why is it still not done?" She demanded. The woman had a magisterial aura about her, and I immediately knew that she ran the show.

When she turned to me, I felt myself shrink under her steely gaze. I was surprised when she gave me a wide smile. "Hey love, what brings you here?" She asked kindly, a great contrast to the biting tone she'd used with Tedd.

"I-ah," it took me a moment to collect myself, "Oh, right. I'm a tutor, and I've been paired with a student. I was told to wait for them to arrive so I can meet them."

The woman laughed at me, and I stared at her, dumbfounded. What was so funny? "Oh love," she said when she stopped laughing, "This isn't the stone age. Why waste so much time waiting for them? Ask Tedd here to email you the student's contact info and get in touch with them yourself. Just make sure you email your professor your student's progress after every lesson you have with them, okay?"

I smirked at Tedd, ready to tell this woman that that was exactly what I'd asked him to do, but she didn't let me.

"Tedd! Email this tutor her student's details, now. And then finish that contract. I better not have to ask again." It was obvious this woman didn't like Tedd, and Tedd didn't like her.

"Yes, Ma'am," he grunted as he stopped glaring at the woman and focused on his computer screen.

"If you ever have any issues, feel free to visit me. My office is right here," the woman told me, pointing at the door she had walked out of.

"Thank you," I quickly looked at her office door to read the plaque, "Mrs Fritter," I smiled at her, grateful.

It took everything in me to not flip Tedd the bird as I left.


When I looked up from my phone, the GPS sent on the diner Veronica had recommended when I called her, I found that there was someone leaning against my Jeep.

My lips formed a scowl when I realised who it was. His icy blue eyes met mine when I got to the car, and he smirked at me when he saw my displeasure.

"What?" I asked him, eyes narrowed. Conner let out a dry laugh at my attitude. "Hello to you too, sunshine," he said, grinning when he noticed my eyes roll.

What did the world have against me today? All I wanted was to get some food and go to work. I didn't have the time or the energy for any of this.


I decided that I didn't care what he had to say, it probably wasn't worth my time. I unlocked my Jeep and tried to shove past him to get in the driver's seat. Conner gripped my bicep, pulling me in front of him as he leaned back against the car door, forcing it shut. He plucked my keys from my hand.

He tutted at my actions, and I felt his hand tighten around my arm. "Where are your manners, Amelia?" he asked snootily, a wolfish grin on his face. I scoffed at him.

"Where are yours?" I shot back sharply as I looked down at the arm he was gripping. His grin widened at my words.

"Ah yes," he drawled, "There's that big mouth of yours." His hold on me stung, and I knew he would leave a nasty bruise. Without warning, he pulled me to him so that we were chest to chest. Panic shot through me, and I felt myself freeze. My mind went blank.

Conner used his free hand to tuck my hair behind my ear, then he leaned down. "You know, Amelia" he whispered, his voice as smooth as silk. He was so close, his nose skimmed the side of my face, and I could feel his lips move against my ear as he spoke. "There're better things you can do with that pretty mouth of yours."

My heart dropped into my stomach when I registered his words. My mind spun, and every hair on my body stood up.

I hated how scared I was, and I hated how helpless I felt. There was no one in the car park to help me. There was no way I could call anyone to save me, and Conner was stronger than I was.

"C-Con-ner," I faltered, my body consumed by fear and anxiety. "Let-let me go," I was hoping to sound strong, but my words came out in a whimper. He leaned back to search my face, and a wicked smirk formed when he saw how afraid I was.

Rather than do what I asked, Conner dropped his hands to grip my waist and flipped us so that I was trapped between him and my car.

I tried turned my face away from him, hoping to find someone, anyone nearby. I regretted it immediately. Conner towered over me, and he used his height and strength to full advantage as his body crushed me painfully against my car. He slipped a hand into my hair, fisting it and pulling, forcing me to face him. Pain shot through my already throbbing head.

He used his other hand to trail a finger along my jaw, and then down my neck, over my shoulder and finally to my waist. My body shook with the anxiety I felt, the fear and vulnerability. I hated this. I hated how weak I was and how easy it was for Conner to do what he wanted. I scrunched my eyes shut and pressed my lips together, trying desperately to hold back the tears that welled behind my eyes.

"Open your eyes," he ordered, and I obeyed, too scared to see what would happen if I didn't. My vision was blurred by the hot tears I was trying to hold back. He has his eyes focused on my lips, and his smile was cruel as he lazily dragged his thumb over them.


"If you ever do anything to help Ronan Harding again," his said lowly, every word menacing. "Then I promise you Amelia, I will do much, much worse to you than this."

And with that, he released me and stalked off, throwing my keys over his shoulder as he left. When Conner exited my line of sight, I felt myself go numb.

It didn't happen, I told myself as I wiped my eyes with my sleeve, hoping to clear my vision.

It didn't happen, I told myself as I picked my keys up and got into my Jeep.

It didn't happen, I told myself as I started the navigation on my phone and left.

It didn't happen. It didn't happen. It didn't happen. I repeated the words over and over again in my mind and under my breath. If I told myself it didn't happen, then it didn't, right?

I had an iron grip on the steering wheel to stop my hands from shaking. I breathed slowly and deeply, trying to calm my silly heart. I turned the music up in an attempt to drown out any thoughts I had of the thing that didn't happen.

Ignorance was supposed to be bliss.

And in all honesty, it had worked fairly well until I saw smoke come out from under the hood of my Jeep, forcing me to pull over. The whole car shook before it came to a spluttering halt.

I slammed my hand against the wheel as I felt myself come undone. I could still feel his hands on me. I could still see his disgusting smirk. I could still hear his threats.

I forced myself to calm down, because it didn't happen. It didn't happen Amelia, I reasoned with myself. I had things I needed to do, I couldnt afford to focus on something that didn't happen.

I was calm when I called a mechanic to tow the Jeep and take it to a workshop for repairs. My voice was steady and unwavering as I spoke to Veronica on the phone, asking her to pick me up. I didn't let any emotions seep into my words as I spoke to Sydney, requesting to take today's shift off because my car had broken down and I wasn't feeling well.

I dealt with the repair man with full equanimity as he threw unknown words and huge numbers at me before taking my Jeep away. I then used the spare time I had as a window of opportunity to check my email. I saw Tedd had emailed me nothing but a phone number.

I suppressed my annoyance as I wrote out a message and sent it.

Me: Hey, I've been assigned your tutor for Statistics with Professor Anderson. Will you be available tomorrow to discuss timings and topics that you need help with?

I didn't expect to receive a reply so soon.

Unknown: I have practice tomorrow after classes. Does after 6 work?

I checked my rota to make sure I didn't have a shift at work. Then, I checked my swimming schedule to make sure there wasn't a practice scheduled that overlapped. I had nothing.

Me: Sounds good. Can I get your name?

I waited for a response, but I didn't get one immediately like the first time. Maybe I'd over-stepped by asking the question, but I would do anything right now to keep myself occupied, even if that meant texting a stranger.

I put my phone away and willed myself to stay cool, calm and collected. I had managed everything perfectly so far, I wouldn't lose myself now.

Yet, when I sat myself down on the rough asphalt with nothing left to do but wait for Veronica to come get me, something in me broke.

It didn't happen, I tried to tell myself again as I dropped my head into my hands.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out, grateful for a distraction.

But it did happen, my mind echoed back at me as I read the name.

Unknown: Conner Bryans

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