Star Wars: The Shadow of Revan

By zramos1204

748 2 0

In this story, Taloh travels to the planet Kesh to find the Sith Apprentice Vestara Khai and the Lost Tribe... More

The Secret Map
The Two Heirs
Stealth Mission
Landing on The Chelandion
First Order Reinforcements
A Shocking Return
Secrets of the Map
Return of a Sith
The Shadow Of Revan
Dark Revelations
The Lord's Path
Searching For Clues
A Map of Hope
The Sith Destiny
Shadows of the Empire
Plan Gone Awry
A Spark of Hope
Fate of the Jedi
Dark Intentions
Preparing for the Endgame
Whispers of the Old Republic
The Battle of Korriban
The Duel of the Fates
Eternal War
A New Legacy

The Search

48 0 0
By zramos1204

Kesh System,

Taloh and S1-04 were emerging from hyperspace to begin landing on Kesh. As they neared the planet, S1 detected The Chelandion orbiting the system thus immediately recognizing it as a Hutt Warship.

"This  is not good," Taloh said to S1. "That Capital Ship will complicate the  mission. Prepare to scramble original and make sure that the warship  cannot detect us."

S1  then beeped and interacted with the socket in the TIE Silencer's dash  computer scrambling the signal and the duo then proceeded to land on the  surface. Taloh then landed the fighter in the desert and thus began to  look on the dash computer.

"S1," Taloh said. "Scan to see if there are other ships near The Chelandion."

S1 then beeped and connected with the fighter's droid socket and another few ships were detected on radar.

"It seems that there is another ship that transports cargo to and from The Chelandion,"  Taloh said. "However, there are several other ships that are not  affiliated with the Hutt Cartel. Get me in touch with the Supreme  Leader."

S1 then beeped and contacted Ren and the latter then appeared via hologram.

"Supreme  Leader," Taloh said. "I have found the planet Kesh, however I'm afraid  that I will experience complications since the Hutt Cartel has a  presence here."

"Do  what you must to find the allies," Ren said. "Once you made contact with  them, contact me and I will send reinforcements to assist you to  eliminate the Cartel's forces."

"Yes Supreme Leader," Taloh said. "And what of the Senate?"

"Leave  that to me," Ren replied. "I will inform the Supreme Council that you  have found the system and will make contact once the locals join the  First Order."

"Understood," Taloh said. "I'll begin my search immediately."

As  the holographic projection of Ren disappeared, Taloh looked at the  radar on the dash computer to search for any cities or villages.

"S1," Taloh said. "Scan to see where I can find the closest village."

S1  then beeped and connected to the droid socket to begin the scan. One  village appeared on the radar along with a large city and S1 then  disconnected from the socket.

"It  seems that this small village is closest to us," Taloh said. "I'll  start there and see if we can find these Sith allies that Ship speaks  of. I need you to stay with the ship until I contact you."

S1  then beeped and Taloh opened the cabin hatch of the fighter and climbed  out. S1 then hovered next to the fighter and began to look around to  guard the fighter. Taloh took a few steps away from his fighter and took  out his quadnoculars to search for the village. He then panned around  and found the village on his right.

Taloh  then proceeded to walk towards the village and then arrived and looked  around thus noticing the Keshiri natives. He then found a cantina and  started to look around for clues. As he entered, the bartender stared at  Taloh.

"May I get you a drink?" The bartender asked anxiously.

Taloh then nodded and approached the bartender as he served the Sith Lord spotchka.

"I've never seen anybody like you," the bartender said. "What brings you here?"

"I'm looking for a Sith," Taloh replied. "I was told that there are Sith on this planet."

"You speak of the Lost Tribe," the bartender said as Taloh gave him First Order credits.

"There is a tribe of Sith?" Taloh asked in a surprised tone.

"Indeed," A voice said behind him. "I know all about the Lost Tribe."

"I've  been searching for you for a few months," Taloh said as he saw a  Keshiri male with a Mandalorian. "I can't believe that there are more of  my kind alive."

"I  am no Sith," the Keshiri said. "However, my partner is. I'm only a  merchant who works for the tribe and they protect me across the planet." 

"You can take me to the Lost Tribe then," Taloh said to the merchant as he glanced at the Mandalorian. "Lead the way."

The  merchant and the Mandalorian led Taloh out of the cantina and the  merchant showed Taloh his wagon which is pulled by a blurrg.

"How  long will this voyage take?" Taloh asked with a sigh. "I do not have  time to waste. Do you have a speeder bike or a land speeder?"

"Unfortunately no," the merchant said. "But don't worry, the capital city of Tahv is not far."

Taloh  nodded and he and the Mandalorian climbed into the wagon and the  merchant sat behind the blurrg and the blurrg began to walk. As they  travelled, the Mandalorian stared at Taloh.

"So who are you?" The Mandalorian asked. "What brings you here to Kesh?"

"I am Taloh Matarrin," Taloh said. "I was sent by the Sith Meditation Sphere known as Ship."

"So you are the one father was talking to me about," The Mandalorian said. "And you are the second Sith that Ship mentioned."

"How could I be known here?" Taloh said. "And now that you mention it, Ship told me of a second Sith as well."

"We haven't met," the Mandalorian replied. "But I am Lucian Quell."

"You are the son of Sarr Quell," Taloh said. "I had no idea that he settled here on Kesh."

"Just wait," Lucian said as the wagon stopped. "Once you meet the tribe, I'll take you to him."

The  trio then arrived at Tahv and Taloh and Lucian climbed out of the  wagon. Taloh could not believe what he saw since Tahv is a large city  with highly advanced technology.

"Now,"  Lucian said as the merchant unpacked. "I must leave you here for I have  to scout around the cliffs. Look for Sith Saber Gavar Khai. With him  you will find the allies you need."

"Thank  you," Taloh said as he began to walk towards the city hoping that he  finds the allies that he and Ren need to end the Resistance and the  hated Jedi Order.

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