Moonlit Justice

بواسطة typhomarangsparl1

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the gripping tale of Tsukuyomi, a young and enigmatic pirate wielding the power of shadows. As the younger si... المزيد

Chapter one: Drinks with Shanks and Benn Beckman

About the ocs/characters

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بواسطة typhomarangsparl1

Name: Tsukuyomi

pirate crew: Whitebeard Pirates

role: 2nd Division Commander

nickname: "Eclipse Reaper"

Bounty: 1,500,000,000 Berries

nickname(garp): Terrorsome Trio (with her + Luffy + Ace), Future Fleet Admiral

nickname(sengoku): Snowdrop, My little princess

nickname(rayleigh): Queen of the seas,Little captain


Tsukuyomi is a striking and enigmatic young pirate. She has long, flowing black hair that gradually fades to a vibrant strawberry blond at the ends, giving her a unique and captivating look. Her eyes are a mesmerizing diamond color, sparkling with an air of mystery and intensity. Three distinct cuts mark her right eye, serving as a reminder of the battles she has faced. Tsukuyomi wears a white swimsuit top that showcases her youthful and adventurous spirit, paired with black jeans and sturdy combat boots for ease of movement during her pirate adventures. She proudly dons Gol D. Roger's legendary coat, a symbol of her connection to the Pirate King and her shared desire for freedom. The coat is a deep crimson color with gold trim, adorned with intricate patterns that evoke a sense of grandeur and power.



Tsukuyomi wears the iconic straw hat given to her by Shanks, a cherished gift that symbolizes her bond with him and the legacy of the Pirate King. She also wears a pair of elegant earrings gifted by Sengoku. These earrings are crafted from silver and bear the Marine emblem, signifying her unique connection to the Marines through her brother. Additionally, she wears a choker given to her by Garp, which features a bold anchor pendant and represents her alliance with justice and her commitment to protecting the innocent.


On her chest, Tsukuyomi bears a tattoo of Whitebeard's crew's Jolly Roger, a largely standard skull with a signature mustache and vertically arranged crossbones. This tattoo represents her affiliation with Whitebeard's crew and serves as a testament to her loyalty and dedication to their cause.

On her entire back, Tsukuyomi has a tattoo that represents her sibling relationship with Sengoku. The tattoo features an elegant design of two intertwined snakes, symbolizing their unbreakable bond and shared bloodline. It serves as a reminder of their connection and the strength they draw from each other.

On her left arm, Tsukuyomi bears a tattoo that signifies her bond with Marco, one of Whitebeard's commanders. The tattoo showcases a phoenix in vibrant colors, representing rebirth, resilience, and the enduring nature of their friendship. It represents the support and protection they offer each other in the face of adversity.

On her other arm, Tsukuyomi has a tattoo that represents her bond with the ASL siblings, Ace, Sabo, and Luffy. The tattoo depicts three intertwined crossed sabers, symbolizing their unbreakable brotherhood and shared journey as pirates. It serves as a reminder of their close-knit bond and the adventures they've embarked on together.


Tsukuyomi is a determined and enigmatic young pirate with a strong sense of justice. She possesses a calm and collected demeanor, rarely allowing her emotions to cloud her judgment. Tsukuyomi is known for her strategic thinking and analytical skills, always assessing her opponents' weaknesses and exploiting them to gain the upper hand. She values loyalty and camaraderie, considering her crewmates as family and fiercely protecting them.

While she may appear distant at times, Tsukuyomi possesses a compassionate side. She believes in fighting for the oppressed and creating a world where everyone can pursue their dreams without oppression. Tsukuyomi is willing to put her life on the line to protect those in need, earning the respect and admiration of both allies and adversaries.


Tsukuyomi wields two swords bestowed upon her by Rayleigh, showcasing her exceptional swordsmanship skills and versatility in combat.

Moonshadow: Tsukuyomi's primary sword, Moonshadow, is an elegant weapon with a slender, curved blade that glimmers like the moonlight. The hilt is intricately adorned with symbols representing the phases of the moon. Moonshadow possesses the ability to channel Tsukuyomi's devil fruit powers, allowing her to manipulate shadows and darkness. With each strike, the sword trails ethereal shadows, capable of disorienting and overwhelming her opponents.

Dawnbreaker: The second sword in Tsukuyomi's arsenal is Dawnbreaker, a weapon that harnesses the power of light. Its blade radiates a warm and radiant glow, reminiscent of the breaking dawn. The hilt is embellished with intricate engravings symbolizing the sun's rays. Dawnbreaker grants Tsukuyomi the ability to generate blinding flashes of light, temporarily blinding her foes and creating openings for her attacks. She can manipulate light to create illusions and utilize its energy to augment her sword strikes.


Tsukuyomi's dream is twofold. Firstly, she seeks to uncover the truth behind the Void Century and the mysteries surrounding One Piece. She desires to challenge the World Government's control and expose the injustices perpetuated by those in power. Secondly, Tsukuyomi aspires to create a world where freedom reigns and where people can pursue their dreams without fear or oppression. She strives to be a beacon of hope and change, inspiring others to rise up and fight for their own destinies.

crush: smoker

dragon form:

Name: Nyathera Sengoku

Nickname: The Shadowed Avenger


Nyathera Sengoku, at the age of 14, is the younger sister of Marine Admiral Sengoku. Despite her tender age, she has displayed exceptional talent and unwavering dedication, earning her the esteemed rank of Admiral within the Marines. Nyathera harbors a deep sense of justice and seeks to protect innocent lives while upholding the values of the Marines.


Nyathera possesses a striking appearance that commands attention. Her hair is a sleek shade of black that gradually fades to a rich, dark blue at the tips, falling gracefully to her waist. Her left eye is a captivating ocean blue, while her right eye is pure white, marred by three distinct cuts that render her blind on that side. These scars serve as a constant reminder of the battles she has fought and the sacrifices she has made.

Her attire consists of a black swimsuit top, allowing for ease of movement during combat, and black booty shorts that provide comfort and flexibility. Nyathera completes her ensemble with sturdy black combat boots, enabling her to traverse any terrain with agility and stability. Over her outfit, she wears a Marine coat passed down to her by her older brother. The coat is a deep navy blue, tailored to fit her slender frame, and embellished with silver trimmings. The Marine emblem is prominently displayed on the back, symbolizing her allegiance to justice.


Nyathera adorns herself with a pair of earrings given to her by her brother, Sengoku. The earrings are crafted from polished silver and feature intricate designs of soaring birds, representing her connection to her Devil Fruit and her affinity for flight. These earrings serve as a symbol of her family's legacy and her commitment to upholding justice.

Additionally, she wears a choker bestowed upon her by her mentor, Garp. The choker is made of supple black leather, featuring a silver anchor pendant at its center. The anchor represents her strength and determination as a Marine, while the choker itself serves as a reminder of the guidance and support she has received from Garp throughout her journey.

Devil Fruit:

Nyathera possesses the Bird Bird Fruit: Model Argentavis, a Zoan-type Devil Fruit that grants her the ability to transform into an ancient bird species known as the Argentavis. When she activates her Devil Fruit power, magnificent wings sprout from her back, allowing her to soar through the skies with grace and speed, granting her an advantage in aerial combat and mobility.


Nyathera wields two swords gifted to her by Garp, her esteemed mentor and father figure.

Moonshadow: One of Nyathera's swords, Moonshadow, is a slender and elegantly curved blade with a dark blue hilt adorned with silver accents. The blade itself has a polished silver sheen, shimmering like a moonlit night. Moonshadow possesses the unique ability to absorb and manipulate moonlight, allowing Nyathera to channel its energy into her strikes, enhancing their power and granting her control over shadows.

Silverwing: The second sword in Nyathera's arsenal is Silverwing, a shorter and more compact blade with a black hilt wrapped in silver thread. Its blade is forged from a rare silver alloy, granting it exceptional durability and a razor-sharp edge. Silverwing possesses the ability to emit powerful sonic waves upon contact, disorienting her opponents and creating openings for her to strike.


Nyathera is a steadfast and resolute individual, driven by her unwavering sense of justice. Despite her blindness in one eye, she has honed her other senses to a remarkable degree, making her an exceptional observer and combatant. She possesses a calm and collected demeanor, rarely showing signs of vulnerability or fear. Her determination to protect innocent lives and bring justice to the world has earned her the respect and admiration of both pirates and Marines.

Nyathera's nickname, "The Shadowed Avenger," strikes fear into the hearts of her adversaries and garners respect among her fellow Marines. It reflects her ability to move swiftly and strike with precision, seemingly appearing out of the shadows to deliver justice. Her reputation as a formidable opponent is bolstered by her unique appearance, her mastery of swordsmanship, and her powerful Devil Fruit abilities.

Name: Kazuki Mori

Nickname: "The Iron Lion"


Kazuki Mori is a tall and imposing figure, standing at 6'4" with a strong and muscular build. He has short, cropped black hair and piercing amber eyes that reflect his unwavering determination and stern nature. His face is rugged and marked with a few faint scars earned in battles throughout his Marine career. Kazuki wears the standard Marine Vice Admiral uniform, consisting of a white double-breasted coat with gold trim and epaulets, adorned with the Marine emblem on the shoulders. He pairs it with black pants, polished black boots, and black gloves, completing his authoritative and formidable appearance.


Kazuki Mori is a strict and disciplined Marine Vice Admiral known for his unwavering dedication to justice. He upholds the principles of the Marines with utmost conviction and believes in maintaining order and protecting innocent lives. Kazuki is a stern and no-nonsense individual who values discipline, efficiency, and adherence to rules and regulations. He demands excellence from his subordinates and holds himself to the same high standards.

As "The Iron Lion," Kazuki is a formidable combatant. He is known for his mastery of various martial arts techniques, combining powerful strikes and precise maneuvers. His fighting style focuses on overwhelming opponents with sheer strength and unwavering determination. Kazuki is relentless in his pursuit of justice and will stop at nothing to bring criminals to justice, even if it means facing formidable opponents.

Rivalry with Tsukuyomi:

Kazuki Mori and Tsukuyomi have encountered each other on multiple occasions, unbeknownst to Kazuki that she is actually the younger sister of Fleet Admiral Sengoku. Their encounters have been intense and filled with tension, as both possess strong beliefs and unwavering determination.

Kazuki sees Tsukuyomi as a notorious pirate and a threat to the stability and order of the world. He considers her actions as a direct challenge to the justice he upholds as a Marine Vice Admiral. Kazuki is determined to bring her to justice and put an end to her pirate activities.

Tsukuyomi, on the other hand, views Kazuki as a formidable opponent and a symbol of the Marines' oppressive regime. She sees him as an obstacle in her quest for freedom and equality. Their clashes are intense and often result in fierce battles, each trying to prove their own ideals and convictions.

Despite their rivalry, Kazuki and Tsukuyomi share a mutual respect for each other's strength and determination. They recognize each other as worthy adversaries. Their clashes push both of them to their limits, forcing them to grow stronger and adapt to new challenges.

Name: Captain Raijin

Crew Name: Thunder's Embrace


Kumo (First Mate): Kumo is a formidable swordsman with lightning-fast reflexes. He wields dual katana blades and possesses incredible agility in battle. Kumo is fiercely loyal to Captain Raijin and acts as his right-hand man, providing strategic advice and unwavering support.

Mizuki (Navigator): Mizuki is a skilled navigator with an uncanny ability to read the weather and navigate through treacherous seas. She has a deep connection with the ocean and can sense its subtlest changes. Mizuki's knowledge and intuition make her an invaluable member of the crew.

Ryuji (Shipwright): Ryuji is a talented shipwright and engineer. He is responsible for maintaining and upgrading the crew's ship, Thunder's Roar, a sleek and lightning-fast vessel. Ryuji's expertise ensures that their ship remains in peak condition, allowing them to traverse the seas swiftly and efficiently.

Rivalry with Captain Raijin:

Captain Raijin and Tsukuyomi have become fierce rivals, each captaining their own crew and seeking to prove their strength and ideals. Raijin is unaware of Tsukuyomi's true identity as the younger sister of Fleet Admiral Sengoku, adding an element of intrigue to their rivalry.

Raijin sees Tsukuyomi as a formidable opponent, impressed by her strategic thinking and unwavering determination. He considers her a threat to his own ambitions and views their clashes as opportunities to test his crew's skills and prove his worth as a captain.

Name: Kurogane "Ironclad" Kagami

Pirate Crew: Shadow Fangs


Kurogane is a tall and muscular pirate with a rugged and battle-worn appearance. He has short, spiky black hair and a thick, well-groomed beard that gives him an intimidating aura. His piercing crimson eyes reflect his determination and unwavering resolve. Kurogane adorns himself in a dark, tattered cloak that billows behind him as he moves, emphasizing his ominous presence. He wears a set of black armor with intricate engravings, providing both protection and intimidation on the battlefield. His arms and legs are adorned with various tattoos, each representing a different conquest or feat of strength.


Kurogane is consumed by a deep-seated hatred for Tsukuyomi, stemming from a past altercation between them. He is driven by a burning desire for vengeance and will stop at nothing to see her demise. Kurogane is ruthless and relentless, always seeking opportunities to strike at Tsukuyomi and her crew. He is known to be cunning and strategic, using his intelligence to plan elaborate traps and ambushes. Kurogane does not trust easily and is fiercely independent, preferring to work alone or with a select few loyal subordinates.


Kurogane possesses immense physical strength and combat prowess. He is a master swordsman, wielding a massive black blade with deadly precision. His swordsmanship is characterized by swift and powerful strikes, capable of cutting through even the toughest of defenses. Kurogane's resilience in battle is enhanced by his mastery of Haki, allowing him to exert his willpower and enhance his attacks or defend against powerful blows. He is also skilled in hand-to-hand combat and is known for his bone-crushing punches.

Crew Relation:

Despite his hatred for Tsukuyomi, Kurogane holds a begrudging respect for her skills and abilities. He acknowledges her as a formidable opponent and sees her as a worthy adversary. While he despises her crew, he acknowledges their strength and does not underestimate them. Kurogane's crew, the Shadow Fangs, consists of individuals who share his desire for revenge against Tsukuyomi and her crew. They are a ruthless and feared group, often operating in the shadows and striking when least expected.

Name: Akuma "Shadowfang" Kurogami

Pirate Crew: Nightshade Pirates


Akuma is a tall and lean pirate with an air of darkness surrounding him. He has short, raven-black hair that falls messily over his forehead, partially obscuring his piercing amber eyes. His pale complexion and sharp facial features add to his intimidating presence. Akuma wears a black leather jacket with silver accents, adorned with various buckles and straps. He pairs it with dark trousers and sturdy boots, allowing for ease of movement during battles. His forearms are wrapped in black bandages, concealing the mysterious tattoos that cover them.

Devil Fruit:

Akuma possesses the Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Ancient Fox Devil Fruit. This grants him the ability to transform into a powerful, ancient fox at will. In this form, he gains enhanced physical attributes, including increased strength, speed, and agility. He can also manipulate shadows, using them to create illusions and launch shadow-based attacks. The Ancient Fox form allows him to manipulate fire, conjuring flames that can burn through opponents and objects with ease.


Akuma harbors an intense hatred for Tsukuyomi, viewing her as a direct obstacle to his goals. He is driven by a thirst for revenge and will stop at nothing to see her dead. Akuma is cunning and ruthless, always looking for opportunities to strike at Tsukuyomi and her crew. He is known to be a skilled strategist, using his knowledge of his Devil Fruit abilities to create traps and ambushes. Akuma is fiercely independent and rarely trusts others, preferring to work alone or with a select few loyal subordinates.

Relation to Tsukuyomi:

Akuma is unaware of his blood ties to Tsukuyomi and Sengoku, making their conflict even more tragic. He sees Tsukuyomi as a formidable adversary who stands in the way of his ambitions, unaware of the connection they share. Akuma's hatred for her fuels his determination to eliminate her and her crew. The Nightshade Pirates, led by Akuma, consist of individuals who share his vendetta against Tsukuyomi and are dedicated to assisting him in achieving his goal.

Name: Ayame Yoru

Relation to Tsukuyomi: Rival and Enemy


Ayame Yoru is a unique individual, born with the traits of both a human and a cat. She has silky black hair that falls just below her shoulders, complementing her fair skin. Her most distinctive features are her black cat ears atop her head and a long, fluffy black tail that sways gracefully behind her. Ayame's eyes are a vibrant amber color, reflecting her feline nature and intensity. She dresses in dark clothing, favoring a sleek black outfit that allows for freedom of movement. She wears fingerless gloves and lightweight boots, perfect for stealthy movements during her encounters with Tsukuyomi.


Ayame harbors a deep-seated hatred for Tsukuyomi, viewing her as an obstacle and a threat. She is fiercely determined and driven by a burning desire for revenge. Ayame's emotions often fuel her actions, leading her to act impulsively at times. She is agile and stealthy, using her feline traits to her advantage during confrontations with Tsukuyomi. Ayame is independent and prefers to work alone, rarely trusting others. Her loyalty lies solely with her personal vendetta against Tsukuyomi.


As a hybrid of a human and a cat, Ayame possesses heightened senses and agility. Her cat-like reflexes allow her to swiftly evade attacks and move silently through the shadows. She excels in close-quarters combat, utilizing her sharp claws and quick strikes to overwhelm her opponents. Ayame's feline instincts grant her enhanced night vision, making her a formidable adversary even in the darkest of environments. She also possesses a unique ability to communicate with cats, often using them as spies or allies during her missions.

Conflict with Tsukuyomi:

Ayame's deep-seated animosity towards Tsukuyomi stems from a personal history that intertwines with the pirate's actions. Ayame holds Tsukuyomi responsible for a tragic event in her past, fueling her desire for vengeance. Unaware of their shared blood ties, Ayame sees Tsukuyomi as a formidable opponent and a symbol of everything she despises. Their encounters are intense battles of skill and will, each determined to best the other. As the conflict unfolds, the revelation of their true connection could potentially reshape their relationship, adding a layer of complexity to their ongoing rivalry.

Name: Aria Silversong

Relation to Tsukuyomi: Supportive Friend


Aria Silversong is an elegant and graceful elf with a slender figure and fair complexion. She has waist-length, flowing silver hair that seems to shimmer in the sunlight. Her eyes are a deep emerald green, filled with warmth and kindness. Aria's pointed ears, a characteristic of her elven heritage, are adorned with delicate silver earrings. She wears a flowing, pastel-colored dress adorned with intricate floral patterns, reflecting her connection to nature. Aria's attire is completed with comfortable yet stylish sandals.


Aria is a compassionate and empathetic individual, always seeking to bring happiness and harmony to those around her. She possesses a gentle and calming presence, often serving as a source of support and comfort for Tsukuyomi. Aria loves engaging in conversations and gossip, finding joy in connecting with others and learning about their experiences. She genuinely cares for Tsukuyomi's well-being and wants to see her happy, even if she doesn't fully understand the depth of Tsukuyomi's struggles.

Role in Tsukuyomi's Life:

As a civilian and friend, Aria provides a much-needed respite from Tsukuyomi's pirate life. She acts as a confidante, someone Tsukuyomi can trust and share her concerns with, unaware of Tsukuyomi's true identity or her connection to Sengoku. Aria's lighthearted nature and love for gossip create a sense of normalcy and friendship in Tsukuyomi's life, allowing her brief moments of relaxation and joy amidst the chaos of her pirate adventures. Aria's unwavering support and genuine care serve as a reminder of the goodness in the world, giving Tsukuyomi a sense of hope and grounding.

Name: Aka (meaning "Red" in Japanese)

Nickname: Lady Crimson

Age: 19

Crew: Whitebeard Pirates

Appearance: Aka has long crimson red hair that flows down to her waist in beautiful curls. Her eyes are a piercing emerald green like her father Shanks. She has fair skin and stands at an average height. Aka wears a sleeveless red crop top and denim shorts held up by a belt, and sandals. Around her neck is a necklace with a single gemstone that was a gift from her father.

Personality: Aka has a bubbly and fun-loving personality. She loves to joke around and tell stories to lighten the mood. However, she can also be fierce and loyal in battle. Aka places great importance on her bonds with her crewmates, who are like family to her. She dreams of adventure on the seas.

Relationship with Tsukuyomi: Aka and Tsukuyomi met by chance during one of Whitebeard's celebrations. They bonded instantly over their love of the sea and pursuit of freedom. Aka finds Tsukuyomi's calm demeanor contrasting yet complimentary to her own lively spirit. The two become fast friends, often hanging out together and confiding in each other. Aka revels in Tsukuyomi's tales of her exploits and tries to ease any burdens on her friend's mind. She doesn't know Tsukuyomi's true lineage and sees her simply as a treasured nakama. Tsukuyomi appreciates Aka's cheerful company and support.

Name: Kaito Hawkeye

Relation to Tsukuyomi: Close Friend and Crewmate


Kaito Hawkeye is a charismatic and confident pirate, inheriting his father's striking looks. He has sleek, black hair that falls just below his shoulders, framing his sharp and piercing blue eyes. Kaito has a tall and lean figure, with a graceful demeanor that reflects his mastery of swordsmanship. He wears a stylish black outfit, tailored for both comfort and agility during battles. Kaito carries a sleek and elegant sword, passed down to him from his father, Dracule Mihawk, which he wields with deadly precision.


Kaito is a charming and sociable individual, known for his quick wit and silver tongue. He possesses a natural charisma that draws people to him, making him a skilled conversationalist and a master of gossip. Kaito values Tsukuyomi's happiness and well-being above all else, always looking for ways to bring a smile to her face. He is fiercely loyal to his friends and crewmates, willing to go to great lengths to protect them. Unbeknownst to him, Kaito has a deep connection to Tsukuyomi through their shared desire for adventure and their commitment to their respective crews.

Role in Tsukuyomi's Life:

As a close friend and crewmate, Kaito brings a sense of charm and excitement to Tsukuyomi's life. He shares her love for gossip and engaging conversations, often regaling her with tales from his own adventures or the latest rumors in the pirate world. Kaito's presence serves as a reminder to Tsukuyomi to enjoy the journey and find happiness amidst their dangerous and unpredictable lives as pirates. While he is unaware of Tsukuyomi's true identity and her connection to Sengoku, their bond as friends remains strong, and Kaito stands by her side as a reliable and trusted companion. Together, they navigate the treacherous seas, supporting each other and creating memorable moments in their quest for freedom and adventure.

Name: Akira Shadowsong

Relation to Tsukuyomi: Archenemy and Marine Rival

devil fruit: invisibility 


Akira Shadowsong is a formidable opponent with a striking and mysterious presence. She possesses short black-to-red hair that adds to her enigmatic aura. Her eyes are a captivating shade of blue with hints of hazel in the middle, resembling cat eyes, which adds to her intimidating demeanor. Akira stands at an impressive height of 7'2", towering over most adversaries. She wears a light grey crop top that accentuates her toned physique, paired with dark red stretch pants that allow for ease of movement. Her lightweight combat boots provide stability and agility during combat. As a Marine, she proudly displays her Marine coat, symbolizing her allegiance to justice and her commitment to upholding the law.


Akira is a cunning and strategic individual, known for her stealth and mastery of the power of invisibility. She possesses a relentless determination and a strong sense of duty as a Marine. Akira is focused and disciplined, always seeking to apprehend pirates and bring them to justice. She harbors a deep resentment towards Tsukuyomi due to their opposing ideologies and their clashes on the high seas. Akira is fiercely loyal to the Marine organization and will stop at nothing to prove her worth and defeat her pirate nemesis.

Role in Tsukuyomi's Life:

As Tsukuyomi's archenemy and Marine rival, Akira serves as a constant source of challenge and conflict in her life. Their encounters are intense and filled with tension as they engage in battles of wits and skill. Akira's mastery of invisibility adds a layer of unpredictability to their confrontations, making her a formidable adversary. While their ideologies clash and they find themselves on opposing sides, their encounters push Tsukuyomi to further test her strategic thinking and combat abilities. The rivalry between them fuels Tsukuyomi's determination and desire to protect her crew and continue fighting for her own sense of justice.

female zoro:

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