The Family Of Eden ꧁Adam x Re...

By RockStar_Angel_505

25.5K 737 1.5K

A Hazbin Hotel Fanfic, This takes place around the time Adam appeared in Heaven. It's a cute story I promise... More

!Welcome to Heaven!
The start of something new
How it starts
Born to fight
ΰΌ†ππŽ πŒπ„π‘π‚π˜ π…πŽπ‘ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 π–π„π€πŠΰΌ†
A family almost complete
Imma add a musical number
When one says it's forever
Calling my Adam Simps
Funny ☺️
Fuck it
A π†πŽπ‹πƒπ„π Tune
Not a chapter just a post
Where we part

The Exorcists

1.4K 48 107
By RockStar_Angel_505

The day that we brought good news to Sera was a few years ago, Lute and Vagatha were now old enough to actually join the Extermination.


I could hear Adam's voice echo throughout the sinful wasteland as he ruthlessly slaughtered a large number of demons with his guitar battle axe. His mask was disorienting and glitching like crazy every time he swung his weapon. I threw my specially made spear at a crowd of demons as they tried to scatter and hide from the army of Exorcists. The aftermath of my attack left a row a dead demons on my spear, like a kebab. I pull out my spear and took to the sky again and took my place beside Adam, he suddenly strung the strings of his guitar and a loud sound wave swept through the area with the sound of his guitar, this stunned so many demons as they suddenly became paralyzed and deafened by the commander's attack. This allowed nearby Exorcists take the chance to slaughter the paralyzed demons.


His voice echoed through the air, it was glitching and sounded disoriented causing many demons to feel fear in their cold hearts. Adam cheered as an Exorcist quickly flew by and charged after a demon trying to escape.


During every extermination day Adam developed a new personality that was so violent and twisted towards the sinners he was killing.


I immediately flew in the direction he pointed out for me, I was a killer during extermination day like Adam, I make sure no one survives. I immediately catch up to the demon, it looked powerful yet hopeless, 💭must be an overlord.💭 I picked her up by her collar of her clothes and threw her out into the opened streets of Hell. I could hear her screams for help and her begging for mercy, but they sounded muffled in my ears so I never bothered to care. I raised my spear to slaughter the poor waste of space.

"Remember this as the mercy you didn't deserve."

My voice was cold and stern as I immediately plunged my spear into her throat then pulled it out and continued to stab her repeatedly until it became boring. I stepped off of the body and stomped on her head, crushing it completely in the process.

"Consider yourself dead and buried, cunt."


I looked up to see Adam strumming his guitar and flying above me, he landed beside me until he swung his guitar at the dead demon's body causing it to fly through the air and landing somewhere out of sight.


"How much longer till the clock chimes, sir."

"Danger tits please, call me Dickmaster! And it'll chime in exactly 5 seconds!"







A loud ringing sound echoed through hell, signaling the end of the Extermination, Adam grabbed my hand and flew into the sky dragging me with him, he called out to his army telling them it's time to go.


With the snap of his fingers a portal to heaven opened and he flew inside, landing on the clouded land as he waited for the Exorcists to return to their commanders, like children running to their parents after ball practice.

"UGH! Those filthy cunts stained my robe! I'm so sick of that! Sugar tits do you think you can fix it?"

I looked at the white robe that he normally wears and saw that it was almost covered head to toe with blood from the demons he had slaughtered. This was the 5th time it happened.

"I can't fix it this time Adam, I think it's time you get new robes."


Shortly after, Exorcists began to rush in through the portal and land on the clouded ground, many of them removed their masks and some grabbed water to rehydrate themselves. Slowly the adrenaline the fueled all of us began to die down as they began to act more friendly and less violent.

"Hey, about time my two favorite deadly assassins showed up! Come here Lute and Vaggie!"

The two exorcists masks were off as Lute lightly jogged to their commanders side and Vaggie continued to walk up them.

"It's Vagatha,sir."

"Hmmmm... no! From now on it's Vaggie!"

"Sir please."

"What? Would you rather me call you Vagina from now on?"

"NO! No, that won't be needed."

"Well alrighty then Vaggie it is!"

I smiled as I fixed Lute's hair, it got messed up from the helmet she was wearing. "So, what do you all want to do next?"

"Before we do anything fun, we have to get Adam a new robe to wear on extermination day and we have get him a new daily robe, his got stained again."

"Again sir?"

"Shut up Lute, you rarely even clean your uniform."

"HEY! I do to clean it, sir!"

"I had to spray you with a hose last extermination Lute."

I chuckled as I looked back at the memory, her uniform was so bloody, Adam had to force her to clean it.

That was a funny day for everyone!

"My uniform was fine that day!"


"Stay out of this Vag-asaurus!"

"What did you just call me?!"

Lute flips off Vaggie before she bolts away, causing Vaggie to run after her, screaming.

"Whoa! Ladies ladies! Calm down before you're grounded!"

"She called me a Vagina!"

"You called me a lier!"

"Hey! Listen to Adam."

Adam proudly nods his head as he separates the two girls away from each other. Lute scoffs. "You two act like you're our parents." I looked at the three of them in shock of what Lute had said, a slight blush crept onto my cheeks while Adam begins to sass mouth the both of them.

"Well with how it normally becomes our responsibility to raise you for half of the time, we might as well be your shitty ass parents."

"Why don't the both of you get changed into some clean clothes while I take Adam to the tailor to get him a new robe. We can do something fun afterwards, I promise."

Both of the angels nod their heads as they begin to walk away towards their apartments to change,leaving me and Adam alone.

"I'm not excited for tomorrow."

"And why is that?"

"Because I have to meet up with Seagull chick and Emmy for a court case."

"Oh shit,that's tomorrow?"

"Yep, I plan on sleeping in though."


"Fine, killjoy..."

We walked down the streets together, making some small talk until we reached the tailor, this poor woman isn't paid enough for her job, especially when it comes to Adam. We walk through the doors of the place and the kind tailor smiles as she sees us, "Welcome welcome, oh dear! Mr.Adam, what happened to your robe?" 💭Have fun Addy.💭

"Some bitch spilled some juice on my clean robe and now it's ruined." 💭Nice lie💭

"Oh well, luckily we can replace it with one of our extras in the back. Will that be all?"

"No, can you also make me a new robe, one with darker colors and with fabric that will be hard to stain?"

"Of course Mr.Adam, I even already have a design in mind!"

"K, let's get this shit started."

He removed the robe which revealed the baggy shirt with an "A" painted on and cargo pants and combat boots he wears under his robe. He tossed the robe to the lady as he stands up on a little podium. I sit back and watch as the kind angel begins to work on his new robe.


It took a few hours until it was finally close to being done.

"How do you like the robe so far,sir?"

"It looks good I guess, it looks like it's missing something though."

"Well is there something you'd like to add?"

"Yeah, add a golden leaf pattern."

"And where would you like the leaf pattern to be sir?"

"On my crotch area."

There is no way he said that with a straight face. I looked at him with wide eyes as he just stares down at the tailor, poor lady was so shocked she had to ask him again.

"E-excuse me, sir?"

"What, are you deaf or something? I said put it where my dick is."

He is actually being serious.

💭oh my god, this woman doesn't get paid enough for this.💭

Adam smirks as he watches the tailor get to work on the final piece for the robe, and luckily it was done fast and we were able to leave shortly after that awkward situation, and after I paid the poor woman some extra money. "You have to stop doing that to that poor woman." Adam looks at me like I've said the most unimportant thing today. "I'll stop when that woman actually has an original idea."

"Sometimes I don't understand how your brain works."

"That's one of the best parts about me, Sugar Tits, you never know what I'm gonna do next!"

"There you are!"
I look ahead to see Vaggie and Lute waving at us. They were in front of one of the many restaurants in Heaven that also just happened to be one of Adam's favorite.
"Hey,can we eat here before I go take my nap?" "Sure Adam, we can eat here before you have to leave to take your nap." "Fuck yay!" He didn't waste a moment before he drags all of us into the restaurant with him and immediately sitting us down at our usual table. Now all we had to do was wait for the waiter to bring us our food, we have been here so much(thanks to Adam) that they place already knows our usuals.

Vaggie: normally just gets a salad(she's not that hungry most of the time)

Lute: normally gets the spaghetti (and takes some food from Vaggie)

I normally get the stuffed pheasant.(and I take some of Adam's food sometimes when he's not looking.)

Adam: ribs.

We waited together for the food to show up which it did shortly after we entered. We all continue to talk to each other while we eat, laughing, arguing, debating, and gossiping. It was perfect, if I had a favorite part of the day, it would be spending my moments with these guys. I truly do care about them. I was knocked back to reality when I heard Lute confess something, " I'm the reason why most of the Exorcists call Y/N "mom"."

"That was you!?"

"Surprise! It's true! You act so motherly to all of us, it was about time someone started to call you mom."

"And what do they call me?"

"They call you:Sir,Adam,Commander, Mr.Adam, Commander Adam, Dickmaster."

"Hmph, the only good thing on that list is Dickmaster, why can't they call me daddy or dad. It's not like I haven't known them since they were fucking little or anything."

"I'm sure they're comfortable calling you Adam."

"Ugh, it's so boring though, you know what? From now it's dad."


"Dammit, Vaggie!"

💭I guess we really are like a family.💭

After we were all done eating, Adam decided his nap can wait and spent the rest of the day with us until it was late at night once more. We were laughing together as we went over our day as we walked through the sleeping streets of heaven. Adam and I dropped off Vaggie first then dropped off Lute, giving goodbye hugs before leaving, now it was just me and Adam. Alone, together, all of Heaven asleep except for us. We continued to walk together through the empty town. "I don't think I get over how beautiful the sky is at night." Adam's words caught me off guard, is he setting me up for a joke or is he being genuine?

"Yet, now matter how pretty the sky looks every night, I still can't get over how pretty you are every second of the night and day." I looked over to see he was staring at me. " I mean it." My face immediately becomes red from how flustered he just made me.


I couldn't speak, if I did it would come out as complete gibberish. "You're silent, you good?"

"I-I-I-I- HUH?!" 💭fuck💭

I can hear him chucking at my reaction, which made me feel even more embarrassed. "Don't laugh at me, you knew saying that would do this to me." He chuckles at me again, "Well, not my fault that your face looks better when you're blushing because of me."

"Why do you keep on doing that?!"

"Cause I'm waiting for you to get the hint!"

"What hint?!"

"Dammit Y/N, I wanna fuck you!"



"Lute and Vagina know what I want to do with you at this point!"

"I-it's v-Vaggie..."

"Who gives a shit!" I watch as he takes a deep breath before he speaks again. "Y/N, for years I have felt like this, every time I see you smile, or laugh, fuck even when I see you act so caring and motherly to the fucking Exorcists as if they were your own, I get so fucking hard!"

"Excuse me?"

"You know what I mean, seriously, Vaggie fucking thinks I have something called an erectile dysfunction or some shit!"

💭Oh my god.... VAGGIE😭💭

"Don't you fucking laugh at me Y/N, I'm opening up to you."

"I know, I know, I'm not laughing at you..." I listen to him as he begins to rant on about how he feels like some kid trying to get out trouble, both watching and hearing this gives me the confidence to do something the almost every woman in heaven wants to do.

"And that's wh-"

I kissed him, and I mean actually kissed him. The best part of it all was feeling him kiss me back and hold me close. After a while I separated the kiss,this causes him to grin at me.

"It's settled then, you're coming to the penthouse with me~"

I couldn't speak against him as he already began to carry me away on his shoulder.

What have I Done....

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