Loved You First

By Ally_luvs_1D

9.1K 233 38

Louis Tomlinson. My best friend. Getting married. Am I excited? Nope. I love him. I can't let him go through... More

Loved You First
I thought it was a dream
Movies and a dog
Everybody likes to leave, I guess
Old friends and realization
Double date and the truth
Going downhill but coming up
Im feeling 22! Not. Okay maybe.
Chicken soup and a song please?
Only two more months
Im done with the silent treatment
Im going back to Boston
Wait! I have to say something!
Ten Years Later...

Wake up calls, battles, and dates

614 17 1
By Ally_luvs_1D

I woke up the next morning to a buzzing and Spot barking.

"Spot!" I shouted over his small barks. "Shh."

He quieted down a little, growling while he ran into my room.

I picked up my phone, answering it, "Hello."

"Hey Karm!" Louis said cheerfully. "This is a wakeup call!"

"I didn't order one though." I walked into the kitchen, pouring Spot some food and filling his bowl full of water. He ran into the kitchen, clicking his toes on the linoleum floor. He then ate some food and spilled half the water on the floor and the other half in his mouth. I giggled at him as he walked back into the living room, settling on the couch.

"Well I'm giving you one!" He answered. "And get dressed because I'm taking you to get new clothes."

"Why?" I asked over a mouthful of dry Cheerios.

"Because you have a date tonight."

"With who?"

"A very nice guy."



I sighed, my battle could not be fought. Instead I poured milk into my bowl and let a spoon sink deep into the bowl.

"Alright be ready in twenty."

"Alright. Bye."

"Bye." Louis hung up.

"Spot!" I called, sitting down at the table.

Spots ears perked up, he came running for me. He set his paws on my leg, standing on his hind legs.

"Louis is setting me up on a date." I told him, eating my Cheerios. "If you could talk then you should tell him I don't want anyone but him alright?" Spot barked at me in reply.

I laughed, setting my bowl in the sink. I walked into my room, grabbing a pair of sweatpants that came to my knees and a long sweater. I slid on some moccasins and brushed my dirty blonde hair out but but it back into a bun but a sock bun this time.

"Want to take a walk real quick?" I asked the little dog, running in circles with excitement.

I grabbed his blue leash, hooking it onto his collar. I slid my phone into my pocket then headed out the door.

We walked past an old couple unlocking their apartment an Spot greeted them with a tail wag or more of a numb wag. He didn't have much of a tail. We walked around the complex once, stopping at every tree. Then we headed back to my place.

I opened the door to Louis eating my box of cereal on the couch.

"Where were you?" He set down the box of cereal and stood up. "I said Id be here in twenty."

"I was takin my dog for a walk. He stops at every tree." I unhooked Spot and he ran toward Louis, scratching at his leg to pet him.

"Oh. Well we've got to get going. Your dates in," he looked down at his phone, "Four hours."

"Louis that's four o'clock." I picked up the cereal box and set it back in the pantry.

"I know. Lets go." He wrapped his arm around mine and pulled me out of my apartment.

"Bye Spot!" He shouted then closed the door.

"Where are we going?" I asked as Louis opened the door for me.

"Mall." He answered, starting up the car, speeding away as if we had to rush.

"I have clothes." I turned up the radio, Stay by Rihanna was playing.

"Not really sure how I feel about us, something in the way that you move..." I sat getting lost in the words.

"Karmantha." Louis snapped his fingers in front of my face.


"I said because Im setting you up on the date and I want to make sure you look nice."

I rolled my eyes and focused on the song. Soon Louis pulled into the mall. As we walked in a small group of girls navigated toward Louis.

"Louis?" One of them called out to make sure that they had the right guy.

"Yes?" He walked toward them. It looked they were going to faint.

"C-can we have a picture?" A blonde one asked holding out a lime green camera.

"Sure thing babe." He flashed a smile, huddling into the photo with them. They smiled as Louis took the picture.

He gave them back their camera, "Here ya go."

"Louis are you really marrying Eleanor?" One of them asked out of the blue.

I stiffened and started playing with my hands.

Louis broke out into a grin, "Yep."

"You two are so cute!" The blonde spat out.

"Thanks. Now I've got to go help a friend shop," He nodded toward me, "Take care." He waved and walked away with me. As we walked further a squeal came from the group of girls.

"Can we not shop?" I asked as we headed into Forever 21. I loved this store but I didn't want to shop for a date.

"No. I'm getting you a nice outfit so that Mr. Mystery date will fall in love with your quirky self." He pulled out a black dress, handing it to me. "Go."

I sighed and headed to the dressing room. I never win.


After three hours of shopping Louis decided on a red dress and black flats. I told him no heels. That's the only thing I got to choose.

Now he was waiting for me to finish my makeup and show him the final product. I sighed, rubbing bronzer on my face with a soft brush.

"Done yet?" Louis shouted from the couch with Spot laying next to him.

"Yeah." I stood up and looked at myself. I looked different. Not me. This guy was going to love someone else. He wouldn't fall in love with me long because I love Louis and no one can make me not love him. It's like imbedded on my heart.

I walked out of the bathroom, making a few clicking noises from my flats hitting the hardwood floor. I stopped in the doorway at the end of the hall that lead into the living room. Louis stood up and Spot joined him but swished his tail into the kitchen.

Louis broke out into a grin,""You look beautiful."

"I don't like it." I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted.

"Why not?" He took a step closer to me.

Because I'm going on a date with a stranger and maybe I just want you, I thought.

"Because," I began, "I hate wearing dresses, I don't want to go on a blind date nor do I need a boyfriend! I'm perfectly fine."

"Karm you need to go on the date." Louis said calmly.

"No I don't! Call and tell him that Im sick because I'm not going." I threw my hands in the arm and stomped into my room. Today I was putting my foot down for once.

"Karm wait." Louis ran after me but was too late, I had already shut the door and locked it.

I laid on my bed while Louis pounded on the door.

"Karm please go." He pleaded while pounding on the door. Spot joined in and began barking.

"Spot don't help him!" I answered to the two of them

"Please open the door at least." He pleaded a little more.

"Cancel the date." I tried to negotiate with him.

"No. You need a boyfriend."

"I don't need anything except friends, family, food, sleep, and a roof over my head!"

I heard Louis chuckle then quietly say, "For me?"

There was a lot Id do for Louis. Going on a date? I don't know. This seemed a little too far. But I wanted to make him happy. Plus maybe I should starting dating considering he's getting married in a year or so.

I sighed, giving up, and walking to unlock the door, "Fine. I'll go."

Louis smiled, opening his arms, "Great."

I hugged him tightly, then let go because the doorbell rang.

"That's him." Louis ran to the door, opening it to reveal a tall dark haired boy with light blue eyes.

"Hey Louis." My date shook Louis' hand then turned to me, "You must be Karmantha. I'm Derek."

My breath was taken away. He was almost as handsome as Louis. Almost.

"Hi." I smiled. Louis smirked at us while we stared at each other, not knowing what to say.

"I guess we should get going to dinner reservations." Derek finally said.

I nodded as he extended his hand for me. I took it and followed him out the door.

"See ya later Karm! I'll take care of Spot!" Louis called from the doorway.

"Spot?" Derek asked as he led me to his red car.

"I just recently got a dog. It's a Boston Terrier." I explained as I slid into the passenger seat.

"I didn't see him." Derek stood in the car doorframe, hovering over me.

"We had to put him in his cage so he wouldn't bark." I explained.

"Ah." Derek smiled, his crystal eyes twinkling.

I smiled back as he ran to his side. He slid in, turning on the engine.

"Ready for dinner?" He asked pulling out of the lot.

I nodded and he continued down the road.


"Bye Karmantha." Derek smiled at me. "I had a great time."

"Bye Derek. I had a great time too." I stood in front of the door. Derek leaned over, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Goodnight." He whispered into my ear.


He smiled and walked down to his car. I waved as he drove off, quickly unlocking the door.

I opened the door to Louis sleeping next to Spot, curled up in a ball. I stifled a laugh, tip toeing into my room with my flats in hand.

I slid out of the dress into fleece pajama pants and a tank top. I curled underneath my blankets, falling asleep while thinking of my night.

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