Murder Drones Oneshots (mostl...

By PrincessWizzy1

158K 3.2K 9.3K

Oneshots based of the amazing YouTube series murder drones. I'm open to requests in the comments, this is my... More

"Yellow is my favourite colour" (NUZI)
'Purple is my favourite colour' (Nuzi)
"Whats a spark?" (Envy)
"Wanna pair up?" (ThadXUzi)
'What does kissing mean?' (Nuzi)
"I'm not gay!" (Dizzy)
Gift Giving (Nuzi)
The Dog and The Bird (Nuzi)
The Dog and the Bird Part 2
Compatibility Rating (Nuzi)
'Drunk' (Nuzi)
'Drunk' Part 2
'I need attention' (Nuzi) (part 1?)
I need attention Part 2
Dear and Babe (Envy)
Comfort (Nuzi)
Praise (Nuzi)
Girls Support Each Other (Platonic Vuzi)
Wedding Day (Nuzi)
Wedding Day Part 2
Do you want to build a baby? (Nuzi)
How to care (Nuzi)
Under the coat (Envy & Nuzi)
A CRUSH ON V?!? (VxThad)
A DATE WITH V!?! (VxThad)
I'd know you anywhere (Khnori)
Oilsharing (Nuzi) Request
100 Ns (Nuzi)
Everyone thinks girls are hot! (Vizzy)
Clingy N (Nuzi)
Sweet Oil (Nuzi)
Meet the parents (Nuzi)
Guardian Angel Part 2
Guardian Angel Part 3
Guardian Angel Part 4
Guardian Angel Part 5
Guardian Angel Part 6
Guardian Angel Part 7
Guardian Angel Part 8
Guardian Angel Part 9
Guardian Angel Part 10
Guardian Angel Part 11
Guardian Angel isnt ending- but...
Guardian Angel Part 12
Guardian Angel Part 13
Guardian Angel Part 14
Guardian Angel Part 15
Guardian Angel Part 16
Guardian Angel Part 17
Guardian Angel Part 18
Guardian Angel Finale Part 1
Guardian Angel Finale Part 2
MD Vampire AU Part 1
MD Vampire AU Part 2
MD Vampire AU Part 3
MD Vampire AU Part 4
MD Vampire AU Part 5
MD Vampire AU Part 6
MD Vampire AU Part 7
MD Vampire AU Part 8
MD Vampire AU Part 9
MD Vampire AU Part 10
MD Vampire AU Part 11
MD Vampire AU Part 12
MD Vampire AU Part 13
MD Vampire AU Part 14
MD Vampire AU Part 15
MD Vampire AU Part 16
MD Vampire AU Part 17
MD Vampire AU Part 18
MD Vampire AU Part 19
MD Vampire AU Part 20
MD Vampire AU Part 21
MD Vampire AU Part 22
MD Vampire AU Part 23
MD Vampire AU Part 24
MD Vampire AU Part 25
MD Vampire AU Part 26
MD Vampire AU Part 27
MD Vampire AU Part 28
MD Vampire AU Part 29
MD Vampire AU Part 29.5
MD Vampire AU Part 30
MD Vampire AU Part 31
MD Vampire AU Finale Part 1
MD Vampire AU Finale Part 2
MD Vampire AU Finale Part 3
The back of the bus (Nuzi)
Tipsy Uzi (Nuzi)
Tipsy Uzi Part 2
Tipsy Uzi Part 3
'A hunk and a catch' (Knori)

Guardian Angel Part 1 (Nuzi)

2.4K 47 45
By PrincessWizzy1

Uzi was unloved and unwanted by her community of drones, constantly and violently insulted by peers, mocked and humiliated by older drones.

She had nobody, her mother had passed when she was young, and her father never seemed to spare a thought for her.

At the age of 12, in an act of pure desperation to feel love and protection, Uzi wrote a note. A letter to be more exact, on the envelope Uzi wrote 'for God' and wrote inside her yearning for affection, claiming she'd do whatever it took to feel loved in anyway.

She would throw the letter outside into the snow, with hopes of heaven picking it up and sending her an angel, or just somebody to protect her. To love her as she was.

After 6 years it seemed her letter would forever go unanswered, she was still bullied and berated by classmates while her father continued to disregard her very existence. On Uzi's 18th birthday however, something peculiar happened, a boy gave her oddly friendly attention.

"Hey uh- is this seat taken?"

Uzi glanced up to see a drone standing beside her, he was tall with kind eyes, though yellow was a pretty rare eye colour for a drone. Unable to believe that a student would ever take interest in her, Uzi just blinked in shock, not only was the boy kind & tall- but really attractive by drone standards.

A moment passed and the teacher entered, scaring the new boy enough to sit down in the empty chair beside Uzi, not waiting for her to snap out of her haze.

The teacher scanned the room "Morning idiots, if you were half decent students you'd notice the new classmate sitting beside Doorman- he's kinda hard not to notice at that height" the old man groaned, clearly not caring much for introductions.

Everyone turned to look at the newbie, who of course was the kind drone sighing beside Uzi, instantly everyone in the room found themselves admiring his beauty- and questioning how suspiciously perfect he seemed.

"I'm N! Nice to meet everyone!" The boy chirped, grinning around the room, making girls sigh at his sweetness and boys smirk at his earnest personality. For some reason even the most 'mean' drones found themselves in awe from this boy, it was like he could do no wrong.

Uzi especially was amazed by his demeanour, he seemed so innocent and chirpy, yet she didn't find him annoying like most overly compensating happy kids. He just seemed so...beautiful.

Class time fell away as Uzi worked beside N. The new student glanced at her every now and again with a smile, making Uzi blush bright, but mostly he kept to himself. The hour passed quick and Uzi urgently packed up, keen to get out of the classroom before Lizzy decided it was time to tease her.

"Hey! Wait up!"

N's charming voice called her as Uzi stood in the doorway, he was beaming at her, eyes bright and shimmering as he slowly approached the shorter drone. Uzi shivered almost from the sight, N was heavenly beautiful, but she was hesitant to trust him- the most beautiful boys tended to be the most cruel- at least when it came to her.

Still, a part of Uzi couldn't resist smiling back at N, his warmth reaching down into a part of Uzi she didn't know she had.

What's with this guy?

The newbie smiled gratefully at Uzi before rubbing the back of his head with one hand "Biscuits- I'm sorry for sitting down with you without asking- but you seemed nice and I'm not good with new people" his gentle voice claimed, Uzi wished she could replay his sound over and over in her head.

"It's fine...I'm-"

"Uzi Doorman right? I'm SD N, but you can call me N! Today is your birthday isn't it?"

Uzi stammered in surprise at this boy's knowledge of her life. It was odd that he knew her full name- nobody knew her as anything other than Khans daughter- but the really weird thing was him knowing her birthday...she never talked about it and it's not like her dad remembered.

How does he know so much about me? He's not a creep right?

Unaware of Uzi's inner doubts, N chirped on "You wanna do something to celebrate? I know it's a bit forward but you deserve a treat on your 18th!". He clapped his hands as he said it, this boy was a normal worker drone aside from his height, so why did he seem to glow?

"Well I mean...we could watch a movie at works late so.." Uzi offered, it was a bit forward to invite him straight home, but N seemed too innocent to read into it.

The larger drone clapped and squealed slightly with excitement "Yay! I wish I could treat you to something though... since it's your birthday after all" N claimed again, looking slightly disappointed.

Uzi smiled softly at him "If you really feel bad you can buy the snacks when we pass Bolts and Bits". She meant it to be a tease but N perked up fully again, eyes shinning even brighter at the idea of doing something for Uzi.

The two left the school and sure enough N purchased Uzi her preferred snacks, he claimed he liked them all to and had no idea she'd like them as much, though Uzi thought he must be lying since nobody had the same tastes as her.

Before long Uzi and N reached her apartment. It felt weird to bring a random boy home, but it was hard not to trust somebody with so much light seeming to follow them, it's like he could clear all her negative thoughts by just existing.

They sat on her bed together, N sitting a little behind Uzi so she could see the screen, he was careful with which limbs he almost touched- making sure she was comfortable. Never before had a guy given so much care towards her feelings...

As the movie went on Uzi could feel N glancing at her from time to time, not in a creepy way, but as if he wanted to monitor her happiness. It almost felt comforting to have him checking up on her, it really seemed that this boy could do no wrong, though Uzi couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Hey Uzi...You good?" N asked halfway through the film, as if he could read her emotions. "I'm's rare people actually want to hang if you want to go that's fine" Uzi explained, looking towards N without meeting his eyes, he boy had to be faking interest in her. Nobody would ever choose to stay by her side.

Familiar tears welled up in Uzi's eyes as she turned away from N slightly.

"Why would I ever want to leave you Uzi? I'm here for you.."


Uzi glanced at the glowing boy, whose eyes seemed to be shining brighter than before, silver hair glittering as he smiled softly at her. The golden energy he gave- the heartfelt way he spoke- the way he knew so much with so little time.

N smiled wider at Uzi's realisation and pulled her into a loose hug. He felt her shiver in his contrasting warmth and relax into his energy.

She couldn't believe it. There's no way that-

"I'm your guardian Angel Uzi, yours for as long as you need me".

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