Ace of Spade

By DreamyEuphoric

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An anime inspired story about a boy named Adrien born in a Kingdom of Magic,but him born with cursed dark mag... More

Chapter 1: Little Angel
Chapter 2: Magic Festival
Chapter 4: Selection Test
Chapter 5: Officially a Spade warrior
Chapter 6: Meeting everyone
Chapter 7: A boy named Kai
Chapter 8: Star reward
Chapter 9: Mount Harrison
chapter 10: beast elves
Chapter 11: the final attack
Chapter 12: the kicking rabbit
chapter 13:Elf family
chapter 14: the detective
chapter 15: The Rouges
chapter 16: the Rouges ii
chapter 17: The magic gems

Chapter 3: True friends

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By DreamyEuphoric

It hurts Adrien seeing other kids training with their new magic powers..he sits watching them play with their magic

Kade:hey Lily look at this. Earth magic,soil manipulation

Kade manipulates the soil making it move however he wants

Lily: it's nothing like mine!. Cat magic,kitty transformation

Lily grows a tail and claws..

Kade:a tail and claws don't frighten me

Lily:oh this isn't nothing...check out this...Cat speed!

Lily runs with cat speed and jumps high

Kade: awesome.!

Lily:and do you know the more we grow up our magic powers will get stronger?!

Kade:yeah.. I'll train everyday until the day i get ready to become a spade warrior

Kade and Lily go to Adrien

Lily:hey Adrien come join us!

Adrien:no thanks...

Kade: come on dude

Adrien: it's pointless...i don't even have any magic powers to show off like the rest of you

Lily :it doesn't matter

Kade:yes.. don't you wanna be a spade warrior like me?

Adrien:i do but..

Kade:come on, we'll become spade warriors together... I want you to become my rival..and i don't want a weak rival,so stand up!


Kade: nice sword

Adrien: thanks... and you're right,im not weak,i wanna become a spade warrior and become the strongest

Kade:now you're talking..

Adrien joins his friends...he trains with his wooden sword
Lily and Kade pick up some wooden sticks to be common with Adrien... making him smile... together they play ..and for years,they train everyday

6 years later

All the children in the home are grown teenagers ..16 years old

Kade and Adrien are training with real swords...they train for a while,they can't beat each other in the training

Kade:whoa, you're good

Adrien:no man.. you're better

Kade:we never even beat each other, it's always a draw

Adrien: I'll beat you next time

Kade:yeah right, we'll see about that

Lily: hey guys

Kade:hey catwoman

Lily: don't call me that!

Kade:but you are a cat woman ,or cat lady guys are still up with the Spade warrior thing?

Adrien:no doubt, right Kade?

Kade: exactly

Adrien:why do you always ask that Lily?

Lily: it's just that..uhmm,i also wanna be a Spade warrior

A&K: what?!

Lily:i know..this is sudden but I've thought about it and i think it's the right thing for me

Kade:it seems like you're just copying me,like Adrien

Adrien: don't you wanna be a singer anymore?

Lily:i do but being a Spade comes with a lot of I'll become a Spade

Adrien:you have my full support

Kade:no,i think she can't handle losing us..she wants to be on our side as always

Lily:what if i do?

Adrien:then i think it's the cutest thing

Lily: we're in this together right?

Adrien: of are totally fit to be a Spade, you're strong


Helen:Kids!...come here it's urgent!

Lily: what's wrong Sister Helen?

Helen: it's Ruby and the younger ones... they're being attacked by Anti-spades in the mountain


Kade:we gotta go help them

Adrien:yes.. let's go guys

Helen:im coming with you

Lily:no stay here.. we'll save them

The three get run to the mountain grabbing their swords and horses..

Kade:this is like our very first mission right?


Adrien:im wondering why anti-spades are attacking the mountain,i thought they didn't go to that place

Lily: you're right..

Adrien:well let's go get them

"Im coming everyone,just wait a little longer, we'll save you" thought Adrien
Ruby used her shield powers to protect everyone while Martha used her communication spell to reach Helen

Ruby:i hope they get here sooner, I can't hold on any longer

Martha: they'll be here very soon... don't be afraid children,just hold on to me

The anti-spades try to break the shield but Ruby is trying her best and using all her strength to protect everyone,but her spell is about to run out of time...The Anti-Spades manage to break the shield , everyone screams...when they were about to attack,Adrien and his friends arrieve and kill some of order to kill an anti-spade,you must have a stronger magic than a regular mage

Ruby:(sighs) they're here

Adrien uses his sword to cut off the Anti-Spade heads

..Lily uses her claws which now contain venom to scratch the anti-spade's nape, making its head explode

Kade uses his earth magic to create a rock giant which easily tears the anti-spade heads

..And Adrien uses his sword and strength to cut off the anti-spades heads...
They manage to kill all of them ..

Lily:is everyone okay?

Ruby:yes..thanks to you three

Martha:you brats have grown up so fast

Adrien: it's okay now .. we've killed all of them

Kade:oh no .i don't think so

Now bigger and more powerful anti-spades attack them...

Kade:why are they bigger now?!

Adrien: let's get them

They use their strategies to attack but it becomes really hard to kill these ones...they overpower the three of them...they pass out on the ground...Adrien watches as they grab Ruby and the others...
He's injured and unable to get up...he gets afraid and angry

"Get up,get up you can't let this happen on your watch..get up!!"thought Adrien..

He grabs his Spade necklace,he grabs it tightly in his hand until in digs in his skin, making him bleed...his eyes turn red,he regenerates his injuries and gets up

He doesn't even grab his sword . He just runs towards the anti-spade...he jumps up high and kicks its head off...he runs to the other one,he punches its face and its head tores off and finally he uses his own teeth to bite off the anti-spades nape making its head fall off

Everyone gets suprised about Adrien's great misterious power...he regenerates and gets back to normal

Ruby runs and hugs him


Adrien:are you alright?

Ruby:im okay.. everyone's saved thanks to you

Ruby and Adrien get Kade and Lily home

Helen:is everyone okay?

Ruby: yes..we are fine...the kids saved us

Helen:oh no, you're hurt .. let's go inside

They lay Kade and Lily in beds

Helen:how come Adrien doesn't have a scratch?

Ruby:i might be wrong but he somehow regenerated and healed himself

Helen: how's that even possible?

Ruby:i don't know..he also saved us from those three demons that hurt Kade and Lily


Ruby:yes...he had this power,so great!..can you explain Adrien?

Adrien: I don't know how it happened but i was just so angry and i gained this strange power...

Helen:does that mean you finally got your powers?

Adrien:i don't know

Ruby:im so happy for you

Helen:yes me too

Adrien:can it really be?

Rubh: there's no other explanation...your powers came at the crucial moment,when our lives were in danger...and they were so strong,as i thought

Adrien:i guess i did

Martha suddenly appears

Martha: don't get too excited


Martha:those powers... they're not spade magic powers

Helen:what do you mean?

Martha:i know those... they're the most cursed powers in the world


Martha: they're the Cursed Anti-spade powers. Known as Demon magic

Adrien:what ?!.. I don't understand

Martha:it seems like what Chryses said years ago was are cursed

Adrien:so they're not Spade magic powers?

Martha:no...these are dangerous powers...i think i know where they come from


Martha: your necklace

Adrien:my necklace?,i think you're mistaken..sister Helen has told me this has been with me ever since

Martha:i know but i must warn you. .. you'll have this cursed power until you die

Ruby: that's enough Martha...Adrien is going to be fine.. he still has a long bright future ahead of him

Adrien: I'll have to get rid of it then

Martha:that won't work...your blood is now connected with the cursed energy inside that necklace

Adrien:why didn't you warn me about it earlier?

Martha: I didn't think it was the one ..

Adrien:well it doesn't matter anymore... I'll keep this necklace with me and I'll find a way to break the curse

Martha:well good luck with that

Later in the night, Adrien goes outside and stares at the night sky...he holds his necklace
"am i really cursed?..and how do i break the curse?..,is this why i never got any magic?..if im stuck with this curse, I'll die young and not become the world's greatest warrior, I'll work hard and break it no matter what" thought Adrien..
He goes where Kade and Lily are lying and healing

Adrien:im sorry you guys...but please don't disappoint have to get up...the Spade entry exam is a week away,you have to heal faster okay...please..we worked really hard to get here... Lily.

Adrien holds lily's hand and closes his eyes..she gets up healed...he somehow healed her without even realizing it


Adrien: you're awake?..are you okay?

Lilt:im more than okay ,you healed me!

Adrien: really?

Adrien looks at his hands

Adrien:i did?..just like i healed myself?

Liky:yes! finally have powers Adrien!

Adrien:let me try it on Kade

He holds Kade's hand.. healing him

Kade:Adrien,you did it

Adrien: I didn't know i could do that

Lily:now you do!..

Kade:you were great out there Adrien.. finally surpassed me

Lily:tell us about that power of yours.. where's it come from?

Adrien: it's a long sad story guys

Kade:tell us..

Adrien explains everything that Martha told him

Lily:oh no

Kade: that's awful

Lily:but don't let it bring you have us!.. we'll help you break the curse!

Adrien:thanks you guys

They all group hug

To be continued...

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