A New Home

By xXDinoKingXx

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In a village full of bustling vehicles and people making their way through the cold times a man with no home... More

Chapter 1: Homeless/Castle Dimitrescu
Chapter 2: Getting To Know The Girls
Chapter 3: Horrors Of House Dimitrescu/ Bad Dream
Chapter 4: Comfort
Chapter 5: Spring/Bonding
Chapter 6: A Beast Emerges Into The Night
Chapter 7: Mother Miranda/ Miracle
Chapter 8: A Memorable Night
Chapter 9: Control/ Forgiveness
Chapter 10: Village attack/ Wolf Fight
Chapter 11: Burying The Dead/ Meeting With The Lords
Chapter12: Heisenberg Picks A Fight
Chapter14: Meeting the duke/Date Night With The Girls
Chapter 15: Training/ Bela's visitor
Chapter 16: Signal
Chapter 17: The Dark Woods/ Ethan Encounters The Black Beast
Chapter 18: Miranda's Morning Visit/Urgent Meeting
Chapter 19: Ethan Gets Captured
Chapter 20: Escape/ Fight
Chapter 21: Recovering
Chapter 22: Family Reunion
Chapter 23: Patrol/Ambush
Chapter 24: Settling In
Chapter 25: Confession/Reason
Chapter 26: Village Attack/Prisoner Escape
Chapter 27: Restless

Chapter13:Tour Of The Castle/Good News

241 4 0
By xXDinoKingXx

(Two days ago after having the meeting about the discussion of the child's father Ethan Winters and worrying about Chris Redfield.. mother Miranda apparently sent them off on a wild goose chase leaving a false trail for them to follow so now mother Miranda will give the good news to the other lords)

(The morning sun rises upon the village.. the village was again bustling with vehicles and people continuing business as usual going about their daily lives...in castle Dimitrescu the whole place was silent.. not peep or sound was heard...in the room where the girls an the man were sleeping everyone was sleeping peacefully...an hour goes by an the man wakes up an see's his beautiful vampire girlfriends sleep comfortably on him.. it was cute seeing them like that.. he smiles at how adorable they were...not wanting to wake them up he goes back to sleep...2 hours later it was 8 in the morning.. as Joshua woke up he see's the golden eyes of his beautiful girlfriends)

Joshua: Good morning my mistresses (I smiled)

(Good morning baby the 3 spoke in unison)

Cassandra: How are you feeling this morning dear?

Joshua: Never better.. my shoulder isn't sore like it was yesterday when I was fighting your uncle

Bela: That's good to hear sweetie (Smiles)

Joshua: I wonder how your asshole uncle is since I beat him up pretty badly

Daniela: He's probably feeling a lot worse (Smiles)

Cassandra: Serves him right for messing with our boyfriend.. maybe he'll think twice before messing with you

Joshua: I'm sure he will

Bela: But any who let's not let this bother us.. let's all do something together (Gasps) I have an idea

Daniela: What's your idea sister?

Bela: We should give Joshua a tour of the castle.. we've never given him a proper tour of the place yet

Cassandra: That's a good idea.. let's get dressed an we'll give our handsome man here a tour of our home (Smiles)

(As the 4 got dressed they all exit the room.. once out the girls asked the man what area he would like to see first)

Bela: So Joshua.. what area of the castle would you like to see first?

Joshua: Do ya'll have a wine room?

Daniela: We sure do.. right this way (Smiles)

(A minute goes by and they reach the door to the wine room.. once inside Joshua was amazed how many bottles of wine there was)

Joshua: Wow.. you three have a lot of wine in here

Bela: It's mothers actually.. she collects wine an then she just lets them become ripe for drinking.. aged wine is the best wine

Joshua: There's a lot of variety here.. so many to choose from

Cassandra: There is another area that has a lot more as well but mother doesn't want us to know or we'll get drunk as fuck (Laughs)

Daniela: Yeah (Giggles)

Joshua: Sounds like a hell of a good time 

Bela: You got that right (Smiles) so.. now that we've visited the wine room.. what area would you like to see next love?

Joshua: Hmm.. do ya'll have an indoor garden?

Bela: Yes we do.. follow us (Smiles)

(The four find a short cut to the other side of the castle an from there they approach the indoor garden)

Bela: And here we are darling.. the indoor garden.. this is where mother likes to come an tend to her plants

Joshua: Wow.. it's very beautiful in here

Cassandra: Thank you (Smiles) mother likes coming here an so do we.. one time we helped mother with the new plants and Daniela put a beautiful flower in my hair

Daniela: Yeah it made you look very pretty sis (Smiles)

Joshua: See this is what I like.. had the other villagers known that you three an your mother do things like this they would've seen you as not just monsters but still people that do hobbies or things to enjoy

Bela: Aww that is so kind of you to say babe.. thank you (Smiles) your like the first man in this entire village that saw us as people and not just vampires

Cassandra: Yeah thank you so much hun (Smiles) we love you even more now

Daniela: Yeah.. your the best boyfriend in the world (Smiles)

Bela: So what area would you like us to show you now

Joshua: Ya'll wouldn't happen to have a pool would you

Cassandra: Ah yes the hall of ablution

Joshua: Hall of ablution?

Daniela: It's where mother bathes in blood to help with her skin... it may not sound pleasant but it helps.. it even helps us to

Joshua: Well lead the way girls

(Bela, Cassandra an Daniela lead Joshua to the hall of ablution.. after a few minutes they reach it)

Cassandra: And we're here.. this is the hall of ablution

Joshua: Oh wow.. there's even statues in here to

Bela: Mhm.. it's beautiful isn't it

Joshua: Yeah the statues make this place look nice.. so um.. what do the statues represent

Daniela: So there is a plaque on the wall that says about the statues " Women are blind to male advances, but the poor shall take their chances to give their lord their bounty sown, so that soon the wine may flow." that's what the four statues represent here

Cassandra: Daniela is right.. so the two statues are the men the three are the poor so they are turning to the man with the horse like their begging.. meanwhile the women are turned towards each other the woman with the wine bottle is giving it to the lady in the hat

Bela: Honestly as many times as I've been in here I have not noticed that.. I guess I learned something new today

Joshua: Well you girls are definitely smart

Daniela: Aww thank you (Smiles)

Cassandra: So with this area out of the way.. what would you like to see next dear?

Joshua: Well I've always been fascinated with old age weapons an stuff.. you wouldn't happen to have an armory would you

Cassandra: (Gasps) That's my area.. come on I'll show you (Smiles)

(With Cassandra's excitement she grabs the mans hand an leads him to her area as Bela an Daniela followed behind...once there Cassandra spoke)

Cassandra: And here we are.. my favorite area in the castle (Smiles)

Joshua: Wow.. this pretty cool.. there's a lot of old age stuff here

Cassandra: Mmhmm.. here we have knight helmets.. swords.. pikes.. chainmail armor anything you name it (Smiles) there's even daggers.. knives.. and even old century cannons

Joshua: Holy shit.. this is epic

Bela: Isn't it (Smiles) Cassie here is quite the collector

Daniela: She gets a lot of stuff from the duke or goes to old ruins and ravages to find anything she can keep

Joshua: Damn

Cassandra: Oh and I have trophies from the animals I killed.. and you know that huge bear you killed when we went hunting

Joshua: Yeah

Cassandra: Well I've taken the liberty of mounting it on my wall (Smiles) well here it is

Daniela: Damn.. even with it mounted it's still menacing

Bela: Right.. this is the biggest bear I have ever seen

Cassandra: Joshua sure made quite the kill.. even I'm impressed (Smiles)

Joshua: Thank you (I smiled)

Cassandra: Your welcome (Smiles) well we should probably head back to the foyer I'm sure mother is up by now so lets not keep her waiting

(The four leave the armory and make their way back to the foyer...once there they were greeted by Alcina)

Alcina: There you all are.. I was looking all over for you

Bela: We were giving our boyfriend the tour of our home

Alcina: And how did you like the tour young man?

Joshua: This castle is amazing.. though I'm sure.. there's a few more area's here that I haven't seen

Alcina: (Smiles) Well I'm glad to hear that your liking our home even more.. now then let's eat breakfast an then my daughters can continue showing the other area's of our beloved castle.. now please.. follow me

(Everyone enters the dining hall an sits down together...and as everyone ate together there was knock at the door)

Alcina: Hmm I wonder who that could be

(Alcina goes an opens the door and a surprised look was on her face)

Alcina: Oh.. mother Miranda what brings you here.. I must say you never come to the castle this early

Miranda: Well I bring very good news that I think you'd like to hear

Alcina: Come on in

(Alcina invites mother Miranda into the castle and leads her to the dining room.. once there the girls an the man greeted her)

(Hi auntie the girls spoke in unison)

Joshua: Hello Ms. Miranda

Miranda: Hello everyone (Smiles)

Bela: What brings you here?

Miranda: I bring good news

Cassandra: Good news?

Daniela: What good news?

Miranda: (Smiles) Let me sit down and I'll explain

(Once Miranda sat down with everyone she spoke)

Miranda: So last night I gave the man Ethan winters and his friend Chris Redfield false information to go on so I sent them on a wild goose chase so it'll be a few months before they realize they were led on a false trail.. I've already spoken to the others about this so we don't have to worry about the two for now.. and incase they figured out they were sent on a pointless mission they'll come here.. but not to worry.. we'll be prepared for them.. so for now let us enjoy the peace an quiet in this village

Daniela: S-so we're not going to worry about our home be destroyed by those man things?

Miranda: (Smiles) For now no.. but if they come here we'll be waiting.. I assure you everything will be ok.. I promise

Daniela: (Sighs) That's a relief.. cause the other night I-I was scared but thanks to Joshua here he comforted me an made me feel better

Miranda: He is quite the lover I see

Daniela: He sure is (Smiles)

Miranda: Now with that out of the way.. how are you feeling Joshua.. I heard that you gave my ignorant son quite the beating

Joshua: I'm healing quite well.. my shoulder is taking a bit but it's getting better.. I'm sure Karl is having a much worser time then I am

Miranda: He certainly is.. you definitely gave him a beating and I must say.. I am very impressed by how you managed to best him

Joshua: Thank you ma'am

Miranda: And don't worry.. he won't be bothering you anymore.. I made sure that he'll obey me and not go after you again or else I will take his powers away

Joshua: What do you mean by that?

Miranda: Do you know what a purifying crystal?

Joshua: I do not

Miranda: Allow me to show you

(Miranda pulls out the purifying crystal)

Miranda: This here is the purifying crystal

Joshua: Whoa!

Miranda: This can do two things.. it can give powers back to those who need it.. and it can take from those that abuse it.. so if Karl ever decided to disobey me he will lose all his powers an his control over the lycans will be gone an they'll spread chaos to the village unless a new leader commands them.. but since you are the alpha varcolac I'm sure you'll command the lycans to behave and obey your orders without question.. and if they step out of line I'm sure you'll get them to listen to you (Smiles)

Joshua: Wow.. that'll be awesome.. I can become king of the varcolacs

Cassandra: And you'll have your loyal girlfriends by your side babe

(The girls stood by Joshua)

Miranda: Seems like you already have followers (Smiles)

Bela: Yep.. wherever he goes we will follow him (Smiles)

Daniela: Our king (Smiles)

Alcina: Oh um.. daughters.. Joshua.. ya'll never told mother Miranda here about the Moro wolf in the dungeon

Miranda: Moro wolf?

Cassandra: Oh yeah.. we were testing out Joshua's abilities since he can control them now and we tested to see if he can bite one of the moroaica's and they successfully turned into a moro wolf.. and the two were telepathically connected almost like they were communicating and Joshua here told the moro wolf to go back to it's hole

Bela: It was incredible

Miranda: Really.. that's amazing.. but as much as I would like to see it sadly I must go.. you all have a good day and I'll see you all again soon

Alcina: Good bye mother Miranda

(The girls said good bye auntie in unison)

Joshua: Good bye Ms. Miranda

(Miranda leaves castle)

Alcina: Well I honestly didn't expect mother Miranda to show up this early in the morning

Daniela: Maybe she was so excited she probably didn't want to wait

Cassandra: Well at least we don't have to worry about those man things coming here for the time being

Alcina: Indeed.. but let's finish eating breakfast an then you girls can continue finishing giving the man a tour of our home

(Time Jump)

(As everyone finished eating breakfast the girls continued giving the man a tour of their home)

Bela: Now that we're done eating breakfast what area do you wanna see now?

Joshua: Well you girls lead the way

(Joshua follows the girls as they lead him into a hallway and they reach the hall of pleasure)

Cassandra: This is the hall of pleasure.. an there's four statues and a plaque on the wall

Joshua: What does it say?

Bela: The plaque says "Mask the angels' blinded gaze and only then you will be saved."

Joshua: And what do the four statues represent

Daniela: They represent mask of sorrow, mask of joy, mask of rage, and mask of pleasure

Joshua: Oh ok and why is there 5 hanging torches above the door

Cassandra: That place is secret and something that shouldn't be explored.. mother forbids anyone from going there

Joshua: Oh ok.. sorry if I asked

Cassandra: It's alright love.. now there is one more area we can show you

Joshua: And what's that.. is it the opera hall cause I already saw it

Bela: Nope it's the ateiler

Joshua: Ateiler?

Daniela: It's like a collector/ painting area

Joshua: Lead the way

(The girls lead the man to the ateiler area...after a few minutes they reach it)

Cassandra: And this is the ateiler area

Joshua: Oh wow.. this is pretty nice.. there's even a taxidermy alligator snapping turtle

Bela: Mmhmm.. and this is where artists used to paint and of course take pictures.. and this is a big picture of our mom back when she was a normal human

Joshua: W-wow.. this is neat (Smiles)

Daniela: Well I believe that's all the area's of the castle we have that we can show

Joshua: Thank you for showing me (I smiled) I'm actually exhausted from the exploring so I think a nap is what I need

Cassandra: I think we all need one (Smiles) so lets go back to the room an rest an relax shall we

(The four exit the Ateiler an head back to the main part of the castle.. once there they go upstairs an go to the bedroom.. there they all take off their clothes an get in bed an rest together)

(Time Skip)

(As the day was nearing it's end the daughters an the man were in the room resting together, It's been a few hours and it's already 7 Pm.. Alcina was a little concerned that the four didn't lunch but either way she fetches a maid to get them.. the maid goes upstairs an heads towards the room and knocks on it.. the knock wasn't to loud or to soft but it was enough to where one of the girls woke up.. Cassandra opens the door)

Cassandra: Oh hello Lisa.. how can I help you?

Lisa: Oh um I was actually coming to let you know that your mother is waiting for you an your sisters an the man come down an eat dinner

Cassandra: Shit.. time flies it seems.. thank you Lisa you are dismissed

(Lisa bows her head an leaves)

Cassandra: Sisters.. Joshua.. time to wake up

Daniela: H-huh? (Yawns an stretches) what time is it?

Cassandra: It's 7 Pm and it's dinner time.. mother is waiting on us so lets all get dressed and meet mother downstairs in the dining room

Bela: Ok

(Bela, Cassandra, Daniela an Joshua get dressed an leave the room heading downstairs to the dining room.. once there they were greeted by Alcina who was waiting)

Alcina: There you all are.. you had me a bit worried

Bela: Sorry mother.. we were exhausted after showing Joshua here the different area's of the castle.. and we're sorry if we overslept

Alcina: (Smiles) No need to be sorry.. now all of you come an eat

(The four approached the dining table an sat down together eating dinner)

(Time Skip)

(As everyone finished eating dinner everyone turns in for the night except for the girls an the man the girls had on their sanny black lace teddy outfits as the man had his pajama shorts on.. they all got in bed together)

Cassandra: So honey.. how did you like the tour of our home

Joshua: It was awesome.. ya'll are really good tour guides (I smiled)

Daniela: Aww thank you sweetie (Smiles)

Bela: We like to be informative as possible (Smiles)

Joshua: Yeah you three are extremely smart that's for sure (I smiled)

Cassandra: Well we're glad that you enjoyed the tour.. your the first man in this entire village that has been shown the different places of our castle

Joshua: I'm honored (I smiled)

Bela: Well then lets get some sleep shall we.. I'm tired

Daniela: As am I

Joshua: Good night my mistresses

(Good night baby the girls spoke in unison as they all drift off to sleep cuddling an snuggling together)

(As night takes over the whole castle was silent.. in the room where the girls were sleeping with Joshua.. Joshua wakes up an sees one of the girls not there.. so he puts on his night robe an goes to look for them...after a few minutes Joshua looks out through the window an sees Cassandra sitting outside so he makes his way downstairs towards the big door.. and as he closes the door behind him he carefully approaches Cassandra who was sitting on the stairs.. with Cassie's good hearing she spoke)

Cassandra: I know your there babe

Joshua: I woke up an I saw that you weren't in the room with us

Cassandra: Sorry about that love I just needed some fresh air

Joshua: Is something bothering you?

Cassandra: No.. I'm ok dear.. really I am

Joshua: Cass you know I'm always here if you an your sisters are feeling down

Cassandra: Thanks babe.. I appreciate that very much

Joshua: Mind if I join you out here

Cassandra: Of course (Smiles)

(Joshua sits down as Cassandra sits on his lap)

Joshua: Now tell me.. what's troubling you...please.. I want to be here for you.. you have nothing to hide or be ashamed of

Cassandra: (Sighs) I've.. I guess I've just been trying to take in everything that's happened...you being the creature that scared me an my sisters that night and my asshole uncle who wanted to pick a fight with you.. an honestly it was scary.. I thought uncle Heise was going to kill you

Joshua: I'm sorry if I scared you an your sisters an made you worry

Cassandra: It's alright darling.. at least now we know that your the black varcolac (Smiles) and I'm also glad that you kicked my asshole uncles ass.. he's a bitch to everyone.. it's very rare to see anyone best him in a fight or stand up to him

Joshua: Yeah he was a dick.. I didn't like how he insulted your mother and you three

Cassandra: Yeah.. even though mother and us are used to it.. it's nice knowing that you were defending us.. me an my sisters are grateful for you doing that

Joshua: Thank you.. an your welcome

Cassandra: And I'm also just worried that.. the child's father an that man Chris Redfield will come to destroy everything...usually I shouldn't be scared of such things but.. the truth is.. I am.. and it may seem I don't care but I do...

Joshua: Cass.. just like I told Daniela that night when I was comforting her I told her the same thing.. everything will be fine.. we will get through this.. as a family

(Joshua puts his hand on Cassie's shoulder)

Cassandra: Thanks love.. you know how to make a woman feel better (Smiles) now.. why don't you an I just admire the beautiful night sky an leave all the sad thoughts behind ok

Joshua: You read my mind

(The two admire the night sky...after a minute or two Cassie spoke breaking the silence)

Cassandra: Hey baby

Joshua: Yes m'lady

Cassandra: Wanna know what I find most intriguing

Joshua: And what is it you find intriguing

Cassandra: What I find most intriguing is that after All these years of being the sadistic daughter of my home an this village I never thought that.. that day when that other varcolac came in and was killing these people and almost killing my best human friend.. I never thought that me an my sisters would save the very same people that despised me an my family an yet they were grateful that
we saved them.. an honestly it feels strangely...good

Joshua: Yeah.. even when you an your sisters helped them calm down when I showed them my wolf form.. at first I was nervous but thanks to your friend Alexia for standing up for me the villagers realized that I never intended to harm anyone

Cassandra: And now they know that you want to do good things and protect this place

Joshua: Though I still feel the pain an guilt.. it's hard to make it go away you know

Cassandra: Baby.. it wasn't your fault.. the beast in you took full control and you did your best to fight back even though it was futile but at least auntie made something to where you can control it and be able to keep your humanity and do good things.. shit even it unlocked new abilities like what you did the Moro wolf.. you turned that Moroaica into a moro wolf which I think is pretty cool and the fact that you and it spoke to each other was incredible.. even the other Moroaica's bowed to you.. imagine if you weren't in your wolf form you'd still be able to tell them what to do.. that would be insane (Smiles)

Joshua: Yeah it would be (I smiled) and you know I still can't get over the fact that.. that one night when you, Bela an Daniela made love to me, seeing you an your sisters naked.. I mean you three had the most perfect bodies that I have ever seen an it was an honor seeing you three dance and allowing me to have sex with ya'll...am I the only man who has had the honor of doing that

Cassandra: Yes you are sweetie.. your the first man we have fallen in love with ever since you arrived here.. your kindness.. support and just being an all out good human made all three of us fall in love with you (Smiles) you even gave us the thing we've always wanted and that was freedom from the cold.. so in turn we gave you the most magical night of your life.. and just seeing you blush it was so fucking cute.. I bet you never seen a woman's body before have you?

Joshua: I have not so you an your sisters are the first

Cassandra: Well I'm honored that me an my sisters gave you the best experience ever and I hope that we can do it again

Joshua: Well um.. maybe since it'll be a few months before the child's father an that man named Chris Redfield come here.. maybe I can arrange a date for us all

Cassandra: What's a date?

Joshua: A date is when a man meets a beautiful woman.. they share a meaningful connection an have the same interests like hobbies an stuff an when they get closer an closer they become boyfriend an girlfriend.. they'll then go on the first date and get to know each other more an more.. an then on the second date.. well if you have good chemistry it'll lead to sex.. or something like that.. I don't know much about it and I never been on a date before so

Cassandra: Well you share a lot of interests with me an my sisters and you got to know and bond with us as we have with you so that's a plus.. and personally I think a date with all three of us would be nice.. we can be closer an closer together.. and I know we had sex that night but we can do it again cause honestly that was the most amazing night me an my sisters had with a human and a handsome one at that (Smiles) I look forward to doing that again and explore different forms we can do (Smiles) but enough talk.. I just want to enjoy the beautiful night sky with you hun

Joshua: Agreed

(The man holds Cassandra in his arms as she and him admired the night sky...after about an hour Cass spoke)

Cassandra: Hey babe

Joshua: Yes Cassie

Cassandra: You ready to go back inside?

Joshua: I am

Cassandra: But before we go.. can I have a kiss

Joshua: No need to ask my lady

(Joshua smiles as Cassandra stood up.. with her tall figure towering him she sat on his lap facing him.. she smiles and looks at him with her beautiful golden eyes wrapping her arms around his neck.. the two share a very passionate an tender kiss.. the raven haired woman then tilts her head back as moans escaped her lips as the man caresses an rubs her back with one hand and the other to her thigh, then proceeds to kissing her neck then to her collarbone then to her chest as Cassie loved being touched an held by a man)

Cassandra: Mmmmm (Chuckles lightly an sighs) fucking hell darling your so gentle

Joshua: Like Bela said I am quite the lover

Cassandra: And she's certainly right (Smiles) you are the most loving man we have ever met.. but anyway lets head back an go to bed shall we

Joshua: Yeah lets go

(The two head back inside and make their way upstairs and enter the bedroom where Bela an Daniela were.. Joshua an Cassandra quietly get back in bed without Bela an Daniela knowing.. soon after Cassie an the man drifted off to sleep once more)

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