Storm in Ocean

By Scratch_your_head

678K 16.4K 3.4K

Amelia McCarthy; a 21 year old young girl, coming from a good family. She is a lively college student, majori... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Book Cover 2
Chapter 51
Character Aesthetics
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Book Cover 3
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Book Cover 4
Chapter 69
Chapter 71
Book cover 5 (Fan Edition 1)
Chapter 72
Book cover(s) 6 (Fan Edition 2)
Character Aesthetics 2
Outfits 2
Character Aesthetics 3
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Lil Facts
Vincent, Terrance, Felix × Crystal
Seth × Melody
Zeke × Trisha
2. Shnelle × Ashwin
2. Vincent, Terrance, Felix × Crystal
2. Seth × Melody
Sia × Samrath
New Book

Chapter 70

3.8K 122 37
By Scratch_your_head


Double Update!

27th February, 2024

Words Count: 6197

Author's Note:

🍸Amelia giving a piece of her mind to Victor.

🍸Amelia visits Ajax's office for a deal or something.

🍸Amelia getting jealous.

🍸I wanted to ask you guys about something important. Since most of you have repeatedly claimed that you've read this book multiple times, which means that you remember the scenes and storyline better than me.

🍸I haven't put a proper story description of this book since the starting. I thought I would figure it out later but am still unable to do so.

🍸So I wanted to ask your opinion about which scene will be best fitting to put as a sneak peak and attract new readers?

🍸I hope you guys will reply to at least this one.

🍸I had announced on my board that this update will be long. But it got so long that I split it into two chapters.

🍸But I didn't go back on my words. 4000ish is my normal word count. So everything is else is considered a long chapter.

🍸In total there are around 14000 words so enjoy!

Third Person Pov:

"I'm asking you last time Victor, where the hell is he?" Amelia shouted at the poor guy who was standing in front of her like a culprit. His arms were crossed on his front with his eyes casted down and head bowed.

"Mam I already told you that I have no idea about sir's whereabouts" Victor repeated the same thing he had been saying for the last five minutes.

"Don't give me this crap Victor. You are his damn tail and you are telling me that you don't know where my wounded husband ran off to?" She asked bewildered. What did that guy think of her? She wasn't an idiot.

Victor wanted to say that her husband was a full grown 26 years old man not a wounded puppy who would run off somewhere or get lost. But again, if she screamed at him like she was doing right now, his boss must have made a desperate but right decision.

"My apologies mam but I'm telling the truth" He said.

"You should've taken that bullet in that thick head of yours. That way this world would've gotten rid of a lying bastard" She was mad. Really mad! It had only been two weeks since the attack and Ajax wasn't completely healed. She forbade him from going on a dangerous mission again but he disobeyed her and went behind her back.

Victor glared at the guards standing behind him. The suppressed sounds of their laughs indicated how much they were enjoying the underboss getting scolded by a woman. He was a strict boss and a total ass so it served him right!

Unfortunately Amelia's attention diverted to them when Victor turned to glare at them. "What are you laughing about? Stupid useless goons!" She yelled at them. They shifted in their placed at the scolding. Maids knew they could be next so they did a better job at hiding the fact that they were enjoying the ongoing drama.

"Mam please believe me. I'm not lying!" Victor tried to make her understand.

"Let's say I do believe you but when I specifically told you not to let him out of the house, why did you not follow?" She questioned.

"Mam he is my boss, my king. How can I ever stop him from something? I'm just a mere servant who likes to save his life from his wrath" Victor's voice was normal which meant sturdy but his words pleaded to be spared. Times like that he wondered who should he obey. He served his master so he must choose him. But when his master himself served that woman, then Victor could easily lose a life with that choice.

"Okay I get that he is a killing psychopath but you could've at least informed me that he was going out" She said.

Victor didn't know what to say. May be he should've called her but then again he didn't want to get his guts wrenched out. He decided to give his raging mam some piece of information that would calm her a bit.

"Mam I did ask sir where he was going but he said that it's better that I'm not informed about tonight's mission. Since you... you could torture the information out of me"

"That clever bastard!" Amelia gritted. Guards really wanted to record it and send it to their boss but again, everybody liked to live.

Amelia sighed and finally sat on the couch to calm herself down. After few seconds of silence, she spoke;

"I'm sorry for shouting at you. All of you! I didn't mean what I said Victor. You are going to be a dad and your life matters. I even argued with Ajax when you got shot. I told him not to take you on dangerous hits. You deserve to see your child and be there for April at every step of life" Amelia apologized.

Victor knew his mam was a nice and kind hearted woman but he didn't know that she was so thoughtful about him. "Please don't apologize mam! You are our queen and if the boss king comes to know about it, he will kill us all" Very covincing! Way to go!

But it was true and every guard who heard the apology was scared for his life. They knew their boss would kill every person who heard their mam apologising. Queens must not bow to anyone.

"I was very rude so like a normal human being I will apologize no matter what. Plus, don't worry about the killing part. Tonight your boss should be worried for his life more than anyone else's" She told him. The audience was really looking forward to it.


"Stop!" Ajax was about to step in the mansion when he heard an angry voice. He looked ahead and saw his angry wife.

"Hey love!" He said and tried to take a step inside when she stopped him again.

She turned to the guards standing on the porch. "What did I tell you?" She shouted at them angrily.

Ajax watched them bow with culprit looks and raised a brow when Amelia said; "You are supposed to not let this man enter my house"

Now it was Ajax's turn to glare at the guards. "Why the fuck did you not follow my wife's order?" He asked angrily.

Both the guards tried not to shiver like pathetic men after hearing that angry roar. Their lives were saved by their sweet mam roaring not to sweetly at her husband.

"Like you follow all of my orders" She sarcastically said.

Ajax turned to her and tried to give him a sheepish smile. It made him look like a complete culprit. "I'm sorry love. Work was important" He told her.

"You talk so big about your work when all you do is killing or selling drugs. You pathetic gangster!"

Now that hurt! He wasn't a cheap gangster. He was a mafia king! There is a difference between gangsters and mafias. And he refused to be called by cheap names.

"I sell weapons" Now that was really pathetic. Even he agreed. May be she was right! He was a pathetic gangster.

"Congratulations on that great deed. You serve humanity!" Her shouting had turned into taunting.

Well killing people means helping the world in reducing its overflowing population. So he was serving humanity in a way. He could've made his point but he walready standing on the porch. He didn't want to stand outside his own mansion's gates.

"Baby first let me in and then we will talk" He tried to make her understand.

"I'm done talking like a civilized person. You are the most uncivilized psychopathic man I've seen, you deserve to be talked like this" She told him. She knew she was insulting him but he insulted her first by not listening to her when all she wanted was him to rest and not put himself in dangerous situations.

Victor and Helen came to the scene after hearing the commotion. Helen didn't want any maid to loose a laugh and then loose her life. So Helen must be present and take care of the situation. While Victor wanted the guards to loose a laugh and then loose teeth, limbs and much more. They deserved it for enjoying his misery.

"Good that you are here. Now do what you are told this time and don't let this man in" Amelia told Victor.

"Yes mam!" He immediately obliged. Who was he to deny him when Ajax, the big macia ming, who had an empire in his hold, wasn't taking a step inside the mansion. That mere, unarmed girl held that much power.

"I'm not just some man, I'm your husband" Ajax told Amelia. He didn't like that she disregarded him like that.

"Your ways are soon going to make you my dead husband" She told him.

"I'm sorry love. Please let me in! What will I do standing here all night?" He didn't hesitate to apologize and plead. He was a whipped man and everybody knew it. In his opinion, any rightful man must be whipped for his woman. That's how men should be known in the world, by how they treat women in their homes.

"Go on more missions for all I care. Just don't enter my house" She told him, not budging from her stance.

"It's my house too" He was tired standing outside. It was his house as much it was hers. He must be allowed to enter in his own house. Allowed! Well his thinking was straight.

"Victor!" She called glaring at her husband.

"Yes mam!"

"Get the papers of this mansion ready" She told him. She was going to officially take the ownership and kick her husband out on the street.

"Of course mam!" Oh crap! Everybody knew he was supposed to obey the Queen's order above the King right now but he could at least picked the words which didn't make him seems so pleased with the situation.

"Mam! Please let sir in. We have prepared dinner" Helen tried to control the situation. She knew that he boss might bear the public scolding without a frown but he would take his anger out on them, later.

"You are always on his side Helen. You should be worried about yourself after I take this mansion" Amelia told her making the woman go silent.


There was a coat laying on the floor on the porch and Ajax was sitting on it. Dozen of guards were sitting behind him. They looked like local employees on strike. It didn't look right when their boss was sitting on the floor near them. So to save themselves from any possible disrespect, they sat behind their king as faithful servants.

Ajax was glaring at his right hand man who got the luxury to be inside the mansion while he, who was the rightful owner was forbidden to do so. It had been an hour and his wife was still persistent about not letting him in.

He had tried every possible way to get her to his terms but looked like she had been manipulated by him so many times that she had become immune to it.

"Sir shall I tell the workers to bring you a chair, dinner or something?" Helen asked. She could bring everything out of the mansion for the comfort of her boss.


That's how Helen got a seat among the strikers outside.

Victor wiped the sweat off his forehead. Amelia had made him sit on the couch while his sir was sitting on the floor. If looks could kill, he would be six feet under the ground.

After continuous thinking, Ajax got an idea. He checked the time and it was past 9 which meant it was time for his medicine. He always refused to take them since he was a big guy who liked to pretend that he never felt pain. But right now only being a normal human could save him.

He clutched his right arm and groaned. Amelia who was using her cellphone, immediately looked up. He smirked in his head. Kitten got in the trap!

"What happened?" She asked.

"Nothing!" He shook his head.

"No don't be an insensitive jerk. Tell me!"

"I think my stitches hurt" He faked his voice in a hurt one. Victor shook his head. That liar could never feel pain. He could lift him and throw his across the room with bullets in his arm and he was saying that some mere weeks old stitches were hurting him.

But Amelia was too naive. She fell for his tactics. "Of course they hurt, you overworked yourself" She said worriedly and Ajax nodded trying to morph his facial features to show some discomfort.

"Get up from the floor, your leg must be hurting" She said coming towards him.

He immediately stood up with his servants following him. She came to him and pulled him inside, taking him upstairs. He quietly followed her finally getting the luxury of entering his own house. His wife was really built differently. He had offered to give her all the things in the world to try and bribe his way in but she refused.

The moment she realized that he was in a slight discomfort, she forgot that she had forbidden him from entering and brought him inside herself. Anyone else would've told him to rot in hell. But she wasn't like that. He got successful in his manipulation game. Plus, now he get to watch her worry about him and take care of him.


"Helen bring dinner!" Helen was sti standing outside the main doors. She was confused about whether she too was allowed inside or not. After hearing her mam she immediately entered and went in the kitchen.

Ajax came down after Amelia. She had helped him in freshening up and changing into some comfortable clothes. He took his seat on the dining table while Amelia sat beside him. Maids served him dinner since Amelia had already eaten.

"What?" Amelia asked looking up from her mobile when Ajax nudged her.

"You are forgetting to help me eat!" He told her.

"I'm not forgetting anything. If you are fine enough to not wear a cast, not take medicines and to go out for tedious work, then you are fine enough to eat by yourself" She was angry because she was tired of him not being serious about his health. For days, she had tolerated his over efficient ass.

She even allowed him to work from home which was 24\7. He even went to his office for important meetings and stuff but this! Mafia hunting thing! He could avoid it for at least some time.

"My stitches-... " She cut him off. He had used that right arm injury to his benefit for too long.

"Eat and I will give you medicine" She told him.

"Either you will feed me or I won't eat anything. Choice is yours" He told her.

"Ajax I'm already very angry. Don't push it" She gritted but he only shrugged.

After few minutes passed, she sighed angrily. He was way too stubborn. Since he got shot, never once he ate by himself. He liked to have her sit on his lap and feed him even in front of the servants.

She got up and Ajax smiled already giving her space to settle on his lap. But she ignored him and sat on the table in front of him. "What are you doing? Sit on my lap" He told her but she ignored him and put her feet on his chair on each side. He glanced between her legs and said; "I like this dish"

She smacked his arm and said; "Shut up!" She slid the plate of his dinner near herself.

She took a piece of beef pot roast and held his jaw, jabbing the fork in his open mouth. He took the bite and chewed saying; "I like it!" She rolled her eyes at him and told him to eat quietly. He suppressed a smile at her frowning face and quietly ate.

His arms rested on her thighs as he grabbed her hips. "I'm sorry baby. It won't happen again" He said, not liking that she wasn't talking to him.

"You always say that but you never listen to me" She told him, feeding him another forkful. He chewed the food and said; "Trust me this time. You know I love you" He said and puckered his lips. She sighed and pecked his lips. "Thank you baby!" He smiled and this time, she smiled back.


"I told you not to send the nurses away this soon" Amelia said rubbing medicinal cream above Ajax's ribs. The purple wound was now red and fading. It didn't even hurt anymore but he liked when she would rub him there.

"Are you tired of nursing me?" He asked.

"No! It's not like that. I love taking care of you" She defended herself.

"Good! Me too!" He told her and she shook her head. She knew half reason of getting rid of the nurses was to get her help him with everything. While the other half was because he liked pretending to be a big emotionless alpha male.

She knew she couldn't win in any argument with him so she quietly proceeded to take his shirt off. She examined the stitches on his arm. They were better but weren't completely healed yet. The area was still a little red and sensitive. "You should wear the cast" She told him, applying the cream on the wound.

"I don't like it. It prevents me from holding you in my arms. Plus, I'm fine without it" He said, playing with her open hair.

"Yeah it prevents you from holding me. Your left arm is sufficient enough to hold me. No! Only few fingers are enough to hold me in place" She told him angrily and he smirked; "Yeah! It was worth trying" Amelia looked away. A few nights ago he really wanted to have sex but she told him that he should recover first before engaging in any such activity. So he pinned her down and fucked her all night.

"Ajax you think too much about sex. You should focus on something else" She sincerely told him. "And you are telling me this while wearing that sexy little outfit" He pointed at the pink lingerie she was wearing.

"I can change into something else" She wouldn't wear such minimum clothes if it wasn't her pervert husband's choice.

"Don't you dare!" He told her. She shook her head and finished re-bandaging his arm in new gauze.

She was going to put the stuff away when he said; "I have pain somewhere else too"

"Where?" She asked. He pointed downward with his eyes. She frowned; "I thought those scratches healed" She mumbled. He didn't say anything so she slid down his sweatpants. "They look healed Ajax. Why are they hurting?" She was ready to give him another scolding about going out and hurting himself again.

"Not those. It hurt above. You should rub something on it too" He told.

"Is there some injury I missed?" She asked since she didn't tend to where he was pointing, before. "Ughhh......" He groaned loudly making her hurry up and slid his boxers down. She tried to look for any injury but couldn't see it.

"I can't find it. Where?" She asked. He took her hand and placed it on his crotch. "Right here!" She stopped and looked up to his smirking face. "You jerk!" She told him and tried to pull her hand back but he held it in place.

"I'm your jerk. Plus, I'm not lying. It really does hurt. You should rub it" He told her.

"Rub it yourself" She tried to get away but he pulled her on him.

"Where are you going at this hour? You must stay in bed and take care of your sick husband" He told her, nudging her nose. She bit his finger and said; "My husband is sick out of his mind so your treatment is in mental hospital only"

"Oh yes, I'm mental. I'm mental baby. Crazy for you!" He said nibbling in the crook of her neck. She giggled as his beard tickled her. "Crazy man!" She told him. "My crazy man!" She mumbled and felt him smile against her skin.

His dick grew and poked against her belly since her nightie had shifted upwards. "We should really take care of that" She laughed at his state.


Amelia was getting ready for office. Not her office! Today she was going to visit her husband's office and surprise him. She could feel the butterflies of anticipation in her stomach. She was so looking forward to watching his surprised reaction.

"Don't make lunch for me. Today i'll have it with Ajax" She told Helen while coming down stairs.

"Yes mam! Anything else?" Helen asked.

"Yeah! Tell Knox's caretaker to give him a bath and make him my pretty boy. He rolled in the ground too much while playing with his squeaky toy" Amelia laughed thinking back to their little playtime an hour ago.

"Sure mam! Mr. Orena has arrived to pick you up" Helen informed with a small smile. She liked her mam so whenever she qould talk to her, an automatic smile would form on her face.

"Oh yeah! I'm ready" Amelia mumbled zipping up her purse and moved to walk out of the front doors.

"Bye!" She said and walked out. Victor was standing there in his usual black outfit. It was almost similar to all the other guards but it still somehow screamed expensive. It clearly differentiated him as their boss.

"Good afternoon mam!" He greeted. He had specially come from SK office to pick her up since she told him that she wanted to visit her husband today in his mental institute. He was going to inform Ajax about it but she said that it was surprise and he must not ruin it.

"Good Afternoon!" Amelia greeted back with her usual smile. Victor remembered the time she would always sneer at him since she hated him to the core. He was thankful that if his boss king is ever eliminated, she wouldn't burry him in his grave.

"You didn't inform your boss right?" Her question brought him back from his thoughts.

"No mam! I'm your loyal servant. I'm here to abide by your rules" He told her making her give him a sweet smile. After that kicking out of the mansion incident all the servants and guards had turned a lot obedient to Amelia. She liked it but she was unaware of the threats which were making them do it. Ajax's wife must never be made to feel ignored.

Before sitting in the car, Amelia took a look around. There were eleven cars and trucks filled with guards. Victor himself was there, still Skye and Fin were called in for their services. Amelia shook her head at the over the board protocol. She knew it was useless to say anything. The security had increased a lot after the last attack so she understood the reason.

Victor opened the car's door and she settle inside. Victor stepped aside to let Skye help her with her dress.

Amelia looked away from the car's window to divert her attention to Victor, who was standing beside the driver. The center console window was open because she was alone in the car. If Ajax would be with her it would be locked shut and he would ve making out with her.

"You sure Ajax's schedule is free in these hours?" She asked. She wanted to surprise her man, not disturb him.

"Yes mam! There are no important meetings. Sir attended them in the morning. For now he is only working on some files in his office" Victor informed her.

She nodded in acknowledgement; "So didn't he ask you where you were going?" She asked, since she knew Ajax. He must be informed about everything or else he would make a fuss. She giggled in her head at the memory from last night.

He was asking too many questions about her office colleagues so she threatened to put him on time out. That was enough to hurt his masculinity. He turned a very grumpy bear and then he turned her ass red for messing with him. He told her to not play with fire but sometimes she liked the flames.

"I told sir that I had to take April for her ultrasound appointment" Victor told her.

"Oh, how is she?" Amelia asked about her friend.

"She is doing good" Victor's hand fisted on his thighs. That girl was always ready to give him a hard time. Last night he was trying to change her so he could put her to sleep. She scratched his neck like a hungry lioness just because he chose purple underwear when she wanted red to look sexy.

She accused him of not finding her beautiful anymore. So he had to fuck her to prove it. She couldn't do much of the stuff herself these days due to her huge baby bump. But when he tries to help her, she throws a tantrum like she wasn't carrying a baby, but was a baby herself.

"Good.are you guys going to know the gender beforehand?" Amelia asked.

"Yes mam! April is very excited to find it out on her baby shower with you and her other friends" He told her.

"Oh yeah. Of course! I'm looking forward to it" Amelia smiled. "You just have to talk with my guardian for permission" She pouted.

"Mam please talk to him about giving me a day off for the baby shower" Victor retorted back.

Amelia gasped and then laughed out loud. That man had never talked about anything else but professional business with her. It was always her asking him questions like today.

"Of course he will give you off. Why won't he?" She asked.

"I'm taking a 'maternity' leave after April's delivery. I have to take care of her and after she recovers, she wants to to go back to work. So I have to look after the child for the initial months" Victor told her.

"Awwwww..... That's so sweet of you! Plus April is a savage for making you do this" Amelia gushed.

He scoffed in his head, he wasn't sweet but yeah, that girl was more than a savage bitch. She knew her rights and she knew that no matter how much he took care of the child, it would be nothing compared to the fact that she gave birth to it. So if he wanted a child, he better put his half portion of effort in raising it.


Amelia entered the SK enterprises and literally every single person's attention was diverted towards her. They couldn't believe that they were seeing their bosse's wife in their work place, since she never visited.

Some of them had heard that their boss forcefully married that girl. So they wanted to see their interaction and know that if it was true. Some were just curious humans and others were just excited to be in the presence of such big personality.

They would see Mafia King on daily basis. Even though he would still make them tremble to their bones but seeing a Mafia Queen was something new and exciting.

Some employees thoughts that she must be as scary as their boss since she married him and was successfully barring him for months. Few employees assumed of her as a gold digger with a bitchy attitude. But everyone agreed that she was a beautiful woman with great personality.

Amelia was walking in the office with Victor right beside her and a whole row of guards following her. Employees were gushing out at her authority and protocol. She looked like a boss bitch.

On the other hand, Amelia was nervous to get that much attention. She slowed down a little, and without turning back asked; "Why are they staring?"

"They are seeing you for the first time in person. They are just excited but if you are feeling uncomfortable, I can tell them to get back to work" Victor offered. Amelia had seen him with the workers. She knew how scary and dominant he could be. He was very strict in work matters.

"No, don't do that. I didn't realize they would recognize me that fast and would be so thrilled to see me. I think I should say hello" She said. She didn't want to seem rude.

"Sure mam!" Victor said, his mam always gets what she wanted as per his boss's orders. He guided her towards the employee's cabins on the ground floor, from where their heads were peaking.

"Everyone gather around!" Victor called in a loud authoritative voice. Amelia would say that he was a scary guy at workplace but she had seen Ajax talk to his employees on phone, and nobody could beat him. She once told him to be a little less rude but he was as stubborn as a rock.

"This is Amelia Ajax Santiago! Your King's lady and your Queen!" Before Victor could say anything more dramatic, Amelia pitched in.

"Hey! I'm Amelia. I wanted to say hello!" She said with a bright smile. People were shocked to see her interact with them like that. They were some punny humans in front of her, still she cared enough to acknowledge them.

"Hello mam!"

"Hey mam!"

"Good evening mam!"

The greetings started coming back making Amelia's smile widen.

"Hope you are all doing fine!" She said and everyone replied to their fitting. Wow! That girl had a great confidence. It showed why she was a queen. Confident, beautiful and a kind hearted woman! Their boss got the whole package.

"How has my husband been with you guys?" She asked making the employees gulp. Their smiles turned forced and they said that he was a great boss. Yuck!

"Well! If he bothers you in anyway, you can tell me whenever I visit. I'll put some sense into him" Now that was enough to make some employees get diziness. How could that petite girl talk about their big bad alpha male boss like that?! But then again, she was his wife and may be this mafia man wasn't masculinely abusive like others.

Amelia herself never thought she would be confident enough to have a conversation like that. She never intended to make a claim on Ajax or anything related to him. In fact she hated all the riches he had. Since they were the reason why he held so much power in the world. Power that overtook her businessman father and snatched her out of his hold.

If she leaves that part aside, she wouldn't think about showing her possession over any of his things simply because she wasn't a gold digger. But now things were different. She loved him. Whatever she had was owned by him. As he always says, she had nothing of her own but all his properties. And in the same way, whatever he had was owned by her.

"Thank you mam!" The department manager said.

"It's fine. I'll let you guys get back to work. It was nice meeting you all" Amelia said and after receiving quick byes, Victor lead her towards the CEO'S personal lift. He entered after her with two more guards while the rest entered in the other one.

They reached the top floor and Amelia walked out of the lift with everyone following her. She admired the interior of the building while Victor lead her to big golden doors.

"This is sir's office" He informed her.

"Okay! Is he in there alone?" She confirmed.

"Yes mam. You can freely enter" He told her and she nodded.

She twisted the knob and pushed the door open to see her busy man. So this is where he spends his time when he is not coming back home to her. She entered inside and closed the door.

Ajax who was working, realized that someone had entered his office without permission. No one on this earth was allowed to do that. He furiously raised his head when his stormy eyes met with the ocean eyes he loved. His storm melted in her calm waves and he stood up.

"Lia baby!" He called out. She smiled and walked towards him. "Hey!" She greeted as he walked towards her himself and met her near the table. He took her in his arms and greeted her back by kissing her lips.

"I wanted to surprise you" She said, parting away from him.

"A very good surprise indeed" He told her making her giggle. She liked the look on his face and the way his eyes were examinaning her face. Like he wanted to absorb the sight of her beautiful face in his eyes so that he could look at her in front of him, whenever he wanted to.

"Come sit!" He told her abd she nodded but before she could take a seat, he took her towards his chair and made her sit on it. She was surprised a little but decided to savour the moment without any words. Plus, she did own the place in a way, since she owned that man. So she showed her gratitude by kissing his cheek.

"I hope I didn't disturb you" She said.

"No! Not at all! You are welcomed to come here anytime you want. It's your place" He told her and take a seat on his table, in front of her.

She brought his laptop near which was open due to him working on it. "Let's see what you work on and if you work correctly" She said woth narrowed her eyes. He laughed and said; "Sure mam!"

She frowned when she couldn't understand the words written on the screen. "What is this? You didn't learn alphabets in kindergarten?" She asked.

"Baby it's a response email to a mexican company. It's about a deal we cracked" He lied. It was a threat mail to the mexicans. He had taken over their weaponry cartons and was now threatening them to go after their drug cellars. After all this was mafia. They snatch things and lives.

"Okay, put it away. You are gonna spend the day with me so no work" She told him and he obliged by immediately putting the laptop's screen down and sliding it away. She smiled, she loved the way how he would make her feel important by doing minimal stuff.

"How did you come here?" He asked.

"Don't worry I wasn't alone. Your goons wouldn't leave me. Victor picked me up with Skye and Fin along with ten other cars filled with armed guards" She told him, rolling her eyes.

"Oww...!" She squeaked when he gave a swat on her hip. He wouldn't mostly discipline her like a kid because she wasn't, but he didn't like her rolling eyes in front of him, hence the swats.

"You informed Victor? " He asked and she nodded. "Good girl!" He kissed her cheek. His lips linger on her cheek and his fingers caressed her face. He gave her a look from top to bottom and said; "My love is looking very beautiful today"

She liked the compliment but decided to rile him a little for no particular reason. "I know! Your employees were staring at me" She flipped her hair but he wasn't amused. "Who the fuck?" His grip tightened on her face.

She put her hand on his which was holding her cheek and said; "Relax! I was kidding. Victor said they were staring because they were seeing me for the first time so I said hello. They seemed very nice" She told him and his grip loosened.

"Good for them!" He mumbled.

"Don't be rude to them Ajax. I told them to complain to me if you ever bother them" She said with narrowed eyes.

He placed his arms on the chairs arm rest on her each side and leaned forward, making her gulp. "Oh yeah?" He asked and she nodded, making him smirk. "And what will you do? Scold me? Try to put me on time out? And then suck the life out of me?" He asked and she immediately shook her head in fear.

Her butt was still sore from last night. No way, she was gonna get herself in trouble again. "Stop scaring me" She mumbled with a pout and he bursted out laughing. "Such a pretty baby girl I have" He said, smooching her lips making her glare at him.

"If you will act like this, I won't come here again" She told him.

"You know I can drag you here with me everyday, right?" He raised a brow and she crossed her arms on her front and looked away.

Dominant bastard!


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~Till then

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