โ€žThe Night We Met" || A Yumi...

Galing kay charlsboom

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it happened again...
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485 20 10
Galing kay charlsboom

"where do I start?"


I was sat in math class, half asleep. The teacher thankfully didn't say anything about it, though. So that was nice.

My beauty sleep was interrupted by a paper ball hitting the back for my head. I rubbed my eyes and looked sound, forgetting where i was. Once I remembered why I was awoken up, I turned to look behind and saw my best friend sat at the very back corner of the classroom, already looking at me.

He pointed down to the floor where the same paper ball that hit my head now peacefully sat. I took the ball and unwrapped it.

'have you heard the drama yet?' the note read. It took me a minute to decipher it as his handwriting was absolutely shit.

I wrote three question marks, looking st the teacher whose back was turned to us. I quickly threw the ball back and turned around as fast as possible.

The teacher turned around and looked st the class, explaining something with 'x'.

After she turned around to continue writing, I turned back to see if Blake got my note. He did and he was now quickly scribbling a long text onto the paper, a small smile on his face.

I couldn't help but smile as well. His smile was absolutely contagious you can't even fight it.

Once he was done, he looked up at me and threw the ball back. I tried my best to catch it, which I did. Then I opened the paper ball up again and read whatever he wrote.

'apparently Jessica and Lia are in a massive fight about some Alex dude who looks like if a roach and mosqito had a baby. He reminds me of your type tbh xD'

I lightly laughed. If only he knew.

I took my pen and firstly, fixed his spelling mistake, correcting 'mosqito' to 'mosquito'.

Then, I wrote back;

'omg rlly?? Isn't he the new boy 2?'

I crumpled the ball and threw the ball to him.

"Miss valentine! What are you doing?" The teacher yelled in a harsh tone.

I quickly looked at the teacher who was so mad that if we were in a cartoon, steam would blow out her ears.

"Nothing. I gave him back his.... Sharpener..?" I replied.

The teacher gave me a stern look and resumed back to her dumb math stuff.

I let out s light breath and turned to Blake again. He was writing onto the paper and crumpling it up again to throw it to me.

I looked back to the teacher, then back to Blake and catched the ball.

I straightened the paper a little so that the words were less jumbled.

'yes!! Some1 told me Alex is gay tho.. so idk..' said the note. In the corner of the paper, there was a tic-tac-toe game made. The 'x' was placed into the middle, so I wrote 'o' into the middle row on the right.

I crumpled the ball and as I was going to throw it, the bell rang. I looked up to the teacher who was blabbering about some homework we had until the next week to finish.

I put the ball into my pocket and packed my stuff.

Everytime a lesson ended, Blake was first to finish packing his stuff together.

And everytime he walks up to my desk and waits for me.

"Dude, how do you always pack up so fast?? This is unfair." I whine, pushing the last textbook into my bag and closing it, throwing it over my shoulder.

He shrugged.

"You just gotta be fast." Me and him said in unison. We both then laughed and left the classroom.

We had one more lesson untill school was over, but this lesson we were in seperated classrooms. I had English while he had geography.

"Wait, so Jessica and Lia are fighting about.. him?" I said, pointing to the 'alex' guy we wrote about earlier.

He nodded.

"I literally don't know what they see in him. He looks autistic." Blake shrugged, obviously joking.

I smacked him in his side. "Ow! That hurt, Len." He rubbed his side, walking up to our lockers that we basically fought for.

"You deserved that." I replied, unlocking my locker. I switched my maths books with my English books and took out my perfume from the locker, spraying some on me.

"Hey, can you spray that on me too?" He tapped my shoulder, looking at me with a slightly ashamed expression.

I laughed. "What for?" I asked.

"There's this girl in geography who's like, all over me. She-" he paused, coming closer to me and whispering in my ear. "She caresses my thigh mid-class."

My face scrunched up in disgust. And I guess you could say.. jealousy?

"Oh, then sure." I nodded. I sprayed a little onto his neck as well, then put it away.

"Okay, I got to go now. See you at mine?" He ran his fingers through his hair, smiling.

I smiled too. "Sure. I can bring those cookies I promised you and your mom too."

He nodded. We waved eschother bye and left to our lessons.


"Awwe, that's adorable!" Isaac said, shaking me.

I rolled my eyes.

"That's nothing. There's way more cuter things that has happened." I said as if it was a flex.

"Tell me." He turned to his side, looking at me.

I turned my head to him as well.

"Well, there was this one time..."


"Dude, you're gonna get sick." I told him, hitting his side.

Blake was behind my door, dripping wet.

I can't lie, he looked pretty ho-

"I'd rather be sick than you leave without me saying goodbye." Blake replied.

I sighed. I had accidentally told him very last minute that I'm going on a vacation with my family to France for a week.

But I didn't expect him to arrive behind my door at.. 10 pm... The night before I leave.

He looked up at me from his wet hair that was stuck to his face as the rain water fell down his face.

I frowned at him as he gave me a hopeless smile.

"Come in." I finally said, putting an arm in his back as he walked inside.

"Wait here, I'll get you a towel." I quickly said, running to my room and grabbed a towel.

Once I came down, he had taken his shoes and jacket off. Safe to say that the jacket was infact not waterproof.

"Oh, my god, you're dripping wet." I groaned, putting a towel around him.

"It's fine, Len, really." He objected, taking the towel and holding it around himself as if he was a homeless person.

I put my arm around him and led him to my room.


Once we made it there, I closed every window and turned off anything that caused cold air to be in the room.

I sat him down on my bed and went to my bathroom, taking out a blowdrier.

"So uh.. what time are you leaving tomorrow?" He asked, kicking his legs back and forth.

I went back to my room and sighed.

"Does your mom know your here?" I asked, completely ignoring his question.

"Yes, I told her first." He nodded.

I plugged the drier in and walked infront of him. I took the towel and dried his hair as much as possible. Then I took the blowdrier and turned it on, drying his hair.

He scrunched his face up, most likely not liking the feeling.

I moved his head and hair around so that it would dry better, sometimes combing my fingers through his hair

"We're you even thinking when running here?" I laughed, blowdrying the last of his wet hair. His hair was now really fluffy and I just couldn't help but run my finger through it one last time.

"Not really.. I just didn't want to let you leave without a goodbye and I didn't know it was raining.." he groaned.

I went and unplugged the blowdrier and put it away.

I walked back to the room and sat down next to him. He still had the towel around him, except this time his hair was slightly more dry than the rest of his body.

I turned my head to him and just stared at him.

Any other person would pass it off as a stare of disappointment, but no. I was admiring him as I did every day.

His half-smile that he mustered up made me laugh and snap out of my trance. I hid my face in my hands.

"Are you mad..?" He half-whispered.

"What? Why would I be?" I shook my head, removing my hands from my face.

"Well, I almost got sick by coming here in the rain without almost anything on." He shrugged.

"I could never be mad at you, Blake. You know that." I out a hand on his shoulder, smiling.

He looked at me and smiled back. "Really?"


We just sort of sat there, staring at eachother. But after what felt like minutes, I snapped out and ruffled his hair up and pushed him so that he laid down in my bed.

"You're so stupid." I laughed.

He laughed as well, mumbling something I couldn't make out. But I didn't care.

All I thought about was how Blake, the guy I love with my whole heart and soul, came to my house while it was absolutely pouring just to say goodbye.

My diary won't hear the end of this.


Isaac laughed.

"That's so cheesy." He added. I rolled my eyes.

"I thought it was cute." I defended myself. I mean, he was and has been the only male to do that for me, so..

"Is there any more?" He asked, seemingly intruiged.

"Yeah, there's lots. But there was this one time when we were around 6.."


My mom brought out my barbie birthday cake I asked her for with exactly six candles on it.

I was a big girl now! I will go to school soon! And with my best friend too! Except he is seven already.

My dad took a lighter and lit all the candles and they started to sing for me.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!! Happy birthday dear valentineee. Happy birthday to you!!"

I blew out all of my candles in one try. Everyone started clapping and smiling. I looked at Blake to see if he was impressed. He didn't blow out all seven of his candles, but I know I will!

My mom started to cut the pieces for everyone.

I felt someone tap on my shoulder. It was Blake with a gift bag.

"Mommy told me to give it to you and not your mom.. So here." He handed me the pink bag.

I grinned widely and hugged him. "Thank you! What did you get me?" I asked, trying to open the bag.

He awkwardly hugged me back and quickly pulled away.

"You have to wait and open later. My mom told me to open my gifts when everyone was gone so I didn't have to share." He smiled. I walked to the table that had all my gifts and put it on there with all the other gifts.

"Valentine! Blake! Come get your cake pieces!" My mom called. We raced eachother to the table and of course, he won.

I pouted for s little bit before i shrugged it off and ate my cake with him.

Easy to say, it was the best birthday!


Isaac wiped away a fake tear. "Absolutely gorgeous story-telling, val." He laughed.

I smiled. "Thanks!"

I checked the time, it was almost 9 PM.

"Hey, we should go home, it's getting late." I stood up. He followed me sort after and we went to the car.

He opened the door for me again and ran to the driver's seat. We buckled ourselves up and drove home.

A/N : so I may or may not have accidentally watched the new Isaac vid mid-writing this 🌝 a little bit of young val and Blake and stuff :3 I like to think that val saw Blake as a big brother at the start and then slowly started having feelings for him. But she hid them with the excuse of 'hes like a brother to me'. And that was all up untill she was 13. Then she accepted the feelings.

Thank you for reading. Eat, sleep, drink and pee/poo <33 you're all important

Ipagpatuloy ang Pagbabasa

Magugustuhan mo rin

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