π…πˆπ‹π‹ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 π•πŽπˆπƒ ᡏᡃʸᢠ...

Autorstwa Amaiyah4p

153K 6.1K 8.3K

π…πˆπ‹π‹ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 π•πŽπˆπƒ- to provide or replace something that's needed A Kayflock fanfiction WiΔ™cej

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π…πˆπ‹π‹ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 π•πŽπˆπƒ


1.2K 65 115
Autorstwa Amaiyah4p


''Have fun Bree, make sure you stay close to Malayah at all times. Don't overdo it with the soda either'' Kay's mother warned standing on the porch of their large family home, Kay's younger sister Aubrey nodded multiple times before running towards the vehicle. Malayah had her windows rolled down waving at Kay's mother.

''Hey pretty girl, you look so nice'' Malayah complimented watching Bree get into the passenger seat, she was dressed in a white romper, and on her feet were white frilly socks and pink Amiri sneakers, she had knotless braids with light pinks beads at the on her head and she flipped the braids into a side part.

''Hey Laylay, you look so pretty too. Thank you for bringing me with you'' Aubrey put her seatbelt on, she was so excited to see the twins and she knew the day would be extra good as it was actually the twin's birthday party. Kay was going to join them but realised he had a pre booked studio session with a few rappers from outta state so he couldn't make it.

''Your welcome, how you finding your new school?'' Malayah asked genuinely curious, as after kay bought them a new home the whole family relocated giving Aubrey a brand new start.

''I like it I've made new friends and everything but some people act a little funny, I think it's because a lot of them are rich so they act weird to other people, when they found out about Kaykay they started treating me like a celebrity'' Aubrey explained whilst opening her purse.

''Damm, I didn't think being a weirdo started at such a young age, With people like that it's best to keep them at a distance and just stay with your real friends. But other than that is everything all good sweetie?'' Malayah took her eyes off the road meeting Aubrey's gaze.

''Yeah everything is great, thanks for asking. I've started cheer and I'm doing piano lessons too'' Aubrey announced a wide smile on her face, despite only being six the child was very busy.

''Not the multi-talented queen, you really a busy girl at six I love that'' Malayah giggled.

''Seven in a few months, can't wait for my birthday. I want to go Disneyland Paris, momma said yes I'm going to invite two friends from school and the twins'' Aubrey gently clapped extremely excited for her upcoming trip.

''I love your whole life cause how you going on a girls trip before me?'' Malayah giggled earning some laughter from Aubrey too, the two contiuned talking until they arrived at Malayah's family home where the party took place.

On entry the large hallway of the home was decorated in a space jam theme, there was loads of balloons and decor throughout the home until they finally reached the large backyard. It was decorated nice a large sweet table in one corner, then loads of mini tables and chairs, even the pool was decorated with different coloured inflatables. The twins were stood by the cotton candy machine waiting for the party entertainer to give them a piece each but noticing Malayah and Aubrey they immediately ran towards them.

''Bree Bree, you are really here. Look at how pretty you look'' Amelia immediately hugged Aubrey tight and they spun around in a circle whilst they hugged. Demi joined in on the hug and laughter and giggles came from all of them as they spun in a three-way hug.

''Thanks, you guys look so pretty too. Lay's holding the present we got you'' Aubrey told pointing over to Malayah who stood close recording them.

''Thanks for the gift we are just happy you came'' Demi held Aubrey extra tight she loved her.

''Come Bree, we've gotta get our faces painted'' Demi dragged Aubrey with her towards the face paint stand, when Amelia stayed behind Malayah looked at the child slightly confused, Amelia took a few steps forward hugging Malayah tight around her waist.

''Thanks for coming Laylay, please don't leave us'' Amelia was always affectionate but the hug she gave Malayah felt different she held onto Malayah very tightly as if she was afraid to let go.

''Don't thank me for coming sweetie, I'll always show up for you and I'll never leave you'' she assured crouching down to be at level with Amelia so they could hug properly, the two stayed in place for a few moments the sound of Amelia sniffling made Malayah pull away and look at her.

''What happened mama? It's your birthday you ain't meant to cry'' Malayah wiped Amelia's tears away hoping she would stop but the child's cries only got worse, not wanting to create a scene Malayah picked her up carrying her into the home and the went straight into the powder room.

''Deep breaths sweetie, when your ready tell me why your crying'' Malayah wiped away Amelia's tears then held her hands guiding her on how to breathe and take deep breaths, after a few minutes Amelia had calm down and was ready to explain what caused her tears.

''It's just that Dad has been telling us you wouldn't show up and that you don't love us you only love Kay and his family, he even said that you're the reason that Micah is gone. Me and Demi didn't believe him though'' Amelia stammered on her words whilst Malayah wiped her face.

Malayah's father had been feeding the twins all sorts of stories, following the closing of Micah's case due to false leads, lack of information and their main eye witness Zyir Jones dying after being taken off life support, the private investigators sated that the case has gone cold and it's best for it to be closed. Malayah's father was now resentful towards Malayah had she complied the outcome would be different. So now Malayah's father was being childish he knew how much Malayah loved the twins and is desperate to turn them against her. 

''That's not true at all, I love you guys more than I love myself. Whenever dad says bad things about me don't believe it sweetie, I would never leave you guys I love you with my whole heart. It's your big day I don't want you crying'' Malayah held Amelia close running her hands through the child's ponytail, after a few minutes of comfort and words of motivation Amelia was feeling much better and returned outside as if she hadn't just been crying.

Malayah's whole mood was shifted by what she heard, It was like each day her father was beginning to shock her even more, keeping a brave face she returned to the party avoiding her parents to the best of her ability she didn't even look in their direction. she was grateful her cousin from Pennsylvania was in attendance they caught up and chatted throughout the whole party. Despite what she heard Malayah had a good night and was happy to see everyone.

After spending time with her cousin she spent time with Micah's baby mothers who were seemingly very good friends now despite their previous dislike for each other and the two woman were still heavily pregnant and due any day now. Nightfall came quick and all the guest enjoyed the party, they all took cakes and other treats with them then went home, Demi Aubrey and Amelia were the only people left outside they made dance tiktok's whilst Malayah giggled and filmed from a distance.

Malayah stood to her feet strolling into the open plan kitchen grabbing herself a bottle of water, she took a few sips before letting out a sigh of relief but the sound of her parents laughter immediately made her uncomfortable, the pair walked into the kitchen and their laughter ceased as soon as they saw Malayah stood against one of the counters.

''Well, well, well look what the cat dragged in- I've never known the phrase well'' her father chuckled making sure to eye Malayah up and down, her mother Shania nudged him not finding his joke amusing at all.

''Dad, I need to ask you something and I just want you to be honest. What did I do? Like it feels like you have underlying issues with me, we might as well talk about everything now'' she shrugged putting her bottle of water down.

''Malayah, your my child I don't have any underlying issues with you. My only issue is that you've been making horrible life choices recently, but I understand you're growing up and I can't control or influence your choices. I'm letting you have it, I'm not wasting my breath anymore now that I'm staying quiet you think It's some type of beef between us. You delusional my love'' Her father waved her off chuckling lowly in the process. 

''So why you telling the twins I don't love them and that I only care about Kay, you even went as far to tell them that I'm the reason Micah is gone'' Malayah asked making her mother's jaw drop she was unware this is what her husband had been doing, in response Malayah's father yawned loudly to showcase his boredom with Malayah and this topic

''Listen those twins know you don't like them like you say you do, I'm keeping it real with my daughters. They gotta know how this world works, just cause someone is your blood doesn't mean they love and value you'' Omar stated not a single care in the world.

''Omar that's out of line, those are children you never get them involved with what's going on as they don't understand the ins and outs of the situation, when you say stuff like that all they hear is Malayah don't love them. Stuff like that is damaging'' Malayah's mother Shania shook her head in disappointment.

''Dad, I think I understand your issue now and it never had anything to do with Micah. Your issue is that you like when I'm vulnerable and reliant on you, when my mental health was bad and I needed you and mom me and you were very close, when I was a child and I relied on you as a father we were also very close. Now that I don't need you guys as much your using Micah as a coverup as to why your angry at me'' Malayah ranted fed up with everything around her.

''Like I said Malayah your delusional, I don't care whether you need me or not, you showed who you were when you put your boyfriend above your blood brother. Go and live your independent and delusional life elsewhere. None of us are worried about you, you have no legs to stand on, cause if you cared about your sisters you would never leave for weeks at a time. You have no right to be upset that I'm keeping it real with them'' Her father threw up a peace sign before dismissing himself out the kitchen area he had nothing else to say to her.

''Malayah, nothing he said is true. I'll talk to him but just leave him alone he's angry and will end up saying hurtful things to you'' Shania grabbed Malayah's wrist stopping her from following after her father, Malayah eyed her mother for a few seconds before removing her hand from her grip and walking into the formal living room.

''You've come back for more? Listen Malayah at this point your outdoing yourself, It's late and you need to get that child home. Do everyone a favour and leave'' Her father's eyes never left his phone as he spoke to her like she was nothing.

''Why you acting like you knew Micah well? You want justice so bad because it's your guilt that's eating you alive, you didn't know nothing about Micah, not his interests, not his career, not his likes and dislikes absolutely nothing now you're trying to do everything in your power to get justice even if that means putting innocent people in jail. The reality is dad no matter who goes to jail for Micah's death that doesn't change the fact that you were a horrible father to him and that you barely have any memories with him. But if you so want justice that bad go and get it'' Malayah truthfully told catching her father off guard, the man put his phone away standing to his feet with speed.

''Malayah, hand me over your keys. I'll have your stuff in a storage and I'll get your mother to send you the location so you can collect all your stuff. You are no longer welcome in my home and I don't care if your cold and hungry never come back to this house'' Her father sternly told anger laced in his voice he then eyed her up and down once he finished speaking then brushed past her to make his way upstairs. 

Although she got everything off her chest she still felt weak, a feeling she hated. Every time someone slightly raised their voice or spoke to her in a certain manner it triggered her and brought her to tears, not wanting to break down as the twins and Aubrey would ask a series of questions she kept a brave face walking out the formal living room.

On her way to the backyard she ignored her mother, calling for the children to come towards her, she crouched down giving the twins a tight hug and a kiss each. The twins and Aubrey already had a plan to spend the night together so when Malayah told them she had to take Bree home they all kicked up a fuss even going as far to fake cry. After what felt like a lifetime but was only a few minutes the twins were ready to let Aubrey and Malayah go, they all shared one last hug before Malayah and Aubrey finally left.

Despite the hurt and pain in her heart Malayah really hoped this was the last time she would ever need her father again. Yes it was bittersweet but this was officially a new chapter in her life she hoped for her sake everything went well.

''I've let you have it these last few days but you gotta get up Lay'' Kay shook her body attempting to pull her up from the bed, when she whined in response he slightly pulled the covers off her.

After everything that went down a few days ago, Malayah's father indeed put all her belongings into a storage, Kay and his friends got a U-Haul and transported all her belongings to Kay's home. Malayah didn't think her father was being serious but it was clear the man was standing on business. The whole situation evoked old emotions for Malayah bringing her into one of her episodes where she didn't want to do anything but just sleep and cry. Kay gave her her space and time to be upset but now four days later he was tired and didn't want her to rot away.

''I'm sleping Kevin, leave me alone'' She sighed pulling the cover over her head.

''You've slept more than enough mama, come on you've gotta get up. I promise you sleeping and feeling sorry yourself won't make shit any better'' Kay sat on the edge of their bed.

''I'll get up in a minute Kay'' She removed the cover from covering her face then sat up in place to look at him with a hopeless smile on her face, He could see it all in her eyes that she was extremely hurt by the situation.

''Aight I'll leave you a little while longer if you promise you gon let me take you on this date at 9'' He compromised through a smirk making her cover her face to smile big, despite how she felt on the inside he always knew how to brighten her spirits.

''I love you so much, I promise to go on the date with you'' she opened her arms wide for him.

''I love you too, get some rest I'll wake you up at 6 so you can start getting ready'' He hugged her tightly then gave her multiple kisses on her cheek and her neck, when she pulled away from the hug he stood to his feet then watched her fall back asleep within a few minutes.

It was a win either way as he still had some work to do, he left out the room heading into his office so he could join a virtual meeting he had with his manager. At 6pm he woke Malayah up so she could get ready, by this time he was already ready so whilst she got herself ready he took a quick power nap.

At 8:20pm the sound of Malayah giggling on her phone woke Kay up, he looked around grabbing his phone from the dresser standing to his feet as he unlocked his phone. The sight of Malayah made him want to cancel the date and just spend the night at home, she had recently cut her hair and it looked looked amazing on her plus the jumpsuit she wore hugged her body correctly.

''I'm thinkin we cancel the date, you look sexy'' He pushed Malayah up against the wall grabbing both her ass cheeks in his hand, leaving no space between them he left a trail of kisses all down her neck.

''Thanks baby, but if you wanted to fuck we could've done that when I was bed bound, now you got my ass out the bed we most definitely going on this date' She pushed him back before he could kiss her again making him laugh lowly.

''After the date I'm turning yo ass up'' He warned a smirk on his face not taking him seriously she waved him off grabbing his hand so they could make their way out the apartment. They swung their hands back and forth as they made their way to Kay's vehicle.

''Kaykay drive the hellcat that shit sexy'' She clicked her teeth together nodding her head as she spoke.

''You making requests, is you gon bend it ova in the backseat? And don't go quiet on me now either.''

''Hell yea, I'm gonna bend it over, then I'll eat it shit I'll eat yo boot'' Malayah was cut off short when Kay mushed her mouth laughing hysterically.

''You always take shit too far, ion play like dat'' He stopped laughing putting a serious face just to show he wasn't playing but Malayah didn't take him seriously at all and began giggling lowly.

''I'm sorry, you ain't got much meat on there anyways I wouldn't want to eat skin and bones'' Malayah laughed covering her mouth she found her self extremely comical Kay didn't though. When she tried to grab his butt that's when he raised his hand faking like he was about to punch her.

''I'm gon leave you in this parking lot stop playing man'' He sucked his teeth attempting not to laugh he didn't want her to think he found her funny.

''Okay I'm done I'm done'' she raised her hands in surrender trying her best not to crack a smile.

''Come on let's go'' Kay spoke bluntly opening the passenger seat door for her, it was clear Malayah was in a silly mood as him simply opening the door made her burst into a fit of laughter.

''Sum must be real funny ain't it?'' Kay shook his head getting in to the vehicle from his side. She nodded her head in agreement although nothing was funny it shocked her Kay was able to change her mood she felt so happy and carefree around him.

On the way to the restaurant Kay kept one hand on the wheel and the other held Malayah's hand the both of them intertwining their fingers together. Kay watched her sing along to his SZA playlist he began listening to the woman taking a liking to her so he created a playlist just for her music.

''How you feelin Lay? I know it won't take a day to get over that shit but I want you smiling and laughing more. That shit with your pops behind you now, this really your chance to start over'' He looked right into her eyes cause it always made it easier to read her mood.

''I'm feelin good, I'm just grateful for you. I know they say you shouldn't rely on another human being for happiness but you make me so happy Kevin'' She squeezed his hand tight subtly grinning.

''You make me happy too mama, I love you!''

''I love you more, we in this shit for life'' she matched his energy speaking for the heart, hopefully the deep love and feelings they have for one another will be able to tackle the obstacles that are to come.



OFFICIALKAYFLOCK: Look at my lady😍


MALAYAH.SELENA: I love you baby🩷
Liked by 8,200

IMANI_MARIE: Nobody topping her 😍
Liked by 4,000

AMIRAB: Kay don't pull this many likes with them shiesty and fitcheck pics😂😂😂😂
Liked by 6,000
↪️ @INDIAJAY: That part😂 Lay is the star😍
Liked by 2,000
↪️NASEBK: I know y'all cackling behind the screen at these lame ass jokes💀
Liked by 7,500

KAYFLOCKSWIFE: I just wanna be Laylay💔
Liked by 9,000



MALAYAH.SELENA: My man took dis one😛

Limited comments

Liked by 10,000

MALAYAHSMUSE: Love me some pretty Lay😍
Liked by 2,000




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