my good looking boy (pete wen...

By fleetwoodxharry

91 10 0

"Maybe we should just be friends," Bri smiled. Pete exhaled a laugh, eyes crinkling in the corners. "Friends... More

chapter one // tennis champ
chapter two // more coffee?
chapter three // ryan's drunk
chapter four // breakfast date
chapter five // i met someone
chapter seven // can i do your makeup?
chapter eight // rain game
chapter nine // warming up
chapter ten // not like this

chapter six // i'm joe

3 0 0
By fleetwoodxharry

i'm joe

Bri poured herself a cup of coffee. It was her third. Patrick and Maggie were talking to each other on the couch, eyes fixated on each other. Maggie was carding her fingers through his hair, intently listening to what he said. Bri wanted to roll her eyes, but she couldn't. She was happy for her friend. He seemed nice enough, and Maggie seemed to really like him. Bri then felt a presence at her side, a gust of air signaling a new presence in the kitchen. It wasn't Pete, Bri spotted him on the couch. She set her coffee down, before sighing.

"They look great together," the man said, and Bri turned to face him. She recognized him as Patrick's friend, Joe. He wore a lopsided smile, and Bri instantly smiled back. His smile seemed to be contagious just like Pete's, but in a different way. He was smiling because he was unabashedly happy. Pete seemed to always be smiling because he had to. "Bri, right?"

"Yeah, it's nice to meet you," Bri shook his hand. Joe had a firm grip, and he squeezed her hand comfortingly. "They do look great. I'm happy that they connected."

"It's funny to me," Joe chuckled. He ran a hand through his messy curls and leaned against the counter. Bri quirked an eyebrow, her eyes squinting in a questioning manner. "Well, they don't have much in common."

"What do you mean?" Bri asked. She popped her hip out, jeans falling low on her hips. Joe shrugged, scratching her facial hair.

"He was so nervous when we went to MAC," Joe laughed, recounting the memory. "Pete," Joe pointed to Pete, "dragged us along, and Maggie was working. Patrick was all over her."

"No way," Bri laughed. Joe nodded, and both of them turned to look at their friends. Patrick was leaning against Maggie, head rested on her shoulder. He was still talking, his eyes trained on the beautiful woman next to him. Patrick had a look in his eyes that Bri recognized. It was 'interest'. He was really interested in what she had to say. Maggie was holding a cup of liquor, but she didn't seem drunk. Bri turned her gaze to Pete. He was texting someone, eyes low and dark. Pete's eyes shifted and he met Bri's. She felt nervous under his gaze, for some reason he was upset. Joe placed a hand on Bri's shoulder, and she turned to him.

"Pete seems to be calling you," Joe whispered, his voice low in her ear. Bri nervously chuckled. "Have you met yet?" He was referring to the way that Pete was staring, but Bri couldn't help but think of it in another way.

"Uh, yeah," Bri slowly nodded, "he plays tennis at my work." Joe's hand is suddenly gone, and his entire body is a few steps away from her.

"Oh," Joe nodded awkwardly. "I think he wants to talk to you." Bri cocked her head. Joe's eyes darted over her shoulder which caused Bri to turn around. Then, she was face to face with the man she wanted to see the least. Pete. He had a small frown on his face, which changed to a smirk when he caught Bri's eyes. Joe pushed past them, and Bri watched as he sat down where Pete had been.

"Hey," Bri said, her expression unwavering.

"Hey," Pete echoed. His smirk turned to a small smile, and Bri couldn't help but smile, too. They were silent for a moment, but then Pete opened his mouth. "I've been wanting to talk to you."

"Oh?" Bri asked, her left eyebrow quivering. "About what?"

"I had a great time this morning," Pete slowly nodded, "and I wanted to know if you'd like to do it again." Bri was speechless. Pete had been nothing but cold to her the past hour he'd been here. She'd spent the first half getting to know Patrick next to Maggie, but once alcohol was involved, Bri decided that she'd rather not be underneath a needy Maggie. Pete and Joe had been talking alone on the couch. Then, she sat in the kitchen drinking Irish coffees, until she cut herself off. The pit of loneliness inside of her got bigger when she drank.

In the corner of her eye, she noticed Joe heading to the door. He waved goodbye and ducked out, which caused Maggie to stand. She sent Bri a look as she pulled Patrick up, the two of them trailing for Maggie's room. The door slammed shut behind them, and Bri turned to Pete. "Well. How about we head to my room?"

"So soon?" Pete joked, and Bri rolled her eyes as she gripped his wrist. She led him down the hallway to her closed white door, and he chuckled as she pushed the door open with her hips. Pete closed the door behind them, and turned to Bri. "Why are we here?"

"I just didn't need to be right next to Maggie's room," Bri nodded. "And my room is the furthest from theirs." Pete nodded in understanding, and Bri crossed her arms.

"So," Pete began.

"I, um," Bri cut him off, "I had fun too."

"Great!" Pete said.

"But," Bri placed a hand on his chest, suddenly feeling closer to Pete. "I just want a friend right now." Pete didn't look the slightest bit deterred.

"Me too," he nodded. "I just broke up with my girlfriend, too. If anything, I just need a female friend." Bri recoiled.

"Ew, do not call me your 'female' friend," Bri removed her hand from his chest. Pete was smiling wide again, and Bri could confidently say that he seemed genuinely happy.

"Is 'girl' friend better?" Pete elbowed her awkwardly. Bri shook her head.

"Just 'friend' is fine," Bri said, and Pete nodded. Something felt good about this. Despite him being so cold earlier, he seemed happy now. He was probably just upset about his ex, and meeting someone new gave him confusing feelings. Right? Yeah, that had to be it, Bri assured herself.

Pete left after that, leaving Bri alone. She plugged her headphones into her computer and blasted her music. As much as he loved Maggie, and as much as she thought Patrick seemed nice, she wasn't crazy to listen in on them. Her thoughts raced with images of Pete as she fell asleep, and she dreamed of him, too. Something about this new development excited her.

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