my good looking boy (pete wen...

By fleetwoodxharry

91 10 0

"Maybe we should just be friends," Bri smiled. Pete exhaled a laugh, eyes crinkling in the corners. "Friends... More

chapter two // more coffee?
chapter three // ryan's drunk
chapter four // breakfast date
chapter five // i met someone
chapter six // i'm joe
chapter seven // can i do your makeup?
chapter eight // rain game
chapter nine // warming up
chapter ten // not like this

chapter one // tennis champ

18 3 0
By fleetwoodxharry

tennis champ

It was a cold day in Los Angeles, which was unusual. The gray clouds painted everything around the small country club a dreary color. The plants were being sprayed by the sprinkler, drowning out conversations around her. Despite the weather, people were still out. Bri zipped the jacket she had on about half way, attempting to will away the goosebumps that had developed. It wasn't too cold, but she wasn't used to temperatures below eighty degrees. The concrete path to the entry of the club was darker than normal, probably due to rain from the night before. Her shoes hit the floor, water splashing around each step she took.

Bri arrived at the doors, sliding her keycard in. It buzzed green, and the doors automatically opened. She stepped inside and cherished the warmth that immediately hit her. She felt tired, but she didn't show it. Bri waved at the woman who worked at the desk, Clarice, who sent a small smile back. Bri knew everyone here and tried to keep a good relationship with each one. She cherished working here, it paid well and when she didn't have anything to do she got to work on her talent.

Bri's true calling was tennis. She'd been playing since she was five and continued well into high school. Bri had won championships in tennis. Her old school even had a plaque with her name on it. None of it mattered though because when she was seventeen, she lost the game that decided everything. Bri had thrown her racket on the floor, and stormed off the court. There were scouts in the audience. It was her one chance, and she had blown it. That night, she applied to a school that emphasized English. She left for school that fall.

Her parents were well off. They paid for Bri's schooling and she was eternally grateful. They owned the country club. When she graduated, her parents offered her the job while she searched for something 'more real'. She'd been working here ever since. Bri knew all of the regulars. She knew what they liked, what they'd done with their lives.

Bri headed into the break room and checked her white board. She didn't really have anything to do. She'd already set everything up for those who had the morning shift the night before. Her one task was to restock the neon-green balls on the tennis courts. Bri smiled to herself and grabbed her bag. It was dark green and had her name on it, 'Brianna Leads'. It was the same one from high school. She shoved her racket in it, along with three tubes of tennis balls. Bri grabbed her tennis shoes and slid them on. She placed her working shoes in her locker, and stood up. Bri decided that after she finished, she would hit some balls.

Despite the clouds, it was nice outside. The path in the back wasn't too wet and the greenery was blooming nicely from the rain. Bri inhaled deeply, savoring the natural scent that filled her nostrils. She spotted the two courts in the distance. She didn't expect them to be crowded because of the rain. One was empty, and the other was being used by one guy. Bri smiled, she knew the regulars that usually inhabited the courts. Mostly older men and women that used tennis as their main source of exercise. She'd probably make conversation while she stocked the courts.

Bri arrived at the courts and set her bag down. She unzipped it and grabbed the tubes. She had to do her job before she got to play. She checked the machine that spit out the balls first, it was mostly full. She decided to leave it for now, and then went to the racks. She began to empty the tubes, filling the racks the rest of the way. Once the first court was fully stocked, she decided to give herself a little break and hit some balls. Bri grabbed her racket and turned the machine on.

She hit a few balls at regular speed, only missing one. Doing this task everyday had caused her to gain muscles in her arms that she had lost during her time at college. Her core had also become tighter, and she enjoyed having her body back. It wasn't like she didn't love not having to worry about her physique, but something about the routine made her feel sane.

Once the machine ran out of balls, she began to pick them up. Bri filled the machine back up, and then decided to approach the other court. She picked up her bag and locked the gate behind her. The other court was still occupied, but the person using it didn't seem to mind when she opened the door. She decided against her plan of chatting because she didn't recognize the player. Bri ignored his presence as she refilled the racks. He was decently good, and he clearly played often. She snuck a glance, spotting his face. He looked younger than most of the people she usually chatted with or saw playing, around Bri's age.

Once she finished refilling the racks, she decided that she'd wait until he was done to refill the machine. Bri grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder. She gave him one last glance. He was wearing a hoodie and gym shorts. His hair was black, and it was styled over his eyes. He pushed it up as he waited for the machine to dispense another ball. Bri turned to go, but he caught her eye. The man sent her a smile, and she returned it.

"You gonna get this?" He asked, and Bri turned back to him.

"I was going to let you finish first," Bri smiled politely. His words were breathy, probably from over-exertion. Bri adjusted her bag on her shoulder and placed her hands on hips.

"Well, I'm pretty much done," he replied, and Bri nodded, annoyed. She took two strides to the machine and popped the lid off. She uncapped the tube, and poured the balls in.

"You want me to get those, too?" Bri asked, gesturing to the balls he'd been swinging at.

"Nah, I can do that," he smiled.

"Okay," Bri finished her task and popped the lid back on. She picked her bag back up. "Have fun," she said, her voice a playful monotone.

"Oh, I will," and he resumed hitting balls. Bri shut the door behind her and began the trek back to the building. She sent the man one last glance, watching as he hit another ball. Bri shrugged, and made a mental note to come back here tomorrow.

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