Small Pearly Lights

By JinKenra

77 17 0

They Are Really Small, But I Will Follow Them All The Way Down To HELL "Hah, what is this?" *** "Sometimes... More

chapter 1 I Hate The Dishes
chapter 2 Family Problems
chapter 3 Going Out Shoping
chapter 4 The Cathedral
chapter 5 The Truth
Chapter 6 A Memory Mixed With Happy And Sad Emotions
Chapter 7 Enough Fooling Around
Chapter 8 Dad And Daughter
Chapter 9 Psycho
Chapter 10 The Dad I Dreamed Of
Chapter 12 Joshua's Reading Mind Powers
Chapter 13 "Anne......."
Chapter 14 A Red Line
Chapter 15 Happy Tears
Chapter 16 Yellow Suits You
Chapter 17 The Ship

Chapter 11 DON'T Befriend Anyone You See

2 1 0
By JinKenra

Anne as usual, went outside to buy things for home. And on her way out, she saw uncle-soon to be dad-Joshua grabbing his horse's harness, and getting it outside the barn.

"Hi uncle Joshua. Where are you going?"

Anne ran to the horse and started petting it's head.

"Anne, questions like this have to be forbidden from asking right?"

"Yeah, sorry uncle"

She let go of the horse and eyed Joshua with a small smile. And turned to go her way.

"Anne wait a second"


"Since you're going the same road I'm going through, why not riding with me and make your journey to the market a bit joyful?"

Anne wasn't this happy before, it's her first time riding a horse in her life. And the experience of it made her laugh out loud.

Joshua weren't really thinking about the whole horse riding, since he ride it too much for him to not memorizes even the bends of the road.

His thoughts were somewhere else, but upon Anne and her playfully poke to his face, he woke up from his thoughts, and shoke them off and started smiling to Anne.
"Thanks uncle Joshua for the ride!"

"Welcome. Now don't be late from the market, so I can take you back on the horse too. You have one hour"

"Okay uncle Joshua. Bye now"

Anne went to the market with jumps and a wide smile on her face. Joshua thought to himself something, yet he shoke it off again. And ordered the horse by the harness to go at full speed.
"There you are. You dirty"


"What?. Acting happy to see me for me to put what you did aside?. You better put this happy mask aside since I don't get fooled"

"What?. Why are you saying that!?. And what did I do?!!!"

"You didn't come under the bridge like what we said!"

"Grandma and uncle Joshua didn't let me go!"

"And you leave me there? Under the rain!"

"That's a lie!. Because Uncle Joshua went to the bridge and didn't find you there!. Because I told him to go and get you to your house since it's raining and I didn't want for you to get sick!. And besides, it's you who left me before under the bridge not the other way around!"

Alex grabbed a rock from the ground and started playing by it.

"So you, homeless brat were taking revenge ha?"

"Why are you grabbing this rock?"

"You will know now!"

Anne started running away from Alex, who started throwing rocks at her. Some of them were hitting her and some weren't.

Anne didn't feel the hitting, since she's scared from getting catch so she just ran and ran from him.

Alex weren't stupid. And he started to make her go into an alley way, that Anne didn't got to be in before.

And started yelling to his friends to join him in this. Each of them have rocks in their pockets.

And Anne didn't know his plan to hurt her badly, and she just ran without thinking.

Till she got a dead end. More like a waste place than a dead end but it's the same. Since it's going to be hard to climb the other side anyway.

She heard him laughing and turned around to see him and his five friends laughing as well. Ready to hurt her by the rocks.


Be sure to tell me your thoughts about this story. And support me so I could keep going.

Be sure to see the other stories since they are interesting too 😏.

Have a good day!!! 🐈.

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