Silent Angel

By Hate_irl_love

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Alya was born a Russian princess, to the outside she was perfection, the dream girl everyone wanted to be but... More

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Photos From the Last Chapter


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By Hate_irl_love

Waking up I look around and see that I'm back in my room

Weird. The last thing I remember is walking in the garden.

Romeo kissed you, he insulted him, you showed him weakness by kissing, and passed out.

Fuck.That right.

Yesterday when Papa came back from his meeting I was called into his office, He had given me a cookie he brought back, but now that I'm thinking about I started to feel weird after eating it.

It was drugged. That's why you passed out dumbass. that's why Enzo was following and watching you like a stalker, to see if it had any effects on you.

Fucking stupid.

Knock, knock

"Come in," I say sitting up from my bed to face whoever is coming into my room

"Hello Dear, I'm just here to wake you and make sure you start getting ready to go to your shoot," A housemaid named Lisa says while walking towards me to hand me a cup of water.

Thank you, yes I'll start getting ready, do you happen to know who will be coming with?"

"Oh yes, Senor Stefano" Upon hearing his name I spit the water in my mouth onto my hand

"Um sorry... what"

Is that a problem, it was requested by Senor Anatloy"

Of course, it was.

"No, it's quite alright thank you, Lisa"

She simply smiles at me and walks out of my room.

URGH why why does HE have to come to this shoot out of all of them?

Start getting ready and spent about 20 minutes covering all of the bruises on my neck caused by Papa, I'm wearing a black Nike hoodie and simple black leggies with a pair of Ugg slippers.

I walk down the stairs to see him waiting near the door with Papa as they engage in conversation that is until Papa sees me walking towards them.

"Hello dear, how do you feel" he says while giving me a knowing smirk

Putting on my best fake smile my face I replay "You know papa I actually feel completely normal, I slept so well last night"

I see his act almost slip thur before he turns his eyes towards Romeo before saying

"Good dear, anyways Mr'stefano will be coming along with you to your shoot since Enzo will not be able to and I do not want to pull any of my other men from their positions to babysit you."

I don't have a fucking babysitter but whatever.

Turning to look at Romeo I see he looks almost dead, he has zero emotion on his face or eyes, and he doesnt even look at me or Papa, he just stares directly at the door. Weird.

"Mhm alright, let go Mr. Stefano you know how much I hate being late" he doesnt even make a sound simply just walks toward the door and straight to the car.

"веди себя хорошо и перестань вести себя так, пока я снова не сбросил тебя с лестницы."(behave, and drop the fucking attitude before I fucking throw you down the stairs again)

"Yes sir" I walk out of the house and quilty step into the car, and the car drives out. We are almost there when Romeo finally speaks.

"What is this shoot for" Upon hearing his voice Isorta jumped, I had completely forgotten he was here.

"It's a lingerie shoot for a campaign on body image"

"So you're going to be naked?"

"What no."

"Mhm sure" Whatever

I get out of the car and get straight inside the building quickly going to change and sit down so they can do my makeup, while Romeo just quietly follows me around, he's been off all morning.

🎶House Of Balloons/ Glass Table Girls-The Weeknd🎶

"Are you okay", I ask when we are alone in the makeup room waiting for me to be called out

"Yes" Mhm sure

I don't get a chance to answer before I hear my name called out and I'm rushed to the set to start my session.

"Princesa, I don't think you're father is going to like the idea of you making a straight sex video"

"HAHAH yeah right, you know that the only reason I model is because he wants me to, right? Like everything I'm signed up to do; papa chose for me. Nothing I do is chosen by me. Ever"

"Yeah right, that's fucking bullshit, you're a spoiled brat for just has to snap her fingers to get what she wants" Rolling my eyes I walk away, but his words hurt, is that what I truly look like to him?

Urgh whatever I don't care, I confidently step onto the set, slowly slipping off my robe and hanging it off to the assistant near the side, quickly setting my mindset into the one of a sex goddess. With each click of the shutter, The camera captures every curve as I strike powerful poses, exuding an air of self-assurance and empowerment. As I showcase the brand's exquisite lingerie collection, I am not just a model, but a symbol of confidence and beauty. I hope the images captured during this photoshoot will inspire women around the world to embrace their own uniqueness and feel empowered in their bodies. I almost completely forgot Romeo was in the corner watching me, until I made eye contact with him while staring into the carman, looking at him and knowing what I was wearing gave me a sort of rush, almost excitement.

 As I step off the set, I'm once again handed my robe and I walk over to Romeo to let him know we can go back to the makeup room to change my clothes. As I talk to him I see his eyes are dark, hungry almost. But he doesnt say anything simply nods and follows me. As we get back in the room I sit on my chair and turn to face Romeo

"So do you that counts as a sex tape for Papa, or should I have done a little more?"I lean back in my seat, crossing my arms over my chest. Placing them strategically right under my boobs, I watch expectantly his expression, satisfied to see his eyes drawn to my chest. "Mhm I think you could have done a little better," he mumbles, his eyes narrowed at me in distaste. "Why did you want to accompany me anyway?I mean you could have told my father no, and I would have simply come by myself" He raises an eyebrow. "I wasn't asked, I was told; not only by your father but mine as well," he says in a smug tone, and the way he looks at me immediately changes.

 No longer the emotionless one from before, he's now pinning me with a lascivious stare, no doubt wanting to get a rise out of me like the night before. Too bad for him that I'm not letting my guard down anymore. "Stop looking at me like you wanna suck me off" I inquire in a smooth tone, enjoying the way it throws him off.

 I bend forward, placing my elbow on my knee, my hand under my jaw as I look at him. " you know I'm starting to notice that You're good at making empty promises, Mr. Stefano. But you're not very good at delivering them," I give a low chuckle. "Is that what you think?" He scoffs, amused. "That I'm not good at delivering my promises?" 

"So far, I haven't seen anything but empty words. Or is it that you can't?" A smile tugs at my lips. His hands clench into fists and His eyes are on me, those startling brown eyes that seem even lighter when the sunlight hits them. Pinning me down with his stare, he's trying to intimidate me with his intensity. Please I've seen worse,

 I lean back, straightening my back and arching my spine, thrusting my breasts forward. Raising my arms, I take a hair tie and I proceed to tie my hair in a ponytail. But as I bring my hands up, twisting my hair in the air, I feel my robe open up more near my breast area. The material slowly moves over my breasts, and through the sheer bra, I know Romeo is getting an eyeful. Enough that it gets a reaction out of him, the size of his pupils growing under my very gaze. "Cover yourself," he snaps, confirming my suspicion. "What?" I ask innocently, my arms still in the air. I roll my shoulders, ensuring the material of my robe opens up even further over my breasts. "Cover. Yourself." He bites out the words, his jaw clenched as he looks at me as if he'd like nothing more than murder me on the spot. "Why?" I feign ignorance. "I have a bra underneath," I shrug, the motion making my tits bounce. He notices too, his cheeks turning a deep shade of red before he forces himself to look away, turning his head to stare out the window. His fists are still clenched in his lap, and I know he's fighting for control. 

"I didn't realize you were such a prude, Mr. Stefano," I chuckle. "Is this what it takes to defeat you? A little boob?" I bring my hand to my mouth as I give a low laugh. 

One moment I'm laughing, the next I'm flush against his chest, his hand wrapped around my throat as he looks me dead in the eye. There's no amusement in his gaze. Nothing but chilling coldness, and for a moment I fear I may have misjudged him. His hold is tight enough to hold me in place, but not enough to hinder my breathing. 

"What..." the words tumble out of my mouth as a twisted grin appears on his face. "So that's what you've been up to," he says, his mouth curling up in derision. "This cheap trick might work on other men, but you chose the wrong target." 

"I don't think so," I reply confidently, willing myself not to show pain, even though where he pushes his finger is where my pre-existing bruises lay. "I think I chose the perfect target," I drawl, His hand tightens over my neck instinctively, his expression almost pained. "A little thirsty, princesa, aren't you?" he mocks. 

"Let me guess," he pauses, chuckling as he sets his cold eyes on me. "No one will fuck the crazy in you?" My lips draw into a thin line I may be impervious to a lot of things, but being called crazy on a regular basis has a way of screwing with someone. "I'm not crazy," I whisper. "Still a little liar," he retorts, bringing me closer until his face is inches away from mine. 

"You might flaunt your body, and you might throw yourself at me," he pauses, his breath on my lips a tantalizing caress. 

"But you're the last woman I'd ever fuck," he resolutely states.

 My heart drums in my chest, my pulse through the roof as I can only stare into his dark brown clear eyes—a shade so painfully beautiful it's making my insides clench with longing. And as much as I'd like to remain unmoved in the face of his insults, I can't. 

"Now who's the liar?" I fire back, trying to mask the hurt—anything to hide the way his words affect me. Going on the offensive might be the only way to keep myself in check. "You want me," I say, dropping my voice a notch and doing my best at sounding seductive—though I'm clueless at best at what I'm doing. 

"You want me and you hate yourself for wanting me." 

"I don't," he grits out, his jaw clenched. His fingers, too, tighten over my skin, and a gasp escapes my lips at the sudden pressure. 

"You do," I counter, a need to taunt him growing inside of me. "Why don't you give in?" I ask softly, bringing my hand to his face and cupping his cheek. He jerks at my touch, but he doesn't move away, his steely eyes still on me. 

"Who knows, I might please you better than Amelia," I whisper as I lean forward, our lips mere inches away from each other. I don't know where this is all coming from. I'm being more forward than I've been in my entire life. Also bringing up his dead lover is such a low blow for me.

He holds himself still, but as he hears Ameila's name, his entire body becomes stiff, a terrifying frostiness entering his eyes. 

"Do not," he starts, so much aggression emanating from that deep voice of his that I find it hard not to tremble in his grasp, "says her name. You're not fit to utter her name." 

With that, he thrusts me away from him, flinging me backward. My back hits the floor, a sliver of pain flaring at the brusque movement."You're playing with fire, Petrova," he grits his teeth as he addresses me. 

"Am I?" I tilt my head to the side. My hands on my knees, rising to my full height.

"I am playing with fire. Hot, liquid fire," I rasp, my voice husky. With a thunderous expression on his face, he wraps both hands around my neck, squeezing tight. 

"I should kill you," he grits out. "I should fucking kill you." I blink, trying to dispel the arousal clouding my mind.

 "You should," I answer readily, bringing my hands up and covering his, urging him to tighten his grip. "So why don't you?" He breathes harshly, his nostrils flaring in evident anger. 

He doesn't reply, a wild look on his face as he takes me in, studying every inch of my skin. 

"Are you so hungry for cock you'd open your legs for anyone?" he sneers at me, his face twisted in a malicious scowl. "Even someone who despises you?" His words cut deeper than they should but I can't let that rattle me. "Hmm," I drawl seductively, lifting my arms and trailing my hands down his torso. Stone-hard muscle meets my touch and I'm reminded how beautifully built he is and the fact that he could kill me if he wanted. He could snap me in two. "I hear hate sex is the best," I continue, knowing I'm getting to him; My eyes are on his as I watch the swift play of emotions flashing over his face. He's so tense, and growing tenser still. I can tell he's holding himself back, and for once I'd like him to unleash everything he has on me. 

Wreck me. 

"You hear?" His voice sends a shiver down my back. "I'm surprised it's not from experience. After all, someone with your track record..." his mouth pulls up in a devious smile. "I guess you prefer to be paid for it," he jabs back. 

"What are you talking about?" I frown. "I've heard about your other hobby—prostitution was it?" He smirks. since when am I being connected to prostitution? "Is that another kink of yours? Being paid for sex?"

"Seeing how you always go for my throat, I'd say you're the kinky one," I taunt. Not letting him see that he jab hurt.

"What is it, does that make you feel in control? Does it make you feel strong and manly?" I quip. His eyes widen, and something akin to regret crosses his features. But before I can identify the emotion, it's gone, the cold mask back in place. "Oh, it does," his mouth curls up in a cruel smile as he leans down, his face close to mine. There's no trace of warmth in his features—only hatred. 

Pure, unadulterated hatred.

" Because like this," he starts, his breath caressing my cheek, "I can control whether you live or die..." he trails off, one hand moving up my neck as he cups my jaw and pins it in place. 

"I could fuck you too," he smirks. "But that would be giving you what you want. You think I didn't realize your game?" He laughs derisively. 

I twist in his hold, suddenly uncomfortable at being bared before him like this. 

"I see you've taken your seduction assignment seriously. Too bad you don't do it for me, princesa," he grits out. "I don't do it for you?" I give a dry laugh. "Keep telling yourself that, One day you might believe it," I wink at him, bringing one hand over the bulge in his pants. He freezes, his expression murderous. "You're the last woman I'd ever fuck," he states angrily. "you've already said that before," I laugh. "Is that for my benefit or yours? Because from where I'm sitting it doesn't look like that," I bat my lashes at him as I cup him through his pants.

 I've never been this bold before, I have been controlled to be perfect and graceful, yet powerful.It should be enough to make me stop. It should be enough to make me realize that I'm way over my head, dealing with a dangerous man on the verge of snapping. 

But there's something inside of me—something I don't quite understand and I don't want to understand. Because it's irrational just like the way he makes me feel. 





My usual self-preservation is long gone as I proceed to bait him, throwing all rational thinking out the window. There's a twitch in his cheek as he still looks at me with murder in his eyes. But his animosity only serves to spur me further.

His eyes widen in surprise. Mine would too if I didn't force myself to stay in character. 

I've never in my life been this forward, but I guess he does bring out the worst in me. "wholely-shit," I start on a confident note, but it only ends on a wheeze as I feel his hand tightening over my neck, my breathing limited. With his other hand, he quickly grabs my arms, pinning them above my head so I can't touch him. The situation is achingly familiar, and I blink rapidly to dissipate the fog that's seeking to lay siege over my mind. 

"You're really testing my patience, Alya," he grunts, his features tense. 

I don't answer I simply push my hand to grab what I can and give it a small stroke over his clothes, His lips part in disbelief and he looks at me as if he's never seen me before. 

The pressure against my clit is too much, He doesn't pull away. Not immediately. He doesn't move as he continues to look at me through hooded eyes, the desire unmistakable beneath all that disdain. 

But as I'm about to stroke it again, we hear a knock at the door and my name being called out and just let that he's off me, hissing at me to put myself together before he gets out of the room, disappearing from my sight.

The rest of the car ride he doesn't look at me and sits up front with the driver.

what the fuck is it with this man and the power he has to make me lose my control

 Every. Fucking.Time

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