~Marriage Of Asmodeus~ (Updat...

By Cyrilwolf

1.2K 57 2

The sequel of Love for Asmodeus is here! I didn't really think I'd continue this story, and here I am, made t... More

~Serious Conversation~
~The Dream~
~The Abnormal Morning~
~Unexpected Visit~
~The Date~
~The Fear~
~Helping out a Friend~
~Plans Afloat~
~Difficult Day~
~The Condition~
~Paint of Love~
~The Mark~
~The Fight~
~The Fault~
~Final Stop~
~Happily Together~


32 2 0
By Cyrilwolf

Filimena was unconscious from the intense pain, she was out for a couple of hours, before her eyes woke her up in Ozzie's room. she lays on a comfy bed, and wear a nightgown with a warm blanket over her lower half of her body. She didn't remember what happened after another blackout she had in the car ride, she rubs her eyes, but also noticed the bandages on her chest, covering her black spread. She then heard the door open, and there the doctor came in, a goat demon with a candle on his head, and was wearing glasses.

He noticed her waking up, and gave her a welcoming smile.

"Ah, hello there, I'm Dr. Hooveburn, I see you had a pretty nice nap, I apologize to be disturbing, but I would like to give you some questions."

Filimena felt her head spin, she wasn't feeling well of late.

"What happened?...Where's Asmodeus, May, anyone?"

"Oh! don't worry, we're inside the bedroom, He had to rush you over to here to call me over to treat you, you really were in quite a condition, I've never seen someone to have that kind of illness before, but you've come to the right place!"

he tries to put on a cheery attitude for her, But Filimena wasn't too fond of it since herself is still hurting from the inside.

"Eh, anyway, I'm going to try helping you get better, while your other friends are occupied with something else, well, as they said."

Then the door swings open, revealing to be Fizzarolli, making a grand entrance.

"Fei! Oh, thank god you're okay, Asmodeus told me to come over, and so I did."

He talked as he sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Oh, it's good to see you too Fizz."

"Ah, well, I'll give you some medicine to help with ya, I'll be back in a couple of minutes."

He said as he checks his clipboard and leaves to the door. Filimena looks at Fizzarolli.

"Well gee, quite a shocker to see how it all happened, you were going crazy with Mammon."

"..Fizz, What happened? I couldn't remember what did happened, all I saw was only pitch black."

"Well, we were performing, and Mammon was there, we saw you trying to get your necklace and it broke, so..That's when you attacked him, and also you got sick,Asmodeus panicked and had to to take you to the hospital. Man, When he came back, he was extremely worried about you. and Also, your necklace..I'm sorry about that happening."

Filimena was starting to feel down about it, but also pained by her chest.

"I...I never hurt anyone, that wasn't me..I don't know what happened, Whatever I did, it wasn't me."

"What..Are you talking about?"

Fizzarolli wasn't understanding what she means when she said it wasn't her, brutally attacking Mammon. When she blacked out from her anger, something else was in the way that imposes her to do it. Then the pain comes back to her chest, it was too unbearable to ignore, she tries to open the bandage to see the mark on her chest, but Fizzarolli stops her before she could do that.

"Oh, I don't think you should do that, you have to wait until..Whatever it is to heal."

"...Where's Asmodeus?"

"He's back with May, trying to figure out about your "incident" he was pretty worried there after you passed out. He sent me here to help you keep accompanied."

"Oh...What's happening to me, I...Just wanted this to be over..."

"Fei, calm down, I'm here now, you can tell me anything. Now, I know it's not really accurate in the conversation, but you did put up quite a punch on him!"

He laughs, but Filimena didn't as she looks at her hands, felt ashamed about the show, and something she didn't possibly do. Fizzarolli sees her, and quickly stops and clears his throat.

"Well, what do you think that "scene" was, are you okay?"

"I'm...Okay, I'm still dizzy, but still hurting."

"Well, the doctor will do anything he could to help you while Ozzie and May figure something out, they have such powerful medicine to use for what you have. I don't think I've ever seen Asmodeus run this fast before, he must really be really scared for you."

"...Oh...I never mean to do that...It just happened..."

Fizzarolli gives her a soft tap on her back and gets up.

"Well, I'm going to get something to eat at the vending machine, you want anything?"

Filimena slowly shakes her head, meaning she wasn't all too hungry, Fizzarolli nodded and leaves her be in the room as he springs out to the door. Filimena was left alone again, still chest was still painful, she cough a little. But she was more worried about Asmodeus, and how he's doing after everything that's going on. She hopes everything was okay back there to where he is.

Soon, May teleports herself inside without even opening up anything. She's held her book while trying to find Asmodeus.


She calls out, but then, she ehard someone came in behind her, the sound of opening the door as Asmodeus, who seems to not be too amuse when leaving. Clearly, he's upset, may sees him, and Asmodeus immediately sees her here.

"Well, what is it?"

He questioned, he was pretty mad, but his lack of emotion due to his tired nature wasn't doing much effect on him. May floats over to him.

"Hey look, before you say anything, I know I shouldn't bother you right now, but I have something I want to say."

"Well, I don't want to have this discussion anymore, I just want this to be done."

"Yes I know, but listen, like it or not, I'm here."

Asmodeus wasn't really having it due to Filimena's condition that effected his mood.

"Look, I already have enough on my sleeves to deal with, Filimena having to be rushed in here because she's suddenly sick, I had to cancel and come back home to deal with more of my concerns on what's wrong with her. I just couldn't believe this is happening right now, I knew something's wrong with her.."

"Now, I may or may not know how I can possibly reverse this "thing" she had, there's a small chance that she could have something inside her that's causing her to feel like this. A parasite or a curse."

Asmodeus frowns in concern.

"Curse, she didn't tell me about that."

"Figures, I know, but did she tell you anything else, like anything that's wrong with her?"

He thinks for a moment.

"Well..Before she did mention some things, like she witnessed some halluctions, and some nightmares that she claims to feel real. She wasn't specific enough to tell me, she told me a lot, but I still couldn't understand how she puts it. I can sense her hiding something from me. And recently, at anytime she touched me, it burns me, I thought it was me, but the more I think about it, she's the one who has something going on..I can't understand why, what's going on with her."

May listens, she then places a book on the desk, it was a spellbook, filled with all of her spells and curses she uses to increase her abilities and spiritual methods. She flips through the pages.

"Well, I may have figured how I can help her in this matter, she begged to help her, and for me, this is something I've never witnessed before, I've done this with demons, but her, it wasn't easy."

She flips through more of the pages, there were hundreds among hundreds of them to count, Asmodeus watches as she scrolls around in the book.

"I figured how to spell that might have solve the issue, is this good work, then that means there is a slight chance that we may remove whatever's inside of Filimena. And that she can go back to her senses."

"Wait a minute slow down, what is with all this curses and nonsense you're talking about."

"I suppose she didn't tell you about that either, well you see, she has a living curse inside of her soul, which I did try to remove but it almost killed me during the progress. Me and her had to deal with that for a couple of days now, and I had to make one giant spell in order for this to work. It was a huge wreck of working hours for this one particular spell, but I do believe it's ready to go."

Asmodeus was filled with all unbelief, he couldn't believe it's happening, and didn't know this was really going on. As May was scrolling through the pages, she seems to not find the right page.

"Well, it's around here somewhere, it'll take a moment."

Back at Ozzie's room, fizzarolli munches on some snacks he got from the vending machine down the hall. He had some chip and a soda can of grape fizz. Filimena lays here, the sounds of raining and thundering was the only Ambience for her to hear. Fizzarolli looks at here, studies to make sure she alright. Filimena felt her chest still hurting, and she started to cough harder. She's been coughing for almost half an hour, it got worse each time as one comes out, fizzarolli hears it, and notices the little droplets of the same black substance and they spill onto the sheets.

"Eugh, that doesn't look good, you sure you're good? The doctor said he can bring out medicine if it's still going on."

She knew she had already taken more pills and had a spoon of the disgusting fruit flavored throat medicine. Nothing was working, and it certainly wanting the main problem she's having.

"I don't think most are helping, it still hurts even more when I take them."

"Well, you got to still take them, the doctor said that it can make you somewhat better."

He finishes his chips, the bag was out empty with crumbs, he pours all of it into his mouth. Filimena held her chest, coughs a little more.

"Well, I don't know what else to tell you, if you can't take them, it won't get better."

He throws the chip bag again in the small trash can. Filimena takes a cup of water that was left by the nurse earlier ago, thank goodness it's still cold. She takes a giant sip of it, gulps it harshly. But then, she felt something in her chest again, but this time, it was different, her whole body started to run cold, she shivers and coughs even more harsher. She started to choke, fizzarolli soon sees her reaction.


He asked if she was okay, but Filimena didn't answer, her voice was blocked by something that's causing her to spit out more of the burning black ooze out of her mouth. Fizzarolli sees her struggling, and how she's coughing nonstop. Fizzarolli runs to her, he examines her to see what's going on. He even felt her temperature, the freezing cold surprised him, he was alarmed and decided to get help. He quickly leaves while Filimena was struggling to stop whatever's wrong with her. He black substances spills out, and then, a shock hits you, and suddenly, she blacks out.

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