BFDI shipping and intercourse...

By ReaderOfSomeCrap

3.5K 23 250

[mostly rarepair smutshot collection, all sexually active characters are 18 or older] Tired of armless contes... More

(Snowbell,1/3, fluff)That drunkard...
(Snowbell,2/3, fluff) Making up/out
(Tengolf) Newlywed Night
I'm openining requests |:D
(Stapoldy) International Day of Women
(Lightby?;fluff) Just Decided
(Lightby;2;fluff) A Sunday
(Fanarker) "I hate not having kids!"
(Flownouncer;1/2; fluff) A Trade.
(Treepie)After The Double Date (also with Botker fluff)
(TacoBlocky) War Criminal's Infidelity
Twonaily and Sawoody
(Fireydrop) Exploring the UAE ruins
(Coinpin) We three all execute/-d (Object Cringe crossover)
(Matchpen fluff;1/?) Bro(ther)ught Along.
(1/2,Rubber Spatillow duology) Setup and
(2/2)Execution/ Blazing Dread, Surface Melting/ Blatant Firy Dick Incineration
(Winnercake) Two "boys" in Starsector
(Lightby 3;fluff) Work
Hot Pillowbook yuri
(Frice Cube) Shotgun Marriage


237 2 5
By ReaderOfSomeCrap

A/N: This may be profoundly unsexy and weird. You've been warned.

Having finally made up after yesterday, and exhausted from a long day of rekindling their love, the couple went to bed. After Bell had lowered herself onto the bed, she proceeded to further lower her string, such that it hung around herself loosely instead of being taut like usual. Whatever engine of motion it was within her that enabled her to swing around the string, roll on the floor or glide forwards, it was also sufficient for her to tip herself over onto her side, and to roll around after having done so.

That she did, falling onto a pillow to face Snowball, who whether by coincidence or intent; no one knows, was facing towards her, already covered from the shoulder down by a blanket.
They stared at each other with unfathomably great love.

Bell spoke: "I'm glad we're past yesterday."

"Me too." Snowball answered with a mixture of shame and relief.

They continued looking at each other longingly.

After some time, Snowball moved over to her on the bed and removed the covers from under her, as she had lowered herself into the bed with no way to tuck herself in.

He then threw the covers that were no longer stuck under her over her.

Together under the blankets, and already close, he scooted just a little closer to her and nuzzled her.

Exiting the nuzzle, he cast an expecting glance towards Bell's bottom and inquired:
"So, how's it down there?"

"Gosh, Snowball, no need to be so crass." she play-complained.
Without an answer and with determination and will, he responded: "I'll go see for myself."

As she thought of what to say next, he went further under the blankets until he reached her bottom, where he steadied himself.

After and internal count of three, he threw himself onto a segment of the circular edge of Bell's bottom, succesfully splitting away about 45% of himself, that part also having his limbs disappear from itself, with those limbs reappearing on his reduced-in-size body.

He felt a little light-headed, but still managed to throw his now halfsphere shaped body against Bell's edge again, losing almost half of it once again. Now he'd halved himself in two dimensions, one was left. Repeating the process by splitting off half his size along the length of his biggest remaining dimension, he was now roughly a quarter of his usual size.

Just imagine cutting a sphere, such as an orange, into quarters by cutting across it in an X shape.
You get these sorta "moons", shaped like a filled in D, right? Well, take one of those and cut it in half ---D--. That's the shape.
Doesn't really matter. Snowball is just small now, ok?

Remembering an important step, Snowball grabbed the three split-off parts of himself, 7 times heavier than his present body, climbed out from under the blankets and threw the pieces into a bucket kept beside the bed for just this purpose.

The feat of strength earned him a look of admiration from his wife.
He climbed back down the blankets. They were of room temperature, as was Bell.

Now's as good a time as any (it's really not, but idc,) to mention Bell's lack of thermoregulation and Snowball's preference for coldness in everything. He couldn't stand the presence of either of the Fireys, senior nor junior, unless they had eaten yoyleberries, and so in this promiscuous, sex-driven era, he'd been well aware that he was outta luck with most women, who enjoyed hot sex, that consisting of both partners having high temperatures. Snowball wanted the exact opposite.

Bell, too, had a somewhat harder time, though many men seemed rather impartial to the concept of having to warm her up themselves. It would have been the last straw regarding romantic compatibility, had her armlessness not already been a massive difficulty to constructing a mutually respectful relationship.

But with how much she'd swung herself around during their shared time in the Strongest Team On Earth, carrying allies and pushing away enemies, she'd carved for herself a sizable expection from Snowball's point of view. Ability to hold two things at once be damned, he wanted a partner as capable of slamming others away as him, and she was that. They'd practically been made for each other, in the sense that everybody else seemed to've been made for anybody but them.

But that's enough cruelty now, all's been fair in war, so let's finally get to the other part:

Snowball reached forwards and touched the inside of Bell. Not a sensual part, just the inside of her, well, bell. She gave him a reassuring "Go on." and he began slowly crawling up the inside on his elbows and knees. A fitting human analogy for Bell's experience here would be the leg, with the ankles and knees causing no arousal whatsoever.

Bell's slit was around 3/4 of the way to the very top of her inside, almost directly behind her eyes. Snowball's reduced form caused it to take him about 5 crawls(is that what we call it when you move an arm and leg forwards in crawling?) to get to it, with Bell feeling how someone may when the inside of their thigh is rubbed. He was aware of this, and memories of past dirty talk, alongside the scent and impressive at his scale view brought him to full erection as he crawled into positiom over her slit. His top was barely not touching Bell's inside with how the angles worked out.

He loudly asked: "Ready?", which she barely heard.

She lovingly responded: "Yes."

His reduced size applied to all his features, and although smaller line-eyes work just as well as bigger ones, the same cannot be said about the penis and limbs.
Even normally a bit small, at 12,5% size it was a severely unimpressive thing.

Nonetheless, his wife and he both desired pleasuring, and this was the only feasible path available.

He went from his knees and elbows to lying down rather quickly, fully inserting his member to minimal reaction from Bell to his knowledge, as he could usually only hear her loudest moans and possibly feel her shakes through that solid metal barrier of her own body.

He started rubbing her slit with his own body, going forwards and backwards, which clearly worked, as the room-temperature flap twitched. Bell made a strained and horny face into the pillow.

He angled his legs towards her slit and slowly inserted himself further in. He was too wide to actually fit the entirety of his body in, but he made do with the third or so that did fit, which also bore his legs and penis. Bell let out a soft moan.

He slowly lifted himself out of her vagina using his arms, though they weren't long enough for him to fully get out relying solely on them. He stuck his legs, still within her, out to the sides and jumped up, fully exiting her slit for about half a second before gravity pulled him back down into it. As he plunged back in, multiple things happened and were done:

1) he felt Bell's tremor through his hands, though he didn't hear her moan nor see her blissfull expression.

2) his penis slid across an area twice it's length.

3) he wiggled his bottom, getting a little deeper in.

4) he wriggled his legs around inside, passing over several of her internal creases (a websearch has revealed them to be called the rugae) and bringing her great pleasure.

A second or two after this transpired, Snowball began lifting himself up for another repetition of the process. He stuck his legs out again and pushed himself up using all his limbs. He could feel his penis' skin being pulled back by the lubricated but tight insides of his wife as he came up, only for it to be pulled forward again with his next plunge.

He kept going at it, achieving 15 of these "thrusts" within the following minute, Bell's moans getting louder each time and him beggining to grunt at the physical exertion, neither of them hearing the other.

If memory served him right, it usually took about 25 thrusts to bring her to orgasm, so he went on despite his sore member and the increasingly jelly-like feeling in his arms. He brought himself up with a sharp inhale and dropped back in with a grunt like "kguch.".

Bell's vagina clung to him stronger and stronger, tightening more and more, forcing him to push himself in harder and harder.

Just as he felt his arms beggining to give away as he pushed himself in, Bell's vagina tightened around him even more and he heard a quiet "aauuch" as Bell moaned loudly enough for the sound to reach him. He tried to squirm around inside as much as possible and quickly moved his hands from the hard inside of the bell to her labia, rapidly rubbing them as she went through her couple seconds of orgasm.

She squirted a modest amount of fluid onto him before relaxing. As she relaxed and loosened, he sunk in slightly before remembering to resume holding himself up with his arms.

He crawled out of her vagina, and covered in her vaginal fluid he made his way out of the bell. Once out, he climbed through the covers to find that she'd rolled by 90° and was now looking at him rather than the pillow.

Her eyes were unfocused and her mouth open and drooling, but at noticing the movement in front of her she softly moaned,  whispered "I love you SB." and offered her lips for a kiss. He walked into them. She did her best not to mind his sticky coating as she kissed nearly half of the entire surface of his body. The angles worked out such that Snowball had his limbs outside of her lukewarm mouth, while his face was laid directly against her tongue, as was the tip of his penis, with Bell's teeth on his sides.

After a few moments in this kiss, Snowball moved back and said: "On your back."

She rolled into a face-up position. The pillow and bed formed a big enough valley for her not to roll over when Snowball, still small and still erect, climbed on top of her. Now it was his turn to enjoy sex.

His elbows and knees formed a square around her mouth. She lovingly looked at him before just barely sticking her tongue out. He lowered himself down until his penis touched her bottom lip and then moved it around for a second before finding the place where her lip met her tongue. He pushed it in between them. Bell moved her tongue just a little further out so it touched Snowball's cold face. He kissed the tip of her tongue and pushed his bottom away from her lips with his legs for a moment before pulling himself closer again with his arms. His penis squeezed itself in between the rough bottom of the her tongue and her muscular lip, lubed by saliva. He thrust in and pulled out, repeating this at a medium pace at first and faster with time. He closed his eyes and fully focused on his movement.

Bell watched with love as her husband who'd done so much work for her pleasure earlier now took his reward. He moaned and moaned, laboriously thrusting into his wife's mouth. Once in a while, he'd open his eyes for a moment to look back at her with complete abandon and lust.

Judging him to nearly be done, she began pushing her lip and tongue closer together when he was in them and loosening them slightly on his way in. He moaned harder and his breathing got shaky.

He sped up, and she started rubbing her tongue forwards and back as he made his last couple thrusts. His penis shook.

He brought it in one last time and stayed still as it twitched and sprayed it's contents forth while Bell rubbed it back and forth with her tongue. He let out a moan and then was still for 5 seconds. He then promptly got up and climbed off Bell while she licked her lips and swallowed.
He jumped in the bucket of ice-cold water from the former pieces of his body, and, judging himself to be clean of any more fluid that Bell didn't want in the bed, climbed back onto the bed and kissed Bell's top. He then threw the bedsheets over her and snuggled next to her beneath them. She turned to face him. He shuffled a bit closer to her and gave her a peck, to which she rolled over, almost onto him, and slobbered him with a big wet kiss. He waved his limbs around in surprise until she let go.

They simply lay in bed, looking each other in the eyes before sleep claimed them for the night.

A/N: Well, there goes another afternoon and probably some time before that, but I don't remember.
I got a comment!! Yay! And two digits on the view number on the tengolf story! My leg is shaking!
Ugh, I'm glad go have finished this story. I purposefuly left out some severely unsexy comments about having a literal piece of snow in the private parts or the implications of Snowball's preference for cold.
Some parts were really hard to write.

Anywho, enough about me, I look forward to your thoughts if you find me worthy of recieving them.

Originally written like March 8th or something, small editorial changes since then.

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