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By Mrs12Morant

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What happens when a girl has a crush on a guy from her friend group? Will it cause drama? Will it end in hear... More



309 7 8
By Mrs12Morant

Their car ride back home was awkward.

Tae was angry at Tim but did she have a right to be?

They weren't together, she knew it, she understood their relationship.

So what was she really mad about?

"Tim." Tae cleared her throat "I have a question, don't you dare lie to me." she pointed in his face.

Tae meant business.

"Damn Tae, what got yo panties in a bunch." Tim joked.

Tae wasn't laughing at all.

Nothing about how she felt right now was funny.

"Did you fuck her?" she turned her body so that she was facing him.

Tim laughed nervously "What?"

"I said did you fuck Chantel, Timothe." Tae said, this time louder so she knew he heard her.

The smile quickly wiped off Tim's face "No Tae I didn't."

"But y'all did something, correct?" Tae's eyebrows furrowed.

Tim took a deep breath, not knowing how Tae was about to react.

"She sucked my dick and I fingered her. That's it." Tim admitted, "We kissed for a lil bit too."

Tae scuffed.

She couldn't believe it.

It was like Ja'quan all over again.

Both Tim and Ja'quan had made Tae catch feelings by acting as if they wanted to be with her, only to turn around and fuck someone else.

She was sick of it.

Tae didn't want to distract Tim from driving, so she sat back in her seat, silent, for the rest of the ride.

They arrived home, Tae rushed in the house.

She didn't want Tim to see her cry.

Tae was so hurt but figured there was no point in complaining about it.

She ran into Tim's room, slamming and locking the door behind her.

Tim shouted her name but got no response.

He knew Tae would be upset but still wanted to tell her the truth since he actually cared for her.

"Tae open the door." Tim knocked.

"Just let me explain what happened."

There was nothing to explain. Tim did something he shouldn't have. It was that simple.

"Fuck you T for real!" Tae tried to hide the hurt in her voice.

"I told yo bitch ass I loved you and this how you do me?"

Tim smacked his lips "You said you ain't even mean it. Come on now." he wiggled the door nob

"No just leave me alone." Tae's voice cracked.

Tim had hurt her more than Q did.

She knew Tim wasn't shit but when it came to her, he treated her different. Like she wasn't one of his hoes.

Guess it was just a front to keep Tae locked down.

Tae sat on his bed, wrapping up in his cover, she threw herself back.

She laid there regretting everything she ever did with Tim.

She could've stay with Ja'quan if she knew Tim would do the same shit he did.

Tae's feelings for Tim developed recently.

He was there for her when she needed the most help, and he didn't make her feel uncomfortable or like a burden either.

Maybe that's why she gravitated towards him more.

Tim noticed the sudden quietness in his room and figured Tae was asleep.

Not wanting to leave her alone, he fell asleep too, right outside the locked door.

How ever long later, Tae woke up.

Her eyes were puffed up from crying and her mouth was dry.

"Mm." she groaned.

She felt groggy.

Tae got out of Tim's bed, hoping he was gone.

She heard nothing but silence on the other side of the door, figuring he must've left somewhere.

Cracking the door open, Tae saw Tim's sleeping body by the door.

"Too damn big to be laying on the floor." she said in her head.

Tae stepped over his body to go to the kitchen.

She opened the fridge looking for anything to drink.

A bottle of orange juice was the first thing that caught her eye.

Tae picked it up, gugging it.

There was silence all around.

Tim was out, the tv was off, it was peaceful.

Tae enjoyed it.

She sat on the couch, taking in the silence. For once her mind was at ease.

Until it wasn't.

Tae started thinking about all the shit Q's done to her, then what Tim had just done.

The more she reminisced, the more disgusting she felt for allowing it all to happen.

"I need a shower." she spoke to no one but herself.

Tae went to Tim's shower, turning it on.

She let it warm up then she got in.

The warm water hitting her back made her feel less tense.

In the hall, Tim was just now waking up.

"Again?" he said, listening to the shower run yet again.

He pulled himself off the floor, checking the door to see if it was locked.

It wasn't.

He entered his room then the bathroom.

"Tim what the fuck?!" Tae shouted when he barged in.

"Can we talk now?" Tim stood with the door wide open.

"You couldn't have waited til my shower was done?"

Tim pulled back the shower curtain, Tae screamed.

"No, we need to talk now." Tim was determined to have that talk.

Tae snatched the curtain back "Wait."

After her shower, Tae got herself dressed then brushed her teeth.

She was at the sink brushing her teeth, Tim came up behind her "Can I explain now?" his hands slid around her waist.

Tae elbowed him, "Sure." she spit the toothpaste that was in her mouth out.

"Igh so here's what happened..." Tim sat on the sink while Tae brushed her teeth.

"Igh so boom, she wanted to suck my dick, so I let her, then I somehow ended up fingering her. That's it for real." he rambled.

Tae could see he was nervously shaking.

"It wasn't even serious; I was just horny. I ain't even fuck, Tae."

He hopped down from the sink.

"And I'm sorry I did that." he was back behind her, hugging her.

Tae gently pushed Tim away.

"You could've just come to be but whatever T." she rinsed off her toothbrush, placing it in the toothbrush holder.

Pushing past him, she went into the living room.

He grabbed her by the arm before she sat down "Tae don't be like that."

She got out of his grip.

Sitting down, she grabbed the bottle of brandy that sat on the coffee table.

"Tae not being like anything." she took a sip.

"I'm not boutta go through this with you too." she took another.

She couldn't figure out if she was angry or just sad.

Honestly, she was just hurt.

She kept thinking to herself, maybe this was her karma for fucking with Tim in the first place.

Tae took back to back sips from the bottle.

Tim tried to take the bottle, but she snatched it before he could.

The liquor was starting to kick in, Tae was getting emotional.

"I should've known this was gone happen. You always were breaking hearts left and right." she swayed the bottle as she spoke.

"Tae don't bring that up. I regret that shit and you know I do."

She knew bringing that up would hurt him, but she was hurt.

He hurt her.

Tim knew what he use to do to these women out here, he didn't care at the time.

Eventually he did realize it was wrong.

So he stopped.

Tae continued on her rant, telling Tim how he never loved her, he was just using her to fill the empty hole he had left from wronging all those girls.

Tim was getting fed up.

"Gimme the fucking bottle Tae."

"I love you Tim." Tae pouted.

Tim ignored her.

He snatched the bottle out her hand.

He went to his kitchen where he poured the remaining alcohol down the sinks drain.

"Did you not hear me?" Tae angrily walked over to Tim.

"I said I fucking love you Timothe." she began crying.

Tae's emotions were all over the place.

"I love you and you chose to do this to me?!" She was now angry.

Tim couldn't handle all her screaming and told her to lay down.

Being drunk and emotional, she refused.

"Just go lay the fuck down Tae." he demanded.

"Why can't you just love me, Tim?!" she hit him "Why you gotta go and try to be with another girl."

Tim took a deep breath before answering.

"I'm not trynna be with nobody, I told you this." he hugged Tae.

She was having a breakdown.

Her emotions were flying high off the brandy.

She couldn't stick to just one emotion.

"You know what T? Fuck you." she pushed him away, stomping back to his room.

She slammed the door behind her.

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