I bet on losing dogs , treech

By -bloei

19.1K 677 736

"I know they're losing and I'll pay for my place" โ‹†หšเฟ” Treech x oc ๐œ—๐œšหšโ‹† โ‚ŠหšโŠน สšษž ยฉ-blo... More

i bet on losing dogs.
act one-
act two-
act three-


541 21 30
By -bloei

THE ARENA and auditorium were both enveloped in a hushed stillness. After the hunt from the pack, the remaining tributes decided to stay hidden, afraid they would meet the same fate as Lamina and Tanner.

With the labyrinthine tunnels, the pack, having lost Wovey, conceded defeat and retreated. Seeking refuge in the depths of the tunnels, they took the opportunity to meticulously plan their next moves.

The silence within the auditorium left Vienna to wander in her thoughts, and for once in her eighteen years of life, her parent's attention wasn't on her. Lucky had journeyed over to the two older Hawthorne's, leaving them distracted, and allowing Vienna to mourn in peace.

Lamina's death was painful to witness. The valiant struggle the quiet girl put up against the overwhelming odds was evident. Everyone knew she didn't stand a chance against Coral and Mizzen—her death was inevitable. Nevertheless, Vienna wondered what it would take to change the outcome. Maybe if she wasn't alone, or rather it was one-on-one, Lamina's fate would be different.

Treech's visible reaction on camera mirrored the desolation and sorrow that gripped Vienna's own emotions. The palpable sense of brokenness in Treech, witnessing the murder of his district partner and being unable to intervene, left Vienna with a sense of despair and helplessness.

With the recent event of Tanner's death, Vienna's distrust towards Coral's intentions intensified. Observing Coral swiftly eliminate Tanner for a single mistake fueled Vienna's apprehension. The ruthless nature displayed by Coral raised concerns for Treech's safety.

If she was anything like her mentor, Coral wouldn't hesitate to target Treech should he make any misstep. The heightened tension in the arena fueled Vienna's unease, realizing that the precarious alliances formed in the Games could crumble with the slightest provocation.

Meanwhile, the watchful camera crew understood the pivotal moments were unfolding in the main arena, directing their focus accordingly. A cough erupted, alerting the audience of a new presence, the other young girl—the one who seemed to have more of a disadvantage than the rest.

"And who do we have here?" Dill emerged, bracing herself as she limped towards the abandoned bottle of water. "Ah! It's 'Ill Dill' Tuberculosis on legs."

Dill seized the chance, desperate for sustenance. The bottle of water was out in the open, easy for anyone to take, just as its owner had planned. Discarding the cap, the unwell tribute brought it to her lips, enjoying the twinkling moment of relief it brought.

Yet, it wasn't long before she reacted to the liquid she consumed, letting out a violent fit of coughing. As she lay down, blood streamed from her nose, releasing a few more coughs before she grew silent.

A few seconds later, Reaper emerged from the same hiding spot, calling for his district partner. Reaper knelt, by Dill's side, desperately trying to rouse her the sudden stillness that had overtaken her. Panic ensued within his body, the reality of losing the young girl sinking in. He attempted to shake Dill back to consciousness, his urgent pleas falling on deaf ears.

In a display of grief, Reaper's anguished scream pierced the hushed arena air, a guttural expression of loss. With a solemn expression, he gently lifted Dill's lifeless form and carefully placed her near the fallen bodies of Marcus and Lamina, whom he had turned over so their faces were facing upright.

Reaper turned his attention to the remaining tributes, Tanner and Bobbin. He picked up their lifeless bodies, treating them with somber respect as he placed them alongside the other fallen tributes. As Reaper performed this solemn duty, the arena remained eerily quiet, a stark contrast to the chaos that unfolded prior.

Every fallen tribute had been placed in one arena with their hands positioned on their stomach, creating a make-shift funeral. Compared to the scene of randomly scattered bodies, the arena had an astonishing aura. The rightfully deserved burial, served as a reminder to many mentors and audience members, including Vienna, that they were human beings—not monsters they could pit against each other for entertainment.

A loud gasp sounded through the auditorium when Reaper tore down the Capitol flag. He dragged it behind and covered the deceased tributes, causing even more people to shout at his actions.

Vienna, witnessing Reaper's solemn act of draping the flag over the fallen tributes, couldn't help but gasp as well, but in surprise and admiration. In the pungent moment, she recognized the significance of what Reaper was doing. It was a humble gesture, a temporary cemetery for those who had met their untimely end in the brutal arena.

Despite the morbid reality of the Hunger Games, Vienna found a semblance of solace in the fact that, at the very least, these tributes were receiving a form of respect and acknowledgment. In her, she believed that Reaper's actions were a small, yet powerful, act of humanity amongst the ruthless environment that surrounded them. The flag, now a symbol of remembrance, cast a shadow over the tributes, giving them a dignity they were denied in life.

Reaper, his face concealed with anger and hatred, turned to the camera. "Are you going to punish me now?" he roared. His voice was powerful enough for the room to render silent. No one knew what to say or do with the tribute's sudden behavior. "Are you going to punish me n—"

The live feed was cut off, Reaper's face being replaced by another face—one that Vienna wished to never see again.

Dr. Gaul.

From the look on her face, it was apparent she was furious. Dr. Gaul's expression hinted at a storm of consequences brewing. What Reaper had done, clearly displeased her, and the looming uncertainty left an unmistakable tension amongst the audience members.

"Capitol citizens. I'm afraid I must interrupt our Games to announce a tragic loss, one that affects us all." Dr. Gaul began, causing Vienna's heart to sink as she stood out of her chair.

It was as if a shadow had cast itself over the already tense auditorium, and Vienna couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. There was only one death that could affect the entirety of Panem, and Vienna prayed it wasn't true.

"Felix Ravinstill, son of our beloved president, has this morning succumbed to his injuries sustained in the rebel bombing."

Vienna's world shattered as Dr. Gaul delivered the heart-wrenching news. A loud sob escaped her, as the image of Felix's lifeless body appeared on the screen. She crumbled to the ground, the weight of grief crashing down on her. Festus, sensing her despair, rushed to her side, offering what comfort he could in the face of such devastating loss.

As Dr. Gaul continued with the announcement, Vienna blocked out the words. Her mind was consumed by the memories of Felix—her best friend—and the pain of losing another close companion, Arachne, still fresh in her heart. She couldn't fathom a world without Felix, and the reality of his demise sent her spiraling into an abyss of sorrow.

Vienna's heartache transcended the confines of the auditorium, enveloping her in a vortex of memories that cut through her soul like a knife. She recalled the innocent days of childhood with Felix, their laughter echoing in the Capitol's opulent halls. The image of them running around Felix's home, carefree and full of life, intensified the pain of the present.

The warmth of Felix's comforting presence had been a constant in Vienna's life, a pillar of strength through the turbulent moments. His infectious joy, contagious laughter, and the way he effortlessly understood her had created a haven that now lay shattered.

As the holographic image of Felix's body flickered on the screen, Vienna felt a wave of grief crashing over her. The memories played like a cruel slideshow, each scene etched with the agony of his absence. The shared secrets, late-night conversations, and the unspoken bond that had weathered the storms of life were now fragments of a past forever lost.

Festus tried to offer comfort, but Vienna's pain ran deeper than any words could reach. She clutched at her Capitol uniform, fingers trembling as if trying to hold onto reality. The haunting image of Felix haunted her, his smiling face now a ghostly apparition in her fractured world.

Her best friend, the one person who truly understood her, had perished at the hands of a rebel bombing. Vienna couldn't help but replay the last conversation they had—words left unsaid, promises unfulfilled. She had been so caught up with the games and her mentorship, that she barely had time with Felix, before the bombing.

The raw ache of regret gnawed at her, adding another layer to the unbearable grief that gripped her soul. The surroundings around her began to blur, and the Capitol's grandeur faded into insignificance. She was alone in the vast emptiness, struggling with the atrocity of losing not just a friend but a piece of herself.

Ignoring the pleas of her parents to remain seated, Vienna ran out of the auditorium, desperate to escape the suffocating atmosphere. "Vienna, stop being dramatic, dear. Return to your seat." Her mother's voice echoed after her.

Vienna reached a secluded spot in the hallway, collapsing against the wall as she allowed herself to succumb to the anguish that surged within. Tears streamed down her face, blurring the images of Felix flashed vividly in her mind.

Amid her grief, Vienna couldn't shake the feeling of abandonment. The Capitol, known for its spectacle and entertainment, was indifferent to her pain. Even her parents, were too focused on maintaining their appearance to understand the extent of misery.

Alone in the dimly lit corridor, Vienna confronted the harsh reality that her pain was a solitary burden, an intimate sorrow the Capitol couldn't comprehend. In that moment of vulnerability, she yearned for Treech's presence. She wished he was there with her in the corridor, his sturdy frame offering a sense of comfort and understanding no one else could provide.

She knew, with a profound certainty, that Treech would understand the depth of her grief in a way others couldn't. His silent strength and genuine empathy were qualities that resonated with Vienna.

Alas, with the Games growing closer and closer to an end, the pain endured left her broken. People were repeatedly stripped away from her till all she had left was Treech, who was still suffering in the arena.

haiiii sweethearts!!!!

this was supposed to be a short chapter, but
I got carried away with Felix's death :(
I actually cried while writing it, I think i've grown
an attachment to Felix's character.
OH! and I may already have another book
planned for once I finish this one!
don't forget to vote and comment
or i will cry!!
stay safe, ily🦋

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