Unbreakable Bonds

By yamumsyadad14

49.1K 1.5K 20

Anastasia hasn't had the easiest life. A talented footballer who loves deeply and fiercely. Ana and Alexia ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Part 2
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 4

1.2K 36 0
By yamumsyadad14

Alexia Putellas, an up and coming soccer star. Her goal was to play for Barcelona. That's is what she wanted and she worked hard to get it.

To say she was excited when she was invited to the summer camp would be an understatement. She knew she had to impress everyone there, this could be the start of something magical. Her mum and dad supported drove her to the facility earlier so Alexia could warm up alone and get a feel for the place.

She was shocked when she walked in at 8.06 am to discover someone already on the field kicking the ball into the net. She froze. Alexia was mesmerised by the young player in front of her. She felt compelled to talk to her, to introduce herself but she was too anxious and shy. So she stood watching.

Ana could feel the presence of someone near her. She didn't care though, she was too angry, too anxious, too deep in her feelings to stop. She hated this. She hated the way her heart felt and she hated the way that no matter what that stupid ball glided through the air and into the back of the net.

After a while Ana turned around. The older girl staring at her with those beautiful green eyes. Alexis didn't move, she smiled but that was all. Ana didn't want to introduce herself, she wanted to hate this place. This city, this country and this sport. But those eyes. They enticed her.

Alexia gave Ana a small smile and nod, after she realised she wasn't going to get an introduction she turned on her heals and started to look around the facility. Admiring the trophies and photos that covered the walls. Imaging a day when her jersey, her trophies and her photos were on the walls.

The day went by fast for Alexia but painfully slow for Ana. Ana avoided talking to anyone but the management team. All Alexia wanted was to talk to her but she was too shy and Ana seemed too distant. As we walked out of the first day, Alexia saw her dad talking to a younger guy.

"Hola Papi", she greeted her dad with a kiss on the check and a big hug.

"Princess, this is Dominic, Ana is his little sister. They are new in the area and I was just inviting them to dinner on Friday night"

"Ah there she is. Ana this is Jaume, you've already met alexia since you spent the day here"

Finally able to put a name to the face. Ana.

A curt nod in my direction from Ana and a polite introduction to my dad.

"hola sir. it is a pleasure to met you".

Polite, fluent in Spanish, and a banger of a player? I really want to get to know her.

Ana had walked off from the conversation between her brother, my dad and I. I assumed she was just tired after a long day but her brother continued to apologise for her attitude and said she was going through a hard time of adjust. She was sad? I wanted to help. To talk to her but I couldn't.

The rest of the week came and went. Small interactions with Ana happened but nothing more. Alexia wanted more. She wanted to befriend her, hang out with her, have her teach her English and how she perfects a corner kick so well. But she couldn't. She was getting distracted. This was a soccer camp not a camp to make friends. She needed to make an impression on the management team.

Ana left as soon as training was done that day. Dom barely had time to stop the car before Ana and her dark cloud got in. Dom was excited to have dinner with the Putellas-Segura family, Ana not so much. As soon as they were home she retreated to her room. Dom yelling after her that they only had 30 minutes and they had to leave.

Maybe I could fake sick. Say it was food poisoning? No that wouldn't work. Alexia ate the same thing I did. Fuck.

"Please Stia, please be nice and be polite. You need this. We need this. A sense of normalcy. Friends, new people. A fresh start." Dom pleaded with me. I obviously wasn't going to be rude. I wasn't a rude person normally, I guess lately I had changed and I didn't realise it.

Slowly I got out of the car. Don already up on the porch about to knock. Eli, Alexia's mum answered the door. A welcoming smile about her. She gave us both the typical Spanish welcome. A hug and kiss on both cheeks. I handed her the flowers Dom had chosen.

The Putellas-Segura house smelt like a home.


How I missed that place. How I missed my own mum hugging me and kissing me. I missed Auggy throwing his script paper at me, I missed Noah and I fighting over the driveway and who got to use what first. I missed my dad's warm encouragement. but mostly I missed who I was. Was. The whole world was at my feet and then one day it was ripped from me. All I ever knew. The loving warm family I once had was gone.

I was getting overwhelmed. Staring at my feet trying to calm myself down but I couldn't. I couldn't breathe. I didn't realise Alexia was staring at me this whole time. She moved into action faster then I realised. Grabbing my arm and taking me out the back.

"Take a deep breath. Listen to my voice. Focus on that okay".

I couldn't. I couldn't calm down I couldn't focus Alexia took my hand and put it over her heart. I did my best to focus on her heart beat and not her eyes watching me.

I didn't realise I was crying until Alexia wiped my tears. Those greens eyes staring into my own. In that moment she made me feel safe. Calm. No one had been able to do that for me for a while.

"You're okay now. I've got you. We will stay out here for a while okay. Come, I'll show you my favourite tree"

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